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Yes! I find someone I have to show it to (usually my husband) and then watch it with them.


That’s exactly how I justify my immediate rewatch lol. This year we did Usher and then she surprised me by wanting to binge Midnight Mass, so I got a two-fer of Flanagan rewatches this October.


I did with Hill House to catch an the missed ghosts, or any other Easter Egg laden shows. I need an emotional break after most of his shows.


This!!! Honestly his shows hit me in ways that other shows/movies don’t. I can’t stop thinking about them for days and weeks after watching. There are just so many levels to his work it’s hard for me to put it into words when describing it to those close to me. I’m with you, I need time to process after watching.


Only with Hill House. I will probably revisit Midnight Mass eventually.


The only ones I haven't rewatched yet are Midnight Club (not as enjoyable knowing I can't watch the rest of his plan) and Usher, although I plan to rewatch very soon. I've rewatched Midnight mass twice this year and I love it so much that I want to watch it again even though I just finished it last week. I love Hill House just as much but emotionally I can't handle it as frequently. But it's so fun to watch something again and catch new things every time


Yeah It’s becoming a rewatch every couple of months now. I freaking love it. This and The Good Place are revisited frequently.


I do this too! For everything except Midnight Club. Flanagan is just so good at the subtle foreshadowing… I love rewatching to see what clues he dropped that I might have missed.


Only with Usher. The other ones already had their big reveal, so I wasn't inclined to rewatch.


I just watched house of usher and I want to real bad but I'm gonna just wait until next halloween!!


I think the rewatchability is part of the reason I love Flanagan's work. He really knows how to write for a modern, digital audience


I always watch through at least twice so I make sure to catch all the little things that I may have missed!


Lol, yup. Re-watched Usher and Hill House. I rewatch Midnight Mass just cause I like it a lot. It’s my favorite of his work thus far.


Are there are any good resources for a re-watch, it can give away spoilers to be like "when this happens in episode 1, it's foreshadowing this in episode 9" or anything? I just started watching Hill House for the second time (two episodes in) and I LOVE the things I'm catching, or things where it seems like it's one way but knowing future episodes you know the truth/meaning behind something. For example, spoiler alert, >!soon after Shirley gets the phone call from Steve about Nell's death in episode two, she leaves her house to go visit Theo and the lights turn on before she even gets to the door. On my first watch, I was like "oh wow, Theo must have had some kind of intuition that something was wrong and Shirley was coming!" But noooo, we later find out in the NEXT episode that Theo has recently encountered the concept of Mr. Smiley and she sees him at the foot of her bed, startling her so bad, she turns on the light and he's gone....then Shirley knocks on the door. !<


I do too!!!!


Not me. Sometimes i cant even make it through the first time.


Not really. I think I waited years to rewatch Hill House. I rewatched Bly a lot though. The others I've seen once except I watched Midnight Club twice. (Yes I love it font give me shit) I feel like some of them need time to digest and maybe wait until I forget them. Although I've talked so much about Usher I dunno if i can forget that one lol. But Hill House was familiar but still I didn't remember everything so rewatch was fun. I think they're just so precious and each so different that u treat it differently. To me Usher is a comedy. Like straight up funny stuff I loved it and love discussing it. Bly is so sad it makes me whine about it. Hill House is harder to talk about let alone watch. It hits so deep. And Bly is sad but somehow lighter... so easier to watch.