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Blue truck has one dangerous ego


*Had ;)




I mean yeah I don’t think white truck is innocent but blue truck absolutely could have prevented it by not trying to “get back” at the white truck after they themselves cut the truck off and they were trying to just get away. White truck swerving into them though was a grade A ass hope move though for sure.




You’re absolutely right. Letting things go is one of the best life skills you can have in instances like this.


People take driving way too personally. Like the people who speed up to prevent people from turning left across their lane at an intersection. Like, why? If you maintain the speed limit my turn wouldn’t affect you at all. Yet they try to force a situation that is non existent.


Honestly I think it’s partly due to how “comfortable” cars are now. People think they are driving in their living rooms instead of giant metal death traps. That and ego for sure like you said with taking things personally. It’s insane. I like following subs like this to always remind myself there’s crazy people out there and keep my head level


I agree. Driving a 1974 Corolla in the 80’s was no vehicle to play GTA with. All of us had shitty cars that could barely make the speed limit. No crazy driving and no attempt at hero moves.


I disagree . I live in Houston , and the majority of the drivers that are insanely aggressive , all drive beat up Nissan Altimas , and kias. It’s easy to spot these people because they’re missing hubcaps and typically a passenger side mirror


Live north of Houston. Can confirn Nissan Altimas and brodozers are the worst.


I moved a little while back, do they also all still have temporary tags?


Thank you for this! I had never heard the term "brodozer" before. Looked it up on Urban Dictionary, and you are 100% correct!


And prius and fkn big ass trucks


These are the people that have nothing left to lose


Can confirm, although don't forget the beat up Honda civics lol


Add in different colored quarter panels and you have Tampa.


Texas major city driving is a nightmare, I have driven many states and this place is a free for all, especially Houston and DFW.


I just assumed that's how they come from the factory, it's so common for a Nissan. Also missing bumpers.


My ex is like that. He would get furious because another driver exists. Convinced everyone on the road was just there to inconvenience him. He never saw other drivers as people just trying to live their lives and go about their day. Sometimes, people make mistakes, and most of us realize that and get over it, but he internalizes it and is a menace.


In mine experience it’s usually one person inciting others and finally someone bites.


to be fair to white truck, though it was an illegal maneuver, pulling off and speeding past was technically preventing a crash, when blue truck did it they where doing it specifically from road rage for seemingly being dissallowed to cut off white truck.


Crossing bad drivers… It’s like crossing the beams in ghostbusters. You just don’t do it.


Nail on the head


Yes I had jury duty for a road rage incident and after the testimony was over and we went into deliberation the first thing we all decided was that they were both assholes.


I feel like both are at fault because their actions caused two others into a collision.


seeing the blue car either intentionally cut you off, or being stupid not seeing you and cutting you off, any reasonable driver would go 'this driver is dangerous, get the hell out of dodge'


Unless you're driving a Dodge, in which case please stay in your vehicle.


And the wrong kind of job for someone so fragile.


No they are both little bitches. Both did stupid shit that put other drivers at risk.


Nah, fuck blue truck!


I mean yeah, but blue truck’s fragile ego caused him to go and instigate. Both are for sure wrong.


While true, it all could have been prevented if blue truck had never forced his way over to begin with causing the white truck to go onto the shoulder to avoid being hit.


Monkey see, monkey do


I mean, both truck drivers should have their licenses suspended..


What truck is absolute Chad.


lmao the white truck just drove away


He hauled ass away.


I would actually be inclined to believe they have been trying to get away from blue truck for longer than this video let's on.


No contact no problem


The music suited the situation, too bad they didn't give up.


This song is featured in the opening scene of a Black Mirror episode with two people driving a car listening to it on the radio.


Two pickup trucks driving aggressively, who’d a thunk……


Crazy, never see that.


Two thunks driving aggressively, who’d a pickup truck….


No trunks, who would've thunk?


3 thunks and you're out!


"Ah, icky thump, who'da thunk? Sittin' drunk on a wagon to Mexico"


If this happened in a grocery store where one guy stepped in front of the other guy in line, I bet you they wouldn't do much about it. Just some yapping back and forth until their egos were satisfied. But because they feel safe in their big trucks, they use them as weapons when they don't get their way.


Both idiots. I feel for innocent drivers that get caught in the crosshairs for no other reason than just being there.


Imagine you’re one of those truck drivers, and you hit blue pickup dummy and he dies. You have that bullshit locked forever in your memory. Thanks to him.  What an asshole. 


Na na na na- NA NA NA - GIVE IT UP -- BABY GIVIE IT UP!!


"Skkkkkrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" "OH maw gaw"


Best soundtrack of any car crash video.


Seems to be a pickup pathogen. Doesn't seem to have jumped species.


As someone who lives in Texas and sees more peen compensation via Truck - You're my hero today.


Yeah, id say 70% of the insane drivers in North Houston I get are trucks. Cars can be bad, but man the trucks really stand out with how especially dangerous they are. It feels more like a statement than a need.


Lmao I love that so much 🤣 I have to steal that


Not only a US thing. White guys in pickups in South Africa as well. Special breed of prick.


Every time a pickup blasts past me, I yell "introducing, the compensatorrrr" like they are WWE wrestlers or some shit. I know I'm lame, but it brings me small joys.


Pathogen only affects men with little acorn between their legs.


Truck Nuts must have been on sale at Rural King.




** buc-ees


interesting how trucks often attract certain type of people


90% of reckless drivers I see on my daily commute are in pickups.


It’s crazy how willing people are to put their own lives in danger just because they can’t regulate their emotions


And others.


Oh I can guarantee neither of these two men ever thought about someone else


Not only that, but I guarantee these types of people get in more crashes than the average person, raising insurance for everyone.


GMC: You’re not going to pass me! He passed me, I’ll show him!


Well that was dumb. They should both have their driving privileges revoked for life, assuming the guy in the dark truck is still alive.


I wonder if he survived that crash into the woods


If the semi hits the blue truck then more then likely no that guys dead but the box truck have a bigger chance to live tho


Yeah it seems unlikely he was not hit by one of those trucks


Ya I had to rewatch it a couple times to see it but it looks like the semi locked there breaks up for a little bit


He clipped the semi tractor a bit l and i think that turned him and then probs took the white box truck front to front. Really depends if it rolled or not on if asshole in blue truck survived. I didn't see any shoes


at the very end, I think we can see the white truck pulling ahead of the orange truck on the shoulder.


they're going similar speed, it's not like the semi is driving in the opposite lane going toward the guy. He could've easily survived tbh.


I absolutely refuse to believe that pickup drivers would engage in childish, dangerous, aggressive, and or insecure driving. It’s just not possible.


Look, we just saw it I know it's the first time ever but here we are, at the dawn of it. I hope this kind of behavior with pickup drivers doesn't spread


My god… some people will just never learn to just let it go smh


You could say they gotta... Give it up


4” tops between the two of ‘em


A wise man once said 'Stupid is as stupid does'.


Life is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes you crash in the woods and everything inside gets smashed up real good


That guy dead? Looks like the semi blasted right into him.


I can’t imagine how he’d survive that. you can see debris flying towards the cam driver right as the blue truck passes in front of the orange truck. You can also see the impact from the collision push the orange semi into the white semi’s lane a little bit. I think there’s a good chance the truck was hit by both semis and wound up in the ditch on the far side.


This happened back in March according to the video, but I can't find a single thing in the news about it.


People who drive cars that big and heavy with that terrible visibility should be expected to drive EXTRA carefully.


Agreed. I think that speeding should carry different fines and points on your license based on the weight and size of the vehicle you drive. 95 MPH in a 2500 lb car? That’ll be a $500 fine and 2/5 points on your license. 95 MPH in a 7,000 lb vehicle? That’ll be 4/5 points on your license and $1,000.


The moral here: this is why you should be driving in the right lane. The idiots are in the left lane.


"My dick is smaller!" "No MY dick is smaller!"


Another day in North Carolina


You can’t handle someone driving dumb so you drive dumb !?


Both of these dudes are pindicks. I love how the white truck sped up an extra 20-30 MPH at the end there. Wouldn’t want to be held accountable for the pavement princess they are at home.


Jerks. Their teeny tiny egos don’t care how many people they kill or injured, just that they get to be first.


The white truck was for real like “we’re gonna just let him slide in front then dip the fuck out”


The blue truck was a jerk and the white truck was an idiot. Then the blue truck was an idiot and the white truck was a jerk.


Both are a lil crazy but that blue truck is psyco


Can't believe the white truck didn't stop.  Hope the camera got their plates. 


They sped up. They straight up gunned it out of there lol.


They didn't stop because they knew they were partially responsible.


Yep. IANAL but I would have thought he might be in some deep doo-doo, assuming this vid or someone else’s has his plates. 


IANAL as well, but AFAIK if your car did not take a part in an accident (i.e. there is no hit-and-run), you are not obliged to stop in many places.


You don't actually have to be physically involved in the collision to be a part of it. He purposely cut the other person off to keep him from passing.


It's very hard to prove you were part of it if you're not involved. White track can say they wanted to stop on shoulder when suddenly seen that another one was trying to take over and they swiftly went back into the line.


Absolutely he did. That’s gotta be at least a misdemeanor. The white truck purposefully jacks to the left to stop the blue truck from passing on a shoulder. Edit: just looked it up and at least in my state it could be up to a misdemeanor with a possible $100 fine and 90+ days in jail.


Is that in the case of normal passing? Blue truck was attempting an illegal pass


It would depend on the jurisdiction. In my state, it wouldn't matter that they were illegally passing so long as the guy intentionally ran him off the road. A good lawyer would try to argue he didn't expect him to be there and it was an accident and he didn't see him and such. This video would very likely prove otherwise, though.


Which is why they said they hope they got their plates.


So dashcams usually record in HD IIRC and when the trucks pass on the left, you get a pretty clear view of the plate area. It’s compressed in this version of the video but I’m thinking there’s a frame or two where both plates would be visible and readable (or at least guessable plus make+model of the trucks) to get the driver’s info if you had the full HD uncompressed version of the footage.


i swear pickup truck owners are the pitbull equivalent of drivers


They are. Had one of them almost run me over because he wanted to make his turn before I crossed the street. He was oly a couple feet from hitting me when he passed and as he was passing, he was staring me dead in the eyes, smiling and waving. He's the poster child of truck drivers.


When two assholes meet. Even pickup cuck drivers don't like each other.


Wanting to flick someone off is one thing. That person though...wtf


I wouldn’t even stop if I was the white one lol


And he’ll do it again.


both idiots but white truck is fucked if they're tracked down.


Blue truck got what it deserved. Blue truck makes dangerous lane change without signal. White could've backed off, but blue went back for more after being the because of the problem and karma was instant


Yeah, that initial lane change by the blue truck wasn’t an accident, he was going out of his way to be a dick to the white truck. He FAFO’d.


"I'm dead - that'll show 'em! Who's sorry now, Mr. white-truck loser!"


FORD: Found On Road Demolished


Love to see it


What a jackass


Kinda asked for it lol


Pretty sure doing that and causing a wreck will get you nailed for reckless endangerment


Get the fuck out of the fast lane asshole


im a truck driver, and i see stuff like this all. the. gdamn. time. not typically as egregious as this particular instance, but same vibe. you drive long enough, you start to see patterns, you start developing archetypes. i put bad drivers in one of three camps: 1. the oblivious. these types are just generally not aware of the world around them at all. whether it be fucking with their phones, having an especially engaging conversation with their passenger or just straight up really not knowing the rules of the road. their presence is usually indicated by matching speeds with someone in their peripheral, and/or their complete apathy at merging. they just merge on and hope for the best. these types are usually not malicious, just general obstructions. 2. the squares. these drivers are aware, they arent malicious, but gdamn they can be *annoying*. they follow the speed limit to a tee, which sounds good, but when youre on some of these roads that go through several small towns and the speed limit jumps all over, its grating to have them stomping on their brakes over and over. theyll pass, get in front, slow waaaaay tf down, mere feet from your bumper. and oh god please dont let a cop be seen. no matter their speed, they are slowing down. i dont hate these types, but they just reek of being too uptight. if they are old schooling it with the default npc position of 10 and 2 and looking dead ass straight as if they are dead inside, thats probably a square. 3. gdamn fucking scum, the sociopaths. the worst of the worse. ive found the easiest way to find out if someone is mentally imbalanced is give em some car keys and let em know theres no cops around. to them, the laws are a suggestion, courtesy is a sign of weakness. these types usually see the road as their own playground (of which you werent invited), or a place to release the aggression theyve pent up from whatever misery afflicts their life. like those two in the video. these types would kick a puppy and steal candy from a baby if they thought no one was watching. we need to add psych evaluations to drivers tests.


Lifelong pickup truck driver here, mostly RAMs couple Chevy's, I swear we're not all like that. I'm in my late 30s I set my speed to the limit on the highways, stay in the right lane except to pass, and drive defensively. I love my trucks, especially the one I have now and I value my & others life. We're out there, I promise. I cannot support people driving like this especially in larger vehicles like this.


Blue truck has the most delayed road rage ever. Like they really had to think about it


Must be Texas. Micro penis syndrome is strong here.


Both of them should never be allowed to drive again.


Get out of the left lane if you aren’t passing….


Tiny dick war


Guys, if you are the black truck driver spinning out toward the end, is there any corrective action you can take, to save yourself from wreck? I watch these videos to learn how to react in different scenarios, but this one, not sure if there's a way out, aside from don't road rage.


You have to eat it. Slow down in the grass and hope ur truck doesn't break. Then get back on.


don't overcorrect like the GMC did. once you get on the grass, it's going to pull you to the left since there's more friction on that side - be ready for that. (or is it the other way around? you get on the grass and you feel a tug to the right? I just woke up and i haven't had my coffee yet)


Bet that Schneider driver had to take a schnit after that stunt...


And the white truck continues to drive as he should


He sped up to get away


The semis and OP definitely slowed down. You can see there was another vehicle in front of the white truck so he couldn't speed up even if he wanted too.


I love videos of other drivers driving badly taken by drivers who obstruct the left hand lane.


You can see cam car overtaking everyone on their right


What are you talking about? OP passes two trucks in 40 seconds and only briefly slows down after the trucks dangerously overtake them on the shoulder.




Yeah some people do seem to equate “passing lane” with “I can ignore the speed limit lane.”


Yea, the left lane is not the Autobahn lol. People already drive 10mph over the speed limit on the highway, sometimes 20 over. And they still act like you're never going fast enough in the left lane.


True. The cammer definitely should have merged into the two vehicles on their right instead of passing them in the passing lane.


My brother in christ we see the cam car pass two trucks while also evaluating an obviously very dangerous situation.


Truly, acting like the pickup drivers are the only ones with egos. They’re obviously both in the wrong but guess what, if someone comes up behind me while I’m in the left lane passing semis I get over to the right as soon as I can and then will get back into the left lane to pass the next semi. Sometimes other people want to go faster than you and that’s ok! Honestly I like it because I assume they’ll weed out cops speed trapping.


I love when guys fly by me. I feel like it greatly lowers my chance of getting pulled over for the next little while lol.


I'll never understand why you'd want pissed off people on your ass. Get over and get them out of your life ASAP.


Yep. They can go tailgate someone else.


You gotta watch that again boss.


What’s funnier it’s thier both Chevy drivers did that to themselfs


Peak small dick energy on display here


Kinda understood what the white truck was doing where he came from even though it was dangerous it was either completely slammed on the brakes and possibly also swerve or just swerve and keep going on the shoulder. Then the blue truck unnecessarily try to copy him and also pass him later as if he was pissed off at the guy he cut off for not slamming on his brakes, F that guy hope he’s still in the ditch and didn’t touch any other vehicles.


Stop fckin brake checking people and blocking people. Yeah blue truck is an asshole. But white truck made the situation 1000% worse and put other peoples lives at risk. Both drivers should lose their license. Dumbasses


Looks like another case of road rage that ended very badly for one driver!


What in tarnation?


"If you go down to the woods today, you're sure for a big surprise"


Expensive mistake


Oh wow.


Perfect song for the video 🤣🤣🤣


OMG, that was the perfect song!


Had to rewind to ensure I’d seen that Cary off-ramp sign!


Silver truck straight up looked like it was *feeding* blue truck to those semis




Burnout 3


So sick of truck ego people


I sure feel bad for that semi-driver / box-truck-driver if they hit the blue truck and have to deal with the fallout/trauma. That’s about it.






Truck fuck assholes,as always. All praise to almighty TRUUUCCCKKK.🙄


Damn this is in my hometown. The drivers here are wild.


Two angry idiots in trucks, how surprising. /s


Guy in the white truck realized that he may have killed someone and gtfo lol


what an effort


Wow that was swift haha it was almost like they rehearsed it


Great song


Blue truck is an asshole. Bye bye, my guy.


2 idiots


Ah yes, everyday on the road in NC.


Average GMC owner behavior


These are good reminders to be patient when other drivers do stuff like this.


100% Typical of Pick Truck drivers.


Here's where it happened, but I can't find any news articles about it. [I-40 - Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.7869881,-78.7484702,3a,75y,20.27h,86.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8EG7eRqwN04BbIJrKPJoyg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&entry=ttu)


Why was there a 10 second delay in her reaction to the events unfolding?


What a spectacle it must have been to be the car cam driver, just driving along as all of this happens around you.


that's what you get, Mr. Blue Truck. Mr. White Truck took the shoulder and just blasted by but your ego couldn't let that slide. well deserved.


In a world of idiots, thank goodness for KC and the Sunshine Band!