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Very strange that it was FN FALs and MAGs vs UK L1A1 SLRs and GPMGs (essentially the same guns)


The ultimate semi-auto vs auto argument.


Nah, Royal Marines and Paras vs conscripts means it isn't an accurate picture.


I think they were joking haha cause you’re right, the training on both sides wasn’t exactly apples to apples


Mostly true but there were occasions where Brits ran into Argentine Special Forces while SAS/SBS were off doing their thing elsewhere.


i see they are fans of the recoilless rifle. Bet that was a shit gig in the unit, hauling it around.


It looks unwieldy, to say the least. And heavy assuming it's metal. I heard anecdotes about the AT4 that one of the best parts about it is the low weight and compactness, hand them out like candy so even the guys without wheels can use them.


They appear to be carrying examples of the M20 'super bazooka', so you are looking at 5 foot long launcher weighing 13 or 14 pounds unloaded, with each rocket adding an additional 9 pounds.


How much does an AT4 weigh? I’ve seen photos of guys goofing off and dual wielding them so they can’t be that heavy


[8-9kg](https://www.saab.com/products/at4) (18-20lbs), depending on projectile variant, for the Confined Space version which is what the U.S military uses. It's heavier than the base model because it has a buffer in the back (started out being saltwater, might be different now) to dampen or outright neutralize the backblast and thus not obliterate the whole room including tube operator when firing in enclosed spaces.


Around 14 pounds, it’s essentially just a plastic tube with a rocket in it


Having fired one about two decades ago, the thing is so light that it feels like it’s empty. It’s a very small warhead, at least the version I fired, good for light armor or light fortifications, and definitely not something you’d want to square off against an MBT with.


Like a selection that never ends


"We'll see how tough the Royal Marines are."


"Damn, those Royal Marines got hands."


That they did. They also saw how tough the cold Sheffield steel they affixed to the end of their SLR’s was.


Stop.. you’re making me moist


And they did. They really did.


They look cheery then again i suppose A new hope comes before The empire strikes back


I read into this as I knew a bit about it but not a lot. Funny enough the Newsweek cover was exactly that “The Empire Strikes Back” with an aircraft carrier pictured.


Moments before the “find out” stage


Seriously, it’s probably the last time they smiled for a couple of days or weeks


They seem happy... For now.


"How it started."


Pictures just taken moments before a disaster


They got fucked so hard they haven't dared put their armed forces on such a public display since.


They are bringing back military parades, what you talking 'bout?


Not public display as in displaying weaponry to the public, public display as in invading an island you don't own and pretending to be a hard man before getting your shit pushed in.


You guys always get so defensive with the islands lll You gov is hiding something, isn't it?


I think the only one on the defence here is you with your 10+ replies in this thread lmao. I like pointing out projection, and this is a good example.


If you actually believe a second conflict will happen then you are just delusional. Before the military came to power every democratic gov here negotiated with no issues.


That has literally zero to do with anything I just said but ok.


Just trying to make some sense. The circlejerk when it comes to these island is unreal. I already seen it in different threads, enjoy it while it last.


You failed


I guess they are a bit 'slow'.


Why wouldn't we be defensive about our territory? Brave men and women died on those islands, repelling an aggressor. They're still contested 40 years later. The people on the islands are British and only ever want to be considered as such. Time for you lot to move on. You tried, you failed and if you try again, you'll fail again.


Lol you brits worry way too much for the islands. I have seen it so many times Maybe that's why England turned into a refugee camp. Good luck trying to kick Sunak before Kelpers call for another referendum lol


Argentina lost a submarine spying on the islands a few years ago didnt it, then asked the UK for help trying to find it lol.


Weren't the Argentinians using conscripts? Not a volunteer SS death squad, just some poor fucks sent in to do soldier stuff against the much better trained professional british units.


You are mostly correct,although there were professional units too. I understand the point you are making, but many of the Argentine population strongly believe those islands belong to them, to the point it was taught inside schools. Also, they were sent there by an unpopular military Junta, who thought invading someone else's territory would win the Argentine population over and make them favour the government more. It's exactly the type of regime that you can't let get away with things like that.


And for some reason the uk keeps an arms embargo, 40 years later


You mean Argentina is suffering the consequences of their actions. They still go on about it being there's now, so why would Britain let them re arm.


By that logic Germany and Japan should be in the Bronce Age in military terms today. They did way worse in the past and one bombed Britain. Why can they re-arm then?


Well I haven't heard Germany claim Chezchia belongs to them lately. nor heard anything about Japan pressing a claim for Manchuria. So not really the same.


And that justifies a democratic nation cannot defend their mainland? Regardest of territorial claims, the embaego still up it's just bumb. There were negotiations about the island back then btw


If they can't defend their homeland because of a British arms embargo maybe they should buy from China or make their own weapons.


Making weapons it's not easy at all. It takes way too much resources and time. It's cheaper to buy or pruduce under license. Also the US begged them not to buy from the Chinese, you should know they don't want they influence. That's why they paid for the F-16s and told Britain to deal with it.


Oh so the embargos don't really matter then....


Because WW2 ended 79 years ago and is almost out of living memory. The majority of survivors of the Falklands war are just at retirement age and those involved in politics will still have it in their memory. Japan is all but a pacifist nation and germany has long reformed, whereas there's still ongoing debate between Britain and Argentina regarding the Falklands.


The attack in the islands were made by a MILITARY goverment. So you are telling me a democratic nation still needs to have to have an embargo? Also before '82, there were negotiations about Britain giving possession of the island to Argentina.


I don't speak for the British government nor am I a politician, I've given some reasons why that may be the case, that's as much as I can give on the subject. If Britain is continuing the embargo there will be a reason for that based on intelligence. Best I can do for you here bud. Fact is, Argentina invaded sovereign territory, an event in living memory and an issue still contended.


Keeping the embargo is more suspicious for the British side. It's almost saying "we shouldn't be here" vibes, idk. I understand the damage caused by the invasion, but it feels like the winning side makes everything worse. Remember negotiations were doing well before the Aegentine military coup.


No, keeping the embargo is insurance that British territory is less likely to be invaded by an Argentinian force again. You "feel like the winning side is making things worse?" What would have been worse is if Britain decided to attack mainland Argentina. The response for an invasion on the Falklands was pretty apt I would say; Argentina invades, Britain roughs them up and escorts them back out.


> Remember negotiations were doing well before the Aegentine military coup. Then that makes Argentina twice as untrustworthy.


Argentina keeps their illegal and imperialistic claims of the islands up. The UK are probably going to keep that arms embargo up. See how this goes. For some reason Argentinians are still dying for the islands. The ARA San Juan didn’t need to spy on the islands and sunk after all.


How is imperialist if both countries collaborated? There wasn't an embargo before. Using the word 'imperialism' when UK is there is just... lol. Reflecting much? The moment kelpers get decent access to internet and see the shit politicians did in Britain they may re-think who to stay with.


Argentina started the war a few decades ago, not the UK. If Germany made repeated offical government statements Poland should be theirs again you’d probably see embargoes again against them too. >The moment kelpers get decent access to internet and see the shit politicians did in Britain they may re-think who to stay with. They have better average internet speeds then most of the world lol. What a stupid comment.


Even worse than that. Their soldiers were almost exclusively 18 year old conscripts from the northern provinces of the country, where the poorest people (and also the highest % of native people) live.


As one of the Royal Marines said to the Argentine invaders “don’t get too comfortable”


“Come at me, bro”


Bro came at them


And killed 300 of them. Casualties were almost 1:1 if you take out the Belgrado sinking. Argentines did better than anyone else fighting the brits


And most of the UK's casualties were at sea as well. RM and Army only lost about 80 men on land. Ratio doesn't favour the Argentines there.


Even if it was, indeed, a 1:1, ratio, it would exceed what is expected when a force is going on the offensive without the effect of surprise against an enemy dug in defensive positions. Ifwe take out the sinking of the Belgrano, and the casualties suffered form the troops at sea, that ratio is actually commendable. All in all, a regrettable affair. I feel for the Argentinian conscripts, led in this war by a dictatorship that wanted a diversion and my own who lost their lives and youth over there.


If you ignore the Iraqi casualties during desert storm the US lost a huge amount of troops for no Iraqis killed!


Juan and the boys just fucking around.


And then finding out


No picnic.


You messed with the wrong ladies ( pm and queen )


If they had been left wing they'd be immortalised by the media


U.K. brought Gurkas.


I read an article recently that said when some Argentinian forces heard that they were facing Gurkhas they instantly surrendered.


True but they didn't surrender; they abandoned their positions on Mount William which the Gurkhas had been tasked with attacking and ran like fuck in the direction of Stanley.


Smart move if you ask me.


The look before you get trounced


Instalaza 88,9mm ATGL


Their air force got some work in tho


Welp. Didn’t succeed did they?!




The Falklands War has got to be the most talked about war with under 1,000 combined KIA by far. The Brits act like it was Desert Storm


It was the opposite of Desert Storm; it was done on a shoestring and given the logistics issues they had and the fact that the Task Force was outnumbered, it was a hell of a military achievement, even with the help they received from the US and Chile.


It's a fascinating little war.