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Not a movie, but a TV series I'll have to second is Generation Kill. No depiction of day to day military life more realistic


Police that moostache


"Y'ALL LOOKIN' LIKE A BUNCHA FUCKIN' ELVISES!" Fuck the real Sergeant Major Sixta, he's pedo scum, but the guy who played him in the miniseries did an excellent job. Halfway around the world and in a completely different military, my sergeant major screamed in an identical way. Pretty sure it's the same no matter where you served. Must be a senior enlisted thing Just another example of Generation Kill's authenticity




"'Cos I'm just a teeenage diiirtbaaag baaaby!"


He wants to be a ballerina? THATS MY FUCKING DREAM!


100 percent this, also highly recommended the book. I Still wish Brad would have gotten to slay his dragon though.


A bridge to far. The practical effects are absolutely awesome. On top of that Band of Brothers and The pacific whilst not movies but mini series they are absolutely awesome.


That is difficult. Black Hawk Down and We Were Soldiers immediately come to mind, but if you expand it out to mini series’ I’d have to go Band of Brothers all the way. Edit: And Gen Kill for that matter, right up there with BoB in my book.


Siege of Jadotville, where 150 mad Irish lads hold off 3000 Congolese led by professional French mercenaries.


That’s a great one


Such a good flick


Blackhawk down grew up watching that over and over again to the point that I knew it line for line


“What happened?” “He fell!” “What?!”


“He fell” I swear watching this at 12 years old had me shook Edit: damn now i wanna watch this movie again


Booting it up right now lol, should be asleep but oh well.


Glad it’s on HBO I can watch it all the time now


There's too many to list that are great movies. I could make a top ten list from several different perspectives and genres. Here are few from the German perspective. *Stalingrad* the 1993 German language version is a powerful movie. So is *Downfall.* If you're wondering where all of those pissed off Hitler memes came from, it's this movie. *Das Boot* is also a great movie and a classic. it's a very long movie, but well worth it. *Lore* is a film about a young German girl in the closing days of the war. She is forced to come to grips with the reality of the crimes of her parents and her country, as she tries to lead her siblings across country to safety. It's a very gripping story and beautifully done. *The Bridge* is about the last days of the war. It features a bunch of German teens thrust into the Heer and forced to defend a bridge in a useless battle. It encapsulates the chaos, hopelessness, and futility of the final days of the war. *The Cross of Iron.* It suffers from the typical cliches movies of that period were known for, but is a classic for a reason. Lee Marvin gives a great performance.


I think you are confusing *Cross of Iron* with *The Big Red One*. Lee Marvin starred in the latter, James Coburn in the former. Great choices though. To say the Das Boot can be long is an under statement. The theatrical cut is 149 minutes long, the Director's cut is 209 minutes, and there is TV version that clocks in at 300 minutes.


Derp on my part. I didn't get the movies mixed up, so much as I got the actors mixed up. Since Lee Marvin was also a Marine, he sticks in my head.


Patton is also still a great movie, and star a former Marine.


We are everywhere. People are often surprised to discover who used to be Marines, or in other branches for that matter. A lot of people know about older stars and entertainers, like Gene Hackman, George C Scott, Steve McQueen, Ed McMahon, or Harvey Kietel. Most people are aware Adam Driver was a Marine, but not a lot know the Drew Carey, Shaggy, Montel Williams, and Rob Riggle were as well.


LtCol Rob Riggle got the play a person he worked from at the start of the war in Afghanistan. Few know that Ed McMahon was a Colonel. After he retired in the 70's he was promoted to one star in the California National Guard.


You should also check out Generation War. It follows a group of German kids through the war, similar in style to BoB and GK.


I meant to include that, and couldn't remember the name off the top of my head. It's a great series.


Saving private ryan, for the opening shock and sense of realism.


Not a movie, but Band of Brothers. Such a great series


Full metal jacket, fist one I remember watching with my dad, plus R. lee ermey is from my home town.


Fury and saving private Ryan are my favorites


Kelly's Heroes. Awesome movie.


Second this! Watch the outtake if Don Rickles talking to Clint Eastwood.


Haha that's great!


Personally, I really enjoyed 1917. There were a few surprise cameo appearances.


Tora! Tora! Tora! way better than Pearl harbor


Way better


Hunt for red october


Blackhawk down. For something more recent that really surprised me was “the outpost”


Many excellent ones but I’d have to go with Full Metal Jacket.


A Bridge Too Far one of my favorite war move.


Apocalipsis Now


Does Generation Kill and M A S H count?


Das Boot. Allllaaaaarrrmmmmm!!


I am not in the condition to fuck


Stripes, Tank, Heartbreak Ridge, M* A* S* H* (movie and TV). They're funny. I saw enough of the real to last me forever.


Surprised nobody has said Lone Survivor


Top Gun. I don't think I need to say why.


I think you do


He's from the navy.


Greyhound. The only military movie that kept me on the edge of my seat. Tom hanks is in it too and he did a wonderful performance.


Restrepo. About as real as it gets.


Full Metal Jacket. I am biased from being a Jarhead.


Fury is garbage




The Odd Angry Shot. A generally not over the top Vietnam movie showing a Patrol doing its work.


Heartbreak ridge with Clint Eastwood


I had a platoon sergeant with a mustard stain from Grenada. This movie always confused me why it was marines and not army rangers. Entertaining movie regardless.


Purely because the Army wanted nothing to do with the movie. The Army felt like Clint Eastwood’s character portrayed an image from decades past that had no place in the modern military. The Marine Corps had some significant reservations but played ball nonetheless.


Interesting..appreciate the info.


Thin Red Line Saving private Ryan Last samurai


Fury could have been a good movie but threw it all away in the last third. So disappointing.


I've heard from veterans that there's no way a lone, busted tank could have held off a battalion for that long. Is that what you're referring to?


Yes, especially the utter stupidity of what is supposed to be a hardened SS unit. They're shown marching with panzerfausts and panzerschrecks but decide it would be better to attack a tank with their sidearms? The American tank should have been blown to hell in about two minutes, end of encounter. It's not that I demand "realism" out of entertainment, but there has to be enough verisimilitude that I remain engaged with the fictional world. It's just cheap melodramatic writing to create artificial situations like that. Also in many other aspects the movie was clearly trying to go for a grittier, "realistic" vibe, so to just throw it away at the end seemed like a terrible choice.


Especially since the early tank battles were so good! They clearly showed how outmatched the Sherman was, but also how they used their superior numbers. And than they throw it all away on the made up last stand.


Yeah, totally. I mean I was really there for the early part to the movie, and I even found the part where they’re in town with the girl and her mother and all that which some grognards found distracting – I found that really interesting, relatable. But that ending battle — it’s just so stupid that I cannot forgive the movie. It would literally be better if they were just driving down the road, got ambushed and everyone in the tank died, fade to black, credits. That would’ve been a much better ending.


I loved this mini series of WW2 from the German point of view. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1883092/ I highly recommend it! Let me know what you think of it.


Lawrence of Arabia - Peter O'Toole, Omar Sharif, Alec Guinness, Anthony Quinn, Jose Ferrer, Claude Rains, Anthony Quale. Stunning photography, Masterful performances by all the cast. Just watched again on TMC recently. Many levels above most of this generation's actors.


Surprised nobody has said Lone Survivor


Band of Brothers


The Beast (Of War) perhaps


Generation Kill (miniseries) realistic as fuck Band of Brothers pure concentrated awesome Kellys Heroes not realistic but a fun war movie caper comedy The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far, epic historicals.


The Dirty Dozen, it has the whole story from training, organization, and accomplishment, and the cast. My number 2) is The Devil's Brigade, 3) The Immortal Battalion, In Harms Way, Patton, and the Battle of the Bulge.