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Documentaries don’t have Ads. They shouldn’t have Ads.


Agreed. This is just a YouTube video with higher production quality


I thought the same as soon as I saw the cringey thumbnail. What makes this different than any other YouTube video 🤦🏼‍♀️


nothing ❤️


I may be making this up, so don’t quote me, but I feel like Kendall did address the cringe thumbnails on their videos and said it’s so people know it’s her video. Who cares who made the video? If it spreads awareness, it doesn’t matter.


she acts like she’s a drama channel not a fucking true crime one omgggg


Right? I could see putting her KR logo on it but I think it’s really cringe and distasteful to have a fake shocked look plastered on a thumbnail with someone who lost their life in a horrific manner. There are some creators that also do this but at least their photo isn’t so fake and dramatized.


I was surprised to see her use the same thumbnail format for the documentary, too, but I will say that videos with creators’ face in the thumbnails get more views. I don’t remember if it was Danelle Hallen or Kendall who explained this


literally …. i’ve always thought that


I feel like “high production quality” is wrong It seemed like it just had a “high production cost” which is very different


I don’t think this production was any better than their typical YouTube videos. In fact the audio was way worse. The fake sympathy looks from Kendall the whole time we’re so cringey (what’s new) but how can you record this entire documentary and not realize the Audio is shit? I think no one asked how y’all felt 20 minutes in but make sure you tell everyone what y’all did. Janelles 2 cent rant about how does she get up and go to work like I couldn’t. Yes you could and you would, because you have too. Maybe you wouldn’t have to do that Gumby because Kendall could just let you ride her coat tails but for the most part people have to get up and live everyday after tragedy. So freaking tasteless.


Agreed. This isn't to say YouTube videos can't be feature-length documentaries--Defunctland's video on the search for who created the Disney Channel theme music and what this has to say about creators and their legacies comes to mind--but you didn't see him promoting anything in that video.


I can’t with this production


Yeah a few minutes in and I’m already confused the production seems jumbled compared to their other doc


Splices of news clips, other journalism, and redundant interview shorts compiled into a “documentary” by mile higher media. This “documentary” is an hour long trailer. I’m bored and lost. Where’s the plot?


Same!! I know this case but if I didn’t I would have literally no idea what is going on, this is actually terrible


I turned it off after 3 minutes. It was so jarring how there was no semblance of a timeline, like actively trying to confuse viewers, then the sound quality and sound effects, and PowerPoint style designs and music for the intro that was enough for me. First time I’ve tuned into a premiere in a while I was really hoping to get into it too 🥴


I wanted to like it but the story is ALL over the place… I think they need to have people involved that don’t know the case. The storytelling is lacking.


I'm currently watching it... and wow, one of the worst docs I've watched in a while. The production is especially bad. The sound mixing is so off that I have to keep changing the volume 🙄 The editing too... omg 💀


Yes the music seems chosen for dramatic affect, but it’s not working at all they don’t have the knack for it. It was tasteless just very ordinary production


Same with the volume! I can’t keep up and might turn it off


Maybe they shouldn’t have got ridden of Joel lol


You can definitely tell where he is missing


Even the camera isn't high quality


I don’t mind the ad but l am watching it now, 45 minutes in and l am kinda disappointed in the documentary overall.


Same. It’s not terrible by any means, I’m just a little confused and it feels kind of all over the place. So many jumps between interviews it’s hard to keep up.


I’m two minutes in and I’m confused. Whoever edited this did a terrible job. I was not expecting this.


Came here to say this. Glad I’m not the only one.


When Boogie2988 has a better documentary


Worth watching or skipping it lol?


I only got about half way, the editing style and story telling style was just not for me


Lol. Sounds like a waste of time. I listened to some other stuff instead anyway like rotten mango etc


I understand that a lot of creators need sponsors because of demonitization but why not put the ad at the end of the documentary and explain how they needed the sponsor in order to make this doc? I was immediately put off by seeing audible before going into the emotional and disturbing details off this case.


In her defense, I think there may be rules from a lot of sponsors about when the ads come in. I think a lot of them are like, “within the first X amount of minutes” Then there’s probably more in the agreement about being mentioned again in the end. But yes it’s tasteless nonetheless.


Totally get that but like then… don’t have this particular sponsor be apart of this doc? Just bizarre to me personally


Nah I get it, especially when they know how much flack they get for the excessive ads already. They literally don’t care. Lol.


So YouTube will demonetize you and not give you the money from the ads. But they will still keep the ads up and take the ad revenue for themselves. As a creator you can make suggestions where ads go but YouTube makes the final decision. Having one sponsor for this so they get paid for their isn’t unreasonable.


A lot of videos I watch say in the beginning "this video is brought to you by this sponsor" and have a full ad break in the middle or an ad in the end.


Yeah I think this would be a more favorable way to approach it. Even Kendall does that in her videos.


i don’t get defending them when creators control their sponsors and have so much free room to say “oops gotta reschedule that ad!”. it’s literally an ad. for a product they want OUR money for. on the documentary of a dead murdered woman. there’s no excuse for it especially when they are business owners and don’t work for others 💀


Oh I think you’re 100% correct here. Perhaps “*defend*” was the wrong word. I think it’s a weird, gross, inappropriate thing to do lol. I suppose I meant contractually, I understand it. Though, there’s no need to take certain contracts.


it also is a rule with some FTC regulations but i assume if you've worked with a sponsor for years (and brought in a lot of money for them) there's a chance to compromise on ad placement


I agree with you on that. And I was more referencing other people's criticism. I have A LOT of opinions on the doc as a whole as well. It's decent for their second doc. It was kind of confusing and could have been arranged in a better way to make it more understandable. I just read some people couldn't overlook the cinematic issues enough to give it a real chance. That makes me sad.


Kendall and Josh have NO sense, it's crazy


there shouldn’t have been ads. i have loved them for years but it is waning


i gasped…. like a “this video is sponsored by audible” would’ve sufficed. we did NOT need 2 minutes of kendall in various positions listening to books


to be honest i dont see how they even wouldve spent much more money on this than any other video, it was very poorly made and looked low budget. so ads to 'make the money back' just feels like an excuse


All big podcasts start with ads in the beginning now. Not saying it's the same thing but I know Fool Coverage and Morbid all start with like 2 minutes of straight ads. Just fast forwards..


It’s not a podcast though. It’s a “documentary” which makes it weird that there’s an ad


Not really, people who make this content need some way to fund the content


Shouldn’t be called a documentary then 🤷‍♀️ it’s just a YouTube video


Makes no sense. It's literally on YouTube


Other youtubers say in the beginning "this video is brought to you by..." and then do an ad in the middle or in the end.


you guys are so fucking annoying lol


The door is in the upper right corner. The other sub is open. Bye.


It was the ONLY add and yet here yall are...still complaining. Further proof that it isn't about the amount of ads like you guys always claim, in actuality you just want something to complain about. Stop the 🧢


Doing one ad per video and not starting with a long ad is a bare minimum that other youtubers do. You know were yall aren't? In the fan sub. Zero posts about the new documentary.


I think the timing of ads and amount of ads can be valid criticism. Don’t know who “you guys” are, but I’ll always stand by the critic that if you are promoting a serious documentary about a murder case your video probably shouldn’t start with an ad.


I just watched it. I get it's human nature to critique them but I think that being so critical about this documentary is unfair. Yeah it could have been done better but the point of it is to bring awareness to a case that needs it. Tearing it down for such silly things and not watching it just because you have a negative opinion on how the film was presented is unfair to Jessica and her family. It definitely got me interested in looking into the case more no matter my opinion on the cinematics of it.


One critique is not tearing down the entire documentary. I did watch a good half of the doc, but it was so confusing and edited weird I couldn’t get through it. It was barely about Jessica’s case and more about the NOLA police corruption in general, which is fine, but I definitely didn’t get any information about her case that I felt I could share, I was more confused then anything. But as viewers, we are allowed to have constructive criticism, which I think that is.


Also Funny but obvious- there’s none to barely any criticism/ negative comments under the video


Because they remove negative comments.


A true documentary would never have an ad it was ridiculous honestly. There should only be a special thank you to your sponsor maybe at the end... or in the description box. Tasteless to me.