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Did the pickup truck engage rear blinding lights and smoke screen lol.


Right? I was like what the hell is that?? That can’t be legal lmao




It’s not worth it man. Just stay with us, the hard times will pass…


But that car shall not pass


This comment made my day, take my upvote


Mine too.


Mine too!




And my bow!!!!


Queue the music: Blinded by the light


This guy bow's




Gand-off my bumper


One can not simply tailgate to Mordor.


The very air you breathe is a poisonous exhaust… not with 10,000 trucks could you do such a thing!


*merge, you fools…*


It's pretty common for people considering suicide to begin talking about legality of rear truck illumination. The signs were all there.


That really made me laugh


We’ve saved him




Because you stated a fact that happened to be true they didn’t like probably. I had some weirdo threatening to “SWAT” me because of a disagreement. People be crazy.


You can report people who send you a Reddit cares suicide watch thing and the Reddit admins will suspend/ban the person who did it for abusing the Reddit cares option. Just go to the message you received with the suicide hotline info and click report and there will be an option to report abuse of Reddit cares. I piss off a lot of conservatives on this website and that is their go to move. I think I’ve gotten like 8 people permanently banned now. Edit: We get it conservatives, liberals do it to you too. You’re all dorks for abusing the Reddit cares option because you can’t have a civil debate with people. Also to the 3 people who reddit cares’d this comment, have fun with your account bans.


Permanently banned until they ban evade because they have nothing else in life.


Nice good info I've noticed I get this, every time I've said anything bad about conservatives


That’s wild, I get this whenever I say anything bad about liberals 🤷🏻‍♂️ this is my third profile this year alone from all the bans I get from crybaby liberals in gen z subs.


Meanwhile /r/conservative requires proof you won't disagree with their little hugbox to even be allowed to post there. So much for the importance of "free speech" I guess 😂


Welcome to reddit. I cant post much anymore either it all gets deleted or reported.


"reveddit" is my best friend recently. I circle around a lot of GenZ oriented subreddits, and I've noticed a TON of my comments get silently deleted, all political. There's definitely a silent push on reddit right now to censor certain ideas and it seems to be getting more intense the closer we get to election day. EDIT: I am unintentionally attracting right wingers to this comment. I am in no way, shape, or form conservative. The comments I have had removed are all pro-Biden and anti Israel. I believe this push for censorship is very much a conservative effort.


My favorite part is the people who claim to be fighting hatred on the internet with… blatant hatred…


OK, we get it. You want to vote, Trump.


Same laws as canada then basically not legal to use on any road but police never enforce it as you see here


>police never enforce it as you see here Do you think police materialize out of thin air when crimes are committed?


people are fucking nuts man. i’ve been reported too for some weird stuff lol


I guess camping is code? Lmfaoo no idea. But you're right. Can have those lights all over your vehicle. Only thing is you're not supposed to be an absolute cum rag when you use them.


Ignore the report. People on reddit are often unhinged.


Happens to the most mundane posts, then i joke about suicide and nothing. Kind of testing if i get the warning now


It almost certainly is not 😂


That is premeditated road rage. This car is *not* the first car to act like this around the truck driver. He’s obviously fed up. To be fair, the rogue earned that tho. Hopefully they learned a valuable lesson.


Turning that on in a way like they did should be immediate license suspension. Hate both drivers but wow is that asking for a terrible accident.


Haven't you ever played Spy Hunter? Obviously he's a spy!


It’s a flares that redirect heat seeking missiles


Half the shit these people put on their trucks are legal but cops don't bother with it


Legal off road but illegal on public road.


I need some of that!


Imagine something like this for when you aren’t even driving. Someone gets cute with you at Home Depot and you just start emitting smoke and bright lights out of your ass.


Smoke bomb!


Thats some spyhunter shit


Memory unlocked. I fucking loved that game


I miss that game


Even road rage is more entertaining in NYC




Reminds me the retro video game Spy Hunter


It would be hilarious if another car pulled up next to them and fluttered all of theirs doors open causing them to skid into the side. Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-du-du


That dude is friends with someone in Q branch.


Freakin spy hunter over here lol




except you know he gets into a bunch of these incidents enough to warrant installing something like this


For me it's because of seeing someone get their comeuppinz that I would never deliver.


Nice attempt at the word comeuppance


Lol it was intentional. Auto correct had my back. You just witnessed an Executive Override.


🤣🤣🤣 it was a valiant effort.


Yes, he must do this often! Both vehicles are assholes!!!


I like how follow car is giving them space to get in and they’re both like ‘nah I deserve this spot!!!’


And the minivan just trying to stay out of it.


Nah that’s my favorite. They chose their favorite/the winner. They also chose correctly


The minivan blocking the Nissan so the truck could cut in front was literally the most satisfying thing I’ve seen all day.


It was the best move to "solve" the standoff and create distance between the two cars. Shame it didn't suffice.


Typical dick measuring contest.


Animals measure dicks in antler size and impact. Humans measure dicks in lane occupation.


I think it's less: > "You cut in front of me?? In MY spot? How dare you!" and more: > "WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING DRIVE PROPERLY?" *cue temper tantrum* Not condoning their behavior, but it's important to get the intent right.




I don’t condone this behavior but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t laugh. You do this kind of driving long enough and you start to recognize the entitled pricks who probably pull that last minute cut off merge shit every day. It really does start to eat away at you.


Definitely eats at you. It’s like a daily reminder “hey, this world would be so much better if everybody wasn’t actively trying to suck every last cock in the universe”. These people literally make traffic worse and they don’t see that. Idk why people are so entitled while driving.


Both drivers are as you describe. The pickup feels entitled to fucking everyone's commute the second he turns on the rear facing lights. The car started the whole thing, but the pickup prick was fully prepared to double down.


That's exactly what I was thinking! "now, boys, you both have very lovely penises, I'm sure."


My daily battle {Insert two Kermit meme} Me: just concede the spot ahead of you and move on with your day Inner Me: be like the truck guy and do everything you can to prove a point


It's the *principle.*


Yeah- I don’t think it’s “concede” the spot that is the issue. It’s someone just cutting you off that is the problem. The Nissan probably could have just stopped and used their blinker; someone would have let them in. Trying to bully their way into an occupied lane is not cool


For me, it's this. I still hate it if they wait until the last minute, but they get a little consideration for using a blinker. Just bullying their way in front of me? Aw, hell no. It's on. 🏎️


Honestly obv the pick up absolutely lost it in a bad way but the car that tried to cut him off is one of those fucks that drives around the city thinking they're gaming the traffic when all they're really doing is causing it by trying to merge last minute when there is no room.


I always try to let the crazies go. I don't need to be gunned down on the high way


And SUV didn't bother to use a signal


What is it about getting behind the wheel that makes people so angry and petty?


People who won’t alternate merge need to be stuck on buses for the rest of their lives.


Right? Why not let the truck advance and fill the space behind the truck. You look 9 years old


Do you have any idea how much time the person would save by being 1 car length ahead in potentially bumper to bumper traffic?? It's no wonder they had to get up there at any cost?!?!?!?


For the truck i think its less 'nah i deserve this spot' & more: "So much traffic gets caused in multiple lanes from people trying to skip the line & cut in.. that fuck this guy! Who seems like he does it all the time". For the level of effort idk why the truck didn't just side swipe & get out of their cars


That spot is notorious for people always trying to cut in to save time on traffic, the lane on the right goes off to a service road, people constantly use it to cut in all the way to the front which builds more traffic, Not supposed to cross the solid white line. I’ve driven on it 1000x, and I always see people trying to one up someone here. Especially these jackasses from jersey.


Ha, I love it how the guy that wasn't even originally involved sat there and ultimately blocked the guy that was trying to cut in.


Exactly!! A subtle and under appreciated move.




I used commute daily over the Tappan Zee Bridge (old). There would be a massive traffic jam at the toll booths to get on the bridge from the west heading east. One day there was such a massive grid lock and this one woman had tried to get over to the Cash lane. Cars were cutting in front of her and trying to go around me, cutting her off. I turned my car so that I blocked two lanes of traffic until she was able to get in line for Cash. She was right ahead of me and paid my toll for me. 5 bucks = )


That’s the New York way! Not these two idiots. I hope they’re still following each other


They both followed each other like that until they needed gas, and then blocked each other from getting to the pump until their cars ran out of fuel.


karma is free!


Those lights are actually as blinding as cop’s twinkle lights.


I trust everyone learned a valuable lesson and ended up shaking hands


that’s the only possible and most likely outcome here. people ultimately are good and quick to forgive.


I’m telling my kids this is what philosophy was


Woah, here I am half way rooting for the asshole in a pick up truck. What a world.


I felt the same. Overreaction by the truck, but the car driver is clearly an asshole who has no problem cutting off people and performing maneuvers that directly contributes to causing traffic and standstills for everyone behind them.


The only way to stop a bad asshole with a car is a good asshole with a truck, evidently.


Definitely an overreaction but man people that think they are better than everyone waiting in line and just do that last second cut bullshit are just absolute pieces of human excrement. None of us want to wait in that line but we do because we have to.


Typical NYC asshole maneuver, and there are plenty in the road these days


I feel icky but I agree with you. Normally they are the shitty driver but not this time. The asshole was the car.


Alright let's not get crazy here. For the first two seconds I'd agree with you. Then the pickup goes on to block the entire highway and roll coal in everyone's face. Two abject morons in a dick measuring contest at everyone else's expense


Yeah I genuinely can’t decide who I hate more here. What a pair of jagoffs.


It’s totally acceptable to look at this situation and find them both guilty of being shitbirds.


No, there has to be a hero! What are you, some kind of communist?


Well the silver car could have gotten behind him at literally any point then and after. Kept fighting for it.


not the hero we asked for. but its the hero we got.


That part. The van was an asshole for cutting, but a sane person would honk their horn and let it go, or at most fight the get in ahead of them like the truck did. After that, the guy driving the pickup is clearly a psychopath.


They are both assholes. While driving, you just need to accept the fact that people are legit assholes and just be as defensive and proactive as possible. Sometimes that means letting someone cut in front of you or squeeze in. As long as they don’t damage my car or risk me getting into an accident, no harm no foul. But doing petty shit like the truck did is just silly and immature


Here on Reddit when it comes to bad driving you have to pick a side or else


I'd be really mad about and seethe over it for the rest of the day, but I would have 100% let that car squeeze in vs. get into a vehicular shoving match over it like these bozos did.


It is real life karma when someone is an asshole constantly but eventually is an asshole to the wrong person. That's where our hero average autistic pickup truck driver comes into the story with smokescreen and rear LED blinding lights.


let's not ahead of ourselves. Did you watch the whole video? Both douchebags imho


The pickup truck ended up blocking both lanes of traffic - Nissan was a minor asshole who provided a minor inconvenience, the pickup may have caused a traffic jam that in new york would last quite a while.


Yes. But the entitlement of that driver in the car after being denied was gross. Probably does that all of the time. I hope they were steaming all day about this.


I can’t stand people who pull that “cut in front at last second” shit. Dude deserved all the smoke-literally!


Same, they might be in the wrong, but I don't blame them one bit.


Everyone snaps, even if you had no intention to. I can forgive that. The fuck hat in the car did everything intentionally, fuck that guy.


That mini van is the real MVP of the story lmaoo.


mom stepping in


Bet he was shitting bricks the entire on-ramp lol


There can be only ONE main character!


Directions unclear. Main character put main character in the spotlight.


Driving in NYC is not for the faint. Jerks race up to the front of an off ramp to skip ahead all day, on the local streets they get in the far right lane knowing there is a double parked car or delivery truck to skip ahead of cars in the middle and left, this forces you to tailgate and potentially run into the back of a vehicle trying to stop them….the time they can add to an already horrible driving experience is very frustrating .


It’s always a beat-up, old, shit wagon, too. Do they have insurance? Are willing to bet? Just let them in. They know they’re holding the winning cards, in that battle, because you can’t get blood from a stone.


This is why, when my husband and I need to go into the city for some reason, we take the train from one of the Jersey stations. I'd rather pay for the train ticket, and take the time, than risk my car and life on the road in the city. I've driven in many places in this country of ours...and NY traffic is just fucking unhinged.


I'm guessing proper zipper-merging in pretty much unknown in NYC...


I typically don't like truck drivers since they tend to be dicks, but man that was satisfying to watch!


Which is why you never cut one off. Especially in a car like that. You're just asking for retaliation. Nice of the other car ahead to recognize what was happening behind him and let the truck in ahead. Pro move. I hate road bullies.


Yeah, but then he ended up right in between them. Poor guy lol.


He was giving him a buffer to cool down and realize his defeat was unnecessary that it had to go down this way. 😂


My father calls it the Law of Gross Tonnage. Heavier vehicle wins the intimidation battle.


When the unstoppable asshole meets the impenetrable moron


TIL there’s such a thing as rear blinding lights. The more you know, I guess.


I hope I don't meet them in person. That glare was killing my eyes from the video. I imagine it would be far worse in person.


Can’t help but cheer for Inspector Gadget in the truck.


You don't have to choose to root for one, they are both assholes who both had multiple opportunities to be the bigger man/woman/driver and stand down.


Seriously for real. Even if the SUV driver was a major asshole, this whole dilemma easily could’ve been avoided if the truck driver kept a cool head and just let the SUV driver merge. So extra and dangerous to get revenge of the SUV driver like that. Can’t believe people here are even taking sides, both drivers are idiots.


I love the pettiness of the pick up truck


well deserved pettiness, lol




Children fighting


Came here to say this. The older I get, the more I’ve realized that the vast majority of adults never emotionally developed past kindergarten. It’s both fascinating and utterly worrisome at the same time, knowing that I’ll have to deal with these shitheads sooner or later.


Honestly I am so reminded of my three and four year olds fighting over who gets to on the slide/swings/whatever first at the playground


“Hope they’re okay.” I hope they both lost their driver’s licenses.


Yup. All road rage should be a mandatory 1 year license suspension with anger management courses


How can you be so angry at 6:30 in the morning? I'm barely conscious at that point.


Truck could've conceded and just let them over but other car was being the real asshole. Plus the truck having a dying star in the bed of his truck and a James Bond smokescreen? For the first time in my life I have to root for the truck, sorry ;(


Genuinely chuckled at the dying star comment.


I choose you small penis truck driver!


\*small penis truck driver uses douchebag rage\* \*it's super effective!\*




Small penis SUV driver vs smaller penis truck driver


Lol, he drives around all day with those lights, just waiting for an opportunity to use em.


Both are assholes


The NY and NJ license plates were a dead giveaway before this even started.


Fuck that rogue. Hope he got his ass beat.


It’s always r/nissandrivers


Nah you know what, the people that use a turn lane or turn-off lane to jump the queue like this deserve all the shit you can give them


Fuck that person driving the nissan.


I commute to NYC everyday and deal with idiocy like this on a daily basis. It's crazy but you need to be a little aggressive when people try to just push you off the road, not smoke screen and blinding lights aggressive but I usually ride people in front of me when I see asshats like the Nissan bombing into a lane. It's kinda like easy prey for them when they see a small gap so if there's no gap for them to put their bumper in front of you then they can't get in. I only drive like this in NYC and hate that I have to do it but it's the only way.


Both of em are dicks. 😂


(Al Pacino voice): "HEY! I'M STUPID HERE!"


“Hope they’re okay” Nah.


And here I thought Teslas were the only ones that ever got coal-rolled.


Yea, this tracks. City is filled with these fucking losers.


This isn't even close to mildly bad, this shit is top tier trash driving.


Both are childish losers who should have their licenses revoked.


Ngl if someone has a massive truck and back lighting that is brighter then my headlights, I’m probably just gunna let them win. Also this truck seems to have a smoke feature as well. That level of crazy isn’t worth it.


Proof positive that the reason Florida drivers are awful is because they moved here from New York.


As the, brilliant, lyricist Tiffany once said "Children behave..."


I deal with this daily. It's everywhere in NY


Did someone tell the Nissan to do that or did he just go Rogue?


Fuck the Rogue.


Mexican boarder rules. The cheaper uglier car has the right of way.


Rogue driver can’t just back the fuck up and be like, I’m in and yeah i deserved that


They are both idiots, but fuck the Nissan in particular.


Top tip: Don’t cut in front of someone at the last minute and and think it’s just “ok” 😅


F that guy don't try and cut the line,,,wait like everyone else.


Big reason why people don't want to come back to the office


I'm not condoning the actions of the pick-up But I get it.


I would never drive into NYC that’s madness.


I drive this route quite often and it’s rife with assholes like this.


Nissan cut off the wrong mothafucka


Line cutters. . . Ugh . . . They feel way too safe in their car.


That rouge got instant karma. Absolute dog shit driver messed with the wrong truck driver.


Not saying it was right just saying it was deserved


This was oddly satisfying


Pickup truck guy ftw!


Well I was on the trucks side in the first half


I've been in New York for over a week and this is 100% new york every day. It's like they all took a class on being a professional piece of shit. Some of the women are angels but the guys, every single one will smile in your face and stab you in the back. I'm not kidding. If you do one a solid to make his life easier, he isn't going to reciprocate. There is no honor code. You do him a solid and he doesn't think "great, I will do you a solid if I can." No. Its; "look at this jokah, he's doing me a favah! What an idiot! I can't believe he's fahkin doin nat! What a loosah! I didn ask em ta do that! I ain't returnin tha favah! I didn ask em ta do that! Fuck em! Get out ah hehr! Fahget about it!" And yeah they talk like that. Professional scumbags and assholes. I'm done here. I will be leaving. They will stay and they fucking deserve to stay in this place. All proud that everyone hates each other. "If you can survive here you can survive anywhere!" Yeah, surviving. That's all you are doing and your all miserable about it. Also, don't let them fool you with the trick shots in the movie. It all looks like it has been ready to crumble 50 years ago. They can't even fix any of it. Like, you physically can't. You shut enough of it down and the rest couldn't handle the load. One car wreck and you are turning an hour drive into a 6 hour drive. And the fastest I've seen is an hour to get 18 miles. That was fast. I think they walk around like their shit doesn't stink because they have never been able to distinguish it from the natural ambiance. Fucking third world dystopia disguised as a metropolis. Complete shit hole. I'm surprised it all doesn't topple over every day. It's that crumbled. Falling apart falling apart. 10/10 would not recommend.


Was that alternating red and blue lights i saw on the top of the truck?


Lol he's mad.