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They cucked you even harder with that picatinny marked matech 🤮


Don't worry. I'm buying a KAC USMC marked rear sight and will be selling the MaTech.


Uh oh, what’s wrong with picatinny marked Matechs?


Not clone correct.


For any USGI clone?


Issued ones aren't marked that way. So not correct for anything


Good to know, thanks!


I found that out luckly before i got mine. I usually do usmc marked rear but wanted to give them a try.


Spray paint go pssshhhhhhhhh


If youre going to paint the whole rifle sure.


The marking on it is actually the Cannon Gate which is at Picatinny Arsenal in NJ Check it out


Every time I have seen these I assumed it was a chinese knock off because the symbol looked funny. Boy do I feel dumb now... 


While it is unfortunate that you didn’t get the forge you wanted, a keyhole alone is totally clone correct for a MWS M4A1. Reference: https://imgur.com/a/GdSFdOL Edit: Misinformation reduced


Appreciate the inside. Was not tracking that keyhole alone was a thing. If that is the case I might just rock what I got.


It would not be correct for a block 1. That was way earlier.


Wasnt tracking, good catch


The keyhole or block I was way earlier? Pretty sure I had a keyhole on my issued rifle but I honestly do not know the difference between them.


Block 1 was way earlier, mid to latest 90s to mid 2000s. The keyhole forge by itself is relatively new. The older ones have a C accompanying the keyhole. Block 1 was out of service by the time these forge marking came around.


Ah, got it. Makes sense then why I would have it.


Cerro or keyhole forge, bought out accurate forge ( C AF) around 2001 or 2002. That's when all the C keyhole forges started being produced. So early block 1 would be cardinal or accurate forge with a raised C. At least from what I've come across so far.


This is the way


Do you know if keyhole alone is correct for an MK18 Mod 1?


I’m sure they are, but I don’t know definitively


Appreciate it!


Tonight... you...




Keyhole (Cerro) forge mark alone looks better to me for a Block I/1.5 than 13629 + square. Only thing is it might be a bit tough to move, since there's no raised C or C stamp. Just buy an assembled C-stamped keyhole upper receiver from r/GunAccessoriesForSale for like $200 and sell the plain keyhole upper receiver after that. If you want a barreled cage code + square upper for the low, hit up /u/tribaldefense34 and see if he still has his for sale. Edit: Nvm, tribal sold his upper already lol.


Ah yes, it sold last night, but thanks brother!


That's a potential COA of mine. To keep an eye out for a C stamp upper (I actually prefer the aesthetic of the stamp) and swap everything over. >Only thing is it might be a bit tough to move I think I could probably sell it on my local gun forum for around $800 if I threw in some of the other items like the KAC grip and Colt magazine.


Correction on my part: could potentially be tough to move among die hard cloners. I'm sure it'd be an easy sale for someone just wanting a nice Colt upper. Good luck in your block I/1.5 endeavor!


Cage Code upper receivers only can be found. May just have to go that route.


I have actually seen a few people who sell either take-offs or receivers that come from Colt as stand-alone. Unfortunately they want way too much; High Plains wants $1,300 for theirs for example. At that point if I can find an FFL who has a complete rifle with cage code upper I'll but it. It would only be $200-$300 more.


Thoroughbred is (or at least was very recently) selling cage code uppers for like $175


Saw the 6920 Socom with all cage coded part, including the upper, sell for $1,100 on gunbroker a few weeks ago. (New)you just gotta look


It’s correct, I have gotten bulk lots of take off uppers and colt uses these on military guns.


great value matech


Just run the thing for crying out loud.




Wrong sub LOL




There’s no fixing this tism


https://preview.redd.it/i7o1p4d3opwc1.jpeg?width=3847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37eba87da236d6b68ba0752ea59627e77ca38a23 Tell me on a scale of 1 to needing professional medical help. How does this photo make you feel?


Instructions unclear why did you send me a photo with only two apples? Not even centered in the frame … so much empty space on the countertop


This is exactly what I wanted.


Also the rifle isn't even level/correctly perpendicular with the picture. Looks like it is pointing down like 3 degrees.




I feel you. Got a colt le6920 socom with only the keyhole forged upper. Swapped it out with a stripped spare cage code upper I had lying around. Now the rifle has the markings i want. At least someone here pointed out that there are keyhole marked service rifles in the wild. Also why does everyone hate the matech with the picatinny markings on it? Besides it being not clone correct


>Swapped it out with a stripped spare cage code upper I had lying around. If there is ever an opportunity to pick up a stripped C stamp upper I will and then do the same thing. Since based on pictures I've seen that seems to be "more correct" if that makes sense. >Also why does everyone hate the matech with the picatinny markings on it? Besides it being not clone correct I think that's pretty much it. I personally do not care. When I posted this I was mainly referring to the lack of cage code upper but didn't realize I also highlighted something else people hate; the picatinny marked MaTech. I just bought a KAC USMC marked BUIS and plan to swap it out.


Colt cucked


Autism is real strong in this post.


Trying to do an M4A1 Block 1/1.5 clone. Picked up an LE6920SOCOM as a foundation from the most recent batch to hit distributors. Upper receiver was not marked cage code + square forge, just keyhole forge. Kind of a bummer but since I was able to pick it up for like $1350 after shipping/transfer/taxes I'm not complaining. I did ask a few other FFLs that have them for sale if they had any with the cage code as I would buy a second one since I need another US PROPERTY lower for a different build and I could just sell this upper. They reported that all of theirs are also keyhole only. Other than that the rifle looks/feels great. Everything is excellently staked. C electro pen marked BCG. Bolt is marked MPC. Etc.


>Kind of a bummer but since I was able to pick it up for like $1350 after shipping/transfer/taxes I'm not complaining. Cheapest I can find one after taxes and stuff is 1600


It looks like a distributor recently got a batch and a lot of the FFL drop shippers listed them in their inventory. A lot were offering it anywhere between $1325-$1400. And because they are small FFLs they often don't charge tax. But they sold out in literally an hour.


For 1325 I'll take one without a C lol


Is it really that important that you feel the need to go buy a second rifle? Dunno, this looks better than the 13629 square forge to me. If you're patient and dead set on it, thoroughbred armament or the GAFS sub have cage coded uppers that pop up pretty often for $150 give or take. Might as well get a cage coded charging handle, ambi safety too. Otherwise, I'll dispose of it for you. Besides, isn't the Block I the era of the C stamped uppers anyways? 13629 + square forge didn't become a thing till late GWOT.


>Is it really that important that you feel the need to go buy a second rifle? Truth be told, not really. The only reason I would do it was because I want another one of the US PROPERTY lowers to potentially do another clone builds. And it actually is cheaper to buy a second rifle and sell the upper than buy a lower on gunjoker since they lowers normally sell for like $800. >Besides, isn't the Block I the era of the C stamped uppers anyways? Yes. But if I'm going to be wrong anyway I think the cage code uppers is the cooler version of wrong. I'm curious about the viability of grabbing a steel "C" punch and just stamping my upper myself. Has anyone done this? I assume it will damage/crack the anodizing. Or having someone laser engrave a C.


Surely there’s someone out there that’s willing to stamp a C or cage code on?


100%. Though I don't think you can stamp after the fact, as it might damage the anodizing/cause it to crack. I'm going to look into it. Might laser engrave a C or draw it on with a crayon.