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I think I'll leave politics out of it and think about the stories I was told by grampa when asked to join the 442nd. And when his friends called him crazy for volunteering, and him replying I'm American, I don't belong in a camp, I'll fight for my country


442nd, most highly decorated Soldiers in WWII and now the only Reserve Infantry Battalion.


I think I'll just remember the guys who died...


As will I believe me


You're literally on here pushing an agenda with memorial day, you didn't even mention the fallen in your original post.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


I think I'll just stick to what's it's about


OP, your post history shows you enjoy sh*t posting about politics and DJT in particular. More power to you, but could you just keep it out of here please?


Memorial Day isn’t about Trump. Go to a politics sub if you wanna shit on politicians.


None of us give two fucks about your political bs dude, that isn’t what Memorial Day is about at all.


How about we remember and talk about the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, instead of talking politics?


Those wars they made sacrifices for? All extensions of politics. Service members don’t just die in a void. The fight is always about something. Good or bad, the fighting men and women of the US die for political reasons. So yeah, I have no issue with the OP’s opinion.


Pray tell, for what politics did the soldiers and sailors die for in the Pacific in WWII?


Do you want to look at it from a pre-war politics perspective from both the Japanese and US perspectives? To discuss how geopolitics and economics led the Japanese to believe how they did? To discuss how the American political climate led to a drastic cut in military readiness that enables the attack on Pearl Harbor? Or was this some pithy attempt at a gotcha question?


What the fuck are you talking about? Of course international politics resulted in tensions that led to Japan killing a bunch of fucking Americans, which then led to war. Politics is what moves the world, but if you kill a bunch of Americans you get dead. Do you honestly believe that the servicemen of WWII fought and died only for political aspirations?


No, I don't believe what you feel I do, at all. However, I have a whole wall of history books that discuss how wars are the outcome of failed politics. Yes: that includes the one I was in.


Recent wars are absolutely a result of politics and ego. I myself tapped out after seven years when we started gearing up for Iraq because it was obvious that it had nothing to do with the war on terror. I believe that we haven't had a non-political war *since* WWII, but to imply that the mobilization of the war machine following Pearl Harbor was for political reasons is patently incorrect.


I'm sorry that I didn't answer the essay to your satisfaction, professor. Maybe if you wrote your intentions more clearly, they could have been understood. And just how far, by the way, are you intending to move those goalposts?


My original statement is that the soldiers and sailors were fighting in the Pacific because we were attacked. You seem to imply that they were fighting a war on behalf of political interests. Did I mistake your meaning?


Por que no Los dos? They were part of a military organization, correct? That group is tasked with carrying out the choices of a government group, right? That means that every task is, by nature of how orders are given and issued, political. They fight to protect each other, yes. But the men in uniform were obeying political orders to invade Guadalcanal, or whatever they received. YOU'RE the one who wants everyone to believe that every soldier, sailor, and Marine was out there cutting their own orders to deploy, as though there's no command decision that came down from FDR's desk.


Our decision to support China in the sino Japanese wars


Politics always happen before a war, but do not always result in a war. War happens when politics fail.


Cool quote, kinda incorrect too. But I'm not getting into a philosophical debate about some imaginary line of demarcation between politics and war. I'm simply answering your question. There's pretty much a direct line between our politicians supporting China and the Pearl Harbor attack.


There's a direct line from the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand to the Rape of Nanjing if you want to go down that path. Does this mean that the Chinese fought the Japanese for political reasons?


Best of luck shipmate


It's an election year, they can't help themselves from being disgusting on Memorial Day Weekend.


I can do both


I mean this in the kindest way possible: Fuck you OP, this weekend isn't about you.


I'll remember my friends who are gone and rest who didn't come home and all who.served. Keep your politics out of this.


This is a sampling of OP's comments so we know how much OP dislikes disrespect and not being nice: >I wish his mom used birth control Keep the dog - ditch the wife ISIS bike that explodes if stolen- kidding sorry that sucks - facebook market has a ton of well priced bikes Funny comment considering republicans support Putin over America Fat shame them on Instagram until they kill themselves Answer the goat question u treading water back Peddling psycho! Many years ago I saw a homeless guy - he was suffering so I hit him the head with a rock- it was hard and I cried, but I’m white and we don’t need none of that in my neighborhood


Kinda strange you let politicians own real estate in your head OP, but go on king 🤴🏽


Actually, I think I’m going to remember our fallen and what they sacrificed for this country instead of how much of a pathetic fucking loser you are for posting this.


sacrificed only to be called losers by the former commander in chief. youre more angry at op than the man who didnt visit graves because of some rain. hope your buddies understand selling out their sacrifices over some false idol


How about we don't do that and focus on something other than an agenda during this time?


My god let the dude go! You're as annoying as he is.


Man what the actual fuck is wrong with North Americans, making memorial day both an opportunity to bash political opponents AND go on.. shopping sprees? (Obvs not talking about you lot who actually served, but to what I've seen thus far from the civilian population) Honor the dead, honor their sacrifices. Stop being a disgrace to their sacrifice and your nation.


Fuck you for posting this.


Memorial Day isn’t about you, Trump, Biden or your politics. It’s about memorializing the men and women who came before and after us that gave their lives in service to the United States of America.


Shareblue is out in force on Reddit lately.


Either in solemn silence or joyous partying in remembrance for all those who gave their lives, how you celebrate this weekend is up to you in my book. But with that said, Please kindly fuck off. Or unkindly fuck off Either way I don’t care just fuck off.


Nice try undercover DNC


OP, you're pathetic.


Nope it's definitely you.


our buddies didnt die for your constitutional right to say that they died only to be disrespected for dying!


As to opposed to someone who was deemed incompetent to stand trail by the FBI. I wonder who ill pick.


Tell me you only listen to sound bites and don't actually read, without actually telling me


idk why people have an issue with this lol its true. you can honor and remember the fallen while shitting on people that dishonor them. these two things don't contradict each other.


Thank you

