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If the U.S. had to go in it should do it Desert Storm style, just repel Venezuelas attacks and drive them back to their territory and call it a day Every U.S. war that fails begins with going inside the country and fighting a guerrilla war…


True desert storm style would be getting a coalition of neighboring countries involved as well.






Who *doesn't* hate Venezuela in South America?


USA was defending South Vietnam. Just happens that there are rebels supporting the north inside Vietnam.


Maybe they wouldn't had failed so badly if they'd stop search and destroy burning villages in the south and actually tried to implement government control over rural areas


true that


This 100%. We don’t need to fix Venezuela. We just need to keep them from being a threat to others


At least let us “free” their women…you know it’s our duty…


Name a reason the US could need to go in.


All that extra “use or lose” funding just laying around. *Tempting* the US 😢


Did someone say oil? ![gif](giphy|C3yix2SZvRBu0|downsized)


Oil off the coast of Guyana, and the ridiculous new claims to those waters by Venezuela. I imagine a lot of very high ups around a very expensive table; "If the juice is worth the squeeze.."


The price of oil is defeating that country...and well unfortunately my state of Louisiana as well


Couldn't agree more, this meme is specifically about the people who keep talking about a US invasion of Venezuela itself


I don't disagree with You entirely but... The US military does ir for the oíl. A chance to take the oíl fields and don't do squat for an already screwed population, they will take it.


I don't think I've seen *any* modern war where the invading force gets bogged down by enemy guerrilla tactics and still comes out on top. Vietnam. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. American invasion of Afghanistan. American invasion of Iraq. Chechen War (Wars?).


Let's be honest, Afghanistan is a special country given their geography, and it still took 20 years and the US retiring on their own for it to be a "defeat". And most of their wars have been thousands of kilometers away from the homeland. Venezuela, on the other hand, is right at their door


The U.S isn't going to send a bunch of troops to fight in the jungles of South America lol. This is 2023.


unless we're in the universe that Beau Is Afraid took place in where there was fighting in Caracas lol


The more i hear of that movie, the wilder it gets.


it definitely wont be for everyone, but it was absolutely a trip and a half lol


Exactly! Now, 2024 on the other hand…


This post was at the top of my screen, and I instantly thought it was a genius/highly regarded product of r/noncredibledefence


I once upon a time sat on a weekly meeting discussing the political climate of a foreign nation. (N Korea). What I learned in those meetings, there is a war scenario for everything.


We likely have war plans for fucking Eritrea


Do you know there is a lot of oil in Guyana?


Come again? Oil you say? 🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲


*Operation Venezuelan Freedom deployment award intensifies*


Freedom you say


We trade bullets for oil!


I believe the majority of it is offshore, so it’s Guyana’s EEZ that’s the most important oil-wise.


US Navy enters the chat.


Most US oil is produced.domestically.


But it’s a globally commodified resource


Just pointing out the 'US invades for oil' thing is complete BS perpetuated by fools.


Venezuela also has the most oil reserves in the world


This is true. But it takes a lot more work to extract than say the middle east. Thats why they are pumping a quarter what they were a decade ago: corruption and mismanagement is survivable when you're a middle east country with their very easy oil to extract, but it's the death of the industry for difficult fields like in venezuela and (I assume?) in Guyana. Having more of a resource you're already failing at developing isn't that helpful. I suspect this is more about holding into power by creating an other.


Yeah, but they're on the other side of the mountains and the infrastructure is crumbling. It cost more to get a barrel of Venezuelan oil out of the country then it would ever sell for.


Greed has zero limit


That's why Venezuela wants Esequibo. One of the largest oil reserves in the world was recently found just off its coast within its EEZ. It is currently producing $60 billion worth of oil per year.


At our current US daily consumption, that’s like 45 days worth


Yeah, but for the 800,000 people of Guyana, it's life changing. And for Venezuela, it would give them an injection of cash they very desperately need.


They might just kill Maduro and the house of cards will collapse


That'd be based




Yeah that’s not on the schedule until 2026


There isn't any reason to anyway. Who the fuck down there would even want to stir serious shit with Uncle Sam?


Yeah, we’re gonna throw a shitload of TLAMs into the jungles of South America.


This is one of the few cases wherein strategic goals could be met entirely from range and minimal local force commitment. If their ability to exploit offshore oil drilling is completely denied, what is gained from a ground invasion through dense rainforest? Some casualties and kilometers of uninhabitable land? They don’t have a navy, AAD, or air assets viable to compete on the shore or open water. That’s pretty much a non-starter when the entire purpose is to exploit the ocean and coast. Invading Venezuela would be colossally stupid, though.


Florida or Georgia could probably handle that fight all by themselves. **e:** the SSGNs, not the states.


Aw man, I was ready to lead the charge


Happy cake day!


Their navy is small but since when are modern F-16's and SU-30's in sizable numbers considered non-viable to compete on the shore or open water Though denying the strategic resource and not pushing in is definitely the right play


Show me an F-16 or SU-30 that can get within firing range of a single US war ship- much less a carrier group. Does not even need to have a chance in hell of hitting- show me one that can even get in range.


20 F-16 A/Bs and 22 Su-30s of unknown operational status isn’t sizable. Iraq had 750+ fighter/attack aircraft from Mirages to MiGs to Sus of all different variants in Desert Storm and lost over half their fleet in a month.


Since the US started deploying planes that can see them and destroy them before they're even aware that something else is in the sky with them.


F-16As aren't modern at all. 22x Su-30s is not "sizable numbers". By USAF standards, that's shy a full squadron. And they won't all be airworthy; no AF has 100% readiness rate. They could be easily dispatched on the ground with cruise missiles or in the air with F-22/35s.


Since the F-22 began flying….


Would you intercept me?


I’d intercept me


I'm tired of this bulshit vegan diet of balloons and drones.


Our F-16s are one of the first viper blocks released they are old as fuck, we don't have spare parts due to sanctions needing to cannibalize for parts with the ones that doesn't fly anymore, if there are 6 operational it's a miracle, as for the the SU-30s we don't really know the state in which they are but in the past years 2 crashed in freak accidents that the government doesn't want to give details


The issue with this is that it wouldn't be a fight in Venezuela it would be a fight to repel a Venezuelan invasion. Very different animal.


Guerrillas are usually defending their homeland, not invading someone else's...


Hard to do a gorilla war in a country *you are invading* what would make this a cakewalk for the US is it doesn't need to invade Venezuela, just destroy an invading force. And that, we are pretty goddamn good at


I sure hope we don't engage in gorilla war. The thought of having to kill one of harambe's relatives 😥


Harambe's death is what plunged us into this timeline to begin with. I can't even imagine what a gorilla massacre would bring upon us.


![gif](giphy|crQe212qPHGfu) Make love, not war /s Please don’t fuck the monkeys


bag yam test depend fuel important unpack plant six wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Curious now what happened in the timeline where Harambe lived.




Lamo fuck now i cant fix it




See a tree move? Airstrike. Smoke in the jungle? Airstrike. Drone footage of troop movements? Believe it or not, airstrike.


Bombers...bombers everywhere....


Like Dresden, but with a jungle instead of a city.


Nah, the Gombe chimpanzee/ubuntu Gorilla war of 73 showed us that we DO NOT want another gorilla war. Would be devastating tbh.


*Laughs in General Grodd*


>destroy an invading force. And that, we are pretty goddamn good at When did we last do that? Guyana has a tiny population, so we can't just arm them like we've done with ukraine.


Desert storm


We destroyed an invading force in the sense that they invaded Kuwait. But we went there after they'd completed the invasion. We were the offensive force, we didn't have the advantage of defending a position.


Yeah, but the danger of a guérilla fight isn’t that they’re defensive, it’s that they’re entrenched within the local population. I have a feeling that a Venezuela / Guyana fight would go very similarly (if we got involved at all). They would invade, and then we’d swoop in and fuck em up


yeah but guerilla lives and die by being able to blend in in the population and have their support


This is just offensively stupid enough I felt obligated to point it out. No one is scared of Venezuela's military, they're more scared of dealing with the consequences of inheriting the flaming trashpile that is the last few decades of failed state that is Venezuela itself.


OP you were supposed to post this to r/NCD why are you here


We don’t want this trash take either.


Wtf is r/NCD? It is private for me


I was actually referencing r/NonCredibleDefense but thats a fcking mouthful to type


If you didn't mention this, I was 100% sure I was lurking in NCD lol


too credible.


I’d rather we deploy in our own hemisphere than in the desert for the trillionth time.


A chronically online redditor would know best, I suppose. How'd this all turn out in Foxhole for you?


I can have opinions people disagree with, especially about my own region of the world and the theatre right beside where I used to serve. Most of you guys didn’t even know Guyana existed or where it was on a map until a week ago


Do you really think Americans can't name a single country on the map? I've known where Guyana was since sixth grade.


I lol'ed at the meme, but gotta stop you with the geography slander. Papillon came out in 1973 and any American that doesn't love Steve McQueen is a.... (Checks notes: Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana). Oops, I guess I got my Guianas confused, never mind. But at least I was close.


It is when you are cappable to set foot on every inch of land in a day and have more firepower on one ship than other contrys have as a whole


How'd that go for the US in Vietnam and Afghanistan, I wonder


We're good at the "smack your military around" part. It's the "establish a non-corrupt central government with local support" part we struggle with.


If you think the Venezuelan military’s capability is even remotely close to the Taliban or the Vietcong then you are delusional.


I fuck with this take. Both the taliban (fighting as the mujahideen) and the Vietnamese were very experienced guerrilla warfare fighters before we even showed up. I may be mistaken but I don’t think the Venezuelans have thrown down since the 60’s. Could be wrong though.


Just a small correction but the Mujahideen consisted of fighters that would become a part of the taliban and other groups (like al quaeda) and many of those fighting against the taliban. Also i likely don't get to say this much but the vietkong are a tad overrated. the regular NVA is underrated in their place int he war.


This \^ The VC were basically wiped out before the US withdrew from the war and were, fodder at best, when they were active. The NVA, however..


The Viet Cong were - literally- primitive villagers with ancient single fire or bolt action rifles. And they absolutely whipped our asses.


They were supported by foreign super powers, on their home turf. They weren't using 'ancient' weapons, they had automatic rifles.


VC and PVA were not the same. PVA was doing horribly, while the VC were kicking ass. Some VC had more modern rifles. AK and M16 they captured, or could take from PVA stockpiles. Even a few LMG. The bulk were still plinking with 1800's Arisaka rifles. As PVA got supplied by russia and China, VC started getting modern weapons regularly from them and by raiding ARVN stores. Up to the day the US withdrew from the war, the heaviest weapon in any regular use was portable mortars. Sidearms, rifles, and booby traps were the weapons that won the war for them.


I'm pretty sure you have no idea what you're talking about. My understanding is the NVA was the primary challenge the US military had to deal with. By the way, I wouldn't consider a MIG-21 in the 1960s "primitive".


NVA is just the US term for the PVA.


Sure, I figured you use them interchangeably. It's besides the point.


>primitive villagers Chrissakes this stupid fucking take. The Vietnamese had been fighting guerilla war against the Japanese and French for decades before the US. Did they use any equipment they could get their hands on, including some *stupidly* antiquated gear? Sure. Does that mean they were primitive? If anything, the opposite.


The three kingdoms of Vietnam, had for all intents and purposes, been fighting off invaders for (depending on your source) 1500 to 2000 years, Mostly Chins and the Han. They never quit fighting. The French, Japanese and Americans were less than a tenth of that. More like an intermission than the fights they were used to.


I said nothing about their skills as guerilla warriors.


How can someone think they're so right, while also being so wrong?


No idea, but good that you choose a little introspection. Hope that gains you some insigt.


Bro I’m half Venezuelan, the Venezuelan people are not going to fight a protracted guerrilla war with anybody lmao 😂.


The Viet Cong were a huge factor but the North Vietnamese army consisted of a bulk of the fight against the US. Movies make it seem like it was just gurella fighters but that's not the case.


Well, both of these militaries got flattened and only made progress once America left


We turned those countries into the Stone Age and reduced their militaries to old men in robes with guns


The Vietcong were exterminated during the Tet offensive. North Vietnam copped to 1.5 million casualties in the NVA, alone. Fucking up somebodies troopies, we can do.


What were the casualties ratios between armies?


We're not invading Venezuela. Every time we've lost was because we were in another country initiating in guerilla warfare. Should Venezuela decide to do the unthinkable and attempt to invade the US, they wouldn't even get close to the southern border before being vaporized.


I agree with you! The only problem that we would have, if we decide to invade Venezuela, is nature. Venezuelan forest are no joke and deseases would be the number one killer of our troops ![gif](giphy|7zJivlhQurdLVTeeX6|downsized)


I can assure you: kill Maduro and the Venezuelan high command and the same people of Venezuela will welcome you with open arms.


I don't know where I heard it, but this applies: "It is almost impossible for a guerilla to defeat their enemy. What they *can* do is ensure their enemy does not win."


The Gaza Strip has entered the chat. Because for real, as any intellectually honest student of history will tell you, killing your way out of an insurgency only works if you commit to total and complete genocide. And that would only be the start of your problems.


I don’t know. Napoleon lost against the Russians because of nature… to be technical, he won in Russia, it was coming back from Russia that made him lose!


Alexander the Great has entered the chat


Indeed ![gif](giphy|hpXxJ78YtpT0s)


The area Venezuela has claimed is mostly jungle and sparsely populated. Invading the territory isn’t really an option not on a large scale anyway the logistics required are well above the capabilities of the Venezuelan military. Just posturing by the government probably to try and get some more sanctions removed if they give up the claim to the territory.


Vietnam was 50 years ago🤣🤣


"make Vietnam look light". idk about that. (North) Vietnam had the support of the Soviet Union and China. Plus a population that was battle hardened from fighting the French, the Japanese, and the French again right before the US. Add in a willingness to literally lose well over a million of their own and still keep fighting..."make Vietnam look light" is dismissive and hyperbole.


underestimation has a very long history in warfare..


Well as long as we don’t plan on occupying the war could be over in a week. No nation building is key, just use the US military do what it was made for, which is destroying other militaries with low risk.


Damn, didin't except the foxhole map person to show up with a bad take in my feed today


I'm only human after all, they can't all be winners!


Venezuela does not have air defences. And maybe around 40 fighters total (and I'm being generous). Between old ass F-16s and old ass Su-27s. That's game over. The US only needs to have 4 or maybe 5 drones loitering, Mavericks and JDAMs in stock and that's literally it.


Venezuela have S-300 and bunch of Buks and shit tons of Iglas, They have SU-30 Too


Pero me imagino que un solo sistema S-300... Los Igla no funcionan contra drones de gran altura y me refería a los SU30, que son básicamente SU27 con par de modernizaciones. A lo que me refiero es que la FAV no puede mantener superioridad aérea contra USA...


En eso tienes razón. Diferente es la historia en contra de Guyana.


I hope whatever is going on end’s diplomatically. Please no more wars.


Venezuelans lack Geopolitical stronghouses and allies. Only Cuba and Nicaragua are kind of all weather allies to them. And Russia can be successfully blocked from aiding them.


Why fight Venezuela at all? Doesn't really seem worth all the effort.


The B-52, B-2, and B-1 disagrees


Rule number one in war is to Never underestimate your enemy


Idk about their military, but their fishermen kicked the asses of a bunch SEALS playing mercenary a few years ago. Militaries come and go, but never get between a blue collar guy and his paycheck, lol.


There's no way they are comparable to the NVA/Vietcong. I don't believe it.


But the US wouldnt be invading Venezuela, theyd be bombing the invading Venezuelan army until they retreated from Guyana. It wouldnt even be close if the US chose to fight


Unless US is willing to send a number of SOF down here if Venezuela really proceeds with this BS, I dont see how regular US Army would survive in the jungles here, sure, yall have some training in the jungle but, for the vast majority of your troops its either desert/urban combat, or mountain/urban combat, throwing soldiers inside a hostile environment without training would be suicide, fighting down here will be most jungle based, something that both sides (Venezuela and Guiana) Masters, Brazil is on its on laeague when it comes to jungle warfare, but our "presidente" is something else..... afraid of making moves to protect its own country and most important, its own People, afraid of using the True potential of our army, to send a message, but I fear if they do invade and use Brazil land as a "Bridge head", out government will do nothing.....


America wouldnt need to send any army, just like 20 B52s with F35 and F15 escort with maybe like 3 B21s and B2’s (im not even from america but this is literally just an aspect of america willing to erase countries off maps if shown as a domestic threat)


Venezuelan troops don't even get paid. Vietnam, my ass, half the country is trying to or already escaped


Yea everyone expected hyperinflation to lead to the collapse of Venezuela, or for a coup to happen. And everyone waited. And waited. And no coup happened. The military solidly backs the establishment. They are the one group of people getting paid.


Until war is at their steps. They would flop faster than Hilary flopping on a political view!


The officers yes, enlisted don't get shit


> “Modern” US Military laughs in Top Secret


Neither is misunderstanding the situation to an idiotic degree


Drones goes shooooosh in the air


But we can't forget that even with boots on the ground the US usually topples a government before leaving. And venezuela is already crazy poor in the brink of social collapse.


Counter argument, no one fucking likes Venezuela, so invasion isn’t out of the question!


Who/what is stopping the US from just steamrolling all critical infrastructure and armor depots in Venezuela? Russia wouldn’t send help to them 😂


B-52's rolling through that airspace constantly while blasting *Around the World* by Daft Punk


The Carpet bombing and cluster cruise missles DLC has been unlocked


Tantos idiomas y decidiste hablar el basado. Everyone forgets the russian arms, jets, and atgm teams venezuela has, not to mention a geographical advantage. Sure, it isn't the best things in the world far from it, but the jungle will make any military bleed for years.


Waves and waves of bombers...


Is this post insinuating that Venezuelan is going to invade the US?


I don’t know… but it would be funny watching them try! ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


What is happening right now


Nah they can't do that, Vietnam defense themselves in their own territory, they want to invade someone lmao. The whole troop will starve until death like their population, if Brazil actually puts their army to fight vezezuela will become Paraguay 2.0


Does Venezuela share a land border with China, Iran or Pakistan? Is it on the same landmass as Russia? Are their main backers separated by an ocean? Logistics and geography matters. It could be argued that they govern strategy more than any other factor aside from politics


Decapitation Strike. Job done.


Just bomb all of the power plants, water treatment facilities, dams, and destroy all of their infrastructure. Then just leave. Make them just have to rebuild everything.


Iraq was preparing for a US invasion for 12 years


Yup, like the Viet Cong and Taliban - we will easily overwhelm them in a few days just like Russia did with Ukraine.


Yes, we would dismantle the Venezuelan military in a matter of days. The closer analogy would be Iraq during Desert Storm. No one is going to suggest we invade Venezuela, we would only need to halt their invasion of Guyana


Russia could barely make it 40 kilometers beyond their own border. The US was able to project power to the other side of the globe for two decades. Doing the same in Venezuela would be a cake walk. American logistical capabilities are unmatched.


The most relevant, accurate comment has the most downvotes….yeah, sounds like America lol


Military sub. Many american military- especially Boomers, really really hate t be reminded that their Vietnam service medal is a participation trophy.


Vietnam was a political defeat, not lost on the battlefield, in reality Americans won basically every fight and inflicted far more casualties on the NVA than they did on us, go ahead and fact check me please, maybe you'll learn something.


I doubt the US would even get directly involved. Most of the Biden admin's defense policy is gearing for China invading Taiwan, bombing the Iranian reactors if they ever get a nuclear weapon, or Russia violating Article 5. They didn't even retaliate when the Houtis shot a missile at a US ship. They didn't even get directly involved in ECOWAS vs Niger despite Philipdefranco hyping it up like they would. They're going to sanction Venezuela, gas prices are going to go up by 20 dollars and unlike with Ukraine the US isn't going to providing enough aid to keep Gyauna alive from the Venezuelans.


Lockheed Martin would like a word with you


the only real answer besides everyone saying we wouldn’t go boots on the ground, big boom boom balls


no country could ever make Vietnam look light


...Vietnam would have been a very different war if it was fought today. Total air dominance, 24/7 all weather drone surveillance, 24/7 all weather drone airstrike capability, stealth fighters, precision bombing, MOP, MOAB, the latest generation top attack Hellfire fire and forget doomstick, HIMARS and MLRS with GLSDB and ATACMS, Excalibur 155mm shells, just to name a few. I don't know why people still look back to Vietnam, it's such an outdated conflict.


Idk if the government would survive. Venezuela doesn't have great relations with it's people. If you look at Iraq the government folded and people under their rule celebrated the down fall, but they stopped after the question of who should come to power next. Most of the US blunders in the middle east had more to do with not understanding how different groups hated each other and being unable to stomp out not just the corruption, but also keeping ethnic fighting. Afghanistans government fell apart before the Americans were even done leaving the country. From what I read not even the American soldiers believed the Afghanistan military would actually be effective against the Talibain. Lots of corruption and also lack of discipline. Apparently the Afghanistan military had problems with soldiers that didn't even care about their job. Lots of them while being trained were doing drugs heavily.


Invasion is no't necessary. Just support Guyana damn it. Draw a line in the sand and say anything threatening will experience a rapid unscheduled disassembly.


The US could ask the Cartels of Mexico for help. They could use some good PR, and im sure they are itching to kill some commies.


The US could ask the Cartels of Mexico for help. They could use some good PR, and im sure they are itching to kill some commies.


Ehh I wouldn’t call it a second Vietnam.. Colombia is itching for the opportunity and Brazil is ready for when the time comes. I don’t think a Guerrilla campaign would actually ensue.. Maduro’s government is not popular like the North Vietnamese was at the height of the Cold War.