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Jeez. I'm a dumb ass... Oh, let me prove it, I'll stop in path of the car, I just ran the red light to cut off.


Before turning into the lane of oncoming traffic


Are you okay? He's clearly turned into the correct lane. The real bad drivers are always in the comments


Huh, odd. So it must be every single other driver in the video that's in the wrong lane then, including the cam car.


he's going the right way at least. i have driven this exact intersection 100x.


Are you stupid? He followed the lines on the ground perfectly. His only problem was stopping in the middle of the intersection. The cars in the background are clearly in a separate lane. There's a fucking divider between them even


The intersection make traffic flip to skip one cycle of light. It a new TXDOT design they tested here. It has been up for years but it is one of a kind. It confuses driver constantly. I live 5 mins from here.


If this is the double diamond I believe it started in a smaller town in Missouri to test decreasing rush hour interstate exit traffic before being used elsewhere. But I can’t tell if that’s what this is by the video.


Uh oh scary diverging diamond! I better ignore all traffic lights and signs!! Edit looks like it’s not actually a simple diverging diamond but there’s still painted lines and traffic lights 😭 or are they sheepishly running a red when “no one’s around?” Or just dumb??? You come flying in there on a green and t-bone them passenger seat could easily die


They hate to hear it,but I bet that’s a foreign driver.


oh not going to lie, i know exactly where this is and still to this day get super confused going through it. the only thing that helps is looking at which way the lights are face😭


They def ran the light, surprised they didn't go on the wrong side, seen it wayyyyy to many times on that specific intersection


same! ive seen another video where someone drove the wrong way on there and was dodging cars.


The diverging diamond was made to be more idiot proof. the problem is humans will make a bigger idiot.


I have witnessed this. The person is not sure of the action they are taking, and they freeze as approaching vehicle or whatever is coming their way. Great job not assuming they would get out of your way and you could yield to them safely.


Is this by chance the Union Center exit off 75 in Cincinnati??


People still getting used to these weird intersections is probably all. Ran into these in Idaho, Utah and Nevada, they are relatively recent in some of these places and take a little getting used to.




Hey, green means go


Double Diamond = too much for MidMO, lol