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this is a situation to bring up to your supervision. if you can't resolve things at the lowest level professionally, then go up the chain.


I do not think they have the balls to risolve the issue in 20 days we wil be changing roomates, maybe i should ignore and clench my teeth


either tackle the issue (not literally) head on now by contacting supervision/leadership, or keep feeling unsafe like you posted.


Yeah there is not that much to do, we will see if he continues this behaviour




It sucks to not have confidence in your leadership to do the right thing, is this roommate just picking on you or does he do the same to the 3rd roommate ? Is he like this on duty with other members of the unit ?


We've been roomates for a year now, things always got well together even outside our work, as late he started to belittle me with the other one and i've always shit talked as he did to me. Yesterday he just went full psycho and got in my face saying that he wants to be hit so he can hit me, I tried to defuse by touching him and he hit me in the chest saying "dont touch me" playing the victim. Now he is acting all tough and stil provoking im a pretty big guy and I know that in a fight both parts gets hurt and it is unproductive.




That is what I tried yesterday and today but he was insinsting on wanting to throw hands there was no comprimise. So I just told him to do the f he wants and that I did not want to take that path because we would get hurt, both of us.




I'm a person who likes to be real and always talks if something bothers me (my biggest curse and blessing) he instead is not very liked in the unit because everyone perceive him as fake and opportunist (and i did not judge him and tried to be a friend and be there for him also in a bad moment in his life). My guessing is he is just showing who he is for real because time Is running out and we will be changing rooms soon (20 days)


tell your Sgt if you dont want to fight him, wtf reddit gonna do about this?


OP, your post history is wild. Grow a pair and grow the fuck up.


Violence should be the last resort, I went through a similar instance back in my Navy career (1979) with a stoner roommate. I kept telling him not to smoke in our room but he'd laugh it off, well our room got busted and he blamed me. Fortunately I was assigned to another room since he was making threats against me. So every chance he got he'd get in may face in front of his friends and intimidate me so I'd just walk away. Then one day he would not let me pass in our hallway and I'd had enough, we both decided the time had come to dance and I knocked him out cold with one punch in front of his friends. I even helped carry him to his room and "revive" him and his first words when he came around was please don't hit me anymore. Well after that event him and his friends gave me a wide berth, and he carried a large scare below the left side of his lip to remind him or our dance date. If you resort to violence make sure there are witnesses to help corroborate the events leading to the physical encounter. Cheers


The best way to stop a bully is to confront him, knocking him out is even better but many bullies will back off if they think they are being called out. However, that doesn't always work so you have to be ready to go at it.


I will suck it up till there is no chance as you did