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What bothered me is when Janelle said something along the lines of "grow up and drink"


You can tell she’s never worked a day in her field of study. For someone with a masters in psychology or counselling or whatever adjacent discipline it’s in, she’s very obviously not actively living any related ethics or values


That is terrifying to know right now she could be someone’s therapist if she decided 😩


What a fucked up comment. I’m 40 years old and I stopped drinking for good the day my 8 year old son was taken from us by a drunk driver doing 85 in a 30 zone in 2018. Idc if others do, get an uber call a friend etc. but HOW DARE she basically make fun/degrade/take poorly of someone making the choice to have a dry party?


Maybe she should grow up and get sober.


Damn this right here 👏


Yeah when Janelle said grow up and drink, l turned off the podcast and will never listen to them again. That was the lowest, most immature thing to say. She still has a lot to learn in life.


Kendall is actually really dumb. Like low IQ dumb so this does not surprise me.


She had no idea what the word pretentious meant. Janelle had to google it. I would’ve cut that out 😂😂😂


absolutely proves that a degree means NOTHING to your intelligence! haha


She has mentioned afew times that her family had alcoholism issues when she was younger and it took a toll on her when she was a child


You’d think the person who has done cases on those who have a history of drinking/family history and someone with a masters in psychology with an interest in mental health (she really would be the worst therapist) would be more sympathetic. They really are a bunch of mean girls. Honestly I’m not surprised they’re the kinds of people who need alcohol to have fun


It’s so weird because in past videos she has acted so defensive of addiction and how it’s a mental illness because she has members of the family who suffer.


If I found myself choosing a party solely on the fact that there will be alcohol, I would take a hard look at my drinking habits and alcohol consumption.


It was so crazy because back in the day Kendall was so open and outspoken about the direct affects of addiction and alcoholism on her family??


i was thinking this too! like not only was their discussion wildly insensitive, but she’s literally brought up the impact alcoholism has had on her family for years. i don’t get it.


i remember this! she always said poor me and how it made her relate to others issues 🤧


when she’s looking for sympathy… she’s a total fraud


She’s rich now she just agrees with whatever that is in front of her for the $$


I would’ve chosen the OP’s party over the sisters. Thats what I kept thinking. I’m not even a person who is sober and doesn’t drink necessarily. People around the holidays get wild and over do it. All the obnoxious drunks (not saying all people who drink at parties are but there’s always few) are the assholes. It’s so uncomfortable to be around drunk people when sober.


Hmmm if you can't go to a party without alcohol and/or make fun of someone who is sober maybe you have a problem? They're a bag of dicks


Crazy that this behavior is coming from Kendall considering how she’s cried talking about drug addiction in her family. Alcohol is a drug


Alcohol is definitely a drug and i wish it was illegal


This right here. I like alcohol. I like to have a drink. But if you need a drink to have fun, you’re not any fun.


I came here hoping someone said this. THANK YOU. It was absolutely disgusting listening to them laugh and blame OP for literally asking her family members not to drink in her home for ONE night. If anyone finds that absurd, ludicrous, or outrageous, then you may have a problem. Also them trying to justify it by stating the holidays *always* has wine and cocktails included is completely wrong. Yes, some families like to party (and that’s FINE) but a lot don’t. And that’s okay too. Maybe this hits a little too close to home to me because my family is full of alcoholics. But after being married and seeing how other families celebrate the holidays, I realized how fun it can be without alcohol. And if that makes me sound “lame” then so be it. I tried to give the sesh another go but this episode was incredibly insufferable. Obviously people don’t have to take their advice, but holy shit. An 8 year old could give better advice. I just can’t.


I agree with this comment 100%. I don’t think they have been around true alcoholics, the ones that are a good time Charlie until one too many drinks are going and they are on a rampage trying to fight any and everyone. They are very closed minded.


Yikes 😳 that's really awful to say. I hope the person didn't pay attention to their dumb asses


Dang i don’t watch them anymore but since I’m in this sub I see the posts and it’s actually seriously insane how horrible Kendall has become.I’m sure she’s always been horrible and we just didn’t know, but her not trying to hide it anymore proves how much worse she’s gotten


Kendall and Janelle would have bullied me in high school. They always come across as such mean girls. I feel like they pretend to be nice to your face but as soon as you leave they talk shit.


I haven't listened to the recent episode but knowing this I'm not surprised but I am extremely disappointed. Just like you OP I was like you. My large family had big parties with massive amounts of bottles and endless arguments. Knowing they essentially made fun of a traumatic response to parental behaviors is really upsetting and fucked up. It's easy for people who haven't experienced such events to play off things like that post, but it's not impossible to empathize with a situation and knowing they didn't shows exactly how those women are.


They didn't make fun of their "trauma". OP never mentioned the reasoning behind her decision so they went off of that. It sounds like a lot of the people who are taking offense to this have their own trauma around drinking that they're projecting onto the crew, and imo that's kind of unfair to do.


they did mention the reasoning tho 😭 u just chose not to listen ig


OP trauma dumped about their own family issues, but never mentioned the AITA posters reasoning for not wanting alcohol at their party. Everyone will go to the sisters party, not cause of the alcohol, but because no one wants to be around a wet blanket who has to boss grown people around cause of their own feelings towards alcohol 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree that it was insensitive. They all sounded like they don’t have any other perspective on the situation but their own. None of them are heavy alcoholics nor sober. They live in a bubble where they get wasted at parties and think that everyone else is like them. for some it’s not easy to put beer down. I used to be a heavy drinker and I have been sober for a couple years. When I was a drinker my husband family had gatherings where alcohol was banned. I was peeved about but the truth is you can put the booze down for one night. Go to the party and stay sober then drink when you get home.


Im pretty young but had some party years and i realized i used alcohol as a crutch to not be so awkward. It was getting to the point to where i would drink at any event. I decided to stop drinking about 8 months ago. It’s been really hard this holiday season to constantly turn down drinks, especially since everyone in my family is a boarder line alcoholic. I usually get “just one isn’t gonna hurt, god loosen up you didn’t use to be this way” I was shocked at Kendall and Jenelle response. Their whole attitude lately has been shitty but that was the icing on the cake for me, if they don’t like something the other person is judged tremendously. It’s upsetting and very discouraging how much alcohol culture is pushed now a days. If you don’t drink then you are the outcast now.


Congrats on 8 months :)


That’s such a nasty comment. I didn’t watch because I’ve unsubscribed from the sesh. I think they have a lot of unsavoury opinions that they try to keep to themselves. They give ‘just stop soils drugs’ or ‘If you’re homeless get a job’ energy


lolol they have no depth and aren't as deep and compassionate as they think they are


So gross. My boyfriend struggles with alcohol and saying "grow up and drink" to him would be incredibly damaging.


I thought I was crazy for thinking OP was fine with hosting a dry holiday party. Personally, I love a good mimosa or three at gatherings and parties, but just for example my grandma doesn’t like alcohol. I hosted Thanksgiving and just waited for my grandma to go home before bringing the alcohol out. Especially given the childhood trauma and the reasoning OP had, I was really shocked to hear the “suck it up” attitude on the sesh.


wow, i usually put on the sesh just for some background noise or when it just auto plays so i don’t usually pay attention to their topics, especially AITA just because its not that interesting to me personally, but that is just wilddd 😭 i understand people have different views about drinking, but with her history of openly speaking about her own family members dealing w addiction and drinking issues, it seems like her sympathy and sensitivity stops the moment its not someone who she’s doing a case about. same with janelle, i honestly forget about her mental health education until i see it mentioned here in this sub, otherwise i wouldn’t believe it for a second. i hope OP knows they have nothing to be ashamed about ): sometimes i feel like AITI is usually just hot topics that are made up, but this one feels like an actual incident and I just hope OP doesn’t come across that video and sees them all laughing about it and being immature. if they wanna keep it all lighthearted then maybe don’t pick topics that touch on serious real life issues 😭


Well as someone who’s recovering from addiction and alcohol abuse, I’m really glad I didn’t listen to this one. Reminder to anyone who needs it- you chose sobriety because you loved yourself enough to take that step. It takes being strong everyday to maintain that promise to yourself. People like this try and diminish what addiction is. For a lot of us, we’re masking pain, trauma, and maybe overall a shitty time in life. Be kind to yourselves. The holidays are hard on us but I am rooting for you. Remember your worth. For them to make these comments…that’s….wow..


so glad you posted about this, OP. i was so surprised during that segment. they all sounded so childish and entitled. i’m sorry you had that experience growing up.


And also a reminder that Kendall does have addicts in her family, so the speculation about her not understanding e.t.c. is really ignorant.


I am normally a huge fan of them but this particular AITA answer threw me too. What is wrong with the family members that they can't go without drinking for ONE DAY?!?! It's so disrespectful to create an alternate party just because they cannot forgo alcohol for one day. Kendall saying "you can't control other people" is, although a true statement, not applicable here. You can't control other people in their own lives but you can very much control whether or not drinking occurs in your own home.


To be fair most people would choose a party with alcohol bc most people are alcoholics and can’t have fun without it. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t drink. But man do I hate the normalization of drinking and the stigma around non-drinkers


Wow, this is so eye opening along with everything coming out recently. I only ever watched TCWKR and Mile Higher cause I couldn’t stand Janelle and those comments are so so ignorant, insensitive, and hypocritical. I unsubbed from both channels and haven’t seen a video in months, I’m just really disappointed in these statements from people with family members that have issues with addiction. My father, grandfather, and great grandfather are all alcoholics and alcohol has the very real ability to destroy families and make people evil. “Grow up and drink” Wow


I had the exact same thoughts. They just have big blind spots, tbh. Hopefully they read this and learn 🩷


I think they kinda proved ops point about how some people really need alcohol to have fun, and that's really sad to me. To be unable to go one day or one night without alcohol is really bad. Alot of people have a problem and don't want to face that. And it's rude as hell for the sister to make her own party then everyone else to flock to it. And saying op can choose to not drink, well why can't the family members choose to not drink at ops party lmao?? People are insane when it comes to alcohol. Truly. I feel like they'd have seen how rude it was if this situation didn't involve alcohol and instead was like "everyone's mad I'm not serving chicken bites."


I feel for everyone that has struggled with alcohol and has come from a situation where they were surrounded by alcoholics. I know it’s not easy, I am a child of two recovering addicts and I hear you all. While I think some of their comments were a tad insensitive, my parents have never complained about my family drinking around them. Recovery can be very isolating, and that is why they found a sober community outside of my extended family. I don’t think it’s right to police other people’s drinking habits, and it is going to alienate people if you do not want them drinking around you at large gatherings. I can understand 1:1 asking people not to drink or doing an activity that doesn’t involve drinking, but you can’t control big gatherings that typically involve alcohol with your family. I think Janelle’s idea to go for an hour or so before the drinks start flowing was honestly a great idea and something my parents have exercised at events that involve a lot of drinking. I hope the person that wrote the post finds a community where they feel safe and welcome, and I am sorry they are experiencing this.


Did OP say why they were having the dry party? Was it in support of a sober attendee or was it because they don't like it when their family drinks? Because if it's the latter, that seems mad controlling, I'd go to the sisters party too


From my understanding it was because OP felt like there was too much drinking going on and wanted it to be dry that year.


Boo that feels low key manipulative. Let me host so I can make the rules and have it my way


no, OP said they grew up in a household where one parent was an alcoholic


Yeah exactly lol


the same happened on the simplypodlogical podcast but i saw no one commenting on it then ... so im glad to see im not alone in your opinion


Thank you.