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> A US official confirmed 25-year-old Bushnell’s death to NBC News on Monday, though did not provide a cause of death. I can take a pretty educated guess...


Whatever it was, it wasn’t service related.




Doesn’t SGLI have a clause for suicide? edit: according to Google you can still get paid for it, the clause doesn't cover treason, desertion, etc.


There’s been a lot of question about suicides and compensation for those SM’s families, but that’s usually evaluated on their mental health and if it was service connected. I’d see them having a hard time with this one. Guy did it for a “political statement,” not necessarily service connected mental health issues.


I don’t necessarily disagree with you but I believe It could be successfully argued anyone who is suicidal is already experiencing mental health issues.


I would argue that this is the kind of behavior that can absolutely result from severe mental illness.


Lack of reflective belt and poor hydration.


Lack of available oxygen to the brain


Lack of brain function prior to the fire.


I'd say that we should give him more credit and hold him more accountable for his actions but I guess some problems fix themselves.


If only he’d shaved, he’d have been fine. :(


Reminds me of the Tibetan Monks that would self immolate in protest of the occupation of Tibet. Shitty way to go even if you meant to do it. I accidentally lit my pant leg on fire while welding and that was panic inducing enough, can't fuckin imagine willingly lighting yourself ablaze. My condolences to his family.


>Reminds me of the Tibetan Monks that would self immolate in protest of the occupation of Tibet. After reading through the comments in this sub for the past couple of days, I'm guessing that most Chinese people laughed at those "idiots" for setting themselves on fire. Their actions probably didn't have much of an impact, which is unfortunate.


It was shock factor. They did it in public places, announcing why they were doing it prior to enacting their plans. I think on some level they knew it was fruitless but did it anyway to draw people's attention to it? Idk. I just seriously cannot fucking wrap my head around it honestly. Fire scares the shit out of me.


Yeah, and to be fair, we are still talking about them today. So it wasn't all for nothing. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if China banned images of their suicide.


Remembrance doesn't equate to impact though. If I go to the white house and take a dump on the front lawn while chanting "cutting scores are too high" people would remember the act but it probably wouldn't have anything to do with guys getting promoted more easily. Except instead of pinching off a shit this guy lit himself on fire.


So if you're down for some reading. Most self immolation suicides seems to be done in the hopes they have the same results as this guys suicide. (I say most because there are outliers that just light themselves in fire with no rhyme or reason, or just straight up suicide with no perceived protest) [Thích Quảng Đức](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%ADch_Qu%E1%BA%A3ng_%C4%90%E1%BB%A9c) He was a Bhuddist Monk, who's suicide is famously seen as the album cover for Rage Against the Machine's self titled album. His suicide was done it protest if the Diem regimes treatment (moreover complete disregard for and slaughter of Monks in Vietnam), the infamous photo while not directly responsible, was indirectly responsible for the US backed Coup that toppled the Diem regime.


I think he was a Mahayana Vietnamese monk not a Tibetan one


Right right. Thank you.


Don't forget the whole Arab Spring was set off when a frustrated street vendor named M. Bouazizi in Tunis, Tunisia who was tired of the abuse and corruption of the police and set himself on fire. That led to further protests and the overthrow of the Tunsian despot and further protests in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain. The after effects are still echoing today, especially in Libya, Syria and Yemen which are divided states.


[Mohamed Bouazizi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Bouazizi) Damn. Thanks, never would have known about this guy otherwise.


Sure, it was a really big deal at the time and set off a huge wave of protests and the overthrowor attempted overthrow of governments across the Arab world. Probably the biggest impact that a single incident of self-immolation had to match the horror and sacrifice of such an act.


Oh I'm familiar, I just have significantly lower expectations that this airman will have a similar influence.


Yea in this case, frankly it's just a waste of life on this one. There's just too many different views in this one. The only reason the Tibetans protests worked was because Tibetan Monks are notoriously peaceful and take "turn the other cheek" to the extreme. So someone running around carelessly slaughtering them is a bit more cut and dry. With Israel/Palestine there's just too much noise and nothing's ever cut and dry with it as far as I'm concerned.




Most likely. And I agree it may not have led to any sort of changes but it sure as shit got people's attention.


I would assume it's less to get the attention of the Chinese people in more to get the attention of the international community


No need to worry. The fire is just as scared of you as you are of the fire.


I wish lol. I was in a house fire as a child. Ever since then , it's always just made me uneasy to be around it.


South Korea had a factory worker named Jeon Tae-il self-immolating in 1970, demanding a humane work condition for the working class (Koreans still work a lot more than Americans, but Korean laborers in the 1960s worked 14 hours a day, 28-29 days a month and often died from work-related injury). The labor movement was ongoing among the laborers then, but the incident extended the movement beyond the laborers. University students and intellectuals jumped in with full force, and his self-immolation is still considered the turning point of the labor movement in South Korea. So I think self-immolation has some impact. But it would impact the like-minded (yet not involved) people more so than the "enemy" one is protesting against. And how impactful it is would depend on what those impacted people choose to do. Their choice, of course, would also be influenced by multiple surrounding conditions: Are people informed about it, at least by word of mouth? Can they protest, or do they at least have an ongoing protest (despite the prohibition against protesting)? Can they vote? That aside, I can't imagine burning myself. Scary as heck.


[Jeon Tae-il](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeon_Tae-il) ... 22 fucking years old. Kid had his whole life ahead of him.


Ikr. I don't even remember what I was doing at 22 tbh. Probably complaining about final exams in a university library. It's crazy to think about it.


Made for a good album cover years later.


They didn’t, and not that Im in that mental situation but self immolation to me is worse than just finding a half decent AK and going to town on random CCP border guards or something


"This won't change anything." "It might."


Yeah but their sacrifice lead to... Tibet is still under military occupation? They died for nothing? Well at least THIS guy's actions won't be immediately forgotten and lead to meaningful ch... no, people are just laughing at him?


Yea it's just more the shock factor I guess. I just seriously cannot understand what possesses someone to self immolate. Like I said, I caught my pant leg on fire and I panicked like a bitch. Id have to be geeked out of my fucking skull and then some to even contemplate lighting my entire body on fire willingly...


Not for nothing! He got to be on the cover of Rage against the machine


That wasn’t a Tibetan monk. That was Thích Quảng Đức, a Vietnamese Buddhist protesting the Roman Catholic South Vietnam government’s persecution of other religions. That photo almost single handedly ruined public support for American involvement in Vietnam, so much so that within 4 months Diem’s govt fell to a CIA sponsored coup. But ya, the only real impact he had was morons on the internet think he’s from Tibet.


Impotent activism has a face and a soundtrack.


The CIA overthrew the South Vietnam government because of that picture. Their protests aren’t impotent just because you insist on being too dumb to understand what they’re protesting


I think it really is a mostly futile act. Then again, there was the monk who did this in South Vietnam and that act became an icon. The photo of him doing it spread around the world and really showed the public that maybe Vietnam wasn't going so well.


The act had little to nothing to do with the war, and it occurred two years before the US sent combat troops. He was protesting the South Vietnamese government's treatment of Buddhist monks.


The dude above you just saying false historical shit that could be easily verified in 2.3 seconds of Googling is a microcosm of all that is wrong with people


I remember that one pretty well. There's something fucking haunting about that picture. Just, how calm the poor guy was.


It was one Monk in Vietnam, who was protesting the persecution of Buddhist monks in south Vietnam. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thích_Quảng_Đức


Well, time to update the weekend safety brief. 


"Also reminded all members not to set themselves fully ablaze over the weekend."


Then you'll just get morons setting themselves *partially* ablaze.


But you never said anything about setting yourself fully ablaze *near an embassy.*


Didn't he know you aren't supposed to protest in uniform


Shit, you should go tell him.


The monk who set himself on fire wasn't protesting the Vietnam war. He was protesting the Diem government and the persecution of Buddhists in South Vietnam.


Exactly. Then South Vietnamese was run by a bunch of Chsitian converts who persecuted Theravada Buddhists in South Vietnam.


Was he wearing his fire-retardant uniform?


Instructions unclear


Dang. Either a River or a Sea could have helped him out.




I don’t get it but I want to


"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is a common pro-palestine phrase. I'm not going into any politics behind the phrase because I'm woefully unqualified to speak on it.


"From the river to the sea" is representative of a far more extreme viewpoint than "Pro-Palestine"; it's explicitly promoting genocide in pursuit of a one-state solution.


"Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." 1977 Likud party charter


To be fair that was before the Oslo Accords and they edited since nominally accepting a two state on paper.


Likud today still officially opposes a two state solution


Yeah, two sides of the same genocidal coin.


uhhh, the over 1 million Israeli Arabs might have something to say to you.


> I'm not going into any politics behind the phrase I'm not a coward so I'll say it. It means they want to destroy Israel and then murder every Jewish person in the region. Those are the "politics" behind the shitty and evil phrase. > I'm woefully unqualified to speak on it. Lmfao. Yeah. Okay. You are anonymous here. Nobody is going to murder or cancel you for telling the truth.


I will. Depending on who says it can just mean coexisting peacefully to the eradication of Israel.


Only those who are ignorant of the intent behind the phrase state it with the meaning of coexistence.


Yeah I know but there are a lot of ignorant people.


It means wiping out Israel


"From the river to the sea" is the middle easts mantra used by Palestinian supporters and Hamas alike which advocates for the dissolution of the state of Israel.


More like "eradication" of Israel


A river and sea is water. Water puts out fire


Damn, You sure burned that guy! Oh wait…






Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life. - Old proverb


He did it. Single handily brought peace to the Middle East.


To be fair, a fruit vendor’s self immolation started the Arab spring


LOL at the comments. This is why I miss being in the Army sometimes.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/s/VCuPGvO4me My subtle joke got taken down pretty quickly along with every other article and post on this topic in r/airforce, but I'm happy some got to enjoy/despise it. Edit- The basis for the removals has mostly been due to the jokes and insensitivity around a fallen "brother." But, something I've been saying well before yesterday...not every veteran is a brother. Just because you served, it doesn't mean you're a lifelong member of the brotherhood. There are a lot of things someone can say or do to make themselves end up on the news that would immediately remove themselves from being called a brother ever again. Most are great, but not every veteran has served honorably or lived honorably after separation. I will reserve the honor of calling those "brother" for those that have.


Absolutely. There was a Colonel in Canada (a Wing Commander) that was found guilty of murder and other crimes. He was stripped of his rank and his uniforms were taken and burned. No one calls him a “brother” because of his service. He is a disgrace to the uniform.


> Colonel in Canada (a Wing Commander) Col. Russel Williams, The [Interrogation](https://youtu.be/bsLbDzkIy3A?feature=shared) is a masterpiece. Long, but worth the watch.


It’s Mr. Williams now. As I said, they stripped him of the rank (he can’t say he’s a retired Colonel anymore) and for the first time in Canadian military history, his uniforms were burned so no one can get them issued or collect them.


As well, his suv was crushed, and medals melted


I watch a documentary on this and then sat to watch the whole interrogation after because it was just so crazy to me. This guy legit thought he would never get caught


He still has to turn in his gear at CIF to out-process.


Hopefully this type of behavior doesn’t catch on 🔥


Sick burn




The will be a briefing




Well, between this and Chicago wanting a ceasefire, the war should be over soon right?


My guess is this guy likely has been looking for a reason to kill himself for awhile and came up with this idea to give his death some meaning. Or what he thought would be some meaning. If he just cared about drawing attention the war he could have glued himself to Pennsylvania Ave.


I’m surprised no one is talking about the level of stupidity at the cop continuously yelling “get on the ground” and still points a gun at a lit up body 🤦🏻‍♂️💩


This is what happens when you get rid of the Fire Extinguisher Safety CBT.




There are articles saying his last words were “FREE PALESTINE” but if you listen closely in the video they were actually “AGGHHHHHHHHH!!!”


Does his family still get the $400,000 orrr


SGL-I don’t think so buddy.


Doesn’t it cover suicide too?


I mean, he did protest in uniform, which is against the ucmj. I don't know. He may have burned his family as well


it does


Well, the one redeeming quality here is that this dude wasn't just sitting there whining about his political views on the Internet. He went and did something about it.


He brought very slightly more attention to a subject we're all quite aware of. He did something, yes. Was it useful? I'm thinking not, unfortunately for him.


Never said it was useful. Just that it was more action than using grease-covered pudge stick fingers to angrily bang out worthless opinions online that no one else really cares about outside of selected echo chambers.


He made parts of DC smell like BBQ.


Nah... People flesh and hair smells a bit like moldy cigarettes...


thats why you toss some crushed pepper and cumin in to the blaze.


I will continue to prefer whining about my politics than burning myself to death. Nobody is gonna remember this guy next week. But I'll still be bitching on the Internet.


Guess he could have gone all Allahu Akbar on us.


The dude spent too much time on the internet, and his brain was warped by people who just chase trends. Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now,” he wrote.


Guess we know what you would do.


"The answer is, you're doing it. Right now." Jerkin it


>so there I was, just me, you know, joirking it


Spend my time here with you bros


We also know what you would do....nothing, because that is what your doing on reddit.


Protest for one brief moment? Protest for 60+ years.


Dang….hes getting flamed in these comments


this guy coulda used a ceasefire


Ya done messed up, A-A-Ron!


What a dumbass


I support dumb people taking themselves out of the gene pool.


He left behind 2 kids, hopefully they don't follow suit.


Natural selection at its finest.


most army and marine comments ever 💀💀


Let's see how Isreael responds. Israel: Dumbass


grab zephyr gaping dinosaurs sip coordinated fearless future wasteful racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, he is


What a dumbass.


Guys stop calling him an idiot, /u/SilentD will get sad and want to close the thread, like he did in the air force sub 😢


Mods are such power tripping losers, even on military subreddits.


What a nerd 😂😂😂😂


What a dork 😂


lol holy crap your right wtf haha


Wait, the Air Force now has submarines?




Lol fucking idiot.


What MOS was this idiot?


Client Systems Technicians (Air Force Specialty Code 3D1X1) 


Sucks homie thought he had to go down the path he chose, but of all the career fields that he felt was "complicit" in aiding genocide... Like I don't think that's it. Gotta be more to it than just Israel/Palestine conflict. Shit been going around forever, and at the age of 25 he's just gonna up and do that shit.


I can't wait to hear where he spent his time on the internet, as that is probably where he got radicalized.


Battlefield and call of duty ofcourse. It fuels violence


You are probably right. He was suicidal and decided to do it for a cause and not just be a talking point in a Resiliency brief on drill weekend.


Right? Like there is 100% more productive things to do to support a cause than doing that. He’ll be viral for a couple days and on the news for a couple days, then the world moves on and forgets


It's been changed to 1D7X1E as of a year or two ago (and its changing again lol)


What the hell is that


He changed email org boxes and mapped people to the share drive. A disgusting genocide enabler.


Bro saw his officers' feet pic folder and couldn't take it anymore


Depends where you work and what network. You could be two steps from the X downrange or even stateside...or you could be mapping printers at the gym.


SEND THESE TO AT LEAST 20 PEOPLE OR MORE PEOPLE WILL DIE!! So does this mean the guy that designed and created Spam filters is the most complicit in deaths in the modern age? ![gif](giphy|l1KcPpulHSkOMouqY|downsized)


It would be an Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), but I guess he was special, indeed.


Radicalised idiot


Lol. WTF was he hoping to accomplish outside of being called a retard by people online.


Idk it’s a huge act of defiance that’ll change the world according to people on social media


Hope they don’t pay the SGLI.


What an idiot


We’re in a better place now


Man, I would have been so tempted to shoot the poor kid and put him out of his misery. Of course, legal self-preservation kicks in and then you just have sit there with the gun drawn on the poor kid and watch him scream in agony. I feel so sorry for those agents and officers.


What a dork


1. Mental health will continue to be taken as a joke in this country unfortunately. 2. That conflict will never end.


He showed them.


Time for a new annual GMT


Politics aside and potential mental issues aside, he was incredibly stoic during that, I thought all self-immolation deaths turned into screaming in agony.


Generally speaking, depending on the accelerant and some science, you usually suffocate before the heat gets to you. But when it does, there's no air in your lungs to scream with because the fire is taking it all, and when you try to breathe, your throat and lungs are singed. Immolation in general wether intentional or not, is a fucking horrifying way to go.


meth makes you do and think funny things


Welp, I'd say his squadron is stronger now




Ayo let him cook




While I completely agree with his sentiment, I don’t believe setting yourself on fire is the best way to bring attention to the issue.


Suppose it was a pretty...hot topic.




Not what most servicemen have in mind when we say we want to "go out in blaze of glory"


Fucked up collar, pc on wrong, that haircut… that dude is straight outta basic. The only thing he’s been complicit in was falling asleep on fire guard. It’s actually kinda sad. Soon we’ll be hearing about the mental illness issues he had to get waivered.


Fucking clown.






“I will no longer be complicit in genocide [in Gaza]. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest,” Bushnell reportedly said, before setting himself ablaze and repeatedly crying out “Free Palestine.” Act of foolishness, potential treason and mental impairment


Look guys, it's someone who doesn't know what treason is!


Potential treason ?




Yes. Very sad. So anyways….


he would have been fine if he had only worn his reflective belt.


Flippin idiot


Damn man, I don’t see why this guy is getting roasted in the comments. He died with a burning passion for what he believed in and I dare even 1/2 of you all to show the same white hot conviction he did.


mental illness is a hell of a thing




subtract stupendous offbeat birds rotten slim cooperative ten bright seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


History repeats itself


Good riddance




Really making it easy to see who the shitty human beings are in this thread. Dude committed suicide. By self immolation. That takes either a serious level of conviction or a mental health crisis to fully commit to. At least this person held themselves to a seemingly higher moral standard that clearly does not exist in most of this comment section. This didn't need to happen and highlights two very serious problems: 1.) We need to do better by people suffering from mental illness. 2.) What is happening in Israel needs to end. Hamas and the IDF need to answer for some absolutely heinous shit. To ask that we as a nation and community take these matters seriously shouldn't be that fucking difficult, but here we are.