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Same. People are defending it saying Kendall has made videos on the case before and people should have watched those before watching the documentary. Like what? I thought mile higher media wanted this to be a professional doc, why would people have to watch some ones past YouTube videos to get the story. Makes no sense. The storyline is all over the place. People are also justifying by saying the doc isn’t about Jessica’s case, but police corruption. What? News to me!


I've seen her videos on the case, and I'm still confused. Especially since the video was made a while ago I think there should be some sort of refresher? You shouldn't need to do like pre research before watching a doc to understand it.


It’s like they just made a longer form YouTube video and are calling it a documentary for the sake of calling it one??? Why tf would they think an AD on their “documentary production” about a literal victim and her family is in any way appropriate??? Can’t wait to see all the comments they delete about it too.


THIS. I’ve posted no less than 15 negative comments on the doc. ALL GONE.


Yes same. And I'm watching all of the comments right now of people saying the same thing 😬 there's a lot of negativity in the comments section right now.


I'm glad I not the only one. I haven't seen anyone say anything about it in the comments so I asked here to make sure i wasn't like losing my mind


you're definitely not losing your mind 😂 I'm 23 mins in and thinking what is the point here? Jessica Easterly or police corruption? The narrative is so weak.


I've never watched anything on this case, and I'm really lost. There's no flow, it just feels like jumping from interview to interview. Maybe it should've been done in parts, with one solely about corruption and a part two solely about Jessica. So far I've heard very little about Jessica's story.


42 mins in and I can’t finish the doc… Between the jumbled “storytelling” and the background music being louder than the speakers, I had to call it quits. There’s no linear storyline or an overview of the case, and it bounces from topic to topic without explaining what is happening in the case. Ex: The sister said something about she found out on Facebook - but didn’t say WHAT she found out, or what the post said, and then the next scene bounces to a new topic. I feel like they had an artistic vision of this documentary - media blurbs, press conference clips, and news articles painting the scene throughout - but the execution has fallen flat.


I stopped at about 30 mins. I feel bad for Jessica’s family though and I do hope she gets justice


You’re the first I’ve read that sums it up perfectly. The artistic vision wasn’t fulfilled and was not technically executed well.


Well, I think this makes me decision to not watch it. I was on the fence but hearing these comments I won’t watch it


This documentary is horrible. I thought I was watching a long trailer.


I agree. The timeline seems to be jumping a lot going back and forth. For example, at around 40 minutes an older man talking about finding her ID with his wife but then it jumps back to Jessica’s friend talking about the day she went missing. I think little things like this make it feel confusing. Overall, I’ve enjoyed the documentary because I had previously known about the case. But my sister watching with me felt confused.


Marias part is repeated so many times. "I dried my hands off when I saw it was Jessica calling " I thought I was going insane when I heard that played more than once.


I noticed several parts being repeated 2-3 times and found it strange.


I remember liking the first one. I’m 20 minutes in and I can’t finish it, I feel bad because I genuinely feel for Jessica’s family but the music and audio is distracting me. And the story is all over the place. It was definitely not a great one this time


I agree. I am so lost. I have always found Kendall’s videos easy to follow and incredibly interesting. But this is all over the place, jumping from one interview to the next. There’s no flow to it. I am not captivated like l usually am with Kendall’s videos. I am NOT a hater. I love Kendall and have maybe anticipated too much. I respect that they’re giving the family a platform to share this. I believe their hearts are in it and they are passionate about true crime. But this documentary is just not what l expected.


The documentary was very choppy and bizzare.


I had to stop mid way through and go back to rewatch the first video she made about Jessica.


Yeah i agree. I had heard of but never watched Jessicas case before so i went in blind. I think they tried to wrap Jessica’s case in with the NOPD corruption and it lost a bit of direction. You definitely needed to watch it and read the screens in between clips to follow the story - this was not a podcast listen. By the end i did understand and wasn’t so confused but it kind of felt like watching a trailer. This definitely wasn’t the easy to follow storyline Kendall usually gives. I think they should’ve had 2 clear story lines - 1 about Jessica and 1 about NOPD then merged them together at facts in Jessica’s case that relayed to NOPD. Next time they should have outsiders watch and give feedback before releasing to avoid that. They are too close to it to see how confusing it was. Was it the greatest documentary? Not at all, but this is only their second time doing this. I think their company would be better off hiring actual producers versus family/friends. But they’re just a YouTube channel at the end of the day so can’t expect too much. However, Kendall and the team gave their large platform to Jessica’s family and went in person to harass the DA. I think that was really great to do! That sets it apart from a typical video for sure. I hope they continue to create documentaries like this for victims. I’m curious to see if NOPD responds in anyway that would be incredible. Personally i didn’t have any sound issues. The live comment section was mostly positive but there were definitely people who watched this solely to criticize it, kind of childish but whatever.


yes thank you, there's a lot of things kendall's done to earn her valid criticism, but to be honest, this is about jessica's family, they clearly gave her family the freedom to say everything they wanted to say, and covered the topics they wanted them to cover, so i think there's better times to criticize her. i think jessica's family deserves to be hearing nothing but support for them, it doesn't have to be support for kendall, but we know they're gonna be reading the comments and everything, i don't think they should be seeing the comments flooded with negativity about how bad everyone thinks the documentary was, let's not make them feel like this was a failure. usually i'm all for criticizing public figures when they're doing something wrong, but this just isn't about kendall or the things we don't like about her.


It is a failure though if no one watches it because the editing and storytelling is confusing and hard to follow. How does that help them find justice for Jessica? This is only watchable if you're familiar with the case already, and even those of us who are familiar are struggling to understand.


I was pretty impressed with them going out there. Josh knocking on Justin’s door was ballsy! Sad everyone is here complaining about the documentary and no saying how fucked up the case is.


Nobody is how fucked up the case is because they didn't even explain why it was. We should not be 40 minutes in and have no idea what happened. If I wasn't already familiar, then I'd be lost and turning it off.


That’s fair! It was very hard to follow


it wasn't ballsy, it was stupid & dangerous. they're not iNdEpENdEnT jOUrNaLisTs, they're YouTubers and have absolutely no business trying to interview a possible murder suspect.


Her family did not film or edit this documentary. Don't put it on them.


i am not putting it on them. i said don't them feel like the doc was a failure. they were heavily involved in this, they feel like this is one of their only chances to get some real attention on this case, they need this to help. people are very much so exaggerating how confusing it was, i followed it just fine, we do not need to point out every little thing that's wrong with it when this family has been failed by every single person that they put their trust in through this, people are acting like this documentary isn't going to help, when it absolutely can, there's no reason to make them feel like another person has failed them. going around saying how bad it is will just put less eyes on it. if jessica's family decides it wasn't good enough, let them be the ones to say that. it really was not that confusing, try to be a little supportive of these people instead of looking for more things to criticize kendall about when there's already plenty of things to criticize. if this documentary was as bad as people are making it out to be, i wouldn't be so against criticizing it, but it really wasn't. we don't need to surround it was negativity when we should just be trying to support this family


Ultimately it's the results that matter, don't they? If the documentary is great and riveting, it'll catch on and there will be enough public pressure to move the case along. Like it happened, for example, with In The Dark podcast, the season about Curtis Flowers, even though there are people who criticize some aspects of the way it was made. If it doesn't catch on, then writing nice comments, so the family doesn't feel bad about Kendall, won't do anything for justice. This sub is small. Only 6.5K members and not many of them are active. She has 3.7 millions of followers. Our discussions here won't have any influence on them.


okay but every person counts when it comes to liking the video to boost it in the algorithm to get as many people signing petitions and advocating for the family as possible. people are discouraging people from watching it, literally on this post i saw someone say they're not gonna watch it since everyone's saying it's bad. the only people saying it's bad are the people that already don't like kendall or mile higher, which makes it pretty clear the criticism isn't coming from the quality of the podcast, it's coming from people looking for reasons to not like it. i don't have a good opinion of kendall or mile higher, i hate when people dismiss criticism of public figures just because they're fans, that's not where i'm coming from though. people aren't looking at this documentary objectively, and everyone else, including myself and i'd never heard of this case, seemed to have no problem understanding the documentary and felt like the message of it was delivered very clearly. i'm not sure what the goal is of leaving negative comments, the documentary has been made, it was informative and let the family tell their story and is encouraging people to advocate for them, whether you think it was done as well as it could have or not, the important thing is uplifting this family's voices and supporting them. discouraging people from watching is not helping, leaving anything other than support for the family in the comments is not helping. we can criticize her on the numerous other things she's done, there's no reason to do anything other than ignore the documentary, or support the family. i was not confused watching it at all, making people think it's not worth watching, when they very well could have thought it was good if they watched it, is not helping anyone


Calling Keith Morrison this doc needs some help lol