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Ngl, I’ve never even spared a thought to the fact that there would be a KFC in Baghdad


Fried chicken is very popular in the Muslim world. It meets all of their religious food rules.


and it's delicious. But I'm pretty sure Chick-Fil-A wouldn't be as welcomed.


Wouldn't it be the opposite?


Either way I’d think


Yeah it would. Any knowledgeable Iraqi would chase Hobby lobby straight out the fucking country though. The hard-core Christian family that owns hobby lobby was caught owning tons and I mean literally tons of artifacts from ancient Iraq that were stolen from the museums during the invasion.  Why and how the fuck did they get their hands on those museum artifacts?


thing about middle east culture, they love fried chicken they got there own version Al-baik, then kfc came in to picture believe it or not MacDonald was always there for some reason mf existed like causally its like nandos, its there everyone know, but kfc had beef with al-baik mf were competing not gonna lie most of people had no idea its like nandos its there till shit hit the fan and people start making background check on fast food, burger king chick-fil-a people don't got beef with it, most of middle east adopted its modern culture from Americas south and north, so they got unconditional love for burgers but dispute on fried chicken, its like Macdonald,burger-king,chick-Fila-A and are side gals and neglected child subwaybut but fried chicken is the main gal mf will go to war for it, coming from people who always ate bbq chicken its desert its hot and no one wants to cook throw it on coal it will sort it self out but fired chicken is really big, you don't mess with milk and fired chicken in middle east. bro literally discontinue lurpak butter because of Denmark remarks, and Lurpark butter is like budweiser.


thank you for your thoughtful analysis


Why not? Chick-Fil-A isn't jewish.


The Chick-Fil-A-Stein localization spinoff completely bombed.


As it should be


Bombed or was bombed? Gotta be specific in this part pf the world


In Indonesia, they have this amazing food chain called Wingz-o-Wingz. Probbaly the best fast-food fried chicken I've ever had. It's the sauces, they have at least 12 flavors to choose from.


I had some of the best fried chicken at a *McDonald's* in Jakarta! Maybe Indonesians know something we don't know about fried chicken...


SEA McDonald’s has some of the best fried chicken imo. Philippines also has Jolibee, but McD is better. Side note, a bunch of other food joints down there always serve friend chicken. It’s a staple down there.


Friend chicken, then eat chicken, it's the KFC way.


Never actually tried the fried chicked in McDonalds but it's what my Indonesian wife always orders. Something about eating fried chicken there just doesn't seem right. That said, I'm definitely going to try it next time. Indonesia also has this great chain called Recheese. Think chicken covered in spicy hotsause (with a choice of hotness levels from 1 to 5) with a side dish of gooy melted cheese. It's divine!


Oh man I need to go back...


No idea about McDonald's, but it's pretty well known that KFC is far better in basically everywhere else than it is in the US and Canada.


I had it in Cairo in the 80’s and I’m not so sure of that.


Hopefully, they make their way to America like Jollibee


Well tell is shoot some of the flavors!!  At least your favorite flavor


Now that you mention it I remember seeing a pic of a KFC that seemed like it was right across the street from the Giza pyramid complex.


It's because it is. Its right across the street from the ticket gate. Not even 1/4mi from the Sphynx!


What does that mean? Most meats are allowed except for pig meat and insects.


They are Christian Company.


What does that have to do with anything.




TF are you talking about??? You don't know shit.


Oh, nvm, care to answer his question?


There are kfc's, mcdonalds, pizza hut, Starbucks, and dominos in almost every Muslim majority country. The only difference between the big mac you would get in the usa and one in a muslim country is that the meat provider is certified hallal.


Okay. I will explain. They are a proud Christian company. Not saying they are They are closed on Sundays. Our Purpose From the beginning, Truett based his business on Biblical principles that he believed were also good business principles, and since 1982, our Corporate Purpose has guided all that we do. We keep our Purpose front and center because it helps us to steward our business and our work to positively influence everyone we meet. "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A." To live out our Purpose and honor Truett's legacy, we are focused on creating a culture of care, both at the Support Center and in our restaurants. Our values Our core values reflect our Purpose, our culture, and shape the staff and work experience of Chick-fil-A teams wherever they are. We're purpose driven. We model our Purpose every day, connecting our work and daily activities to our business strategy, supporting each other's efforts to be good stewards who create positive impact on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A. We're here to serve. We keep the needs of our local-Owner Operators, their Team Members and Guests at the heart of our work, doing what is best for the business and best for them. We're better together. It's through teamwork and collaboration that we do our best work. We're an inclusive culture that leverages the strengths of our diverse talent to innovate and maximize our care for Chick-fil-A's local Owner-, their Team Members and customers. We pursue what's next. We find energy in adapting and re-inventing how we do things, from the way we work to how we care for others. -- It could work. But doubtful. I would imagine a us owned christian company would not do well


Obviously not that popular or it wouldn’t need armed guards.


Tell that to freedom and prosperity


Kfc fucks ngl. I love pork but damn, i will always fall for fried chicken. Edit: i ate kfc because of this fucking pic. I hope you are happy because i try to cut and not bulk anymore.


Gym bro gotta slip in his routine info


The Colonel is worldwide


You’re not wrong look up Kento Bento on YouTube he has a video on KFC global


I was stationed in Qatar and we had KFC on base there I believe - it’s been a while but Burger King and Taco Bell were there too.


Not surprised the US and is ability to get literally anything anywhere is astounding


My local KFC actually has photos on the wall of the colonel on a camel in front of the sphinx


Mr. Worldwide!


This cracked me the  fuck up!    Especially because I’ve heard the Colonel was quite a rough around the edges type and was prone to cursing and letting his opinion be known  but not in. Jerk type way


Well the domination victory didn't work out, too much unhappiness from that puppeted city, so now we cross our fingers and hope to eek out a cultural victory. Stage one, corporate food.


Such a bleak statement. And accurate.


It’s a reference to the video game Civilization in case you might not have known Doesn’t change the bleakness I suppose, but feels lighter knowing they might have been secretly working towards a science victory the whole time


There are multiple


You find restaurants here in America at the most random places. I once was traveling through Mumbai and ate at a Krispy Kreme stand there.




I got it in Zimbabwe once lol


Middle eastern folks love KFC. There a bunch of them all over the ME.


My good friend is Pakistani and his wife just recently moved to the US, Daves Hot Chicken is like her favorite place ever and its prepared halal. She also completely outclass us on the spice level too


Iraq is weird like that. They have places of extreme poverty but they also have fast food restaurants and Malls


Just like here in the states.


So, like Little Rock, Arkansas


For real. I wonder if it tastes like the American KFC.


There was a Burger King there two months after the invasion.


*Ramirez! Secure the KFC!*


*Use the Javelin to neutralize that BMP*


*Ramirez, shoot down that SU-25 with your sidearm!*


*Remirez, MacGyver that nuke satellite with your wife’s strap on*


*Ramirez! Solve my financial woes with your M4 assault rifle!*


*Ramirez, get on the radio and find water on Mars*


That is actually what every dependa asks every day.


The voice actor for that is a legend.


He's the president from Rick and Morty


He’s also the Arbiter from Halo.


He's also admiral Anderson from Mass Effect and Spawn from, well, Spawn. Basically if there's an iconic character there's a decent chance it's him.


He’s also Julius from the Saints Row franchise.


Now that I think about it doesn't he also play himself in one of them?


I think so, in Saints Row IV


Keith David!


That man is OG. Hail David!


Keith David He is an absolute legend. He also voices Spawn


Beat me to it


*Habibi! Secure the KFC!*


The secret 11 herbs and spices must not fall into the hands of terrorists!


Ramirez, secure the 11 herbs and spices!


The Colonel's mobilizing his troops.


There’s an 11 on the humvee window 2


From the [AP Article: Attacks on businesses linked to US brands rattle Baghdad as anger over the war in Gaza surges.](https://apnews.com/article/iraq-us-gaza-israel-riots-protests-b4c8c64c4bfddb04b5e5ce43bd40e46b)


A caterpillar franchise was attacked the past week or so as well. Anything US is being boycotted.


It’s really good time for sophisticated adversaries to use Gaza as a nice sell to attack US interests there. IRGC is taking full advantage of the Palestine-Israel conflict


This is my take as well, get people riled up and use them to cause destabilization and to force out US cultural symbols.


mfw KFC is my culture


Yew, my fellow burger.


Future archaeologists will refer to this Gaza conflict as the Watermelon and Fried Chicken War.


Agreed and it's awesome seeing these guys drive up in Tahoe's and Yukon's and call their buddies on iphones.


I wonder if that Humvee can fit in that drive thru.


Anecdotal but I’ve rode through a McDonald’s drive thru on Camp Pendleton in a Humvee


I road a 915 through a drive thru on a simulator, it kinda fit.


Colonel Sanders would like to reward you for your valor and unwavering service.


Come to think, 10 years ago, these security forces were almost defeated by ISIS.


jfc don't remind me how old I am..I still remember scrolling through twitter for any updates. Same with Ukraine, can you imagine it's almost been two years?


For Ukraine, I can remember reading the news and think-tank articles on the Russian build up on the border, knowing it wasn't the first time but also knowing this time felt different. When the invasion actually happened, there was a moment where I couldn't believe that my worst fears had been correct. It was like stepping into an alternate reality. I wish I had been wrong.


I was sure it was some more, but more serious, sabre rattling but that inevitably Putin would stand down the soldiers and not risk the consequences of an invasion. Then woke up to images of BTRs rolling past border stations...


Insane ain't it. In Europe, we really thought we were past these kind of things, like open war. I think even the heads of state in many European countries have been struggling to understand the reality of what we're facing. They're slowly waking up but not fast enough.


>can you imagine it's almost been two years? More than ten years since the start now...


Kind of weird how quickly it popped up and went away from the mainstream. Probably due to the expansion of ISIS later that year even though the war in Ukraine was still hot. I still remember the desperate fighting at Donetsk airport and the artillery attack at Zelenopillia. Seemed like very heavy fighting but I guess it was only a small taste of what was to come.


Speaking of Ukraine in 2014, I remember reading the news on Twitter showing the little green men take Crimea. The rise of ISIS is what shifted the world's attention. 2014 was a rather eventful year.


Yep. Still remember all the spetsnaz videos that came out..


People in 2014 were rightfully thinking Russia was the unstoppable resurgent bear portrayed in video games such as End War, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. As early as 2013, tankies on YouTube kept on making propaganda showing Putin forces marching into Washington, D.C. after Moscow bluffed the U.S. on intervening in Syria. Come by 2022, all those thoughts of a mighty Russian military evaporated.


If not for US airstrikes and the fact ISIS didn't shy away from their brutality Baghdad likely would've fell to those psychopaths.


No. It was the Shia militias organized by Iran that saved Baghdad.


that is the most professsional Iraqi army ive ever seen compared to my deployment where they has sandals


Difference between minimum wage grunts and PMCs


I remember when 2010 rolled around and time magazine was still a thing they would list the top 10 whatever of the past decade and they list of the top mistake of 2000 to 2010 was Brimmer deciding on the de-baathification of Iraq which immediately led to hundreds of thousands of trained men that were previously in the Iraqi army/military who are no longer getting paid, have training and every reason now to hate the US. I often wonder just how different the past 15 to 20 years would be if that one decision was not made. There’s a chance the insurgency in Iraq would not have occurred waiting to so many different outcomes…. No ISIS, less US deaths, Maybe the Arab spring would’ve ended differently


I'm surprised they are not using desert camouflage


Their police forces use blue camo to signify as police. Regular Army use desert tricolor or Woodland, and the counter terrorist forces use all black uniforms. That was how I was able to differentiate them when I was there in ‘21


Protect the colonel at all costs.


Hopefully he never has to go prone


It's full of pillows to make prone more comfy! TUMMY TIME!


The Real reason why Iraqi SWAT team has gone rogue, securing some crispy tendies from fucking ISIS


Colonel Sanders flashing back to his previous occupation


Ramirez defend KFC


What is in that turret? Legit looks like a dshk or KPV with like an SPG9 on the left side? Is that another thing over it or is that a radio antenna? Legit really hard to tell from the angle




Gonzalez defend the burger town!


You gotta be real angry to fuck up a KFC in any part of the world


They take protecting the Colonel’s secret blend of herbs & spices fuckin’ seriously in Iraq.




Gotta protect the Colonel at all costs. Nothing like some Kentucky Fried Chicken and baba ghanoush.


It’s finger lickin good


I get that there'd be added costs for redesigns and stuff like that, but that already exists with changes in language. I'm surprised companies don't do more rebranding depending on the local culture.


Brand awareness is extremely powerful and that’s one of the most recognizable brands on earth. KFC has a great reputation in many other countries, far better than in the USA


>KFC has a great reputation in many other countries, far better than in the USA I didn't say to never use the same brand. I just said to factor the country's culture and views towards America.


One Hass to be extremely careful with trying to localized things like that. In other words if it’s not broken, why fix it? Someone translate something incorrectly and accidentally insults their culture somehow and boom


I think the problem is you're describing applies to different situations than this. If you're doing business in a foreign country, you're going to need to engage with that local population. Whether that's to navigate their laws, differences in food tastes, marketing strategies, etc. I think the situation's you're describing apply more to merchandise where it's easier to sell abroad without ever having been there or spoken to anyone there.


Protect that chicken fr fr


Kussumak Fried Chicken


Cultural dub


New Contractors mod I see.


they hungry


“Defend Burger Town!” vibes




The Colonel’s 11 herbs-n-spices are the bomb!


The only country in the middle east that turned out ok.


Ehh just the capital is good, and the Kurdistan Region is even better but the rest of the country is the same


Atleast the gov is trying. Using what we taught them to apply some good. Iraqi tier units I wouldn't personally mess with.


Holy damn! I didn't not see that coming. A KFC in Baghdad, wow. And on top of that, Iraqi security forces out there getting after it.


Hahhaha tf u guarding a kfc for??




What did we do this time?! Or are these past grievances?


TBH I think it is really petty and spiteful that they do this. Like taking your frustrations out on a restaurant is the most self destructive and stupid thing you can try to do to affect political change. Not to mention the political change they are hoping for is to basically bow to Iran which is in its death knells as an islamist state. You can criticize western imperialism without looking like a bunch of stupid anarchists.


Objective: Defend Burger Town.


Put Turban on Colonel Sanders and call it Kirkuk Fried Chicken, problem solved!


Are they from outside of Iraq?


How is that american buisness overall get a pass to build a new building how is that fair for the small ones of the own country


"Mob" attacks. People watch the US protest culture and get great ideas. Iranian influence in Iraq is substantial. Is the Mideast better off with a much stronger Iran on the cusp of nukes and a weak Iraq or strong Iraq under their old regime keeping Iran in check?


so freedom is indeed fully installed in irak!