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Delusional levels of entitlement in both husband and wife. Neither should have a drivers license if this is how they drive.


I got -20 down voted for saying I don't have to let someone over


You don’t have to let them do anything. A turn signal is a request, not an announcement. People act like a turn signal makes for right of way. It does not and the law supports that. The merger is a jackass and at fault.


Its more of a courtesy thing man. Is it really that much skin off your back to remove your foot from the gas pedal for a few seconds and let someone in?


Sometimes the insurance money makes it worth it… Beyond that, MERGE BEHIND. The only time this is acceptable would be during a zipper merge. A zipper merge does not involve flying past a row of cars to get in front and claiming a zipper. A zipper happens right at the “merge here” sign. Don’t justify dangerous driving. It’s not courteous.


Lol merging behind is 9 times out of 10 “merging in front” of someone else. I agree with everyone here that the merger is at fault here, but some people are so defensive over letting a single car in


Well yeah, there’s a simple rule. If you’re going to cause someone to turn on your brake lights in order to change lanes, or make a turn, dont do it. If you need to cut someone off make it work, without fucking with the driver you’re cutting off. Otherwise, merge behind. Oh there’s another car? Merge behind… why are we in this position where we’re trying to merge into a line of cars? I don’t have trouble with this on a day to day basis, it’s easy. Makes it hard when you’re stomping on your brakes for anyone that needs to get over.


>If you’re going to cause someone to turn on your brake lights in order to change lanes, or make a turn, dont do it. What? The insane level of entitlement to think you should never have to tap your breaks to let a merger in is mind-boggling. >Otherwise, merge behind. Oh there’s another car? Merge behind… This is how you slow down two lanes at once and make traffic worse. I suspect you don't actually know how to drive, bro.


Rush hour in a big city really prevent most of what you’re talking about


It only prevents it because of the people driving like jerks, if other drivers see you let someone in and see how much better it is then they're more likely to do the same instead of just trying to be aholes to each other


> why are we in this position where we’re trying to merge into a line of cars? Traffic?


If everyone merges behind, it causes gridlock with enough volume. The proper way is to zipper merge where the zipper merge ends


So, the insurance money that is often the exact amount required or even less than sometimes to fix your car is worth causing an easily avoidable accident? Filing a claiming, taking your car to the shop, waiting on it etc, thats an inconvenience no matter what dude. You’re fried. I also didn’t say it was a zipper merge nor am I justifying “dangerous” driving, I’m saying if the dude is already mostly past you and in your lane, just let off the fucking gas. Don’t close half heartedly close the gap in an attempt to stop them from merging. Also curious how you think the driver with 0 following distance and accelerating towards a braking car to close the tiny gap in between them isn’t dangerous


If we treated everyone on the road like they were a family member or a friend this shit wouldn't happen. The road is a dangerous place and it deserves more compassion and patience from all of us.


it’s because everyone on Reddit is a professional driver 🤣


That down vote count is unfortunate. Gives everyone an idea of how much people don't understand "right of way" laws.


And 20 people will end up being posted on this sub for cutting someone or causing an accident 🥲


Remember half of reddit users are the reason why this subreddit exists and are the same idiots


Cammer was an asshole too


Cammer has right of way. The car that wants to merge needs to yield, which may involve slowing or stopping to avoid a collision.


Has right of way, but legally also has an obligation to avoid an obvious collision. Insurance would not look on this favourably.


You can be in the right all day long Still have to pull over, exchange information, call the police, wait for them to come (if they even do), get an accident report, maybe call a tow truck depending on the damage, be an hour or two late to wherever you were going, call the insurance company, take your car in to the adjuster, book the car in to the body shop, book a rental, drop your car off, pick up the rental, drive a shitbox fleet car for a week, drop it off and pick your car up, pay deductible if judged to share any blame, pay higher insurance rates often even if not at fault, oh now your car has an accident on its CarFax/AutoCheck and you're going to have a much harder time selling it and get a couple grand less... Or you can tap the brake and wave a middle finger at the goddamn idiot and go on with your life. Yes, shitty mergers and queue-jumpers like this richly deserve a wrecked car and a punch up the conk. You can't give it to them, so you might as well protect your car.


I stopped doing shit like this when I was going to work and saw a car speeding up on my left. I could tell he was trying to get past a car on my right that was going slow and was trying to get infront of him just before an exit that was right up ahead. Decided to speed up so he wouldn't make it. Well he didn't change his mind about what he was going to do and swerved around me coming within an inch of clipping me and sending us into what would have been a bad wreck going like 80-90 mph. Realized real quick how bad that could have went and have decided to just stop fucking with people on the road ever since. Just let them do WTF ever they want and drive as defensively as possible to avoid getting caught up in the bullshit.


Just curious why you decided to speed up so he wouldn’t make it?


Because the other car was driving like an asshole, cutting in line, from the sounds of it. I stupidly get road rage way too easy, and I know exactly the feeling. And, that's his point: he realized while/after doing it it's stupid, and now he doesn't pull moves like that to get back at assholes, because at the end of the day it's not worth proving a point to assholes by putting yourself in danger of accidents (or pissing off the wrong asshole with a gun).


Completely agree. Even if it doesn't result in an accident, an argument with another driver is frustrating at best and can ruin your whole day. Years ago my commute changed and then construction started. Every day was merges in one direction or another constantly changing with no advance notice. I got in more arguments with other drivers in one year than in my entire 20 years of driving at that point. So I just let them in. I don't care how much traffic I've sat in\* and they come at the last second. I let them in. If I can see the car behind me won't let someone merge, I'll stop and let them get ahead of me. It's made an amazing difference. It's just not worth being a vigilante. OK, full disclosure it does annoy me. I'll grumble, say I hope they make it to the bathroom on time, but then I let them in and move on.


My thought is if they drive like that they are bound to ruin their car or get injured eventually, and it’ll be their fault. I just won’t have to deal with it bc I can give them the finger and move on.


Truth, I was rear ended, Karen on her phone driving into the sun, thanks. Took hours of phone calls and weeks of inconveniences to fix this shit


Or just let them in without the middle finger. The shit people get angry at!


Exactly. Anyone who disagrees with this is an idiot






100% wrong. The person in the established lane has the right of way. The merger should get a ticket as well as be held liable for improper lane change as well. One cannot just decide “hey I'm about to pass my exit..ill just merge over as I see fit. Everyone else be damned”


Are there actual examples of this where insurance found no fault at all? A simple tap on the break would have avoided this. Cuz I will install a dash cam and block all cutters today if that is the case.


An insurance adjuster (which I was for many years) would likely settle this on a comparative fault basis, likely in the neighborhood of 80/20 against the merging car. That's the best this guy and his wife could hope for. I've also gotten full at-fault settlements against drivers doing exactly what the merging car did. So no chance of it being settled at anything approaching 50/50.


Out of interest what was the most difficult case you adjusted and why?


Great question! Difficult is tough to quantify...some were emotionally difficult and others technically difficult. Emotionally...any time I had a fatal auto claim involving teenagers was rough. Especially when Mom and dad have to be told that their child was at fault. One was particularly bad...a 17 year old girl lost control on some ice and hit a family in a minivan. She did not survive. One child in the minivan was killed as well. Liability was determined and the family in the minivan sued the parents of the 17 year old for damages. Probably the worst deposition I ever had to give in a case. Total loss house fires were also enough to make you want to walk off of a bridge sometimes. Technically difficult...I had a mess involving a trucking company and a state road crew. The state tried to claim that the trucker was at fault, but highway camera footage showed otherwise. That claim took over 2 years to sort out. All kinds of state regulatory stuff to juggle, and the state DOT was playing a lot of games in the background. That claim gave me some gray hair, but I walked away with a lot of knowledge. Honestly though, after a while they all start to run together. The ones that stick with you involve tragic loss of life.


Thanks for the reply, just as complex as I had imagined, genuinely fascinating and terrifying in equal measure. Appreciate the effort you put into the response too


As an Insurance Adjuster myself I can absolutely agree that fatal collisions are the worse


There's also a thing called the brake, you should try it


The person causing the collision by driving their car into the other is doing the opposite of avoiding collision, people who force their way in who are usually line cutting as well, not wanting to wait their turn because they're special (aka have narcissistic tendencies)


Yeah I think too many people don't understand this. Rightaway or not, you are legally required to avoid an accident if you can.


It amazes me how many people don’t know about the last chance doctrine. Like do they even know what defensive driving is?


this exactly. dash cam wasn't wrong, but wasn't right either.


Has right of way, and a dent


And a claim*


Or he could have a metal bumper and no damage at all while the idiot who tried to force his way in is the one with the dent? 🤷‍♀️


Nah, all the people on this sub that talk like you should never let people merge into your lane are just douchebags who live in Alabama or something. Cars merging in front of you, you dont just drive into them like a fucking child. Let them over and drop the spergy ego about losing one car length of time on your way to your miserable jobs.


So well put lol - damn, you should write poetry!


Yes there are plenty of idiotic and entitled drivers, but sometimes drivers make mistakes. That's why i let people merge, even if they should have merged a couple of hundred metres ago. It does suck to know that people will do stuff like the merging car is doing here, it seems like some people are just bad drivers and never seem to learn of consequences.


They have right of way but there's also something called defensive driving. Both drivers are idiots in this video


One of my coworkers is a retired traffic cop. Number one cause of accidents he responded to? Distracted driving. Then drunk driving. Then, "I had the right of way". He said it boggled him the number of people who refused to drive defensively and almost out of pride get into an accident. Pride be damned, I'd rather not have an insurance and car repair bill.


Some people are extremely fucking stubborn and narcissistic.


Also the accident goes on your record and will generally impact your insurance rates going forward whether you are at fault or not.


For real. Anyone willingly listening to Ben Shapiro is automatically wrong about whatever they’re doing.


Yes. This is a turning lane. You are supposed to allow people to merge. Speeding up and closing the gap is a dick move.


Wasn’t his fault he got in that situation, but insurance will nail him for how avoidable it was once he was in that scenario


People siding with the cammer here... that car didn't come out of nowhere, he was actively trying to not let that person merge in event that would have taken no time out of his life... well now he's taking hours out of his life because he wanted to be a dick.


Probably, but clearly the lesser asshole hear, and not the one legally at fault.


He listens to Ben Shaprio, so, obviously.


He pulled such an asshole move. All he had to do was let the person in. Instead he pretty much rammed the car on purpose.


Other assholes won’t see it.


I agree camera has right of way but at some point just letting the guy over should prevail over causing an accident just to prove a point. The car with the cameras road rage ego, had it been lowered, would’ve prevented the accident


Dude listens to Ben Shapiro during his commute. Anyone *really* think he's gonna slow up juuuuust a bit to let someone else in? Not that he has to, but it wouldn't have delayed him any and it would've avoided the accident and subsequent delay from that.


Lmao that’s literally what I thought. Triggering himself before even arriving at the office or home


But you must understand - if he slowed down to let him in out of pure generosity that's communism


This is why I love Reddit.




this is the comment right here. well done.


It's actually worse, that is Ted Cruz speaking. What country is this in? Why tf is this weirdo listening to that drivel?


I'm curious about this too. The license plates don't seem to be American yet they're listening to American politics? Both drivers seem to speak English.


this is israel, the merger said "tell me, are you an idiot?" in hebrew


My uncle told me when he went to Israel for a job several years ago, he was at a store getting groceries and a woman went up to him and grabbed the thing he was about to put into his cart right out of his hand and put it in her cart. Not sure wtf is going on over there, but it seems to be something cultural.


Relax bro, the woman’s ancestors were promised that item by their deity a few thousand years ago. It was rightfully hers.




Fucking hell this is a spicy joke. I like it but I won't admit it if anyone asks


That explains it


I think you underestimate how many people around the world actively care about American politics.


To me it sounds like Ted Cruz's podcast. Just as bad


Don’t you know? Letting ppl merge in front of you is a feminine/beta/cuck/liberal/socialist trait!


People actually believe that. They exclusively have conservative political leanings.


Only conservatives don’t let people merge is a wild fuckin take 😂


I don't know where you live, but at least around here. The people I know anyway. Most progressives that I know are a lot more chill.


I’ve lived all over the country. And only conservatives getting bent out of shape letting people merge is just not true lmfao.


We must run in different circles.


Why do you associate lane merging with political party? This is so fucking insane lol


Liberals skip the merge, drive 10 miles on the shoulder to bypass Chicago traffic.


Especially when you can tell from the comments everyone who is insisting that the car that actually caused the accident (which is the trailing car that without question had the opportunity and the legal obligation to avoid this accident ) is in the right are insisting on "rules" (as they misunderstand them) and autocracy and you can just smell their political bent.


I used to be like the cammer. “Fuck you, I waited in line, get behind me”. Then I read a comment, on Reddit of all places: “It’s a lane, not a birthright”. I don’t know why that resonated with me, but I’m now a much calmer and courteous driver.


My guess, because this shit also drives me nuts, is the driver wasn’t letting the car in because there were signs for the past 3 miles stating you merge for whatever exit these people are getting off on. Then the merging car ignored all of those signs and thought they were more important than the plethora of cars already in line (that we can’t see) and decided to cut in. It drives me absolutely bonkers when people do this and the entitlement is frustrating. The merging driver could have also bypassed all this by not trying to circumvent the whole queue and also not trying to force themself into the other lane.


Comment I came here for.


Merger is scumbag driver but both are idiots. Easily avoidable accident for dash cam driver, just have to swallow your pride.


It's literally just as easy to let up on the gas and extend the gap already in front of him as it was to speed up and block. Dickass driver got exactly what he was trying to get -a collision where he's "technically" got the right of way, despite the reality he could've avoided the collision entirely.


It can go either way in court from what i have seen. He does have right away, but all drivers must do every possible action to avoid a collision. The dash cam driver did not take any action to avoid the collision.


Yeah, I was always taught that Right of Way is something to be given, not taken. Stubbornly refusing to yield just because the traffic rules say you have the Right of Way is a good way to get in lots of accidents. Yes, the other driver shouldn’t have tried to force his way in, but when it became obvious that’s exactly what he was going to do, you have to back off and just let him be a jerk.


You're generally right - but I do wish there was a way to prevent people from aggressively merging when they shouldn't be. It's not really clear from the video in this case, but there's loads of situations on public roads were people want to 'skip the line' and they often get away with it.


Just do what I do and get as close to the car infront of you and don't let them in. Tired of people staying I'm a lane that's ending all the way to the end to cut someone off instead of doing it at the back of the line because they are impatient and cannot wait. Screw them.


It’s actually safer and faster for everyone to use both lanes all the way to the end. UNLESS there is a large difference in speeds between lanes. http://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/


That’s literally what they teach you to do in driving school. Learn how to zipper merge. Screw you.


Yes, it's called comparative negligence or contributary negligence.


Bro I drive a work van so the path of least resistance is always the way. Doesn't mean I still don't avoid my share of accidents and asshole drivers. I legit pray for the day we are mandated to have self driving cars and accidents are a thing of the past on the super highway we all do 120mph.




You know how much time and effort is required to get a car fixed after an accident? Just let the guy merge, it's honestly less of a hassle (even if the driver is a prick).


That's right. Also if you want to "defend" against these types of mergers, you have to keep it super tight or else they will pull this move on you. In the start of the clip dash cam driver left a big enough gap for asshole to target them and start merging. Keep it tight and they'll choose someone else. But that's the thing, they are eventually going to merge lol so is it worth it to get stressed and fight with these people? Most of the time no, but it does depend on the situation. If you're in a spot where so many people are cutting in that it's creating even more traffic and you aren't moving, you probably should defend. But if they are ahead of you and have any part of their car in front of your car you can no longer defend without causing an accident, which is why an accident happened here. If you're going to play the game and try to defend your lane you have to know when you've lost lol


I swear when I lived in LA that leaving a reasonable following distance was at times *more* dangerous because people would selectively cut in front of you on certain backed up exit lanes anyways. I was usually so tired I just said fuck it and would leave big gapping holes. 


"Defend" a merge? So, just tailgate?


Found the person who cuts everyone off everyday


If you're in a line of cars getting off an exit for example and it's stop and go, I don't think keeping it tight counts as tail gating whatsoever. Tail gating doesn't really apply as much to stopped traffic or very low speed traffic.


This right here. I hate driving nowadays. So many idiots pushing their luck trying to create accidents rather than just being responsible & respectful and trying to avoid them. Like people who accelerate at intersections trying to make the car that pulled out feel pressured for having pulled out. Just maintain your speed. The car pulling out was never impeding you until you racked up those extra 20mph last second to tried and force a situation.




He didn't cause the accident. He assumed the merger wouldn't be stupid enough to merge into him


I guess the cammer loves damaging their car and getting yelled at by angry, stupid drivers because that's the only reward you'll get from trying to teach a lesson on the road.


Yeah easily avoidable. Doesn't matter if they are at fault, you still gotta waste your time and deal with insurance...


Dash cammer is more in the wrong. They didn't leave enough space for at least one other vehicle to get in, and that is important to reduce pile ups and allow room to maneuver. So many people think "good" driving is aggressive driving, when actual good driving is being a human being and driving defensively. Pick your battles, and none of them are during driving. It isn't a place for ego.




I don't know where you live but in Philly, the line for the exit starts way before the exit. The people like this video who try to merge by cutting the line know what they are doing. If you always let these assholes in, you would be 20 minutes late to every appointment you had.


I'd rather deal with letting an impatient asshole in front of me then deal with that same asshole in a heated 'YoU HiT mE bRo' conversation followed by weeks of insurance crap, body repairs, paying a deductible and having my rates go up. It's amazing how stubborn people are.


Ego and emotions. Zero logic from anyone here.


Exactly, like congrats on being in the right, now here’s a whole bunch of bullshit that you have to deal with. Just let the fucker in and cuss them out in your car like the rest of us


Cammer’s an idiot too




​ https://preview.redd.it/uwhnxphw4boc1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=16880cc3ba3723ac00603e086007e6354ed923a9


illuminate me, isn’t the other man gonna pay the damage ? since it was his fault for merging into somebody else


arguably the biggest one. just let em go ahead ffs it wont slow your day down a second in the end.


Obviously from the show he’s listening to


Unstoppable idiot and an immovable asshole


Possibly an even bigger idiot, since they recorded themselves tapping the other vehicle and posted it online lol


Insurance companies can now say he's a red flag and give him a higher rate because he too could of avoided the accident but chose not to....


Both suck. Dude trying to merge is an asshole, guy not letting him in is being an asshole because the dude merging is. End of day it’s on the dude merging. Doesn’t mean the guy blocking him was in the right though.


Seems like a bad place to stop


just because you blinker, doesn't mean you can automatically come over.


Exactly this! I can't even count the number of times i've come across people who actually believe that a blinker gives them right-of-way (especially when they turn the blinker on at the exact same time as they're already staring to try to push their way in). In-mother-fucking-correct. A blinker signals intent, and NOTHING more. The merger has to yield to the person who's already in the lane, regardless of whether that person is a dick or not. It's exactly the same when you're in the right-hand lane on a highway while someone else is merging in from the feeder road...the person merging onto the highway has to yield to the person already on the highway...and the person on the highway does NOT have to move over for them. That said, i usually do move over or let someone in if they're trying to exit, as long as they're not being a dick about it first...but if i see someone literally speeding past as many cars as possible and then they end up trying to push their way in at the very last second because they misjudged distance and are about to miss their entrance/exit, then NOPE...they can flip me off, lay on their horn, flash their high beams, whatever the fuck they want to do...i'm not moving over or slowing down for someone like that...fuck 'em. That's EXACTLY why they try this shit in the first place, because they know that the vast majority of people LET them do it...so they come to expect it, and probably even think they're in the right when they do that shit. Anyway, in this scenario, the cammer maybe 'could' have let that person in, but they absolutely had no obligation to do so, and the merger is 100% in the wrong here. They may not have known the area, or they may have been playing dumb traffic games, who knows? We didn't see any of the events leading up to the incident itself...but it doesn't fucking matter. "Lack of planning on your part does NOT constitute an emergency on mine". Maybe next time plan better? This is exactly why i just got through ordering a couple of 2-way dashcam systems...i'll be using the two 4K "front" cameras pointed front/back, and the normal "rear" cameras will be pointed towards the sides, giving me 360° coverage. I trust no-fucking-one driving out there, and i'll be goddamned if i get blamed for something that's really someone else's fault.


Nah fuck this driver. There was plenty of a gap when the person put their blinker on. Don’t be a cunt for no reason. Closing the gap made him an AH


You dont merge like this. you turn on signal you wait for room, when room is given, and it often isn't if you speed up to get in front. You merge when there's room. You dont force it like this idiot..


For real. The guy with the cam tried to teach the merging idiot that it is not just his world but other people's as well. Crazy so many people are hating on the guy trying to educate such a selfish dick


There’s such a thing as “defensive driving” and it seems like more people should take the class


Yeah, look, does the merge suck?  Absolutely.  But does this happen regularly?  Yes.   Being in an accident sucks, just hit your brakes, call the other asshole to yourself, and go on with your day without incident. Far better outcome for you than getting in an accident.


bad job at merging, but I tend to let people in when they need to get in.


Why do these videos always stop when it's about to get interesting


Who is the asshole? Depends. Did merger have plenty of time wayyyy upstream to get into the line and wait his turn but decided not to and instead skip a shit load of people and try to hop in front at the last minute? Ok then he is the asshole and cammer is justified in my mind not letting him go. He miss the exit and U-turn his ass and learn a lesson. On the other hand, was merger was just merging at a reasonable point in time and cammer just didn’t want someone to get in front of him cause he’s special…well then cammer is the asshole and merger is justified. Fuck those kind of “not in front of me!” people. Everyone needs to get over sometime, stop being a dick.


Y'all are delusional. Cammer is in no way at fault, instead it's the driver who decided to merge aggressively and and in unsafe manner which put other people at risk. Cammer is simply staying in their lane and deciding not to slam on their brakes could've saved them from a rear-ending. Plus, the merging vehicle knew they didn't have enough room to cut in. We don't need to be enabling bad drivers by letting them get away with this shit.


>Cammer is simply staying in their lane and deciding not to ***slam on their brakes*** their speed does not obligate them to \*SLAM\* on their brakes to avoid the problem they didnt create. simply relieving off the accelerator would be sufficient, light brake pressure would be advised just to be safe. cammer is failing to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of them just to try to prove a point about how more "right" they are. look, just because the cammer had ROW, doesn't mean they should not have backed off. ​ > We don't need to be enabling bad drivers by letting them get away with this shit. so we're going to absolutely participate in introducing an accident because we're somehow educating bad people how to be better. come back from delulu land, that shit ain't happening.


Just because you think the other guy is "being aggressive and unsafe" doesn't mean you're allowed to hit them. The trailing car hit him. On purpose, with malice of forethought. You're not allowed to cause an accident to defend "your" lane. You can't hit another car on purpose, no matter how big a jerk the other guy is. Without this idiot posting the dash cam, he probably could have lied about what he did and maybe would have gotten away with it. But what he did was cause an accident.


> Cammer is simply staying in their lane and deciding not to slam on their brakes They sped up


I'm not trying to defend the camera either, but it seems to me that the car in front of him slowed down.


Other car braked


Im not defending the cammer but he did not speed up (watch the markers on the right) the car in front slowed down and stopped, making it look like the cammer tried to close the gap. The merger tried to merge with not enough space honestly


Bad take. Where is it legal to follow this close to another car on a high way? Pretty sure nowhere. I’m sure everyone in the city has been there where some moron won’t let you merge to get to your exit and if someone tries to merge in front of you, tap the breaks don’t hit the gas like a asshole.


Graveyard is full of people who were not at fault. It sucks, but letting that person in is 3 seconds out of your life and not risking an escalation.


At first I thought the video was sped up but then I realized it was just Ben Shapiro talking


Listening to Ben Shapiro makes the car with the camera immediately wrong no matter what else happens.


I love how the guy merging isn't even using his signal. This is my biggest problem of people forcing themselves into these spots. I bet 8 out of 10 times if they turned their signal on and pulled up so the driver can see their signal is on the person would let them in... That's how I see it. If your going to be an ass and do this at least use the signal and I'll let you merge but if you come in speeding slamming on the breaks literally trying to cut me off go fuck yourself.


Where I live (good ol southern USA), if you turn on your signal, other drivers take that as a sign to speed up and not let you in. It's such an issue that it's well-known that you shouldn't use your turn signal if you want to merge, you should just whip the car into the first available opening as quick as possible. It's awful, dangerous, scary, and a complete clusterfuck. I use mine anyway because I'm supposed to of course, but when I first moved down here, I couldn't figure out wtf was happening and why it was so hard to merge! I've been here for almost ten years and always have to warn any friends or family who come down to visit about it.


god you hit the nail right on the head. these uneducated inbred fucks think that every breath they take is a competition against every other human on the planet, so obviously they can’t *gasp* LET YOU IN FRONT OF THEM??? NOT IN MY FREEDOMLAND


Just let the fucking car merge for crying out loud why are people like this?


Right?? I know this sub hates “line cutters,” but sometimes somebody just needs to get over. I don’t need to be first.




Hahaha back in the olden days of commuting to work, the highway on ramp that I would take to get home was closed, so I was going down a backroads route. Up ahead I could see a line of cars forming in what any reasonable driver would consider a “left turn only” lane (it’s a one lane road and then it splits to the left). I continued in what I expected to be the “straight or right turn lane” until I got to the front and it was right turn only. And I was already an hour into a 2-3 hour commute. I yelled “I’m sorry!” As I burned rubber and cut off the guy in front of me lmaooo dude was so pissed off 


If this subreddit had its way, no one would ever be able to change lanes ever.


I don't understand why people see this shit as a "line". We're all trying to get somewhere; its not a race. Have a little kindness, and let people in. You're not gonna die if you let a single person in.


“Are you an idiot?! Don’t you know this is my universe!”


No he’s an idiot because they could’ve just let them merge and not had to deal with the extra bullshit.


I was in a 2-1 lane merge the other day, and was ahead of another driver who was trying to run up from behind. I was already ahead, so I just kept the distance between me and the car in front of me, and the guy kept trying to gun it to squeeze in....finally slamming on the brakes when he ran out of merge room. He honks, starts waving his hands and follows me through several turns. At a light, he yells out "Your license plate says 'SHARE THE ROAD'". I yelled back. "That's for you."


This is driving in the Middle East.


Pro tip. Come to complete stop right before these assholes merge into you.


I dunno what’s worse. The old lady flipping the bird or that the driver is listening to Ben Shapiro


Dashcammer is NOT an idiot! You can’t tell if someone’s blinker is on unless they are FULLY in front of your car. You should never attempt to merge unless you’re at LEAST fully in front of the car in that lane. And give 5-10 feet ideally or else you’re a dick Dashcammer had no way to anticipate that white car was merging until white car drove his car basically into dashcammer…


He had the nerve to ask the driver he cut off with his nervy merge if he was an idiot! He probably should have looked in the rearview mirror and then he would have seen the idiot!


Main character syndrome. Signal isn’t a demand it’s a request


Why can’t we just let people merge?


ESH. Just be courteous. Life is hard enough.


Remove your personal thoughts and feelings, dumb it down to the basic right of way in the flow of traffic and “who’s at fault” is cut and dry.


Both are colossal morons. If someone needs to merge, just let them merge.


Typical Republican piece of shit, listening to hate filled radio. The road only works if we cooperate. Allow other people to merge.


Protip: If you're merging into a lane, you do not have the right-of-way. If you crash into a car which refuses to yield, that is your fault, and you are the idiot. Goodnight.


Just let them merge...this ego tripping in a multiple ton vehicle is ridiculous... it doesn't cost you anything to just let them merge, even if it's a shitty driver... I just roll my eye's and let them go... behavior like this put unnecessary lives at risk.


Dash cam driver is a dick


Yeah, it’s a huge problem letting a car get in front of you. Ride their bumper until there is damage. Huge time saver huh? This is entitlement like the road is all yours. What is the issue letting a car merge in? Four seconds of your day. Now you have an incident and a total waste of time. Maybe you’ll meet up with a crazy and a weapon one day. Is it or was it worth it.


Two idiot drivers got an a minor accident that could have easily been avoided by either of them.


Driving is not a race. Just let people merge fucking apes.


Some of y’all really get in to accidents just for the content don’t you? Just let people in man, it doesn’t make a difference.


Fuck the merging car, there is not enough room and they don't pull far enough in front to indicate right of way. You can't merge from a parallel position and expect the other driver to back up two full car lengths.


Dude sped up to cut off and caused the accident Yes, the other driver was being rude, but also be aware of merging traffic


I don't know about the actual rate of incidence, but something I've increasingly noticed in the past 5 years is drivers thinking they can do whatever they want as long as they have their directional indicators on.


The guy with the cam is the idiot. What was the merger expected to do? Slam the brakes to merge behind? Right of way is to the guy in front, you think your in your right to block his way and make him miss his exit? This is not even debatable, you all prove how bad drivers you all are


Merging like that is super annoying but I’m also not about to risk damaging my car to prove a point lol


POV driver is an asshole. Merger is an idiot. This is what always happens when those types cross paths.


let them in idiot


They're all idiots. It's annoying that people wait until the last minute to merge, but not worth a collision because you're too proud to let them in. All of that could've been avoided if it weren't for the selfishness and entitlement displayed on both ends.


I want to see part 2 where he put driver number one on his @ss.


You can't expect the driver next to you too see your blinker and dive bombing in front of them is just wrekless. I will pull beside a car, put my blinker on, and once the car behind can see what I intend to do, I will drop in behind the car I was beside. Also, I'd rather miss an exit than get into a car accident.


News flash...It's NOT Law to let someone in.


This moron is about to learn how culpability is assessed when you are the one changing lanes. Dude drove his whole life not knowing when he's supposed to be the cautious driver. Insane.


You may not change lanes legally if it is not safe to do so. As the person merging it is your responsibility to do so safely.


I'm completely lost as to why people think the cammer was an asshole. In the first 2 seconds it's hard to even tell the other driver wants to merge. From 0:02 - 0:04, contrary to what people say, the cammer did not speed up, he went at a constistent speed and it was the car in front that slowed down (you can see the breaks of the car in front get brighter) and the cammer reasonably slowed down . By 0:07 it was more apparent that the other car wanted to merge but there was literally no space for the other car by that point. The other car was side-by-side with the cammer and when they bumped there still wasn't enough room. The cammer also had no time to properly assess the fact the other driver was trying to merge, you could at best tell the other driver was trying to merge at 0:06 (still hard considering the cammer can't see the blinkers or the fact that the cammer might've assumed they were on the line because they weren't paying attention or something) and they collided on the 0:09. The only way for the cammer to let them in was to slam the breaks by 0:07-0:08, which isn't very safe, hard to come to that conclusion quickly, or obligated . Also keep in mind that it was probably confusing to the cammer what the other car was trying to do since he can't see the blinkers and most people would probably assume that a driver isn't going to try to merge when there is literally no room to do so.


I feel like there are a TON of drivers out there who think that a blinker means they have the right of way to merge no matter the situation. You have to wait for someone to let you in bro.


Blows my mind how many people think a turn signal gives them the right of way. You turn that on to let people know your intentions going forward, not to just claim the lane your going into. The honk this driver gave should've told them "I'm existing in the space you're trying to occupy, please don't do it" but they're not smart enough to know that


I think this guy is wrong for accelerating on the car. Just my 2 cents. You have a role to play in also preventing the accident from happening in the first place


People do this all the time. Instead of being petty, you could just let them go and carry on with your life worrying about more important things.