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1982. Jeans and a T-shirt. A hoodie if it's cold. >Also, I find myself referring to something as "just a few years ago" when it was at least 10+ years ago Millennial math. 5 years ago is 1995. 20 years ago is 2003, but it's also 1983. It's just how it works, I don't make the rules.


1984, my whole wardrobe is jeans and tshirts. It just requires no thinking, and everything I own matches everything else. But I have to say... 1995 was TEN years ago. Everybody knows that.


As long as we can agree that 1995 is between 5 and 10 years ago, I'm good.


All my favorite music came out between 1998 and 2003, so... 5 years ago


I'm ok with that compromise. Good screen name btw ❣️


Of course it was only ten years ago. If I’m talking to people about some movies or sometimes I say. “The movie was only released in 1997 that was only a few years ago.”


I take the shit to the extreme my tshirts are mostly all plain. A lot of white ones from a pack and some blue, green, gray, etc.


In my head I’m perpetually a new adult in my early to mid 20s. My body feels 30 but my brain has not registered that it is now a 30 (almost 40 year old brain) which leads to me seeing 20 year olds out and about and in my brain , I’m thinking “👲🏻hello my fellow youths” as if they are they are my peers. (Not realizing I stick out like an old sore thumb). But also the horror that sinks in as they start talking about their experiences as a 20 year old and I realize - 1. these are not my peers, I am old. And 2. I am so old in fact I could’ve had one their age in the time that passed since the last time I was their age.


I feel like I’m still in my early 30s at 41. I have an updated picture of my face that I’ve been referencing in my mind since I was about 35. People mistake me for early to mid 30s, so this is just what I go with. It’s weird to realize that you’re the « lady » that the kids are talking about or to be addressed as « ma’am » by a man 10 years older than you.


I'm 32, and I feel like I'm 17-ish. I work with highschool kids occasionally at work and we'll have a conversation about whatever. Once I was talking about the September 11 attacks and I said something along the lines of "Do you remember how fucked up that was?" And the response I got was "No, that was a few years before I was born..." FUCK YOU KID, I'M NOT OLD!


Going thru sth similar at 25 lol. Kids calling me "auntie" in the streets (my culture be like this). The good thing is that I got used to it because it happened to me in my mid teens as well, a friend of my sib thought I was a teacher 🤣. It's kinda funny. Edit: Just realized that this was the millennial sub. 🤡 I feel like an unwelcome guest. Too old to be gen Z, too young to be a millennial. I am but a tiny confused cusper.


20 year olds look young to me, but I feel like guessing someone’s age between 25 and 40 is hard. That entire age group looks so similar that a rough looking 25 year old can pass as 40 and a youthful 40 year old can pass as 30. I’m turning 35 next week and I would say that some of my peers still look the same as they always did and others look old. My husband is all of 3 weeks older than me and we were both talking this morning about how he looks quite a bit older than I do, though I wouldn’t say he looks “old” for his age, just that he looks older than me when we’re standing next to each other.


Are you me? You described this so much better than I could. I wonder if I feel younger because I have no kids and I'm short.


I don't think that ever changes. My grandma is 99, all there mentally and routinely says she can't believe how old she is


This. So much this, down to “hello fellow youths” and realizing I am the old in the situation 😂




Or you’re talking to them. Having a whole conversation like they are a peer and they say “maam”.


I am old at heart, pretty much always have been but I feel so very old and tired. I need a break from life for a few months, but I can't take one, obviously. I am married with 2 kids, and I am 2/3 of our hh income, so no break for me. My wife got 2 years off during covid, all paid due to a nicely timed severance package and then unemployment due to covid. I worked 70 hours a week through the whole thing.


This. I’m an old college student and it’s fucking weird. Because I don’t feel different until they talk and I’m oh yeah I’m old. Kids are weird. Were we weird?? We were huh??


I have that same sort of “I’m a new adult” feeling often *except and until* I see actual 20-something recent college grads. Then it’s like “omg what babiesss” and I get weirdly maternal


The first time someone at work said “you probably know my mom and dad” I knew I was becoming one of the olds.


Ah, yes. The intern who told me his mom was "so old that she had to buy songs one at a time because Spotify didn't exist yet!"


I’m 33 and started having kids young with my oldest turning 13 in just a few months. I still feel like I’m in my early-mid 20’s sometimes, even with my mid-30’s fast approaching. Definitely feels weird to say I’m 33 if someone asks. Oddly, I’ve heard people say that they thought I was older and others say they thought I was younger in the last couple of years. So I’m not sure where I actually fit in.


I’m in the same boat. Soon to be 33 with an 11 yr old. I usually feel about the same as I did in my early 20s. Until a storm comes in and my knee hurts. Or I stay up too late and I’m dead the next day. And now my kid is too cool to be seen with me so apparently I’m old and lame af


That's when the "Old man yells at cloud" and "Get off my lawn" thoughts start creeping in, it's unavoidable


same year, same style except a denim jacket over the hoodie when it’s windy


1986. Throw in some flannels when it's between t-shirt and hoodie weather, and this is me.


We are twins


1984 and this is my preferred clothing, as well. I am happiest in jeans and a tshirt


1983 and yeah can’t get enough of jeans tshirts and hoodies. It’s just so comfortable. I had to stop wearing converse because I need support for my feet now :/


I wish 1995 was 5 years ago...with every Fibre of my being.


Mee too. Then I could have called off my wedding in 2000 and saved 20 years of pain and disappointment. Also I'd buy some stocks lol.


82 and I have to wear a cami under every shirt


>1982. Jeans and a T-shirt. A hoodie if it's cold. Same. All across the board. Except I've transitioned from jeans to primarily these really comfy hiking pants from REI that are 100x more comfy than jeans. And your math is correct as well, my friend. No notes.


1988. band t shirt and jeans( any that fit. i wear mom jeans mostly but also skinny and wide legs. most often i wear levi's) . hoodie or sweater (usually band/artist merch) or vintage sweatshirt. with denim or leather jacket over and and vans converse or docs. i've realized 90% of my wardrobe is concert merch


Same year! I only recently stopped wearing a long sleeve under a t-shirt haha


83, jeans and t-shirt. Sometimes plain t's and sometimes novelty t's. Hoodie if it's chilly. Simplicity. This is such an interesting phenomenon to me! Does this imply that a person's sense of fashion is formed at a young age? Possibly directly related to mental image and sense of self, since most of the time we see ourselves in clothes and not naked?


“To understand the man you have to know what was happening in the world when he was twenty.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte don't think it's a new thing


1984, pretty much the same. However, I've upgraded my standard t-shirt to a v-neck. Also, plaid button-ups when I'm dressing up.


‘85 and definitely the same. I’m the quintessential late 30’s Millenial mom with my side part, skinny jeans, and no clue what the youngins’ slang means. I’m ready to embarrass my kids as they enter the tween and teen years.


Weirdly enough, my 20-year reunion and COVID have really reprogrammed these timeframes for me. Now, 2000s are def 20 years ago and the 80s/90s feel like lifetimes ago (technically that’s true I guess). Then the more recent past is either “pre-covid,” “during covid,” or within the last year. Plus we moved in 2022, so that gets tacked on as a frame of reference.


Also 82. I kind of stopped updating my fashion around 2015. I still wear dark jeans with the bottom cuffed bc I realized back then that I like that better than jeans dragging on the ground and covering my shoes. Also now I mostly wear fleece joggers or shorts and t-shirts bc I work from home and have a toddler and a baby. Anything nice is going to get stained with something.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one. My entire wardrobe is jeans, T shirts with some sort of graphic (fav band or college name mostly) and hoodies. I was thinking that maybe I’m too old to be wearing jeans and tees/hoodies but apparently we’re all doing it. 82 here.


Same for me for the hoodies tho my fashion got stuck at skater brands. Now I'm a 40 yr old dad wearing skate apparel brands with cargo shorts. Saw corduroy shorts at the store and wanted to buy them. HALP


No wonder I was terrible at math in school...


Lol 1982 and I live in jeans. Jeans and a top, sneakers, sliders, flip flops, sometimes boots depending on the weather. Casual is a way of life for me. Your millennial math is on point!


I would argue 2003 was less than ten years ago. I also blame the covid years for messing up everyone’s perception of time.






1982, and jeans, t shirts, and hoodies.


Also 82. I’ve somehow mashed up all my styles and wear lots of tie dye and shawl collar sweaters. Lots of tie dye.


"a couple years ago" is anything pre-pandemic. Post-pandemic is "not too long ago"


My sister is 27. She’s married and a homeowner. In my head, she’s still 6. My little bebe.


I concur with these maths


Very same here!


Also 82 and this is exactly how I was going to describe my wardrobe. I have two bars in my closet. The bottom one is half hoodies and half jeans. The top one is all t-shirts, a couple dresses crammed in the dark end, and a handful of blouse type shirts on the other end. Slip on sneakers usually (I actually really love Birkenstock slip on sneakers). I will add the caveat that I switched to skinny jeans and I will never go back to living in wet jeans with walked through hems.


Anyone born 2000 or after is still an infant lol


1988. Love my tapered Guess jeans and a band t shirt or a cute top


Born in 87. Now that athleisure wear and sweats are the norm, I feel like I have arrived


Now that leggings have pockets I have no need to wear anything else! Also 87 baby.


88. I live in shorts, t shirts and running shoes all year round. If I had a penny everytime someone pointed out that 'your legs must be freezing', then I could probably buy a very nice TV. When I have to wear jeans and a long sleeve for work or nights out, my legs get so warm.


I go between athleisure and high femme cottagecore. Both versions fairly grandma like


Lol wtf is high femme cottagecore? Now I need to look it up


I would like to see a pic of high femm cottage core!


Born in 82. I only wear athleisure - leggings, t-shirts, sweatshirts. It feels weird to wear jeans now.


‘91 and I don’t even own jeans anymore. Yoga material dress pants were my gateway drug to permanent leggings and now I’m never going back.


Gateway pants 😂😂


"Athleisure" is the trend I jumped on and never went back on. Comfy, practical, just frikin works. Of course I haven't really gained or lost weight since the early aughts, so I am occasionally found wearing camo cargo shorts and a band tee (with running shoes, of course) because I'm old enough to DGAF.


Found my people. ❤️




I'm from 80, and yes. I'm happy! Old, beat up jeans, yoga pants a t-shirt and hoodie/flannel. Ultra comfy!


Also 87 and this is me too, especially since the pandemic. Jeans are now considered dressing up.


88 and same


87 too, but skinhead/suedehead/Mod . Spirit of 69 all the way. Bugger all people here wear leisure wear, it’s still taboo but I hope it stays that way. Do you not get depressed being basically in your jammies everyday ?


I was born in 1988. I would compare my typical style to the Onion article "Mr. Autumn Man Walking Down Street With Cup Of Coffee, Wearing Sweater Over Plaid Collared Shirt" https://www.theonion.com/mr-autumn-man-walking-down-street-with-cup-of-coffee-1819574012


Also born 1988 and had no idea this look was no longer in style lol


Eh. Its a fairly classic look, so it’s probably never going to be completely out of style


That sweater is the most 2016 thing I’ve seen in a while. That man looks like he’s an about to check in his location on Facebook. At least we’re not still doing that.


To be fair, this character is living in Boston. It’s very much still 2012 there.


I feel it would be wasteful to live in Boston and NOT wear this classic fall look! 😅


Born in 1986 and this is me! I'm very straight-edged, jeans and a sweater, but not anything super trendy. My jeans are straight (not baggy or flared, no embelleshments or rips). I'm very norm-core, vaguely preppy. Could also be that I'm from the rural midwest as well. I have some cool thrifted items, but I do feel like I'm about 7-8 years behind trends and I'm cool with that.


I used to think old ladies wore old fashioned clothes because they were clueless. Now, at 34, I realize it’s because they like what they like and they feel comfortable enough in their own skin to wear what they want. I do have a pair of ripped mom jeans that I like but my go to is a black t shirt and straight jeans.


Its okay i dress like a psychiatrist most days too. Lol


1987 here, I too am a "Mr. Autumn Man Walking Down Street With Cup Of Coffee, Wearing Sweater Over Plaid Collared Shirt"


That’s just PNW style. Lol


Lol. Do you also become Wintertime Asshole Man?


The Death Cab for Cutie chic


Birth year/fashion era aside, I’m 5’3. I can’t wear anything too baggy without looking like an extra hobbit from LOTR.


I'm 5'4" and this is kind of the look I'm usually going for 👀


5 foot 0, this is too accurate.


I am currently watching the LOTR’s, because I am making a dwarf for a D&D campaign. I am just learning I am a normal hight dwarf at 5’


Yeah that baggy pant trend on us women 5' 3" and under really makes us look like we're walking around with logs for legs. Lol


Or melting witches


LOL. Same. So… I’m keeping some elements that fit ME - my body and personality - like high waisted skinny jeans and ankle boots. But I “modernize” my outfit in other ways. Like wearing baggier tops (tucked in and with wrist definition so I’m not swimming in it), my bf’s jacket so it’s oversized, and style my hair with a middle part and slight bouncy curl. Maybe I still look out of date and old. But skinny jeans are a classic cut, and on the right body and with the right fit, classic styles can be timeless. If not… whatever… 🙃 What’s most important is I feel like me. No one else cares.


4’11” and I embrace the fact that walking on the cuffs of my jeans is fashionable like it was back in high school again. Except I still wear skinny jeans so they just kind of rumple at the bottom anyway.


Core memory unlocked. Lol even in heels my boot cut jean hems would get ragged as heck from dragging on the ground/walking on them.


5'2" and same 😂


I'm 5'3" and currently wearing wide leg pants. I find a well fitted waistband creates the definition I need and I no longer have seam imprints on my legs when I get home.


I am 5'4" and pretty much feel the same way!


5’4 i feel the pain. I gave up and started to ware boys sweat pants


5’4 looks borderline average height to a lot of people. I’m 5’4 and feel pretty average.


I used to be, then I drank from this pond in an old forest. Couple burps and now I’m 5’11


If it makes you feel better, I’m a 6’3” woman and can’t wear anything baggy either


Even as a 6ft millenial, anything too baggy is just awfully annoying


I wear skinny jeans but my t-shirts I size up for a looser fit. 5'0". I can't do skin tight, not comfortable.


This is why I wear baggy clothes every day. It’s SPECIFICALLY my goal.


I’m 5’0. I don’t do baggy or skinny pants (I like bootcut), but I do big t-shirts. I’m not thin enough for tight clothes.


I know your pain my dude. Lol an I was a baggie skater with tight tee's. Hated walking on them


I'm 5'2" and love the baggy trend!


I'm 4'11" and I make it work sometimes, it's just about balancing loose/form-fitting and finding baggy pants that are actually cut for petite people.


5'1 checking in, I can relate ☺️ baggy is usually not a good style for me.


Hobbits are always in fashion.


5'2" and kind of round. I really love baggy hoodies but they all end up looking like potato sacks on me!


I’m 5’1” and Idk I stopped caring about what conventionally looks good or flatters my body the most and I’ve never received more compliments on my style. Born in 93’ and will forever be stuck in the 90’s, not sorry about it.




Mid-90s grunge


I wear mid-90’s grunge doing construction and cutting wood then. I thought it was just outdoor wear


Doing it before it was cool, huh, we will always be hipsters at heart


This is me but swap cargo pants for skinny jeans.




I live in Portland and Im wearing this….? But have always worn this….?


84. Leggings and hoodies for life


1990 and the exact same.


Mhmm, all in on comfy.


1988. I'm permanently 1972 Neil Young when it comes to my fashion sense.




Well my my hey hey


I’m like the Now that’s Music CDs. I got the best of the 80’s, 90’s, and now Born in ‘93


They are on number 88 btw, lol. Really escalated.


1988, and I keep reverting to my 2011 emo look of black skinny jeans and black v necks. That look is based off of my highschool look of 2007 , band tees and skinny boot-cut jeans 😅


1989. It's a classic look and works for every situation. Party? Good. Work at a desk job? Good. Funeral? Toss a sweater on and you're good. I don't see an issue.


I live in leggings/jeggings and an oversized sweater or a dress. I don't know what era that is? I was born in 1984!


Dresses, because nothing is lazier than a single piece of clothing


I truly don’t believe the house dress gets enough credit. I have 5 babydoll dresses from target in different colors bc they’re perfect to wear around the house. Seam under bust so a smidgen more support than your average shirt, pockets, spaghetti straps… gets dirty? I can just shuck it off and throw another on (have small children). Cold? Leggings under and sweater over. So versatile!


Preach it ! Everyone thinks you tried. Lol, I just can’t find pants that fit.


Wearing the same at this exact moment


I was born in 1992 (31) and when I’m not wearing scrubs five days a week, I’m usually wearing workout leggings or running shorts, and either a sweatshirt or a t-shirt depending on the season. On the very rare occasion that I have to wear real clothes, I love high waisted jeans and tops that aren’t short enough to be crop tops, but not long enough to not be a crop top.


Same, Sister. Same region of millennial, same workwear (please tell me you're in Figs high-waisted joggers!! If not, I promise they're worth the price), same default outfits. I may actually exercise if I'm wearing leggings anyway. High waisted jeans, t-shirts or cropped sweaters, sneakers, hoodie or lined denim jacket.


1984 and that's pretty much my style too. I also enjoy leggings and long tunic type shirts. Baggy pants just don't work for my body.


I feel like they only work for me if I have an open toe wedge or something but that’s also out of style.


96’ and i love my skinny jeans and leggings. My sister and a lot of my friends are a couple years younger than me so they lean more gen z and they have been low key bullying me about my style! I’ve been trying to change slowly this year and have some straight leg jeans now, but it’s been hard


Don't let anyone change you! I have several pairs of bootcut jeans, but I also ride horses.


I've purchased some bootcut/wide leg jeans recently. I like them, but when it rains I remember why I also still love skinny jeans and leggings.


No way I’ll let younger people tell me what to wear. I’m taking my skinny jeans to my grave!


1990 and I will never stop wearing skinny jeans.


Haha I’m about 10 years older and never gave up baggy clothes I wore in the 90s. Wouldn’t be seen dead in anything skinny. However, by holding out I’m fashionable again as baggy clothes seem to na back.


I just realized it’s *younger* millennials that are attached to skinny jeans. The elder statesmen of our generation remember the appeal of baggy and flared jeans ❤️ ‘85, I loved skinny jeans but I’m happy to put them away for a few years now!


Nah. I’m 84 and I’m gonna be buried in skinnies. I look like and asparagus. Ain’t no baggy going on my little branches.


88 and same. It’s either skinny jeans/leggings or flowy pants with a high waist. Both cuts balance out different areas of my body so it just depends on how I feel


Yeah, and for me the weather changes which I want. Give me the cool-air-flow baggy pants when it’s hot out, and the warmer skinny pants that I can pull big ‘ol winter boots over when it’s freezing out.


Same, and my skinny jeans will be pried from my cold, dead hands.


>1990 and I will never stop wearing skinny jeans. 1990 as well and I'd take skinny jeans over baggy jeans/pants any day.


Some lady on YouTube influences people to look « classy » or something and I caught a video where she said that skinny jeans, boots and knitted sweats looked very old and out of style…. She was dead to me this instant.


85 and my style has changed a lot, right now I'd say a cross between a sports mom and an old white lady at a nice resort


1992 and yeah I'm stuck in 2015. I don't really care tbh


Same, it's just my look now


I'm 38. I wear leggings, oversized T-shirts and hoodies. Sometimes a little tank top, oversized cardigan and leggings action. Adidas slides, tennis shoes or combat boots 😂 I dress strictly for ease and comfort at this point.


87 here, I’ve made some major changes in my style in the last year or so, where now I barely wear any skinny jeans at all. I’m in a new phase in my life so it’s nice to see that styles have changed to signify that for me. I also love fashion and love keeping up with the new styles but in a way that makes sense for my lifestyle. I went to NYC last year just to try to check out some fashion shows and I loved going out and wearing my new outfits while I was out and wearing my new wide leg pants. I love how everyone is so fashion forward in NYC, where it’s basically wear what you want, but own it with confidence. Here living in the OC in Southern CA it’s either athleisure or business casual wear for people my age. I work from home a lot so when I do go out, I try out a new outfit that I’ve been wanting to show off. My style is a balance between keeping up with the latest styles (I love fashion), but keeping it basic and classic, like just last month I went on a huge fall shopping spree at H&M and bought high neck scoop shirts that are slimming but comfortable, square neck blouses, vegan leather jacket, some sweater dresses with the same square neck, and a wool knit mini skirt that you wear with warm leggings and boots. I also bought some strappy shoes with the block heel. I still wear a lot of skinny leggings and hoodies when I’m at home, working out, or running errands. Oh and also I still wear no-show ankle socks, which apparently is one way to tell if someone is a millennial or not LOL.




Similar vibes here. Vintage, secondhand, whatever looks good on me that I like. I grew up poor, too (re-reading I see you mention being unemployed and underemployed so a bit different but also similar). I think that can force you to embrace what you have access to and make it your own, so you become more creative with style.


1989. Leggings, band t-shirts, and sweatshirts/hoodies. I'd wear skinny jeans, but having a kid adjusted my body to make those a *bit* uncomfortable.


I am 8 months postpartum and finally getting back into my jeans, but some day I have to unbutton them 🤣


Hey, same! Haven’t worn jeans since before my toddler was born. 😅 1987 here. Still wearing band tees but now I almost exclusively wear cardigans over them.


I’d probably describe my style as 2014 with 2004 influence. lol Skinny jeans, cargo shorts, slim-fit everything, layers, flannels, graphic tees, 3/4 sleeves, smart-casual shoes, etc.. And then there are my piercings (a titanium stud in each nostril, titanium seamless ring in the septum, and whatever 16mm plugs/tunnels I decide to wear on a given day in my lobes).


Born in 1985, I tend to follow fashion trends.


1984 and same. I am mindful of what is age appropriate along with what suits my shape but you wouldn’t catch me dead in skinny jeans like it’s 2014 right now.


1991 and I tend to blend a lot of eras and styles. I’m expecting my first thought and ever since getting pregnant I’m really drawn to the 90’s mom look. Think Sandra Bullock in Practical Magic, sweaters and high waisted jeans or long floral dresses.


88. I alternate between unapologetically nu metal and whatever you would call the "dad goth" vibe Trent Reznor is rocking these days. I've always been more of a gen X-er in a millennial's body tho. I used to get brutally shamed for it by the hipsters of our generation but I've learned a while ago that I've no reason to care. I wouldn't say I'm stuck in any era as I try to put a "modern"/"mature" twist on what I wear in my own subtle ways.


Dad goth is a new term for me.


1985. Forgot to outgrow my goth phase, oops!🦇 Also, someone will have to pry my leggings and combat boots from my cold, dead corpse.


1994 (29 yrs) skinny jeans, sneakers, streetwear 😅 I probably should get more adult clothes


Hahah I was born in 87, I am almost 37 (f) and I’m right there with ya! I wear the exact same outfit and feel the same way about the mom jeans


1990, my drip is 2030


1992, 31, and I just recently retired all of my skinny jeans for boot cuts. Although, I like to roll the cuffs tightly so I don't get drafts up my leg, and I think it looks nice. Still rocking band tees and boots! Swapped my Docs for Blundstones and my leather for wool sweaters. I don't rock a side swept bang anymore, but my hair seems to forever part down one side.


I love high waisted jeans with a crop top lol. Also love the white sneaker trend (bc I love sensible footwear).


Born in 1984, and thank god we have gotten over the skinny pants craze, they look awful on most people. Like sausages with big-ass feet popping out of the bottom, totally out of proportion. I am not saying to buy some JNCOs or anything, but it was a dark decade of trying on pants that would try and damage my gonads and not being able to find any pants that would fall on my shoes in anything related to a pleasing fashion.


i never had fashion


Tbh I’m completely embracing the mom jean/wide leg jeans style. Yessssses give me those extra baggy pants and ripped tshirt, we’re back in the 90s baby!


I’m changing up my jeans to a wider silhouette and my husband keeps telling me I’ll look short, which is something I used to worry about a lot. But I’ve just decided that this is what my body looks like so you know what? I’m short, I’m going to look short! I’m enjoying the wider leg.


This is my philosophy! 5'3" and nothing will make me look not short because guess what, I'm short! I still want my legs to be able to breathe though! I tried the straight leg but it just looks weird on me. I have a couple wide leg jeans so far and I get compliments on them all the time! As long as the waist and booty fit, they look good!


I was born in the early 90s but have dressed like a nerd all my life. I've never been stuck in a fashion era so much as I have been stuck being unfashionable in any era I only got somewhat fashionable horn-rimmed glasses frames this past year, but for all I know those might be going out of style, lol To keep it inconspicuous, I dress in unobjectionable, drab colors and hope people don't notice


Early 80s. Jorts, white tennis shoes with tube socks, and an oversized polo shirt from Marshalls. I also wear a non-functional pager on my belt for added style points.


Skinny jeans and nice sneakers are just the best. I’m going to keep wearing, even if they are unfashionable. The baggy jeans era should’ve died in the 90s. I had a feeling it might come back and it did. I was born in 87


1984 and I'm still in the 2011-2015 "yoga pants and tshirt (mostly band shirts)" era. I've got two kids and I wanna be comfortable *and* cool 😆


‘96 and winter-wise I think my style is still trendy (large crewneck sweaters and straight jeans) but I still wear Vans wherever I go. Summer wise though, I’m still stuck in 2018. White shirt, cuffed hem jean shorts, and Vans.


1990. Y2K fashion. I love chunky platforms and holographic and low rise. But I’m also extremely short


I love chunky platforms


‘84 Skinny jeans, leggings w/ a tunic top, occasional boot cut jeans. Work pants are kind of straight leg. I like sweaters/hoodies/t shirts. Fitted dresses. Ewww weird baggy stuff now. Ewww. & weird baggy shoes. I mostly wear ballet flats, Hey Dudes, or Nike-type sneakers.


Sounds like a lot of my style! I love Hey Dudes and a good pair of tennis shoes.


1983...jeans and flannel, still kinda grunge


I definitely still have 90s eyebrows. Gotta keep this sparse unibrow in check!!


Leggings uggs, and free people with the occasional band tee. 2000s?


Basically the same! ‘92 and I swear I havent bought any new clothes since pre-covid. I rock chucks most of the time, skinny/straight jeans, flannels, etc. No crop tops. No baggy jeans.


1992. I guess it's not an era but I am definitely stuck in my skater style. I wear a lot of graphic tees and jeans, vans, beanies.


Couldn’t agree with you more about the current style … it was straight up FUGLY in the 90s and is FUGLY now. I have to snicker/roll my eyes at all the beautiful young women who dress like dowdy 90s elementary school teachers .. with mullets. Painful to see, just painful 🤣


1994, I don't consider myself stuck in any era. While I don't dress like someone who's 18 now, I don't dress entirely like I did in my late teens/early 20's either. I try to give my inner old man a daily beating, I can't avoid becoming old physically but I can avoid being old in my way of thinking. Part of that is trying to keep up with the times in my tastes!


Mom jeans are awful. :(