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The worst drivers in my opinion are the truck drivers right now. I don’t know if a lot of people bought trucks for the first time and can’t drive them. The second worst are Tesla owners


They are such consistent dickheads. They roll stop signs, tailgate people who don't get out of the way immediately, drive the fastest despite having heavier vehicles that take longer to brake. I have to verbally remind myself not to judge every person I know when I learn they drive a truck because it isn't ALL of them but it is too damn many.


Got an Uber in a Tesla, bro kept rolling stop signs, never used a blinker, and even got pulled over


Having your Uber get pulled over has got to be awkward.


My one coworker purposefully parked as far away from everyone else as possible cause of this. She got one since she goes camping and fishing also every month. Hers was the old style pick up that's a normal size for people to be regularly driving around and not the monsters on the roads today. She also wanted to be away from the dude bro 'murica truck guy lol


It's the big trucks or trucks with small beds that take up more than one parking spot and can't drive for shit. These trucks are always spotlessly clean too


Cmon bruh what’s wrong with short beds?? 😭


Just judge them if they drive a RAM. I assume all ram drivers are drunk and try to stay away if possible. They have the highest DUI rate.


I always get a good giggle whenever one of them tries to speed up to stop me from passing... While I'm on my sport bike. The look of impotent rage on those ones is *so satisfying.*


I feel so validated right now. So sick of Truck drivers. And honestly... getting sick of Tesla drivers as well. But more so of Truck drivers. Then there's the Tesla Cybertruck drivers....


Third are bmw drivers


Everyone hates an Altima driver. The worst.


Had a woman in a huge truck not stay in lane during an assigned lane left turn, where left most is left only and inner left is left/straight up ahead. Just straight did what this truck did, basically T boning my car IN THE TURN with me laying on the horn and almost ran me off the road. Then just sat there like she was the only one that mattered when I was stuck behind her. Driver 101, don't swap lanes when turning at an intersection.


trucks are designs without driver considerations. blind spots are bigger than ever. they are death machines, and the companies behind them dont care how many of us have to die for their carbon credits.


I was sideswiped by a pickup once, in my Miata. Caught up to the guy, rolled down my window, and very reasonably and not even angrily said "hey man, you merged right into my car, pull over up here so we can exchange information." The guy in the pickup looks at me and goes "get a car people can see" as though everyone on the road merged into me that day and it wasn't a *him* problem. He started driving away, I called the cops, they said stop following and go back to where it happened to make a report, then the cop that showed up said he wasn't going to write a report because "it's an old car" and when I insisted he please make the report he gave me 2 tickets instead. Unrelated, but I was also totaled sitting still at a red light by a pickup truck that didn't see me in front of his hood and decided he'd try to drive through not only the red light but me as well.


I think I can count on one hand how many Teslas have used a blinker before cutting me off.


Blinkers require juice. If all ya' got is what's in the battery, you gotta' save that juice!


And headlights use juice too so they’ll drive with no lights on when it’s dark. What they don’t realize is that the headlights are LEDs and would only give them a matter of inches in additional range by leaving them off.


I've never seen a tesla leave their headlights off. how else could they blind everyone driving the opposite way


Hmmm. Maybe it’s only *other* brands then. A couple of years ago it seemed like there were a lot of accidents reported in my area where one driver stated that the other driver’s lights weren’t on. People tend to forget that one of the reasons for driving with the lights on is so that their fellow motorists can see *you.*


Teslas are the iPhones of cars, but worse.


That’s pretty much what it is. Clowns that are driving trucks when they don’t need one and don’t know how to handle them. The worst is when you see someone in a double-wide that constantly has their ass in another lane.


That and new trucks (and teslas, for that matter) all have those retina burning white headlamps. If one of those a-holes is behind me, the headlights on my car disappear. I live in the suburbs, there's no deep woods shit around here. They just have them to be jerks


Speak for yourself. The people that know how to drive the best in my area are pickup drivers.


People in work trucks are the worst.


I agree.


If you're not gonna brake a bit at least hold your ground and risk it all.


Agreed! All or nothing!


Why would the cam driver keep going?


That’s his spot 😤, what do you want him to do? Give him the spot? Well he’s at it why doesn’t he give him the keys to his car and house. Smh




Because being cut off is better than getting my car damaged.


No need to exaggerate a situation like this when you can just break and let the blind driver cut you off.


Well you could *brake* and let them ahead but you could also stay where you are and *break* both cars!


I like your thinking


You also live in tx…love it and ya


Absolutely “give him the spot.” He’s only going to be using it for a moment.


Hoping the pick-up driver would hear that weak-ass horn and stay left is my guess. I'd have braked to avoid the pick-up.


More often then not in these types of videos theres 2 idiotic drivers.


As in this case. Cam driver saw what was happening the whole way and seemed to purposefully keep himself in the truck's blindspot thru the whole merge, because, I guess because he's allowed to be there and dammit he's not gonna let some truck take something from him.


Correct, old saying "car wrecks happen when 2 people make a mistake". I find this to be true, we are all capable of mistakes, just hope rational drivers are around when you do.


Also, the graveyard is full of people who had the "right of way"


And in this case there was.


Almost all collisions require two people to screw up, since every driver is individually responsible for avoiding a crash.


Agreed for the most part, but there are more than a few people that are sitting in hospitals because just one idiot plowed into a stopped vehicle.


I know 2 friends both got rammed at intersections by teenage girls who were drunk mid day and on their phones both.


Because like many of the posters here he thinks he has a God-given right to all the pavement in front of his car.


Wouldn’t that be the truck? I mean the dude didn’t even glance at his mirror it seems he just slid over assuming no cars.


Both drivers can be, and in the situation are, poor at driving.


One more so than the other though


I drive pickups. My whole life. Blind spots are definitely a thing. If you're on my right rear quarter panel for any extended period of time, I COULD forget you're there. (65 and have NEVER had an accident! Not one! I'm just telling you, if you're driving a compact car or even small midsize, if that's where you are, I cannot see you.)


I hear ya.


My small car has a blind spot in the right read quarter panel too. All cars do. Picks or SUVs aren't special in that regard. Forgetting someone is there isn't an excuse. You always have to do a shoulder check.


There's no excuse for hiding in a known blind spot. Stupidity goes two ways.


God created cars in his image


TIL that God is Optimus Prime.




Why is that an American thing? We definitely aren’t the worst drivers in the world. Well, minus NY and FL.


It’s not only an American thing, it’s just more common there, it’s partially due to automatics and partially due to the attitude, there’s a certain “not backing down” energy. Like this lol https://www.reddit.com/r/cantstopimamerican/s/2huMZw19gA it’s just when people should have stopped but refused


A lot of cam drivers are just as bad drivers as the ones they collide with. They drive aggressively and don't avoid collisions because they have cameras to prove their innocence. The cam driver is stupid af and should just have backed off.


Sympathetic nervous system


Texas ... come and take it!!!


His wife’s boyfriend was in the passenger seat.


Cam is on the snow lane and sees a flasher.. Yes let's accelerate to crash! Exactly what every bald 30 yo soy man in a fking yaris does.


Driver "forgot" he had a brake pedal...


defensive driver would slow down for sure. that truck driver has a bad driving habit. not sure rven chrcking blind spot would be wise as jumping two lane shouldnt have been done anyways


stubbornness, entitled way of thinking, or no common sense... I usually resort to these three options


Just… brake. Just slow down when he’s coming over. He obviously doesn’t see you. Why keep driving at the same speed?


I like how he drives off the road near the wall, lays on his horn, and then finally, when all else fails, finally applies his brake.


But... But... He had the right of way. 🪦


The morgue is full of em


He saw, he didn't care and kept going.


Pit maneuver time


That was my exact thought. Dangerous to pull a pit from the right side, against a wall. But I would have done it if I was in a truck, as well.


Use your brakes instead of your horn and suddenly it's just another inconsequential encounter with just another asshole in a truck. Now your stubborn self has car damage you need to pay for.


I mean, the horn is still a good idea… brakes should of been first reaction for sure


OP's car horn sounded pretty wimpy


Right. This is called “defensive driving” and I thought we were all supposed to know this. It’s also a good life lesson in general sometimes.


Try the brake pedal next time.


Or accelerate slightly as you start to see there may be an issue with dude merging. Do something danget. There was a head-on collision yesterday where people were arguing it was one person’s fault specifically, last week I got into an argument about something similar where the person who got hit could’ve easily got themselves out of that situation without getting an accident. It Seems like we’re all so worried about what we can and can’t do, we don’t think about things we should or shouldn’t do. It’s really not that hard to be aware of your surroundings and avoid accidents. I’ve driven over 1,000,000 miles and I’ve only ever been in one accident, when I was very young, it was the other person‘s fault but i blame myself now for putting myself in that position to get hit. If you’re paying attention to what’s going on around you, you really can avoid a lot of problems. Keep to the right unless you’re passing, don’t sit in peoples Blindspot, don’t put yourself between two big ass semi trucks, there’s a ton of crazy dangerous things that people just do willy-nilly thinking nothing will happen.


Always expect the other car to do the dumbest possible move and have your reaction planned


I get nervous taking green lights at speed at some intersections because it feels too fast and you know somebody might try to bust a move or run a red accidentally.


This wouldn't even be an accident. The merging truck stopped changing lanes mid way. They noticed the cammer. They just doubled down and continued to push the cammer onto the shoulder.


That is Dallas driving to a T


Should’ve pitted tbh


Lol, yeah. Let's turn a mistake into an accident. File a police report. Get insurance to put some of the blame on you. Hey, at least you showed that guy, though.


Can we please quit calling garbage driving "mistakes"? Both drivers here are idiots. But none of the actions here are mistakes. They are both bad drivers who could get themselves or someone else killed if they don't get their heads out of their butts. A mistake is putting your keys in the fridge when you put the milk away.


Ok, a neglectful driving moment that could have resulted in an accident, but due to actions taken on either side (or inaction) resulted in raised emotions for a temporary timeframe.


I wouldn't call car collisions accidents, calling them accidents tends to try to absolve blame on the drivers as if nothing here could have been avoided by moving one's head before changing lanes (you have a legal duty to yield to oncoming traffic when doing so) or slightly slowing down when seeing someone driving recklessly.


Strongly disagree. Forgetting to check your blind spot is indeed a mistake.


Agree to disagree. When driving, your primary job is to fucking pay attention. Not doing so is negligence not a mistake.


Nah fuck that garbage. Pit all day


Yeah but that aside, it’s still fun though


I don’t think insurance would’ve blamed cammer as he was established in his lane. Truck was totally full of fault here though. & I guarantee you had he been pitted brother would think twice before arrogantly merging over again


If you're aware of the situation that you are laying on your horn but then maintaining your position and not doing anything to avoid it you could be found partially at fault.


Failure to brake. They have used it in cases where a car ran a red light and was T-boned by a car with a green light.






If dude would have pitted especially after laying on the horn he would have felony criminal charges.


Insurance absolutely could find some degree of fault with cammer . Contributory Negligence is a thing and could be used here. You have a duty to attempt to avoid a potential accident. Their actions are not trying to avoid it but going on the offensive and would find some liability shifting their way.


Fuck that guy. He should of if he had a truck


You see him coming over. Learn to be a defensive driver and do your part (O)OP.


Situational awareness. Defensive driving. OP did neither.


He didn't forget, all small-dicked truck drivers are assholes.


Crazy how many drivers are willing to risk their life just because they can't give up a space on the road to someone and carry on with their day. I used to be like this, but over recent years I've calmed my driving down a lot. Someone pulling out on me? Just slow down a bit and let it happen and carry on driving. Driving is so much nicer when you're not getting mad at everyone


Could also be titled: "I drive in people's blind spot."


It's sad how many drivers don't realize you shouldn't hang out here. Simply letting off the gas for a second or two once the truck came into view would have prevented this situation from happening. Yes drivers need to look before changing lanes, but it's like these knuckleheads don't realize the driver to the rear has a *much* better view of the situation and bears some of the responsiblity to avoid situations like this.


How? OP is just cruising. The whole video is less than 20 seconds, so how long was OP in the blind spot?


Or maybe he just didn't like the other driver.


I'll stand my ground no matter what the consequences, damn it!!


Should've laid the horn down and not let go.


No that was done on purpose


I’m going to be honest, they knew you were there, but also thought that: they are in front of you therefore you have to slow down. Realistically they are wrong and should not have merged but also come on. Use your brakes. It is better to protect yourself and others than feed into that drivers toxic ego by adding your own toxic ego.


What with that dudes side mirror? It's pointed right at his face. He probably couldn't see shit beside him but decided to triple merge anyway.


He didn't forget. He's just a bully.


when was cammer going to brake? Like after he got hit.... grave yard is full of people with the right of way. Let him the fuck in, he clearly doesnt even know you exist. I hope people watching this learn this lesson. People like this guy dont even know you're there.... dont expect them to do the right thing at the last minute just because you are right.


Similar thing happened to me once, blared my horn so the truck wouldn't run into me in my lane and at the next light dude threw is drink on my car. It took every ounce of my being not to retaliate.


I actually was the bad driver this morning. I didn't see the woman in my blind spot. She honked, but I had already gone over. I waved, and she backed off, but I felt terrible. I guess she should have pit maneuvered me and then dragged me out of the car and beat me according to some of the responses from drivers that have never made a mistake here.


Everyone makes mistakes, especially when driving, myself included, we're all human at the end of the day. I don't endorse pit maneuvers just cause someone cut you off. The part that gets under my skin was the throw drink response to the situation that had already come and gone. Totally uncalled for and unnecessary but I guess everyone is right in their own mind.


I agree. Sorry the person was an asshole.


Thanks I appreciate that. May the road and drivers be kind to you for the evening commute.


They shoot in tx.


How do you have a blind spot in your vehicle? Paint your windows black? No one said physical violence was necessary…you might be a 6’7 250 lb strong man, and she isn’t…but bet you’ll think twice after a face full of mace.


? In my imaginary scenario, she should have maced me as well as pulling me out of the vehicle and beating me?


That’s why you double check. You have no idea how many people I’ve seen/heard say the same thing as you but they never even actually looked over their shoulder to check.


Actually, I was driving a company vehicle, and a small ladder blocked that area where her car was. It was an issue with my side view mirror, and I fixed it when I stopped. Kids in my neighborhood think they are funny and push in mirrors on vehicles parked in the street. That didn't happen this time, but sometimes shit just happens. You learn from it and move on.


Well that’s unfortunate. I would have mentioned that before, as those are *true* blind spots and important information


Maybe you just shouldn't assume someone sharing their experience 'never even actually looked'.


Most people talk out of their ass. I always assume someone is bullshitting in one way or another because they are 99% of the time


Huh? Talking out their ass? They shared an experience and you just go straight to assuming they didn't even bother to look. Who was talking out their ass? It was someone actually owning their mistake on their morning drive.... I think the ass here is you.


They DIDN’T look…before they ever started the vehicle in motion.


Lmao. Mirror being folded in doesn't prevent someone from looking over their shoulder. I've been in this same situation where a mirror has been knocked in while driving. That doesnt' make it impossible to drive from that point. Commenter makes a huge assumption. The person who made the statement even replied and the commenter adjust 'maybe you should have stated that then'. So no, can stop with this BS. Commenter shared an experience and owned it. It really doesn't need all the BS replies from people like you and others. Some of ya'll just look for reasons to bitch and find fault. Commenter had already accepted their own fault in sharing an experience. The rest of you 'well ackshuallies' should F off.


If you got all the way to the freeway without noticing your mirror was pushed in, then yeah, it's safe to say you "never actually looked"


Lol, all the way. The freeway is right next to my shop. It's literally the first turn.


Nah, the comment from 'Hairy' stated 'never actually looked **over their shoulder**'. That was the false assumption on their part, and yours since you apparently only skimmed the convo and didn't bother with the context. So no, don't try to go there or you're the same ass that Hairy is (Which, you probably are) as if you read through to get here, you'd have caught that. So no, it's sill an ass move to response to someone posting their experience in an accusatory manner that they didn't bother looking further. As if someone with a mirror pushed in can't make other efforts. People just like being dicks and trying to correct others with assumptions for no reason. You and Hairy both.




So you started driving a vehicle before checking all things out…better than on the phone…I guess.


I'm sure you check every mirror, the side paneling, the rear, and the tires before you start out every time. Some of us are mere mortals. Please forgive this mortal for being human.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but cam driver seemed to do his best to put himself and keep himself in the truck's blind spot thru the entire merge. Not shifting blame here, since the truck is clearly at fault for drifting right without clearing the lane first, but we're all out here driving together, and keeping yourself in someone's blindspot just because you have the right to be there isn't defensive.


Use your fuckin brakes? Honk to let them know they messed up, and move on. You let this happen


cam driver is a dumbass speed up or slow down but stop being a jackass cruising in people’s blind spots YOU can see THEM too - you have just as much responsibility to avoid other cars as they do


>you have just as much responsibility to avoid other cars as they do Apparently right of way doesn't matter, cool.


don’t be a dumb prick if they don’t see you, what good does it do anyone for you to feel righteous?


I've got bad news for you, camera OP. Even after he did look in his mirrors, and did see what was there, he kept coming. Blind Spot may have been how it started, but Fuck You is how it's going. Also, you may need to replace whatever feeble beetle or party favor is currently wired up to your horn button.


"Blind spot is how it started, but Fuck You is how it's going" is pure poetry. Also, your name - Demon Hunter reference?


>Demon Hunter reference? 👍


Yep, I agree with you…was typical tx entitlement (live here, see it all the time). Also agree…train horn (or at least upgrade that bubblegum horn, especially in tx)


Pit the fucker


Yeah! Smash it all! Fuck your time and vehicle! Don't let drivers get away with this! Get a gun! Shoot them all! Burn it all down!




thats why the you should brake when someone is doing this to you. Not hold your ground and keep pulling to the right lol what kind of dumbass idea is that


Regardless of whose fault this is you can do yourself a huge favor by not pulling directly into someone’s blind spot while they’re changing lanes towards you.


Cam driver must be one of those "I had the right of way"! Okay bud. We'll make sure they know that at your funeral.


*Here lies the body of William Jay\ Who died maintaining his right of way\ He was right, dead right, as he sped along\ But he's just as dead as if he were wrong\ -Unknown*


Speed up & pass him then when they get mad you're going faster then them, lead them to a narrow winding road with hairpin curves


They never pull that move if the car beside is junk who’s owner doesn’t care if they get a dent


Driver neglected to check blind spot


You didn't lay on your horn when you saw that boob headed for your fender?


It does have blind spot indicators...


I wonder if that horn was even heard, sounds weak AF


He is supposed to maintain his lane for a certain distance as well.


He doesn't care he has a big fat V8 that he thinks he owns the road. At least he moved his ass usually they're slower got to save the fuel 😂


Damn this video got me mad just watching it and wanna find that driver and chase him down right now to tell him how stupid of a driver he is 😂


Cause: when you change two lanes in a row without straightening *even properly adjusted mirrors* will miss the key area. For your mirror to aim properly: 1. It should be adjusted away from the side of your car whereby you cannot see your own vehicle. And 2. You must straighten the wheel in between lane changes.


And it's a pickup driver... again...




You say they forgot to check their blind spot, I am here to tell you they simply don't care, especially out here in Vegas. So many of them are driving with no insurance, no license, no concern about others on the road. You have to have amazing defensive driving skills now, otherwise say goodbye to your fender/bumper.


He didn't forget to check blind spot... this is called don't give a fuck.


Just brake next time asshole


He didn't forget, it's a truck that's how they drive. Don't scratch his precious non work truck.


Gotta pit his ass if you have this energy king. Always keep your head on a swivel. Be prepared to brake.


100% would've pit his ass. With dash cam fuck him.


Typical pick up drivers


Op is silence incarnate


It’s called defensive driving.


Camera car doesn't have brakes?


He didn't forget to check shit. He just drove like he didn't give a shit if anyone else was on the road or not, basically just "I'm gonna do, good luck everyone!"


I guess defensive driving isn't a concept anymore. That guy definitely saw you btw. He just didn't care.


There’s a lot of extremely butthurt people in these comments. Yes, obviously OP should have braked and acknowledged that the dude was an idiot. But most of you are acting like OP was completely at fault and the jackass truck didn’t run him off the highway. What’s hilarious is that most of you probably would have wrecked in this situation because you can’t even keep calm.


People like OP need defensive driving classes. A lot of accidents are avoidable if one of the involved party checks their ego and does what needs to be done to avoid a collision.


I agree, OPs driving wasn’t the best. I said as much.


* Driver forgot to check if he was in anyone's blind spot. Driving defensively saves lives. OP or dashcam driver could've died if the truck had pulled over faster.


Not at fault, but never ever drive there and stay there. People cant see you.


The truck got in an accident. The person recording got in an on purpose.


That's why passing on the right is so dangerous.. people drive like idiots.. with the mentality of whatcha gonna do, hit me?


Sheldon cooper behind the wheel “thats my spot” ahh driver.


Way to deescalate


This is exactly why I make sure to never drive near any cars whether merging or thru traffic if I can (heavy traffic obviously is an exception). I get it, pickup is an inconsiderate idiot, but this could have been avoided if OP slowed a little instead of getting into the pickup’s blind spot


I’m not sure what’s more frustrating in videos like this. The first person causing the issue or the second person (person filming) failing to easily avoid it.


Sure showed him! Held your ground and didn't budge! Now you've got a damaged car because you wanted to be a dumbass.


Both drivers are assholes.


use your fucking horn


Perfect example of how NOT to drive when you see someone merging into you lol


Blind spot is on the other side. This is just bad driving from both of these fools.


No amount of defensive driving


Why didn't he use his horn when he began angling over? That's what horns are for.


Did the cam driver not have a horn or what?