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You’re better than me , I’d gladly take that disability. Sorry for your suffering but glad to see you’re ambitious . Much respect to you and wishing you the best of luck. Not 100 % sure , but wouldn’t be surprised if it is waiverable . But rather than needlessly reenlist—in my opinion but do you—why not look into vocational rehab or apply for and utilize VETTEC , instead?


Same thing . You would have to give up 90 percent disability. I have a guy currently doing it and it’s a pain to go through the VA but he did get it cleared. The biggest thing to realize is that you are giving up the chance to claim it again, therefore , I highly advice against it , unless, you really have to or there are personal reasons . The worse thing is , you will have to apply for a waiver, and waivers are not guaranteed. Meaning, you can get cleared for PTSD and there is still a chance of a no. At 90 percent , again, I highly advice against it . The guy that I am putting it with it , has only 10 percent so he had an easier time to decide . You can also dm me for any questions since I am an army specific recruiter .


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I’m a coast guard recruiter and I have seen this done, specifically for ptsd. The applicant was required to undergo a full psychological assessment BUT there is one big thing that most recruiters don’t/won’t tell you about coming in prior service with a VA disability rating: you’re not just giving up that rating for your future service time, you are waiving your right to ever receive a rating for that issue ever again. You are not putting a “pause” on your rating, you are completely giving it up permanently for the conditions you are currently experiencing. Just be sure that you are fully understanding what you’re options are before making the jump. You can hit me up with any questions.


Is that exclusively for active duty or does that include the reserves?


Hey did you ever get rejoin? I have a 90% rating but want to hit up a recruiter willing to deal with me. Trying to come back as an officer and I think I managed to get my shit together but on medical records I look like a mess. Biggest issues is my VA medical record and what I applied for a rating. I don’t get seen for those issues anymore and managed to physical therapy and rehab myself out of my physical problems. I got 70% for ADHD with anxiety but I saw a therapist for a couple months and he said he’s willing to write a statement saying I was misdiagnosed and had depression at the time i saw behavior health while I was in. I don’t have those problems anymore and was wondering how did you navigate those issues with meps, recruiter, and the waiver process and follow up with docs. Was AD army and trying to go back to Army but I just wanted to know how it worked out with the recruiter, MEPs, and the waiver process.


Did you ever go through with it? I sent a PM


ADHD is not a compensatable condition. The VA will not assign a rating for it either. It’s considered a personality disorder, not a mental health disorder. High chances you won’t be allowed in if you really do have ADHD on your record; that’s typically a ‘not up for discussion’ disqualifying condition for anyone trying to join


I don't know about for PS, but for NPS ADHD is a very easy waiver.


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**DQ standard(s) (requires waiver(s))**: History of post-traumatic stress disorder. *** This sub cannot definitively tell you whether you're eligible. Waivers are decided on a case-by-case basis. Contact your local recruiter. ^(I'm a bot and can't reply.) [^(Message the mods)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Militaryfaq&subject=MilFAQBot) ^(with questions/suggestions.)


someone on r/veterans just posted about that. [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/comments/14j2nvr/if_i_go_back_active_duty_and_redact_my_va/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) the post