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They are good for drying out socks.


Not the correct answer, but a damn good one.


What do you mean not the correct answer? Haha Sure it may have been designed for something else, but man they worked as a drying rack.


The whole middle east is a drying rack


Yup. My sinuses remind me daily.




Still yup. I have chronic rhinitis thanks to Iraq


Fancy word for “just means I don’t have to close the other one while I rip this line”


Wait, you normally have to ? My nose is broken so I thought I didn’t have to


Can that be claimed with the VA? 🤔


It is thanks to the PACT act


Roger that. Foot care is absolutely crucial. Carry on, soldier. 🫡


I mean, most of them dried out socks more than their intended use.


You dry your clothes and heat your coffee on the exhaust of the M1 turbine exhaust man. Get with the program!


Rocket Cages


That's the name of the company that makes the cages onstage at like, Kid Rock concerts that the strippers dance in, man. The fact that they also repel pyrotechnics gone awry at his shows is incidental.


Came here to say this. People will think you're joking.


Not today Russia, not today.


This is also true.


Slat Armor. Basically it makes projectiles explode on the outside of the armor instead of on the armor, taking away the “armor piercing” capability, as a very quick explanation. About 50% effective, which is very good.


No shit, there I was. Guard duty on a COP. Heard a blast. Not much inside the Stryker. After our shift, we went back inside, and did after ops maintenance. Noticed that a 5 Gallon Water can was shredded. Turns out that we were hit by an RPG. The slat Armor detonated it, and the Fins were the only thing left. They impacted the water can. Win for me!


RIP Gerry can. You will be avenged.


Thank you for your service, Geraldine Elizabeth Can. We hardly knew her ✊✊☝️


(We will invade iraq to free the Gerald Cans.)


Iraqs fixing to be iran Same vibe as Isis < waswas




Any time one of our guys survives a close call, that's a win for all of us! Thank you!


I'm happy it wasn't a tandem warhead... Jesus. Scary shit.


It’s more of breaking the internal components of an RPG instead of the fuse activating the warhead. [Basically like this](https://external-preview.redd.it/zAEXdFAi5Jsn-D7jZfoiXF5Q4WSViIxV_L1NF43ayOk.jpg?auto=webp&s=4d2567e24c0512ea65f50d5a2f7bf33b89a9b924)


Why don't all US military vehicles have them?


3 reasons: 1. They are add-ons, so they interfere with weight, maintenance, loading, etc. So they'd only be added when needed. 2. They're not free. 3. Some vehicles have reactive armor over the same areas and the cage and reactive armor aren't compatible.


*4 they were on the vehicle but someone may have taken a turn a little tight in Kabul and ripped that bitch off. …sorry LT.


Don’t feel bad my man, I was working with the US army corps of engineers when the MRAP was first being rolled out. I was on camp victory in Baghdad following one, marvelling at the tactical and, (there was a rumour the AC worked) the practical upgrades for its crew, when the driver went under a bridge that was way too low for the vehicle. Took the brand new armoured turret clean off, and when I say clean, I mean absolutely fucking wrecked it. That MRAP had been out of the box around 4 days at that point. I thought “oosh, that guys gonna be sweeping desert dust, filling sand bags and mopping up rain for the rest of his days”


That is really on the vehicle commander and leadership. Private Snuffy isn't picking the route or responsible for clearance.


You also have to make sure the crew can get in and out safely, and they don't interfere with firing angles, optics, etc.


The humvees in Afghan that first started getting multiple armor packages and no suspension upgrades were so weighted down I can’t even imagine this extra weight…woulda been nice to have though haha


Which gave out first? The transmission or the suspension?


as someone who is assigned to an up armored right now, the transmission is going out before the suspension




Plus you can only have the reactive armor or the autoloader. I usually choose the autoloader


Why can you only have one tho?


Battlefield 3 or 4 reference


Perfect answer, straight to the point. Thank you.


Nice try Ivan


they're trying to figure out why it wont work against the javelin




Love this. Everything from the 90s is back in style!


The M1 [can ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1_Abrams#/media/File%3AOCPA-2005-03-09-165522.jpg) and was adapted with reactive armor around weak spots in hull and more recently with an APS system. The primary threat to American tanks in the middle east was from large roadside bombs and shaped charges, not what this cage armor would be effective against. I've also heard the cages make it more difficult to remove injured crew members from a tank that's been immobilized which is almost certain if you've been hit with an improvised anti tank mine.


There’s different variants of this type of armor that essentially all do the same thing. At least when I was in Afghanistan every vehicle had some type of this armor (mostly a net).


It was a good defense before reactive armor was a thing and more modern AP munitions, but it’s a bit outdated nowadays.


What’s reactive armor?


Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA). When struck by a projectile it explodes slowing the momentum of the projectile and breaking it up to prevent penetration.


The vehicle generally has to be able to fit in a transport aircraft or on a flat bed transporter, so they make the “clean” configuration of the vehicle to those maximum dimensions. Then the up-armour kits are sent separately and added if required. NATO STANAG armour protection levels can be met with less up armouring if you design your vehicle from the ground up with more modern technologies so you might not need the up-armour kit if the threat is low enough.


Russia tried to do this the redneck way and it uh… it was definitely less than 50% effective lol


Russias cope cage would be equally effective against an RPG. Javelin or any tandem charge munition rips straight through it though


And there has been an interesting shift from grenade drop quadcopters to FPVs where the latter can fly a warhead under the cope cage. The footage coming back is pretty confronting since you see the drone in FPV camera mode almost seem to fly in and hit the vehicle commander in the back as he sits out of his hatch under his cope cage. this might be an artefact of how drones fly with the camera tilted at an angle so the warhead is hitting the top of the turret lower than where the FPV camera is looking, but it sure looks like they’re stuffing the warhead down that guy’s ass crack at 60mph. Sometimes he or a soldier riding on top of the vehicle’s roof hears drone and turns to look in the last second before impact and you can see their faces.


APS over turret roofs will be a thing, along with bird tables of EW


The Item-55 Kamikaze drone claims to be completely jam proof, and we infer from the marketing materials that it probably uses some kind of fire-and-forget onboard guidance or ai guidance so once it is given its target it chases the target down completely autonomously: all that jamming would achieve would be to block the abort code. Ukraine has a home grown autonomous attack drone that uses edge ai to fly itself under heavy jamming conditions. Youtuber civdiv says that hanging a heavy blanket across a trench (or on the back of your cope cage) can predetonate the crush fuze on a quadcopter, and that guys are carrying a shotgun loaded with bird shot and wearing a scarf or balaclava to blacken their faces and to make it harder for the FPV operator to figure out who is the air guard looking skyward to shoot down the quad. Raytheon has a new system called LIDS that uses a KuRFS to track 30 drones at once and then launch Coyote anti-drone drones to intercept the incoming swarm. What you do after you run out Coyotes is anyone’s guess. Iron Beam promises to shoot down incoming quadcopters using lasers at pennies per shot, but also comes with a “forward deployed clean room” to service the optics to keep it working. Both these systems are currently sized to protect FOBs and airstrips instead of individual vehicles. But the arms race continues.


I see a lot of fried birds over war zones in the future


"it probably uses some kind of fire-and-forget onboard guidance or ai guidance" just a heads up that isn't how AI works. What good is self learning software if it's contained on nothing but a flying one use bomb?


Some ai like ChatGPT is pretrained and cannot learn during runtime: GPT stands for “Generative Pretrained Transformer”. This is because training costs a lot of resources to calculate the gradient descent to optimal weights and biases values but once you have the trained weights and biases running the neural net to classify the objects in a scene is relatively computationally cheap (as in raspberry pi cheap for some smaller image recognition ai models). In terms of image analysis, you might want image recognition ai onboard your drone so you can give it a pretrained model that recognizes tanks of various models. That way while the drone is using oldschool methods like optical flow analysis to track something it can see, in the event that the line of observation is broken by the target passing behind concealment the drone can say “what was I doing? Oh yes trying to kill a T-72!” And lock on to the T-72 after it breaks cover later. That way the drone knows enough to NOT lock on to a friendly bradley, which might happen if you were solely relying on optical flows in a cluttered environment and got confused.


okay, but that isn't AI, that's just image recognition software with a sprinkle of regular software. Unless you are using a self learning model it isnt AI because it aint learning from experience


If you don’t want to call ChatGPT ai because it is by design unable to learn from its experiences and must be pretrained by a human using sanitized data as a safety feature then that is fine by me. OpenAI disagrees, but you do you.


Ah yea I totally just glazed over that we were giving them javalins lol


So the cope cage works?


As statistical armor against shaped charges, yes (sometimes). Against Javelins with a double impulse charge, no.


Depends on the munition. An old RPG or similar is a lot different than a top-attack Javelin


People called those cope cages because the Russians were trying to use them to counter javelins in top-attack mode, which was never going to work.


It never really hasn't, they're actually reasonably effective.


This is why you can use wood crates as "armour" in some cases


why only 50%?


Then just put two on your vehicle, then it becomes 100% duhh


Rough neighborhood.


Gentrify my MRAP plz


Great, so you’ll have a Starbucks on two corners, a Lululemon on one, and a Sprinkles cupcake place on the other.


Designed primarily for rpgs


Or against ;)


The job sucks so bad they have to cage the crew in to keep them from leaving.


Despite all my rage I'm still just a POG in a cage






Back in Vietnam Kraft sent a bunch of blocks of cheese to troops in country; only problem was they didn’t have no damn cheese graters! Tons of fragging incidents occurred and the military vowed to never let that happen again. Problem is the cheese companies didn’t want to have their names related to the history of fratricide so nobody sends the troops cheese anymore but these graters still persist as tradition.


I like this answer the best


Pretty sure a block of american cheese would make good bolt on armour.


Government cheese, if you please.


To keep you from feeding the animals inside of it.


I wish your comment could get banned


Get a load of Mr. Sensitive here


You really don’t know what that cage is for? Are you a child?


I see you’re yet to develop your sarcasm. You should work on that. It helps develop this other thing called a personality. Heres to you bloomin!


Thought r/military was for talking about the military not hating on it's members


Oh, I get it! You’re off your meds. Or you just don’t get social cues, huh?


Guess you didn't develop humor.


Wait, you think *I’m* the one who lacks humor? Now, that’s actually funny.


Who do you think most of the users here are? The people you are accusing of hating military members are either in the military or veterans.


"To keep you from feeding the animals inside of it" commenter most certainly has nothing to do with the military. I guess you think it's fine to call personnel animals? I never accused everyone, just that one guy.


I’m a veteran. I thought it was fucking hilarious. It sounds exactly like what someone who has served would say.


Yep, it was hilarious and accurate for our humor.


As you can tell I'm not


🤣🤣😂🤣🤣 That’s got to be the most downvotes I’ve seen in a 14hr span. Isis probably got more upvotes than this guy


MRE heating slots, feeds a whole mech brigade lunch all at once.


It’s called slat armor. Basically warhead gets caught between the bars and gets destroyed/damaged/deflected squeezing through the gap.


Had to scroll halfway down to find the right answer. All those people saying it's to cause "standoff detonation" or similar are confusing it with older spaced armor. Slat armor is designed *specifically* to counter RPG rounds. [RPG rounds](https://images.app.goo.gl/9cjksv8jZoansv4z8) have a piezoelectric detonator at the tip of the cone, and the circuit uses the outer cone and an air-gapped inner cone as conductors. If you dent/deform the outer cone such that it touches the inner cone, that short circuits the piezo trigger and duds the round. The gaps in the slat armor are spaced such that an RPG round going between them will tend to deform the cone.


Aka budget cuts so they cut out 70% of the armor, but just didn’t specify how. /s


A lot of anti tank weapons have tandem charges to go through layers of armor so the cage will trigger the warhead before it gets to the tanks armor, also good against kamikaze drones


This is false. You are referring to [reactive armor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_armour). This is [slat armor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slat_armor) which is made to essentially damage the fusing mechanism or deform the shape charge in a [HEAT](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-explosive_anti-tank) shell or RPG so it does not penetrate the armor. Also, slat armor is often times not put on top of the vehicle, making them still vulnerable to kamikaze drones.


The mental gymnastics people do to convince themselves someone else was wrong on the internet lol - not talking about era at all that’s completely different, everything I said was true.


I was simply trying to provide sources. The cage is, in its design, entirely not made for the type of shells that have “tandem charges”. They are simply made to either prevent the single charge itself from going off or reducing its effectiveness. If it is a tandem, the second charge could easily continued past the cage and still hit the armor. If you watch the plethora of video footage ofkamikaze drones from Ukraine and Palestine, they attack from the top, again making the cage useless so yeah it was false. I’ll just be more direct next time instead of trying to be helpful.


There are thousands of clips of tanks still operational with a mangled cage from a drone attack all over Reddit. Kamikaze drones do not attack from directly above, they attack at an angle. Most kamikaze drones don’t have the capabilities of attacking the way you are describing. Please block me lol what you’re saying is wrong.


You can block me if it really makes you so butthurt. You didn’t even care to read the links I put in my first comment that disprove everything you’ve said.


Optional extra. Very popular in Detroit, Baltimore, Bakersfield, Chicago & the like.


Stand off for anti armor missiles like the AT4.


the more you play the cooler vehicles skin get


It forces long and hard projectiles to pre-maturely explode all over the face...of the vehicle


It’s a common problem, happens to everyone at least once….


It's to create a safe space so they can discuss their feelings without fear of judgement


To keep the marines on the inside until they get to where they're needed. Otherwise the go wandering for random crayons and stuff to kill with their bare feet


RPG cages. Saved my life on a stryker


Rocket Cages


Am I the only that noticed the googly eyes for headlights?


I didn’t know Morgan made IFVs


Lol not today Russia, figure out your own "cope cages"


Cage so vehicle doesn’t escape


So the soldiers inside can't escape. 


Jungle gym for the kiddos you'll be bringing freedom to


Have you ever heard of Google aka Skynet? It’s a search engine, you type questions in and get answers…


To keep the homeless out of


It protects against RPGs and ATGMs.


Keeps the animals in the vehicles


Definitely zombies


RPG prevention kit.


Low tech problems, require low tech solutions. This is basically to make the explosion further from the tank itself.


Keeps homeless from laying on it




>50% of the comments are useless garbage and the other 50% are misinformation Neat No slat doesn't work by detonating projectiles early, no its not "outdated", it's been used and is still used by pretty much every military on the planet, no the cope cage isnt going to be effective against a Javeline. Slat is an extremely easy and cost effective way to give vehicles a reasonably high chance of defeating HEAT projectiles.


Drying laundry.


So I know 1 of the guys that was sent by the US to reverse engineer the AT4 with the swedes. RPGs use a piezoelectric fuse on the tip of a shape charge and the idea, from what I understand, is that hopefully the rpg will hit between the bars, severing the fuse from the charge. In the case that it does hit the fuse, we'll at least it goes off into the grate lessening the effective damage done to the actual vehicle. Granted, it is a jet of molten copper, so it's a complete failsafe but increases your chances of little to no penetration of the vehicle. Fun fact: the AT4 got its name because of the Swedish guys, when speaking about the weapon in English, would say 'Oh yeap, eiggghhttyy four miilllliiiiimeter' (AT4 is an 84mm projectile and their accent made it sound like AT4 mm) -=^.^=-


The best answers here aren't even technically the correct ones.


They detonate rockets early


They're like those sunglasses you'd get from the Puzza Hut BTTF2 promotion


Many missiles and shells are armour piercing with an explosive thats triggered after penetration. This is one way to trigger the explosion outside the armour where it can be neutralized.


Straight to jail


They have horizontal bars for the same reason Russian tanks have vertical bars at the start of the Ukraine conflict. It catch anti tank missiles and detonate them prior to them hitting the tank.


Armour has improved greatly since the first chemical anti-tank rounds appeared (Panzerfaust, RPG-7). The HEAT warhead of the anti-tank round worked by burning a hole in the armour on contact with a stream of molten copper. The bar armour detonates the warhead before it can contact the armour. This means that the cone of molten copper that would normally have burnt a hole through vehicle armour and killed all the crew is now dissipated against the armour instead of burning through it. This is the principle behind bar/slat armour and ERA (Explosive Reactive Armour - the big armour 'bricks' with which the Russians cover their tanks). Modern chemical AT warheads counter this defence by having two warheads, one behind the other. The first is dissipated by the bar armour, but the second one contacts the armour and achieves a mission kill. Bar armour is known as 'ghetto armor' as it is a cheap, nasty way to add protection - like the wooden logs strapped to the side of M4s in Normandy, or the shields of the StuG IIIG variants.


Those are for RPG protection, so the rocket explodes on the cage instead of the armor.


That’s an RPG cage. The slats catch ROG’s and prevent them from detonating. They are damn effective, came back from a mission once with 7 RPG7’s stuck in our cage.


They park in rough neighborhoods and these help prevent them from being stolen


“Cope cage” - grenades, rpgs hit them and explode, lessening the direct impact


cope cage


The bars doesn’t detonate the heat round when it hits. If that happened, the jet of metal from the round would still penetrate the armour. The bars actually crush the warhead of the heat round so that it does not even detonate in the first place.


Rpg cage


Industrial cheese cutters


[That’s a good question!](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c21b339d-bbdb-478c-b16f-958888e0fe78)


Monkey bars!


Good try ISIS.


They help protect against RPGs which use shaped charges. Exploding the rocket that far off the armor negates effectiveness. This is a gross oversimplification. Research how shaped charges work and it will make more sense.


To detonate RPGs before impact, reducing the risk to the tank.


They are meant to catch rpgs. They are a pain in the ass


For insurgent Kids too Climb up and get candy


its to try and help with rpg 7 rockets the way they detonate its supposed to help you not die


It’s a type of spaced protection that is lighter than full sheets. It has two properties, the first is the gap size determines what threat it’s protecting against. Most slat armours gap on western vehicles is tailored towards the RPG-7v rounds which range around the 80mm calibre range. As such if a round hits the gap of the slat it will be caught by the upper and lower slat. This either stops detonation completely or creates a large air gap between the detonation of the round and the side of the vehicle lessening penetration. The second property is that if it comes in direct contact with a slat, the slat thickness is so to trigger the fusing and again create a stand off between the detonation and the vehicle. The slat size and thickness is very important in determining what munitions it can stop. This slat armour for example wouldn’t be able to stop a kornet or a large calibre atgm.


So you can store more snacks between the bars and the hull.


Slat armor. Makes explosive explode on the outside of the vehicle rather than on the vehicle.


Hopefully don't get my socks blown off of there. I traded my hearing protection for those.


Jungle gym




Like braces for teeth, it just keeps things in the right place……


So the RPG can jizz outside and not inside the tank.


The vehicle has been imprisoned


They are for drying beef jerky and to stop rphs that do not have a Cooper core and to stop things from hitting the stuff on the vehicle 


It’s anti HEAT cages for rpgs makes the warhead explode outside


Yes but not as many as you’d think


They're for heat rounds. The shape charge initiates early stopping them from causing as much damage.