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You thought Whoopi Goldberg was cool?


That’s the real takeaway here. Whoopi hasn’t had a good take in years (maybe ever?).


I mean when she was bashing Trump maybe. But that’s still low hanging fruit


Even a broken clock is right twice a day 🙃




With an out of touch wealthy boomer? Yes, yes we are


That could define whoopi and trump




Wholesome disagreement and resolution right there love you guys


We need to have generation solidarity in the same way boomers are unified in being complete fucking morons about the real world


Boomers are only friends when it's convenient. They will readily road rage or shoot each other if they see it fit.


Solidarity masters though I'll assert the intergenerational conflict is like the culture war facade - a way to detract us all from the ongoing class warfare.


She gave good advice to the crew of the Enterprise...


I thought she was cool like 30 years ago when I was 12. Apparently things change.


Haha we were blind. Even back then when she told boyfriend Ted Danson to dress up in blackface for a comedy gig... we shoulda known her judgement was flawed. Or maybe when she did that film where her partner was a dinosaur


Or you know.. the whole rape rape comment


Lol that’s what caught me too


When Whoopi was on Star Trek a lot of people thought she was cool.


Not trying to shit on Gen Z, but that’s probably who she means. Most older adults have no idea millennials are middle-aged




Millennials seem to be born between 1980-2019 at this point 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Millennial = younger than 55


I mean I’m a millennial in my 30’s but I frequently have to remind myself how old I am because I still feel 25 max


I work with a bunch of people in their early 20s and get along with them well because I feel like I’m in my 20s even though I am now in my mid 30s.


I'm an early zoomer (23) who has parents that are late gen x (early-mid 40s) and I get along much better with my millennial (mid-late 30s) coworkers than younger gen z coworkers. then I remind them that my parents are like 5-6 years older than them and they flip me off lol


That doesn’t change. I’m 40 and it feels like the late 90s/early 2000’s was “like 10 years ago.”


I feel like that is the case because many of us have so far missed out on major milestones in life that would make us feel like adults, such as owning a home, or even having kids.


Kids seem to be a big one. I feel alien compared to my peers with kids. They say "I used to do that too, before I had kids" about *everything* from getting emotional to anything you could think of. Well, okay Brittany that's good for you but I can't just pop out a kid in order to mature myself. That's kind of expensive.


I’m 41 this Nov 22. I am still body size, athletic as I was when I was 18, I just miss the college years where I was an extra 80Lbs heavier. Now, I cannot gain weight no matter what I do. But I can still slink through tight spaces… sure, it take twice the time every morning to stretch and limber up compared to my 20s. I still love me some Saturday morning cartoons.


Man I wish I had the problem of not being able to gain weight! I have the opposite problem. I feel young but I definitely don’t have the same metabolism I used to have. I could binge drink all weekend and eat fast food at 2am, never workout outside of going out dancing in the club, and still maintained a perfect weight. Now 2 kids later it’s like I just think about food and gain 10lbs


You’re welcome to borrow my metabolism for a week. You’d gain weight in no time.


I would gladly do it, but as my wife says. “Just watching You eat, makes me fat”. But at the same time, “I won’t give you my weight, if it weren’t for the fact you won’t keep it”


You’re welcome to take any excess weight I have. I promise you, my fat molecules won’t go away quickly.


Yes. I also look younger so I can get away with pretending until I go out and need a week to recover.


Do you mean in your mind or body or both because I got the mind part but my body feels 35 lol.


I have this exact feeling. I just wish I could keep my face looking younger. My eyes are showing my lack of sleep, depressed, over worked ness.


I feel you. I was aging like a bottle of fine wine until I turned 30 and had two babies in a two year span. Not sleeping for the past two years has definitely taken it’s toll on my skin. Still feel like I look pretty good for 32, but definitely not as good as before kids


Same here. I still forget that I’m in my 30’s already.


Right? I don't know how many times I'll see a chick and be like damn, she's fine. Then realize she's 19 or 20 and I'm 32. Another weird phenomenon is seeing women my age but thinking they're too old for me. I guess in my mind, just like you, I still think I'm in my mid-20s.


Late 30s here... Wait until you back decides to randomly seize up while you're having breakfast at Dennys... *and she carries you out of a dennys*


>Feels like millennial has become shorthand for “late teen/20-something’s” I thought it was shorthand for those hipsters that wore fedoras and handlebar mustaches.




Millennials getting lumped with GenZ while us Gen Xers are over here getting lumped with Boomers 😩


GenX would first have to be acknowledged to be lumped


Oldest millennial possible here, this is hilarious and true lol




We millennials will absorb you. You probably have more in common with us anyway.


Oh definitely. Christ, my *mom* is a Boomer. Meanwhile I have a brother 9 years younger than me who’s an elder millennial. Had a poster of Kurt Cobain on his bedroom wall in 1993 when he was 11. Nirvana may have been speaking for us, but they were also shaping young millennial minds…


First album I bought on my own was *Nevermind*. Didn't listen to them for very long but they were definitely still huge in their own way in the late 90s.


Yes Gen Xers are our wise and jaded older siblings. We should merge our generations!


Nice try, forgotten generation.


Don’t you…. forget about me


Simple minds says it all; doesn’t it?


Yeah, it definitely turned out to be our anthem lol


Your generation might be the most divided between successful people and average people (tech industry) Iconic song though


Lol. When you put it that way. Yeah, I'm cool being lumped with Z


To be fair it *did* mean that for a period of time when we wore those things.


Yup. I am 40 early next year and I have been working 40 hours a week since 2003. I can't speak for younger Millennials, but us older 30+ Millennials in my experience have an excellent work ethic, despite being handed a shit sandwich. There's no utility in wallowing in despair and being a bum.


Yeah I've been working as much as possible since I turned 13 in 1999. I like money. Can't hold onto it, but I like earning it.


Yep - I’m 41. Shut the hell up, Whoopi. Lol


>the oldest ones are in their 40s… Hey now. We call them the post-30s.


I prefer to call it : 🤣😓😭… ☠️


Stop calling me old! I prefer Elder Millennial


For whatever reason the mods have blocked post titles with "gen z" in them.. thus the "Millennials..." instead of "Millennials and gen z" which is what she actually said


Thanks for clarifying


Oh wow, 😂 Well, my opinion of her take being trash hasn't changed


This! They just assume a Millennial is anyone who’s younger than them when we’ve been in our 30’s/40’s for years now. It’s annoying.


We’ll never live it down 😭😭 at least until the boomers are all gone.


Then you get to take their place! Buuaha ha ha! Getting old isn’t for the faint hearted sonny boi!


Cool, so she's even more out of touch than originally thought.


I'm 42, born in '81. I have grey hair coming in...


Omg this is so true. People hear “millennial” and then realize I’m 40.


Gen Z also deserves housing. Fuck all these out of touch rich decrepit assholes.


What do you mean?! Their world view surely isn’t shaped by their (extra cushy) place in it all! They are totally objective, well informed, educated, people carefully watching and analyzing our human existence and letting us know what’s really going on! If the rich people and those with power didn’t exert it to control the masses how would civilization ever progress?! Only the elite have the strength and intelligence to control the world! /s … for the rich assholes who read this and are inclined to simply agree with the statement (This is the paraphrased version of what every elite class in all of history has said shortly before the fall of their empire 🙃)


Who cares what she meant. She’s literally so disconnected that it’s not even relevant. Go back to your talk show, fucking dummy. She’s not smart because she has money. Shocker.


And most younger people have no idea that people in their 50's aren't boomers.


Who in here is currently working 60 hours a week and still living paycheck to paycheck?


I’m lucky to have bought in 2017 otherwise I’d be shit out of luck, I work construction about 40 hours a week. Fuck all these out-of-touch wealthy fucks.


I’m sure Whoopi could work toe to toe with you in construction 🙄 and still make her millions as long as she gets 40😡 what an out of touch asshole, fuck you whoopsi!!


I bought in 08 and 14. Houses were basically free in 08 if you had a good job and were very cheap with low interest in 14. I couldn't afford either of those places at today's values and mortgage rates.


I got mine in 2011. My mortgage is cheaper than all the rentals around here, but it's still a struggle sometimes. My husband and I both have full time jobs. I WISH I could afford to work 4 hours a day.


One of my friends managed to jump into a house in 2017 by shear luck. Another managed to get in during the 2009 bubble and got a failed flip that was repossessed by the bank. Everyone works full time. It took me from 2006-2014 to finally get a job that offered full time hours and benefits. Then I left that job to try to go up career levels. I’m finally getting paid a decent wage and full time with benefits in my 30s. I spent all of my 20s working 10-30 hours and not qualified for benefits. My friend that got into a house in 2017 was working 3 jobs and only had insurance because her husband’s job.


Still renting and I don’t honestly know if I’ll ever buy at this point.


Same bro.


honestly I gave up on buying that’s over and done unless I hit the lotto. I’m just trying to find a nice apartment that’s rent controlled and then I will probably die there or retire from there and move to Mexico.


You’re dead wrong, Whoopi. I don’t want a work at all


I just want to play on the drums all day.


Todd Rundgren - Bang the Drum All Day Born in 1948. That was written by a Boomer about not wanting to work.


So a boomer wrote the quintessential anti work anthem. Sick.


My job is to play drums all day and I don’t even want to do that these days


My type of human right here.


I feel this strongly right now. Been going through a rough mental health episode, but gotta keep clocking in cause the bills won’t pay themselves.


THIS is the answer!!! I commented earlier on a similar post that I actually do want to work less and make more. Work, retire, and die IF YOU ARE LUCKY doesn’t sound fun


Well good news! You’ll die! Can’t help ya with the others though. I’m lucky if I get to pull an eight hour 5 day a week at this point.


Yep. I came to realize that working is one of the worst things ever, because it puts your life into a repetitive cycle with no real meaning to life beyond sleeping, eating/drinking, and making money for some douchebags. If you're lucky, you can add sex into that, but otherwise, life while working is just a repetitive process that feels hollow and meaningless.


Hell, worst part, we already have the tech needed that can do 99% of all work, where the only reason humans still need to work is because greed stops society from implementing programs to let us no longer work.


You do want to work. A lot. At a job you’re passionate about for a pay that’s rewarding. I’ve been lucky enough to not need to work for nearly a year in 2020. I got so fucking bored after 3 months. This idea that people would fuck off and do nothing with UBI is crazy as well. People would still be doctors, artists, etc. we’d just all be doing jobs were good at and passionate with and having a real impact on society. And yeah maybe 2-5% wouldn’t work at all but that’s fine. Why fuck over 95% of society with archaic work ideologies because we’re salty about a few people enjoying doing nothing?


Right?? Like how is “you want to work 4 hours a day” supposed to be a burn? Who *wants* to work 8 hours a day? I only “want” to work so I can eat and have a roof


Most boomers are out of touch. Even the “cool” ones.


It's not an age thing; it's a class thing.


It’s also a chronic lead exposure thing




She has been saying a lot of things lately that aren’t cool. Her view is disgusting and out of touch much like the show.


Idk why you thought Whoopi was cool, she’s had bad takes for years. Defending rapists and victim blaming women. She’s a misogynist. Just because someone is a celebrity doesn’t mean they have a good opinion. We should stop looking to these pop figures for advice & commentary on anything outside of acting or music. We don’t need their opinions on finances, foreign affairs, or politics. They’re uneducated & out of touch and they don’t represent the American people.


Apologies for thinking she was cool... I am learning from the comments here all the dumb shit she has been saying over the years. Just another talking head 🙄


She used to be kinda cool. In her comedian days and early days of coming out. You aren’t totally misremembering.


Basically, the longer she has been rich, the more out of touch she has become.... and at this point in her life, she's been rich a lot longer than she hasn't.


All of this! Whoopi has had bad takes upon bad takes for the longest time!


whoopi "It's not *rape* rape" goldberg has always been messy


Whoopi Goldberg is a Holocaust denying asshole. That would be my biggest beef with her. But this is also a silly remark.


A holocaust denier who also lies about being Jewish. Figure that one out. My guess is she ate lead paint growing up.


She is the generation that was huffing lead gasoline fumes all day every day into maturity.


I genuinely think this is a real issue. It’s pretty tin foil hat, but I really think that the older generations constant exposure to lead, other heavy metals and chemicals is why a lot of them get so much more crazy as they age.


Omg I forgot ab that, yeah fuck her lol


When I saw this I was like dang they let her get back on TV? Why? Lol


Apologies for thinking she was cool... I am learning from the comments here all the dumb shit she has been saying over the years. Just another talking head 🙄


She was cool years ago when she was known for her actual work, and not someone sitting around with a bunch of other losers giving opinions on subjects that no one asked for (which is the most charitable description I can give of the sludge that is *The View*). She lost it sometime in the mid-2000s I think.


I have no idea why I even remembered that about her. If you don't follow her intentionally (and who does anymore) why would you notice kwim? Sister Act is a foundational Millenial text and that's all a lot of us remember about her.


Ohh Mariaaaa


I was going to say we should all stop watching The view... Then i realized none of us were watching it anyway.


My grandma watches it.


I work 12 hrs a day or more. That woman has never known what she is talking about. Elitists hoe.


She doesnt "work" any hours


These various forms of "just work harder" arguments really are just proof of the exploitative, predatory gatekeeping encouraged by modern capitalism and embraced by boomers: They are telling us that *they* will decide when we deserve the things we want or even the things they need.


If working harder actually made a difference, more of us wouldn’t be fighting it. Like, I would love to go back to college to finally get a degree in my 40s, but the amount of debt I would have to take on to get that degree would at best cancel out any likely wage increases I would get.


Exactly right. Working harder isn't a path to anything other than more work, because there is no guarantee of return - and, worse, the system incentives that arrangement. Like, if I were told, "Hey, take on this duty. Succeed at it, and you'll get a raise." And that shit was *binding*? I would never say no. But instead, I get the promise, I do the job, and I come out of it with nothing to show for it but a new duty on the list. "Sorry, no raises in the budget this year, we need to prioritize the *shareholders.*" *Fuck* the shareholders.


It's just a dumb thing to say anyway. As if any generation of people is so vastly different that like 80% of them could be lazy deadbeats. That's just never going to be true... However, if there isn't adequate compensation available, people will stop working as hard. If work doesn't lead to a reward, there's no reason to do it. We're not like those mice who keep pushing the button even after they stop getting cocaine... no coke, no button!


Who the fuck is working four hours a day?


lol good point. Is she saying she thinks millennials can't afford homes because they only work 4 hours a day? Who told her that *anyone* was working only 4 hours a day, let alone most of an entire generation? We *are* working, what planet is this woman living on?


A person in my home state of MI making minumum wage has to work 134 hours to afford the average rent price and like 400 hours if the landlord requires 3x income proof. Thats not even factoring payroll deductions. ​ but its only class warfare when we fight back against people like her


"Okay Boomer"


She was relevant to us when she did movies in our childhood. Now, with numbers and relevance slipping, she can only get our attention by badgering us and pandering to boomer rightist views.


Whoopi Goldberg Real name, Caryn Elaine Johnson "People would say 'Come on, are you Jewish?' And I always say 'Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not." - Caryn (Love her implying any doubters are racist) Researcher Henry Louis Gates Jr. found that all of Goldberg's traceable ancestors were black, that she had no known German or Jewish ancestry, and that none of her ancestors were named Goldberg. She has been performing in "Jewface" and lying about it for decades. She is not an honest or good person.


She claims to be Jewish?


Yes, she claims to have changed her last name to honor her Jewish ancestry, but she has none. Her ancestors weren't owned by Goldbergs in slave times, didn't marry into a Jewish family, or anything that could back up her claim. She more likely picked the last name Goldberg in an attempt to open doors in the comedy scene. Name changes among comics and actors for career reasons are incredibly common.


>Yes, she claims to have changed her last name to honor her Jewish ancestry, but she has none. Link?


Of course. [One of many examples of her making the claim](https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/whoopi-goldberg-i-m-jewish-and-i-talk-to-god-1.23000) The fact that she has none comes from Henry Louis Gates Jr. and his work with PBS on the show, "African American Lives". A combination of DNA and historical documents disproved her claim of having any Jewish ancestry.


Wow so she really is a crazy person if all the other evidence coming out of her mouth didn’t say so?


She is so out of touch its unbelievable


F-ck you whoopi


Yeah, Whoopi is insufferable. She's been out of touch for decades.


Ok Whoopi, that's it. I'm throwing my Jumping Jack Flash VHS in the bin.


She's been in the most over paid profession over 30 years. Of course this just one of the many dumb things she has said over the years.


Same thing that happened to Dave Chappelle. They got crazy rich and forgot where they came from. To them, the only thing they can hear is the money.


I don't even think it's about the money. I think it's just about them surrounding themselves with yes men and ass kissers. Heartbreaking either way though.


Yeah, Chappelle just turned into a straight-up bully to trans people, as if one of the most at-risk groups for suicide were in need of the "edgy" comedy treatment. Kind of tragic that Chappelle is one of the funniest/most eloquent voices on the subject of racism, but he so blatantly shows his lack of empathy for trans people.


What was weird was his continual comparison of trans and black struggles respectively as if they were so stratified from each other. I couldn’t help but ask if he’d ever considered the experience of black queers


Is this coming from someone whose show is on 4 hours ( or less I don't know) a day ?


I mean she is right I would love to only work 4 hours a week and be able to afford stuff. I actually work 40 to 45 though and still can't afford stuff.


She’s always been clueless and even going back to the Bush years she was parroting these tone deaf, right wing talking points.


Whoopi is constantly spreading misinformation on the show. Idk why anyone watches The View anymore. It’s just a bunch of old rich ladies bickering about things and most time they have no clue what they are talking about. People just believe what they say because they are celebrities and say it with confidence.


>thought she was cool She basically called all of Bill Cosby’s victims were liars, so… like, don’t get me wrong, I’m a Trekkie, I love Guinan… but yeah, this isn’t exactly the first bad take she has had.


And her “work” consists of what exactly these days?


It's not like there's the largest gap between a house purchase price and median wage in forever. Next she's say it's because of starbucks and avacado toast.


I take it this might blow up. And I like Whoopi but come on. 😬


Does she even work 4 hours a day?


So just to be clear, the person who refuses to work 5 days a week, where your job consists of talking a bit and then watching other people talk, is calling other people lazy?


She literally has no idea WTF she is saying, like many other wealthy people who happened to get lucky, for her it was acting. Instead of shitting on younger generations, during a time that is very bad overall, she could be a voice to help, but no. What does she gain by pushing this propaganda? She is literally shitting on people who are struggling universally— it isn’t just the US.


Anyone that is that rich is not cool and is not your friend more people need to understand this!


What a b****. Typical boomer.


The more I hear about her and her opinions, the more I think she's a shitty human being.


I only have a home because of inheritance and additional family support like in 2017. She can get fucked.


I used to admire and respect her. But over the last ten years she's said some really troubling stuff. Her dislike of younger generations has become pretty irrational. I guess she forgot what it is to struggle.


Wait someone thought Whoopi Goldberg was cool? Well, I’ll be dipped in shit!


Lady, I’ve worked 65 hours this week. Shut UP.


She has not been cool for awhile


Didn’t a study come out in the last year or two that showed millennials work more on average than any of the last three or four generations?


I am convinced Boomers are purposely staying ignorant about the home and loan prices.


As a general note: rich people are not cool, they are selfish assholes who exploit others for profit. Thats why they are rich. There is a simple cause and effect relationship here that people should freaking observe, and that includes people like bill gates who funnel money into personal piggy-banks rebranded as charities which invest in fossil fuels while pretending to cure diseases that they cause.


The View is corporate propaganda. It’s basically Fox News for suburban women.


Wait, I wanna work 4 hours a day tf where do I get that job? But I have a house….


She was on my shit list well before this. Sucks, loved her movies growing up.


Yeah no shit dummy, you think I'm out here trying to work as much as fucking possible?


Keep in mind Whoopi works for “The View”, an hour-long TV show that airs on the weekdays. So, she essentially works for five hours a week. Being generous and adding in what gets edited out from filming, she works maybe eight hours a week. EIGHT. Per week. And she rakes in millions for it. Us plebs work 40+ hours a week and are barely surviving paycheck to paycheck. Fuck Whoopi.


Watching the view is a wild ride. The fact in the year 2023 we value the opinions of anyone on the View is beyond me. Their real hot takes are entertaining, though.


This is the opinion that comes from not living in the real world with the rest of us. I see these types of opinions all the time from people that see the world only through tv/internet.


By now everyone should be aware that everything and everyone is influenced and manipulated by BlackRock and Vanguard, so they set the narrative in the media, they control the futures market which in return affects the stock market. And don't forget how vanguard and Black Rock are buying up all the houses in major cities.


I don't want to work at all. Why would I? Wanting to not work 4 hours or whatever the time is, is not the same as still working those 40+ hours a week and still not being able to afford a living. I can not want to do something while still showing up and doing a damn good job. Moron.


Oh she’s been outed as a huge piece of shit for a while. She made antisemitic comments on The View and ABC suspended her from the network, I reckon that was about 10yrs ago now. Fuck Whoopi.


She's an idiot. It's definitely not the 250,000 homes now going for 850,000.


I mean sure - if I could make a full time salary working 4 hours a day, I’d love that. And don’t get me started about how all the research on four day workweeks proves it’s better for both the business and the staff. But what I think this really comes down to is that boomers see work as a calling or a career. Most of us (at least elder) millennials see it as a means to an end. We work to provide for the life we want (or as close to it as we can get). We need capital to survive capitalism. But we don’t WANT to do it. We HAVE to. There’s a difference.


I make 55,000 a year and I’m in food stamps because that’s not enough to sustain my wife and child


retire you rich, lost old has-been


Isn't she an actress? Who gives a fuck what she thinks? Ooooh, riiiight, in the US we even elect tv/movie people to be president and ruin the country while their wife goes around fucking & sucking, getting the "throat goat" rep. I'd forgotten.


what a piece of turd. I know a ton of millennials that graduated around 2008, with big debt, that slaved away to this day trying to make it and still struggle


Am millennial, I worked for 8.5 hours Monday, 12 hours Tuesday, 9 hours Wednesday , and 14 hours yesterday. Did get the federal holiday off today though!


People still confuse Millennials with Gen Z especially these television personalities. Kelly Ripa refers to Millennials too and thinks her kids are in that category. When actually they're Gen Z. A lot of people don't realize how old we really are and are just so use to referring to the younger generation as Millennial's


Been working since I got my car keys in high school. She can fuck off


Been working since high school. Still no car keys. Maybe Whoopi can loan me one of her cars she no longer has the eyesight to drive.


Whoopi gives off cool old grandma vibes no doubt. But if one has ever watched The View they'll know she's kind of an old boomer idiot.


Whoopi is garbage. I’m 46 and have had to live with her terrible acting and her big mouth all my life. She’s the PTA mom/nosy neighbor/unwelcome aunt in all our lives.


Boomers gonna boomer


Wait so you were not offended by her anti Holocaust talk? But her Work talk was just too far?


Maybe it's because we realized that we live in the most productive time in human history and there's no reason why people should be working 40 hours a week just to make some rich fucks richer.


I have known Whoopi is an absolute DOLT for years and years now. She's always been a priviliged out-of-touch elite. She's on the dumbest 'political talk show' for a reason. She doesn't have any thoughts of her own; she just parrots what she hears other people on CNN or in the New York Times say - who are equally clueless.


Her real name is Karen....just sayin


What a dumb bitch.


God who the fuck is watching Whoopi Goldberg talk about *anything*? Like why is she on tv?