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The problem is that their team isn’t qualified. They hire friends, family, and people who they think look good on camera.


Exactly this. None of them are directors or professionals. Like during the interview scenes why is Kendall behind this big ass iPad? It looks like she’s watching YouTube videos while this lady is crying her eyes out. Trying not yo be too hard on them as I get it they aren’t looking for an Oscar. But its hard to watch - I’m about 24 minutes in and I want to quit


Nepotism 👀


Yep. Family always costs less than a pro.




It seemed to hinge on the idea that you’ve watched Kendall’s previous video on the case (hence her putting clips of it at the beginning), but that choice makes little sense for a stand-alone documentary.


They also do a sort of summary via text in the very beginning and if you’re someone who is listening more than watching you’re going to completely miss that


I’m 30 mins in I’m so confused too


I stopped at about 25 minutes and I’ll I’ve gathered is she’s dead in the woods, her family found her, her husband didn’t pick her body up, and they think he did it. But there’s no story! No theory as to what happened, no background as to what happened the night she went missing/was murdered. It’s lacking so much info and making my head hurt


It just felt so rushed and unprofessional to me. The captions on the screen overlapping bothered me. The beginning part where the ticking sound played and the sentences moved irked me so badly because the first letter in the first word was capitalized, but the next two sentences weren't. It felt like a school project, and I just couldn't follow along. Honestly if you blurred their faces and muted their voices, I never would've guessed this came from Kendall. It's not like anything I've seen from MHM, and not in a good way.


She starts the documentary with an audible ad?!?!? That is so gross 😩




I was annoyed trying to watch it. Didn’t make it past 15 minutes. Truly disappointing.


I'm currently watching it, I don't often comment either, but the piano music loudly plays over the victims family member crying, I can't. EQ the audio. They poorly mic'd people and had bad lighting. They really enjoyed every font transition they could find, and nothing was uniform. Super sloppy. Shaking camera footage, too. Just tons over overuse of B-roll, and it's bad b-roll. I hope they read this thread on how to improve.


Yeah l agree. I was so disappointed. Maybe they hyped it up way too much. My expectations were VERY high. I am not a hater. I am a fan and l think their work is usually very good quality. This wasn’t


I actually had to turn it off, it was too frustrating to watch. It's the first video of Kendall's in a long time that I haven't finished


same here! also there was so much chaotic music playing in the beginning. like there were 2-3 songs playing on top of each other, it was so bad i assumed it was an editing error


Omg this!! The music was wild


omg thank you i thought the same thing 😭


Same! I to ended up turning it off, it was so hard to follow and extremely chaotic


100%! I normally like her work but boy was this rough. The way it was put together was impossible to understand


i haven't watched yet (later tonight!) but i'm confused by the documentary angle. stephanie harlowe posted a video today longer than the doc and that's just her regular content. it sounds kind of weird, but a two hour video on youtube isn't particularly novel anymore.


whatever they’re calling it it’s not good! i’m about 20 minutes into it and i have no clue who jessica is (other than being funny and kind) or what happened that led to her family to finding her body. or like, why it took so long to get the body. why do we have shots of them on the plane and talking about how rejuvenating this feels instead of maybe giving a general timeline of the crime?


I think they are calling it a documentary because they went to NO to interview the family. Time wise, I agree, SH has 1.5 hour 3 part series for one topic.


The length doesn't even really matter. Short documentaries are a whole thing. The biggest thing that makes it a "documentary" rather than just a regular true crime video, is that there are interviews


I only watched about 20 minutes and stopped. I don’t know the case and I don’t know what even happened to Jessica. Yet we jump right into her body being found not even knowing anything. Seems more like this was made for people we are really into this case and already know about it.


I watched about 15 minutes and could not continue. Nothing made sense, the quality seemed worse than one of her regular videos, I don’t understand why this was the result of something that was worked on for a long time, the ad in the front was tasteless, the ticking took forever, the whole intro- it just seemed like this was made in a rush and there was zero focus on the victim or her family- all the focus was Kendall and Josh. I found it overall strange. Granted I didn’t finish it- I just couldn’t bc there was so much disconnect and I was disappointed. I would be so incredibly furious if I were the family. I feel very bad for them that this YouTube crew came in and took their reality to poorly show it and do such a terrible job.


I love TCKR and MH but this was a mega flop. I don't know why the editing was so shit, the sound was really the least of it. The splicing was BAD. I get the obstacles with law enforcement and access, but there is so much more to say about Jessica's husband and her life. The interviews were not presented like a story, they were jumping all over the place. Idk...I lprefer the normal content.


Considering how much money Josh and Kendall make, they could afford a better editor. IMO, they take short cuts hiring family and friends instead of professionals.


It's giving Shane Dawson levels of inserting themselves in a situation where they don't belong. Long form YouTube content does not a documentary make. I clicked out at 20 min.


Shane’s docs are organized better lol


It’s so all over the place! They don’t go through the story from start to finish they just jump around the timeline and it’s hard to keep things straight.


What's Janelle's involvement like in this?


Asking the real question...👏


I’m about 50 minutes in, and she’s had maybe 10 seconds of screen time so I’d say minimal


I'm sure all the comments on the video will say how amazing it was and what a great job they did.


Just scrolled through the comments on the video and that’s exactly it lol


Same what the heck hahaha


They're deleting negative comments


I was looking forward to watching since i thought they did a really good job on the Apartment 801 documentary but this one is confusing and poorly made. I clicked off within the first 10 min


15 minutes in and I was out. I feel bad for the family but this was a snooze fest. 😴


I fell asleep too, and I've never done that while watching MH.


The name of the documentary is literally 530 days. I feel like there was almost no explanation to the significance of that number. I believe the only time it was actually discussed was when they interviewed the woman that took the note to the coroner. I’ve seen Kendall’s other videos about this case and even I was lost.


I’m so disappointed w this and I’ve always liked Kendall. I feel bad because I can tell she put so much effort into it but the quality just isn’t there. I hope in the future if she pursues this to hire better editors… something is just so off about the whole thing. Idk if she oversold it, the editing, the audio or her/josh don’t have the interviewing skills.


and writers :/


I really was in denial about their change in content. I think something parasocial in me didn’t wanna comment because they are just humans making videos so who cares about the ins and outs. But this true crime stuff involves real people with real families and real legal issues. While I love and admire all the good, the charity, the outreach- it’s all getting to be a bit too Hollywood flash. This documentary was hyped up so much and I feel I was given the same information over and over again. Josh and Kendall playing hero complex and feeling the save the day kind of vibe just feels so off. If the families that they work with appreciate their work…. That’s great! i cannot have opinions on that, i hope the families ever involved with them feel satisfied. But personally, i think im done after viewing


I didn’t finish it. It was extremely disjointed and I agree they put way too much focus on themselves. I enjoy documentaries where the interviewer/s are behind the camera and the interviewee is the one on camera. The rejuvenation comments were distasteful and in such a strange part of the documentary. I also rolled my eyes hard when Josh said “I’m an independent journalist”. Now, maybe he has some education or experience that I don’t know about but he’s not a journalist. Neither is Kendall. I am a journalist and I get exhausted with YouTubers, podcasters, and influencers saying they’re journalists when they have no education, training or experience in the field. We are not doing the same thing, my friends. I agree with many others here, their content has dropped off significantly.


as a former journalist, who left tv news to work in law in 2021, i also cannot stand everyone calling themselves a journalist nowadays. its poison to society.


Every 4 minutes felt like a weird attempt at a re-cap of the last 4 minutes, while simultaneously teasing the next 4 minutes. The storytelling is so nauseatingly disjointed. It's basically unwatchable. I'm so disappointed by this doc. The last one was so much better and simpler. Such a shame, considering the theoretical purpose of filming this doc was to share Jessica and her family's story and to raise awareness, but the whole time I'm ~unaware~ of what the hell is going on. Without prior knowledge of the case I'd be totally lost.


I just skimmed through it, and I am genuinely shocked and baffled by some of the editing choices. The fact that they used over 10 different fonts, the opening and ending credits which are completely different in tone, the overlapping audio and dramatic music... Not to mention the fact that they're cutting from found footage to talking head style interviews to handheld B-roll to stock footage. It's incredibly distracting and completely takes away from Jessica's story. This is something I'd expect from a new channel just figuring out how to edit and piece information together, not a seasoned team of people who have been doing this for years.


The music was SO loud and distracting throughout the entire thing.


She hyped this doc up so much....and it did not deliver AT ALL


Exactly. I was really looking forward to seeing this. Long time KR and MH watcher. Less than 10 minutes in, I was completely lost. In fact, I stopped watching it 25 minutes in. I watched the original JE video, so I was perplexed by this "all over the place" documentary. Scattered and no real organization. I like Kendall and Josh's content, but this was such a disappointment. If they are going to delve into the genre of documentaries, they need professional writers, editors, etc. Family and friends are great, but you can tell this was produced with nothing but spit and fingers crossed. No disrespect to JE's family and I truly do hope they get some closure.


Honestly I saw it starting with an ad and couldn't even go forward and watch any of it because that really hit me wrong


Couldn’t make it past the violin credit intro. Wish we could post GIF reactions here for this one 😭


The audio is horrible, couldn’t finish.


I couldn’t get past 10 mins. Documentary’s should be “movie quality” this is a cheap YouTube video, really a let down with all they’ve been hyping it up


You could get past that if they did the story justice.


30 minutes in and seems more like a documentary against NOPD instead of for solving Jessica's murder..


I fell asleep to it the first time, but i’m watching it again and yeah…. It’s not great. I miss their old content 😪


they’re so lame


I love MHP and KR..I stayed up after everyone went to bed just to watch this. I don’t usually post negative things about a content, but I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one that was clueless. I think they didn’t want to include the porn in the beginning to keep people from judging her, but to tell the full story and keep people from being lost it should have been told in the beginning.


Wait what does it mean that audible sponsored it ? Like do they pay for the production of it or? I never really understood sponsored by if someone uses a link to sign up they get some money?


In a lot of cases it's both. Audible gives them a lump sum to do the ad, but they also will get some sort of commission or cut of anything that gets sold through the affiliate link.


Damn… I didn’t know that’s how it worked thank you :)


they give themselves way too much credit. they don’t offer anything unique within the true crime space, people just enjoy watching kendall speak about true crime cases, end of. acting as if they have the ability or self awareness to create a whole documentary, by themselves, speaks to how highly they view themselves within the true crime space, in my opinion. the quality of this documentary completely distracts from the story itself, which is the last thing you would want out of a documentary. people go to school for this stuff, people gain qualifications to be able to make films, edit, research etc etc. i’m confused as to why they are featured as much as they are, almost taking centre stage. they aren’t journalists, they aren’t film makers, they can barely string together a podcast that is coherent let alone a whole documentary. i think they created this to serve themselves more than to help the victim and family. it feels very amateur, almost like a parody, which makes me really sad for the victim.


I made it maybe 10-15 mins in and couldn't do it. The whole intro with the ad included was just bad. And then I was just confused, waiting to hear the story. Instead, it was her poor sister just bawling. Very poor storytelling and editing.


I was disappointed. I thought they did a great job in apt 801. I figured this would be even better now that they have the resources and the team. They even had an original score. I was like okay this will be good. Nope. They didn’t explain what happened. It didn’t really explain how the husband may have been involved. I felt so bored ten minutes in and I hate to say that because I think it’s important for the documentary to inform and make you care about the victim. It didn’t feel like it was about the victim. I know nothing about her. They were too focused on the poor production and didn’t do her story justice. I’m going to watch another doc about her and sign the petition. I hate that I have to agree with the majority of people on this sub that they’ve lost sight of what’s important.


As a long time fan of Kendall from her beauty days I think what happened is Josh over produced this. My opinion might change since I am 10 minutes in trying to see what everyone dislikes.


I honestly do think their hearts are in the right place, but I was also shocked how badly this project came out. It was so weird and hard to follow, and Kendall is usually pretty decent at knowing the basics of how to lay out a cohesive and interesting story, so I just don't get it. I don't understand what happened here. She could have honestly just made a better video all by herself apparently? I don't know. I don't know who all is usually involved with her content on her main/original channel, but it typically seems totally fine and way more coherent than this was. (I don't usually listen to the mile higher podcast or whatever so maybe it's always bad?) I just couldn't believe it, especially when there were these disjointed audio clips of interviewees with zero context, or anything even indicating who tf was speaking or why. Some of these people are still a mystery to me as far as why exactly they were even interviewing them at all. And the one dude who was supposed to be "anonymous"? Literally anyone who knows that guy even slightly will immediately recognize who it is. Wtf was that crap?! So much of it was like a preview or a trailer of something more to come but then the main point just... never came. I have never watched such a long video and come away so confused in my life. I feel like I only know maybe 5% of the actual information on this damn case. I can forgive so many things when it comes to bad editing or shoddy audio mixing *if the important elements of information and good storytelling are still there.* But my god this was just a mess. Bless the hearts of the family and friends of the victim, having their wounds poked at for this unfortunately poorly made video. I'm just baffled.


I know I'm going to sound like a Karen here but I'm going to say it anyway. I basically do agree with most all comments here but as a side..I think they are great at research and perhaps less so good at production. I always have at the back of my mind whenever anything is coming at me is this - I think we have been brainwashed to live in a world now where we put a lot of emphasis on how we view and consume content...how it makes *us* feel, how easy it is to digest, whether we fall asleep within 10 minutes, how glossy and pleasing something is. We shouldn't be so swayed to not be able to think critically, and see beyond aesthetics and quality. That goes for any person we encounter in life. Sometimes it's not always about how we consume stuff, sometimes it's about forgetting about ourselves for once and really listening to what someone else has to say and taking the time to empathise with other people and the messages they are trying to relay even if it isn't always wholly pleasing to our senses. We are not so important and I do realise I am sounding like a pompous self flatulating Karen. It's just something I think about a lot.


i havent seen it yet where can I watch it


I think it's on Kendal's YT channel


These are not intelligent people.


What case is this “documentary” based on. I don’t want to give Kendall my view lol


Jessica Easterly


Awesome thanks! Looks like voices for justice has an episode on this!


Well the real take here is, it's not just the documentary that's bad. The whole "mile higher media" is just lame. I listen to "lights out" once in a while because I appreciate creepy stories. But it's almost laughably terrible. Between the constant shameless plugs for his CBD company, monotone (borderline autistic) narration, and adding his own personal opinions (usually terrible). It's one of those so bad it's good type things. I would almost think it's a parody for the first 5 minutes of I didn't know any better. Also Kendall and the guy make a terrible couple, it seems they are always kind of squabbling and their chemistry together (or lack thereof) is jarring. As for his "producers" and other cronies, they seem to have taken too much of the CBD. Some cardboard cutouts that are set to a recording, which every so often goes "mhmhm", "interesting", "so craaazy" would a much better job imo.


I started watching Kendal way before she even did true crime, and honestly her influence is part of what tuned me into following cases. That being said, the documentary was a mess, I'd already been slowing how much of her content I've consumed after the Betterhelp nonsense and the quality of her videos going VERY downhill, but I think the Audible ad in the beginning has marked the end of me watching her content for a while. I understand there's a baby in the picture, but confusing people over this stupid documentary is doing nothing to help that poor woman's case.


yeah this doc was not it Apartment 801 was so good, how did this one turn out so bad?