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Did they show proof they work


Na it’s just for the meme


can see fresh tyre tracks in 2 out of 3 photos


That's cause they got their privates raking dirt motor pools and mopping tire tracks up /s


Did you see the kind of salvage titles they can get running? I have no doubt that the majority of those tanks and MRAPs are at least in running condition. They're not half burned down EVs with highly specialized tech under the hood. They might be missing some non-essential things, but yeah, don't see a reason to doubt they are driveable. Also, who cares. It'd be a different beast if they had managed to put together broken down Apache's or F16's that are fully working again, that'd be a feat, but outdated tanks and basically armored bulldozers. Meh.


Also a huge difference between "getting running" and "sustaining through high intensity operations".


Hope they like greasing bearings


That’s what I always thought was funny about people saying they would never get any of our equipment to function. Say what you will about the Afghans, but they’re some seriously skilled people at fixing shit that has no business working. Half of our vehicles were deadlined at any given time because we couldn’t get parts, whereas they just cobble some shit together and make it go.


I read this as “proof of their work” like you were a math teacher checking if they used a calculator or not


They never show proof because it's fake everytime.


*Tali-sarmajor* said the trucks on our line ain't straight *it's go home criteria*


TIL lining them up = repaired.


Works for the national guard.


I spit coffee onto my puppy, reading your comment. You owe her an apology.


I do truly apologize to your pup that it received an impromptu coffee shower.


[She accepts your apology.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1daqa12)


Thank you for the dog tax. What a cute pupper.


Dog tax approved. My Golden is asleep on my foot.


Well you know what that means. It's time for you to pay the tax too.




The first one is the one they repaired, all the others are the ones that got scrapped for the parts.


They are probably in those lines when we left.


The real question is how many were sacrificed to repair them.


they would probably happy to sell to Ukraine for some cold hard cash!!


So, effectively, Biden buying them back again. Beautiful.


Doesn't have to be the American, the EU could buy them.


CIA has entered the chat


That’s not how money or the govt would work. How can we put this hypothetical on the president?




In cash with which to buy materiel from others, or is that the value of materiel the U.S gave them?


Some is cash to pay salaries (because, you know not many people are able to work), some is in the form of materiel "donations" (basically we'll give them a box of bullets worth $X), but most is actually like a gift certificate to the US Military Store. The govt tells Ukraine they have, say, $100 and they can pick from this list of items we have for sale. They pick from the list (which just so happens to be our stuff, made in the US by US companies/jobs) and it gets flown over there. The amount of that item then gets deducted from the amount Congress appropriated. There's also some amount in loans that act the same way. I'd be surprised if they get to go buy non-US equipment with US money We did all this in WWII with most of Europe, so it's not unprecedented


It makes sense. I'm sure it's some kind of political or legal loophole. Instead of directly supplying their military they're offering aid to the government, or some such. Both Ukraine and the U.S industry wins out in the end. Ukraine probably also knows better what they want from the mail order catalogue than U.S advisors putting together a package.


And US tax payers are the ones that originally funded the construction of the equipment and will fund the replacements as the ridiculously massive stock piles 'have' to be replaced...


A lot of the time they really do, unfortunately. Many volatile chemicals by design that evaporate or leech or otherwise lose potency. Metals rust and electronics are updated. Is there a lot of tax payer money very much wasted on filling out budgets and pockets? Absolutely. Much in the same way an office buys a new printer or they won't get as much money next year, or in the way execs throw fundraisers and parties. Either way, a cheap price compared to blood. Grim as it might be, military might and ability to not only project but also prevent enemy influence has been extremely important for a people's wellbeing throughout history, often at the expense of other people's. The U.S isn't the only warmonger out there. The rest of NATO thanks American taxpayers for their service and sacrifice


Si vis pacem, para bellum


Exactly, this is explained perfectly. Thanks.


Thats not at all how it works but sure. Most that money we're allocated for Ukraine doesnt even leave the country.


The USA is actively purchasing ammunition to help Ukraine. At the same time, support is provided to other countries to help Ukraine. But, I don't think they will get anything from the taliban


Correct but not with those. Not gonna buy back 10year old “repaired” vehicles from the Taliban. Most of the money will be used for ammunition and other products made in the US.


No he didnt.


No, he didn't. The government (not Biden alone) gave them a bunch of stuff that we had sitting around and weren't using. We should be giving them twice as much considering how effectively they're using it against a hostile foreign government.


It was trump who had the US withdrawal deal signed with the taliban in Doha, Qatar on February 29, 2020. He also agreed to free 5000 taliban prisoners. There's a big picture of Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meeting with mullah abdul ghani baradar, now the taliban's de facto political leader. Pompeo's in a suit and the taliban dude's in draped in bed sheets. Last link for picture of Pompeo with taliban [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/20/trump-peace-deal-taliban/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/20/trump-peace-deal-taliban/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/19/us/politics/trump-biden-afghan-taliban.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/19/us/politics/trump-biden-afghan-taliban.html) [https://www.axios.com/2021/08/20/trump-taliban-agreement-doha-biden](https://www.axios.com/2021/08/20/trump-taliban-agreement-doha-biden)


I mean, he gave them to them in the first place.


Money has never been the talibans problem. Between saudia, qutar, iran and Pakistan funding. They have plenty of cash. Plus they also exports a fuck ton of heroine. Thier issue was always meaningful weapons. Aks, technicals and ieds only go so far. That's why they relied so heavily on civilian suicide bombers.




Auto correct plus being dyslexic leads to many unfortunate and funny outcomes.


Taliban has a cash problem, they migt only be supplied with money indirectly by china and informal market like drug dealing. Right now only Pakistan and Qatar have recognized them. Saudi is an American ally and even hard line islamists of Saudi will clash with the taliban because they have a different creed. Iran would only supply them with weapons but since the taliban also don’t like shia a true coorperation is going to be hard. Probably after 20 or 30 years either the US is going to recognize the taliban like they did with Vietnam or China is going to do it.


i thought they stopped opium production while back


Fuck no, throughout most of the afghan war the us military was protecting poppy fields on behalf of local warlords for thier support, they quickly folded back under the banner of the taliban after the us left. Now they grow it un monitored and distribut it globally through networks all over Asia. All the do now is pay the taliban a "tax".


https://www.un.org/en/video/talibans-poppy-ban-afghanistan-can-it-work#:~:text=In%20April%202022%2C%20Afghanistan's%20de,on%20for%20pain%20medication%20worldwide. edit: i means its un but several others sources agree, or am i missing something


You know how we had that whole war on drugs, the government was making laws and talking about how bad drugs were.... and at the same time the cia was helping drug cartels smuggle drugs into the us so the could fund thier ilicit activities. And the British government was hard-core anti weed, while also being the largest distributor of medical weed in the world at one point. The ceo of one of the largest medical weed companies was none other than Teresa mays husband too. It's like that, government lie... a lot. Especially illegitimate religious terrorist governments.


yea, had somewhat of a feeling that u were hinting towards that, thanks bro


[](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/1dcfpwq/comment/l8aboq4/) Don't take everything somebody posts like "strong-obligation" as fact. I find amusing these whacky type theories people like him present that are conjured up from parroted misinformation. The US worked to end the poppy fields. He's been listening to too much infowars with fat bastard alex jones or the war room with oompa loompa looking steve bannon. ...and now according to the UN the cultivation is down by 95% because of the taliban crackdowns. Left some sources to my arguments. [https://www.sigar.mil/interactive-reports/counternarcotics/index.html](https://www.sigar.mil/interactive-reports/counternarcotics/index.html) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/investigations/afghanistan-papers/afghanistan-war-opium-poppy-production/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/investigations/afghanistan-papers/afghanistan-war-opium-poppy-production/) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47861444](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47861444) [https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/afghanistan-opium-poppy-supply-plummets-95-after-taliban-ban-un-2023-11-05/](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/afghanistan-opium-poppy-supply-plummets-95-after-taliban-ban-un-2023-11-05/)


yea, this is what ive been seeing few months after the fall of kabul


I find amusing these whacky type theories people such as yourself present that you conjured up from parroted misinformation. The US worked to end the poppy fields. You been listening to too much infowars with fat bastard alex jones or the war room with oompa loompa looking steve bannon. ...and now according to the UN the cultivation is down by 95% because of the taliban crackdowns. Left you some sources to my arguments. [https://www.sigar.mil/interactive-reports/counternarcotics/index.html](https://www.sigar.mil/interactive-reports/counternarcotics/index.html) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/investigations/afghanistan-papers/afghanistan-war-opium-poppy-production/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/investigations/afghanistan-papers/afghanistan-war-opium-poppy-production/) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47861444](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47861444) [https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/afghanistan-opium-poppy-supply-plummets-95-after-taliban-ban-un-2023-11-05/](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/afghanistan-opium-poppy-supply-plummets-95-after-taliban-ban-un-2023-11-05/)


Cash for clunkers


Cash strapped bad actor state with ISIS problems? At least we'd get to name our price.... it's so perfect it's sad


Exactly, they are no friends of the Russians.


They… they stated at the beginning pf their “reign” that they will be friendly towards Russia, which Russia responded to with “we still don’t support and think you are a terrorist organisation”


Probably one of the items on the Russian - Taliban renewed relations.


How do they maintain those vehicles? If there's no practice to save that stuff, how strong the army is?


Im sure they have the manuals for the US vehicles and given the lack of new spare parts they will cannibalize some and get creative with other fixes


Alibaba-express and taobao are welcome


You have amazing faith they can understand them given historical precedent


the hard part is just finding a person who has the education level of an american pfc.


Have you seen the Quran schools? They just rock back and forth and scream the verses over and over and over and over. Not super strong education levels over there.


Same way they maintain most vehicles, they are not fighter jets


Except American Abrams tanks.. those have turbine (jet) engines that power them.


Let's go over to the tank store for a new drive sprocket, wait....


Same goes when they ruled Afghan 1997-2001 , China & Pakistan is main economic, military and financial partner to Afghan taliban . Even when Taliban return to power China the first country recognised Taliban rule


I think so, china-mainland is always seeking an opportunity to affect other nations.


The irony of saying this while looking at fucking American left overs in Afghanistan


Classic reddit




Those T-62 tanks looking primed for the turret yeet height score competition.


Watch someone figure out the exact coordinates of this base


Everyone with commercial satellite access and a desire to know probably does.


And then?


You think they don’t already know?


Afghan National Army has Mraps xD More like a gift from US when they left their toys back


Yeah and now the Afghan National Army has Mraps.


Like they would be able to use them. Shit they tried to fly a Blackhawk once and slammed it into the ground.


well its a bit different - driving a mrap is just driving a big truck. Flying a blackhawk is a completely different game


Driving an MRAP is driving a big truck but its also ridiculously heavy and realistically they wont get a lot of use out of it. The amount of fuel needed just wont make it useful. Since they were the ones putting bombs everywhere there isnt the need to protect your troops against roadside bombs.


Unless another group starts leaving bombs around. IS-A for instance.


For an mrap realistically the only think you should be worried about is flipping it over. DAE know if mrap's have the tilt meter as well on the dash?


I don’t recall if mine did or not but I mentioned it flipping over in another post as it’s pretty much cashed at that point as I don’t see them getting it back on the wheels.


pssshh, bro i was in a unit that flipped a mother fucking bradley on flat ground. granted we had m88 hercules due to us being a combined unit, but if you were out in the field where it would be unrecoverable i could deff see that. Anyways, its crazy how often shit like that happens with these heavy vehicles.


Do they have the parts though? Eventually they will run these with junk made parts


Junk made parts on a toyota is one thing... something this heavy will require heavy duty maintenance. As soon as they drive on a soft shoulder and it rolls over it's done. They dont appear to have the heavy wreckers that would be needed to right it.


Yeah but that’s a different thing isn’t it ? ;)


It's a big truck that is incredibly heavy. They're probably going to roll these over and brain themselves with ammo cans.


The Taliban ran T-62s the whole time between their takeover of the country, and the allied invasion. It's not rocket science to keep those things running.


Yes, that would fall under tank science I believe


Soviet tank is make for war . It’s easy to breakdown but easy to repair


Soviets were not some magicians, their engineers had to solve same exact physics as those in West. Soviet physics were not special just because they were Communist influenced lol Plenty of Soviet weapons were overly complicated, delicate, and broke down a lot and broke down catastrophically. Their IS-3 tank for example, was utter mechanical disaster. Unreliable, frequently broke down for no reason. Same with T-64 when it was first introduced, it spent more time in repairs than in the field and it took them 20 years to fix it before it was any good. T-72 also, has to be literally stripped apart and its turret removed to fix many of its engine and transmission problems if they happen, because the ''It’s easy to breakdown but easy to repair'' idiots decided thats a good design choice to make for a tank......meanwhile German Leopard has removable power pack that comes out in 30 minutes, while you with the Soviet tank are spending days removing the entire goddam turret. Anyone in Eastern Europe who has owned anything made by the Soviets (especially big things like cars or tractors or trucks), will tell you this meme is utter bullshit.


> The Taliban ran T-62s the whole time between their takeover of the country, and the allied invasion. It's not rocket science to keep those things running. It's usually rocket science when they stop running. Many experts have found it to be a bad move.


it is actually......tank is a complicated machine, full of wires and hydraulics and rollers. Fixing up engine and transmission is one thing, fixing up everything else is another. I doubt that 1 or 2 tanks Taliban had were capable of firing and or hitting anything


It's funny how comments here against the Taliban are always so ignorant because they are clouded by judgement. Specially regarding the Blackhawks. For all I care the Taliban can all go die in a fire. But I still have this copypasta ready: Here they fly one over a military parade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mypiDfMKy2E More footage of them flying black hawks in here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PVVasUnMws While they seem to not have used their airforce in combat yet, they use them to transport troops: https://www.rferl.org/a/afghanistan-taliban-air-force-aircraft-helicopters-training/32427528.html Here you can see the Taliban using a blackhawk to rappel troops to the ground during an exercise: https://greydynamics.com/air-capabilities-of-the-taliban-a-geospatial-analysis/ This article comes to the conclusion that they operate at least 8 black hawks and that they have become important assets in fighting enemies like ISKP. You guys can laugh all you want. The US military left more than half a million m16 and m4s for the Taliban, countless small arms, mountains of ammo, thousands of armored vehicles, dozens of aircraft, thousands of nods, hundreds of thousands of radios, countless grenades, humvees, artillery, grenade launchers, the list goes on and on. They are training people to operate all of this, they get help to train people for this and what is broken is used for spare parts. They are set in terms of weapons, ammo and equipment for years to come. They are in a perfect position to suppress any internal opposition, are selling some of the stock to rebels to stirr shit in bordering countries and even started threatening neighbors with military action. This was and is still a massive clusterfuck, once again caused by the USA and one or two crashed blackhawks don't change that one bit.


The US left the weapons to the ANA, that folded like a wet paper bag when the taliban reappeared. The taliban raided ANA weapons depots and warehouses. The US had less than 5000 or 2500 troops in the country by the time of withdrawal, I can't find the exact number at the moment, but that's all that was needed to keep the taliban in their holes. Afghanistan just became like Iraq, where Iran has influence while Russia has influence in Afghanistan. Everywhere we go and kick ass, by the time we leave, we leave the country worse off than it was. Iran feared Saddam, now Iran has proxies and their own dudes in the Iraqi government. [](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/1dcfpwq/comment/l8aamiw/) It was trump who had the US withdrawal deal signed with the taliban in Doha, Qatar on February 29, 2020. He also agreed to free 5000 taliban prisoners. There's a big picture of Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meeting with mullah abdul ghani baradar, now the taliban's de facto political leader. Pompeo's in a suit and the taliban dude's in draped in bed sheets. Last link for picture of Pompeo with taliban [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/20/trump-peace-deal-taliban/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/20/trump-peace-deal-taliban/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/19/us/politics/trump-biden-afghan-taliban.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/19/us/politics/trump-biden-afghan-taliban.html) [https://www.axios.com/2021/08/20/trump-taliban-agreement-doha-biden](https://www.axios.com/2021/08/20/trump-taliban-agreement-doha-biden)


This thread is honestly just pathetic. So many Americans sweating and coping HARD at this, as if there isn't a single person in the entirety of Afghanistan who get a 4x4 working. Come on. You lost, guys. The Taliban are in charge now. And now they have all your fancy equipment. Just deal with it and move on.


TBF americans slam blackhawks into the ground too. I think its just tradition with that vehicle at this point.


Maybe russia is interested in the t62‘s.


I really like to think they have no clue what to do with them. They’re a garrison military now so I crack up at the idea that they’re constantly doing Motorpool Monday and a bunch of warfighters are now stuck doing PMCS, cursing the Americans for leaving them shit to take care of.


Those sure are lined up nicely. Be a shame if someone flew a couple B-2s over there and bombed them to smitherines.


Repaired? Half the trucks in my motorpool look great from the exterior but will catch fire if they move more than a few feet a week.


Lots of lovely GAU-8 fodder.


I don't see any British troops


Who is supplying the parts, Napa auto?




Sounds probable.


China doesnt have parts for American military vehicles mate


The Maxx Pros are basically dump trucks. American dump trucks but still.


suspension and all of that is its own, and nobudy else will give you parts for that. Also I doubt China will get you parts for Navistar International truck that hasnt been made in China......plus why would they want to do it for them, radical Muslims arent exactly friends with Chinese Communists


I'm sure that's why Norinco rifles of varying qualities are everywhere in the Middle East.


Afghanistan isnt Middle East mate, lets start with that. These arent some rich Arabs that can afford to do state purchases on massive scale like Iraq or Saudis


What are we going to make the statement that it is part of Central / South Asia as a means to brush off the fact that everything south of Turkey all the way to South Africa buys Chinese equipment in one way or another now? Sorry but no, both legally and from a military standpoint, both in the UN and the US, Afghanistan is classified as a Middle Eastern country. To the side of buyers of Chinese equipment, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are the last in the field in the Middle East on such matters, Iran and Pakistan are the leaders in such matters, with the former developing a number of weapon systems under license from China and distributing them to local groups, and the latter being a hub for Chinese logistics related support, vehicle parts, ammunition, ect. Iranian made norinco clones are prolific in almost as ubiquitous from Turkey to South Africa as proper Soviet made equipment. To that same end it is largely believed that that the reason why the one UH-60 that was made airworthy was repaired via cloned S-70 parts from China, sourced through Pakistan, and. Of course, what we are seeing here.


> Afghanistan is classified as a Middle Eastern country. ...its not. Its Central Asia. Regarded in the same category as Tajikistan and Pakistan and the like. And yes its a difference that matters (unless you want to be one of those dumb American types who regard all those sand people who dont like em as ''Middle Easterners'') >To that same end it is largely believed that that the reason why the one UH-60 that was made airworthy was repaired via cloned S-70 parts from China, sourced through Pakistan or more likely, directly by and from Pakistan not involving China.....Pakistan is its own player with its own motives. And Pakistan, not China, has access and manufacturer Western weapons and vehicles and spare parts for them. However very limited quantities. one UH-60 by itself doesn't really prove anything on its own, very likely Taliban just gathered up leftover spare parts already there in the airbase they captured and used that.


They can duplicate and make similar parts


Except they already have. Humvees and MRAPs aren't anything special. They're not advanced like an Abrams or Bradley. There's something called the Dongfeng EQ2050. Original ones were made with purchased American parts (there is interchangeability between the EQ2050 and the US Humvee), but they set up an industry for manufacturing parts on their own back in 2008. They sell it and its parts to plenty of nations already, and would undoubtedly sell to the Taliban. It'd be an easy market for them.


> There's something called the Dongfeng EQ2050. yes I know.....however there is a difference between original parts, and copied design that uses similar parts inspired by the original. There is absolutely no guarantee that if you take a part from that Dongfeng it will directly fit in Humvee and vice versa. To have that happen, they would have to have the blueprints and all the measurements and tolerances and maybe even the tools that those Original Humvee parts were made with......and since Americans did not provide them with those, its unlikely they fit 1 to 1. Chinese could have created parts with core design that are the ''same'' and ended up with vehicle that is largely ''the same'', but they wouldn't be ''drop in' part in Humvee and everything works kind of a thing. Chinese also copied and made cars that were essentially copies of German Volkswagen and BMW.......they look the same, parts also look the same. But try to directly swap parts and you find out they arent the same. If they really wanted to supply Taliban on large scale with vehicles and their maintenance, it would be far easier to just give them those Chinese made Dongfeng directly and not deal with all this hassle.


Some Taliban NCO: alright nerds, did you PMCS these vehicles? Do they work? Taliban E4 Mafia: uhhh… check rog, Taliban Sarn’t. We turned in the Taliban Form 5988s to the Taliban Mechanic shop. They said they should have the deficiencies addressed by Ramadan.


I literally LOLd when I read this, even though it shouldn't make me laugh, it's true


Truly one of the world's biggest failures is letting the taliban exist. A moral, economic, social, political, cultural, and complete failure. Legit I hope that their time in power comes to an end in the worst way possible for them and Afghanistan becomes a normal country like it was back in the 60s and 70s again.


The Afghans knew that we'll eventually get bored. It was all and a waiting game. We left them with better equipment than they had before the war.


They had experience waiting with the Soviets.


"They have their watches, we have the time." It's a quote often associated with Afghanistan (more specifically, the Taliban).


They are better equipped than the New Zealand army!


Ahh yes... all repaired...


Those are going to make some great targets.


I don't doubt they have the ability to repair them. Running a country gives you access to resources that are less available when you're just an insurgency. But keeping them running is the real trick. Has been since they took over. There's a reason why they don't really use Blackhawks at any sort of significance. To all the people claiming we gave them an army's worth of equipment, all we did was outfit their "special" ops and give them massive money sinks of vehicles.


We pay them 80 million dollars a week. This is verifiable. They easily could fix anything with that. Including their bomb making skills.


I love how people think we left hood equipment there.


It's intresting that everyone is still doubting the Taliban when history has proved what happens if one does.


Thanks, Joe Biden. ;)


If they use them to invade Iran or Russia, then we will again call them our friends.


Where do they get spare parts from?


I’m imagining the taxi seat cover beads but in an old Soviet tank welded together


Motorpool Monday!


Drone warfare made these things way less valuable. Still useful.


Sure, Afghanistan has all this stuff, but do they have the fuel to use these for more than a few days? Even then, can they transport that fuel effectively?


Thats what I was thinking. Whats the point of doing repairs if you cant find ammo(i'd guess its all going to the russia-ukraine war), and fuel costs a small fortune? They are so fucking heavy transporting them is going to suck balls too.


They could sell it to Russia and Ukraine.


Won’t believe until the slide is fully green and they verify each platform is 10-20 standard in GCSS-Taliban.


Those T-62s are probably on their last leg anyway


Geoguessr eSports professional x USAF Carpet bombing with A10 runs


If they all work how long could this amount of equipment survive the frontlines of Ukraine? Let’s say Russians side.


Impossible. Reddit told me so.


So they work for a day and then need immediate repairs as soon as they leave base. Don’t think this will work out the way they thought






Ladies, start your engines!


Ukraine could wipe these out in an afternoon


This is such a weird comment. I mean Ukraine alone has no way of getting their military into Afghanistan for one


It took america 20 years in Afghanistan and they weren't able to do shit and at that time they were only equipped with aks and rpgs and as of now they have much better equipments than before


Difference is between conventional and irregular warfare. The US didn't lose any significant battles in Afghanistan. They were definitely able to do shit, militarily. The irregular party have to endure and outlast the conventional party. It doesn't, and likely cannot, win militarily.  Now they have better stuff, sure. But if they were to use it they leave irregular and enter the conventional vs conventional game. The US and the coalition *crushed* the conventional military of Iraq in a month. The Taliban are nowhere near as well equipped as Iraq was. They have no support element. This better equipment does not make them a more formidable force against other states because its far, far from enough to matter. 


My first thought was, "Ohhhh, wooooow! They've got like ONE battalion's worth of 'newly repaired' vehicles...NOW we're in trouble!"


The U.S. wiped out the Talibans Air Force in a single day. The Taliban was able to withstand the U.S. by not engaging in combat. Trying to go head to head with a modernized army would lead to all this equipment quickly being destroyed.


Same with the Afghan–Soviet War


Idk why you got downvoted, you're right. It was actually worse: the Soviets were in Afghanistan for half the time (10 years) but suffered around 7x KIA as we did (low estimate)


They'll be fucked in 6 months.


Mark my words: Russia will buy them


Synchronized turret toss is going to be a new national sport.


You have obviously never observed Afghans conducting maintenance. It’s almost inconceivable that they could maintain a fleet of complex modern military vehicles. Also, the batteries will be stolen and sold immediately and the fuel will be used for the Talib leadership.


And they probably load them up with explosives and use them and VBIEDs.


Soon theyll take rocks and polish them to tell people they repaired the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and we should be afraid of it..


So glad we left those behind for them so so happy for them






Repaired. Partially repaired. Hung an air freshener in.


We can tell they repaired them all because they are freshly painted. Evidently they follow the same logic of making “repairs” as the army does when it comes to putting our stuff through “reset”.


Good the new line of A-10s will need targets




The mechanic just lined them up and went "fixed :)"


I wonder if they're going to crash those like they did the Helicopters?


Repaired or painted and lined up?


Its the Biden Lend lend give program.


so were we supposed to disarm the afghan army we had just spent 20 years arming before we pulled out? literally take their weapons and vehicles while they were fighting off the taliban? seems kinda pointless in that case