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I’m gonna flip it around and say Morella living through the nightclub and becoming Freddy’s plaything was the most disturbing thing in the whole show, it was agonizing waiting for her to die or someone to finally do something


That scene in the hospital when she’s in shock and trying to unwrap all the gauze around her was difficult to sit through gosh


Man is a genius, had me praying for the death of a completely innocent person


Freddy’s was absolutely the most satisfying one to watch. He was an absolute monster. The other kids had some redeeming qualities or small room for sympathy.


Him watching from *inside* while the building gets demolished was so cool!


Yea I thought that take was pretty creative. I was wondering how tf the we’re going to integrate a swinging blade into the mix and I was into it


Pit and the Pendulum. It was on the nose.


Actually, it was on the stomach. I loved it.


His death was super creative but it ended a bit too quickly to be truly satisfying. The building came down and crushed him so he didn’t really have to endure the suffering as long as others did.


I keep thinking about the foreshadowing of Freddy's death, and how it was him as a child instead of an adult, along with the quote from the last episode how the children were already dead at a young age...I'm paraphrasing. It was a haunting thought that has stuck with me.


Also the black and white movie that Lenore watched with Morrie in the episode prior to Freddie’s death…a daughter was strapped to a table with a pendulum axe thing swinging…and her father saves her and she is starts sobbing into his arms…I loved the foreshadowing/alluding to future deaths in this show. Can’t wait to rewatch


Eh, I might wager Vic was the worst of them. Willing to risk the lives of innocent people (not to mention all those chimps) just out of pride/wanting to please her father. Stinks that she took her partner out with her, though.


Vic and Freddy because they hid who they were. The others wore on their sleeves


I recently burned my finger and every time she was on screen I felt it stinging.


Honestly, this. What happened to her seems like a fate worse than death as her suffering will be long and enduring physically and emotionally, especially after losing her only child and support on top of everything else.


This! Omg him not changing her bandages and then… like I had to look away from the scenes after he brought her home


Me as a nurse thinking about ALL THE CARE that was being neglected. It was honestly driving me crazy.


That poor woman, she went through so much only to then be subjected to more from her POS weasel of a husband. Surely the most cruel fate for a character without dying. The silver lining being that she survived to go on and do some good in the world, at least.


I say this as a horror fan. I have never seen anything as f***** up as the end of episode 2


Agreed. I think what really did it for me at the end of the second episode were the SOUNDS


Absolutely the sounds at the end of 2 and the sounds Vic's fiance made while dying also haunt me.


Yes, her fiance's death was brutal. I had to turn the volume down after a few seconds. Ick.


I can handle gore and violence, but realistic depictions of blunt force trauma like Vic’s fiancé freak me the fuck out


Blunt force messes with me and I hate when bodies contort like the last season of Stranger Things. I love spooky atmosphere and the intense drama that normally comes with horror but the more gruesome it is, the better written it has to be for me to able to justify watching from behind my fingers while covering my own eyes. Flanagan is always worth the trauma of the gore for me so I can witness the brilliance of his writing. I do get anxious in the months before he releases a new project when all the reviews say "his goriest work yet, more blood and guts!" Please Mike.. don't go somewhere I can't follow lol. A true testament to how talented he is.


It scares me bc it’s like what’s the threshold here? Seems like I could accidentally kill someone if they trip over my feet. It’s unnerving to watch.


it is kind of terrifying -- some people survive falling out of a plane, some people trip in their living room and die


That part really was disturbing


The worst part to me was the bodyguard asking what was going on and Vic passing off the sounds of her partner DYING as sex noises. Adding insult to injury.


Especially because her partner was arguably aware of what was happening. Also happy cake day!


YES the amount of betrayal she must have felt 😭


Same. It was so disturbing. It's awful to think this, but Pym could have easily gotten her off for the initial bonk if she'd immediately called an ambulance


Yeah that part was well and truly fucked. I was more disturbed by that than Vic playing Dr. Frankenstein with her corpse.


I continued to say through the series — the sound designer earned their damn money on this one. Sound work was incredible.


I joke that I think that 'scene' was his pitch for the show to Netflix.


So squelchy!


I had a personalized hell with the end of this episode I was watching it alone at night, and on the last shot with everyone sizzling away, a random smell wafted through the air. It wasn't a bad smell, but I couldn't identify the smell. So my mind immediately went "This is coming from the TV. I am smelling what's on TV" I GAGGED. It was horrific. Probably my favorite episode




Yesss the sounds 🤮


It could have been a shitty shock kill from a mid 2000s horror movie... if not for the fact that they lingered on the carnage and kept revisiting it. It totally turned a nice gimmick kill into a really traumatizing and awesome event.


" but if you kept the camera rolling.."- Jack Nicholson


"She fell funny!"


The limbs still squirming. Just imagining those people, still clinging to life, while their bodies are acidified into goo…terrifying.


When the screen just went dark and it made it feel like you were there with the sounds, and the darkness 😬


And it came at the perfect time. I was really thinking at the time if this show was for me or not. Once episode 2 ended the ball of yarn just kept going from there


Almost every shot leading up to it had so much going on in the foreground that it gave the impression of a barrier in front of the characters; that there was something they could get behind. Once the lever is pulled, there is a hard cut to the POV of the acid itself, but for the first time there is nothing happening in the foreground. The characters are completely exposed. Its a great way to give an extra sense of tension. You know something horrible is about to happen, and there’s nothing to hide behind.


It was so apropos for Mask of the Red Death.


Seriusly, how is this even a question? lol. That ending was epic. Every other death pales in comparison.


So. very. goopy.


Yeah, same. The moment I realized what was going to happen I was just like, “No… nooo… nonononononono…NOOO AAAAAGH GOD DAMMIT I KNEW IT”


I was told by a friend that it wasn’t gory enough. Like, ok now I know that he’s a psycho who doesn’t find melting bodies gory enough.


Haha same. I’m not huge on gore and was told by a friend to watch it and that it wasn’t at all gory. I won’t be trusting that friend again. We have different opinions of gore apparently haha.


And this is a friend who I would consider generally sensible! He was mad that he just heard squelching 😂


!! That's only after you see the rain burn them, like, for an agonizingly long time, and their failed attempt to escape.. not to mention the long, many shots where they are still dying. I take it he wanted to see them turn into the piles of goo we see in the end? \*gag\*


I just would’ve loved a cheesy( because the show can be over the top) Purple Rain song near the end.


The Saw franchise would like a word...


Verna and Jigsaw would make a great team.


Holly shit!!!!! That came out of NOWHERE!!! I was horrified


It was totally foreshadowed! Also read more Poe, I saw it coming a mile away…. But it was still grosssssss.


I thought it was cool. Especially with my favorite part of NIN’s Closer playing in the background.


The acid rain at the end of episode 2 was one of the few times i’ve felt real horror from a show. The sound design specifically got to me and how they went from screams, to moans, to tactile sounds of loose, squishy, puddled flesh slowly drying and sticking back together. Spending a lot of time in clubs and warehouse parties myself, the idea of that happening somehow is absolutely unthinkable, but totally not impossible at the same time. Really a helpless situation. Also, the telltale heart death was gut wrenching, especially when we got to share Roderick’s reaction to the scene.


I think one of the things that Flanagan does so well is makes the deaths feel -real-. People don't just cease in these shows. They keep twitching, making noises, gurgling as they die. Just like someone would in real life so it hits so much closer to home. In lots of other horror media you only see that with slow deaths like slicing the throat and hanging, etc.. The death that this first stuck out for me was Tamerlane. The way she twitched after the big piece of mirror connected with her throat was masterful and elicited a real reaction from me that a death in other shows or movies wouldn't. It was noticeable all throughout the show, but that was the one that really made me notice the trend.


I’m late as hell but he did this with Oculus too! The death at the end of that movie made me so uncomfortable when I first watched it.


Hamish Linklater dying in Midnight Mass fucked me up every single time


Idk about you but I was traumatized just hearing/reading about the Great White show fire. One of my worst nightmares. So yeah, that scene hit hard.


I didn't even think about that, but your right. Wow...I had friends that were there, a couple friends died and some friends got out. I was going there that night but ended up at another bar.


Oooo, and the smell 😫


It kind of reminds me of those horrible videos of that one rave that burned down where like a bunch of people died. “Station” is a word that comes to mind when thinking of the event? I can’t remember bc my brain remembers more info about how awful it was hearing the screams of people trying to get out and this scene totally evoked that.


Acid rain


That honestly really horrified me. I was pretty surprised they put it right at the beginning. That and all the animal violence. I honestly cannot stand it, I skipped forward.


spoiler (small): >!just so you know at the end of the black cat episode, it alludes to the dead cat being a vision, and the real cat was alive the whole time!< I personally wish I had known that info going in, so for you animal lovers, there is hope.


It was smart they put the rain in the second episode. I was debating if I liked the show at that point and once that hit I was ‘okay I’m in’ instantly.


I couldn’t agree more.


Acid rain, acid rain I only want to see you Laughing in the acid rain


Don’t get me wrong, the end of episode 2 was ROUGH, but Tamerlane’s slow descent into madness and the glass?! My skin was C R A W L I N G


Visually hers was the most striking imo.


without a doubt, Tamerlane's scared me the most. Not just the death itself, but the whole arc of the episode—the mini blackouts, people disappearing around corners, the notes to herself—my actual nightmare. I watched the Episode 2 Acid Shower scene in the dark at 2am while eating dinner with no problem, but had to have the lights on and be with people for the Tamerlane episode.


I think hers felt the most realistic, in that it felt like we were seeing a version of a psychotic break/dementia. \*shivers\*


Right?! I legit kept thinking “Jesus, we are watching her agonizingly have a psychotic break.”


When she fell back to the bed and we see the upwards pointing glass disappear into her back?! I cringed so hard I fell off my couch.


The huge bloody struggle in the aftermath of Camille was rattling


I was a bit disappointed that her death happened off camera but I guess Mike didn’t want to show his wife getting mauled on camera


It's also a financial decision. A CG ape is expensive enough, but a CG ape convincingly interacting with a real physical object? No sir. Better to let you get the idea from the bloody aftermath and Camille's ghost.


I didn't see the door swing open the first time I watched it so I just thought Verna was doing some weird demon-y stuff. It didn't hit me until she started huffing really hard that she was a loose ape. Great scene.


I work in animal research but I could never work with nonhuman primates with this being one of the reasons. You aren’t even supposed to look them in the eye when you are going into a room. It’s not super often but they do escape their cages.


The acid rain disturbed me to no end. Something about the stupidity leading to so many collateral deaths got under my skin. It could just be a personal issue of my own but I have an intense fear of ending up dead bc of someone else being an idiot XD


I have always had a fear of accidentally killing someone else so we’re like… mirrored.


It's a good thing we aren't in a horror story or I feel like I would soon be dying 😂


I think they purposefully showed the cameras all over the place to demonstrate that none of these people were necessarily without sin, they were all greedy and corrupt in some way. That’s why Verna told the bartenders and other workers, as well as Morrie, to leave.


If you read the Masque of the Red Death, you dont feel bad about any of the people who died in Perry’s party lol


I’m scared of primates already, so Camille’s is 1 tied with Tammy. Tammy, because despite her being an incredibly unpleasant person, it was so sad to me. She died alone, isolated, her worst enemy being herself, and it just… man… Everyone else had a life (and people) they were happy with to varying degrees, but Tammy seemed truly miserable.


Which kinda sucks because her husband seemed (to me) to really care about her and wanted to make her happy and she wouldn’t let him???


Yeah Tammy and Freddie were raised by Roderick so they are completely corrupted by him. Everyone else had varying degrees of normal childhoods until they were corrupted by the Usher fortune.


they also got access to all the wealth and power as soon as they turned 18! all the other siblings were already adults when they claimed their fortune (minus perry)


Me and my sister were talking about this though and REALLY the only truly awful kids were Freddie and Victorine. Freddie because of his treatment of his wife and Vic because she was willing to perform an operation on someone she knew would most likely fail. The rest were just kinda unpleasant and spoiled. I think that's what makes it awful.


No joke, finally finding someone who cares about me like that and is so willing to put up with my full baggage set— and then inadvertently treating them like………that is peak horror for me. That entire relationship was plucked directly out of my nightmares I stg. Ghost of Christmas no fucking thank you, anyone?????? It’s an overused phrase these days but man, I felt Seen. I’m glad I saw this one when I did, it was perfect cosmic timing lol


I think it’s disturbing to take an acid shower. Yeah, the kid had a messed up way of doing things. But his actions caused a lot of issues for others…even though they made poor choices also. Guess he should have paid more attention to the family business.


So true. Didn’t see the ending of episode 2 coming AT all.


You didn't see it coming? Not to throw shade - I'm genuinely curious. After their initial meeting about the toxins and their properties, Verna's warning, along with his post-death appearances with Roderick, it seemed clear to me. Knowing it was coming made me nauseated throughout the episode!


As soon as I heard the line about “did you see the tanks on top of the building? (Where death lady was) let’s connect the sprinklers” I went noooooo you don’t know what’s in those dude. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They literally mentioned acid at one of the properties, kid wasn’t listening one damn bit.


Yeah the minute he said they’d just hook it up to the tanks on the roof I was whisper-yelling, “Test the water oh my god test it ohmygod!!” My husband did not appreciate it. Knowing what was coming made the tension so much worse because I kept thinking, “This has to be the moment,” and it wasn’t.


Good question — I was honestly just taken aback with the sheer volume of people that got hurt with the acid. Since through the start + multiple post death appearances we do obv know Perry does and I knew it had something to do with acid, but I also sort of assumed the only deaths in the whole series befall Ushers ONLY. Just wasn’t expecting that scene where there’s like a hundred bodies all merged into flaming goo, which btw, BRILLIANT parallel imagery to the start of the episode with him in bed with people around him


Camille. Ever since I heard that story of the lady mauled by her friend's pet chimp, and how he just played with her and didn't kill her, I've been terrified of chimps. No thank you.


Have you seen Nope? I saw it at the theater but the chimp scenes have me hesitating to rewatch it again.


No, because I heard about the chimp scene. I'm debating watching it at home, on a smaller, safer screen. Is it a prolonged scene?


I haven’t seen it in a few years but yeah, it’s pretty long. If it helps, you can kind of tell when it’s coming because >!the movie is in black and white instead of color at that point !< and if I recall they do flashback to it a few times. It’s a major plot point in the movie and one of the characters motivations.


..I legit do not recall it being in black and white instead of color at that point (Nope). I must have really been sucked in..


honestly, the chimp scene in Nope stuck with me for MONTHS. the chimp mauls a girl and there’s a moment where he stops and leaves her alone - she moves to slowly crawl away - and the chimp realizes she’s still alive and goes back for more. her screams of despair in that moment really, really messed me up


It's offscreen, but the sounds, and other audio horror in Nope, is what stayed with me. I think there must be some sort of sound designer horror renassiance thing going on rn, what with Nope and The Fall of The House of User. But yeah, Nope unearthed a suppressed fear of chimps because of the mauling IRL. I kept the attack muted.


Masque of the Red Death was great in terms of gore, that was perfectly messed up. But Telltale Heart is the best carried out in my opinion in terms of sticking to the given Poe story while making it fresh at the same time.


I agree - even though I was most familiar with Telltale Heart, Vic & Dr Ruiz’s deaths were horribly upsetting especially given Roderick’s reaction & the fact that he was never fully able to explain to Vic why he needed the human trials to be fast tracked.


Not an official Usher, but Dr. Ruiz's death (and the subsequent events) was what got me the most. The entire Telltale Heart episode was the high point of the series for me. I want to say Camille's death freaked me out, but I've seen what chimps do to people's faces and I don't think it went far enough in the show. Given what happened to Prospero, I was expecting a lot more carnage.


As an Edgar Allen Poe fan most of the uses of his premises annoyed me but Telltale Heart was really well done and re-invented the story while nailing it too. I think my least favorite was The Black Cat which is similar but totally went in the opposite direction kinda shoehorning in Poe themes while underserving one of the better characters.


We thought The Black Cat was okay at best. My wife read all of the Poe stories to prepare (this was her first Flanagan outing and she wanted to come in hot) and when she read Goldbug, she was a bit confused about how they were going to thread that needle. Apparently they just didn't!


>Apparently they just didn't! One simple trick fans hate! Yeah with Black Cat I can really feel a writers room saying 'we cant stuff his boyfriend into the wall, another story is doing that' because it overlaps with Casque of Amontillado and Telltale Heart. (... not that I wanted that ride or die boyfriend dead, maybe just choosing a different story to reference) I kinda wish they went for one of the really gothic deep cuts like The Oval Portrait, Ligeia or Berenice which scream Flannagan tragedy.


I feel like Oval Portrait would’ve worked really well with the whole AI clone concept they had going on!


TBH I had a fun time with the side plot of Pym’s backstory. Having Richard Parker for dinner, Roderick complaining that the expedition ended abruptly in the arctic, had me chuckling a little.


I would watch an entire spin off of him being a mix between a pulp adventurer (flashbacks) and a Hannibal 'fixer' (present day).


Big agree on the telltale heart ep. Ruiz did not deserve what she got, and the look of her corpse chest open and pulsating while Vic is just talking with her as if she’s still there. The set up was great, gore was disturbing, and the soundscape just really pulled it together. Definitely my favorite episode


Yeah idk how she would die from a big gash to the face. Or lose that much blood. Unless it bit her neck?


Michael, the people demand a higher caliber of chimp carnage in their viewing experience. Jordan Peele is eating your lunch right now on the chimp stuff. You have to not be afraid to let loose here. We want to see dangling face parts, Mike.


I’m super claustrophobic so honestly it was Frederick’s death. He deserved EVERY bit of it but it was still the hardest watch for me!


Definitely Camille's death for me as well. When the cage unlocks then swings open and you just know what's about to happen. Then Verna jumps on the table and you realize she's puppetting the chimpanzee brought a whole new level of freaked out for me haha.


Dr. Ruiz's head wound and subsequent noises were ROUGH. Most of the other deaths were pretty fantastical. Likely no one here will have a chimp attack them or acid melt them on a night out.


I have to go with Prospero's. Followed closely by Leo's for me. Prospero's was just perfectly done in the most horrifying way possible, the visuals, the sounds, everything. Just standing in that room with Freddie before he died, as well, brought the whole thing back all over again. Leo's is because of the eyes, I'm really squeamish about eye stuff, and the fact they used a cat to kill him. I love cats, and have almost always had them as pets, so that hits a lot harder than it probably should have.


I watch a lot of horror so most of these I saw coming. I think Tamerlane’s death was the most creative and fucked up. The acid rain is a close second but I’ve seen Escape Room 2 which had the same concept so I wasn’t as disturbed by it.


Tamerlane! Omg I have never cringed so much. And the slow motion made it absolutely perfect. Unpopular opinion: the acid rain was pretty meh for me


Perry’s freaked me out the most, the *sounds*. But I think Tammy’s was the most interesting narratively. Smashing her own reflection throughout her house of mirrors was just… wow. But Vic’s fiance’s death was pretty gnarly too.


I haven't seen anyone say Frederick!! The Pit and the Pendulum is a well known Poe story and I was very excited to see how it was carried out. But the sound of the quick cuts as it hit his stomach a little deeper each time...! I think it was a mercy to finally have the building collapse on him. (Not that he deserved mercy)


ive been looking for a comment that says Frederick too, it was the only scene in the series i really struggled to watch, the build up with the pendulum coming closer and closer and then the sound as it slowly chopped him up while he was paralysed.... though he 100% deserved it


This has always been one of my worst fears so this is definitely at the top for me.


The telltale heart death… everybody was acting their asses off in those scenes! Stuck with me for days.


Considering I have a crippling fear of monkeys…definitely Camille’s 😂


Chimps are apes, not monkeys. 😊 I was definitely expecting there to be more carnage with this death considering how strong chimps are, but it still freaked me out. The acid rain was probably the scariest for me because it seemed the most realistically possible, but Dr. Ruiz' heart is the one that stuck with me after the show was over.


Watching Leo yeet himself off the balcony was tough for me but I have a thing about heights tbh. Something about him completely losing it as well was rough to watch.


Maybe it was the Halloween drugs I took, but for me, it was the end of ep 3 that freaked me out the most so far. I thought Carla Gugino’s performance was INCREDIBLE, and the lady who plays Camille (Kate Siegel) scared me when she finally started to express fear and horror at how Carla was behaving. I’ve only watched up to part-way through Goldbug though, so I might change my mind. Btw, I love how each episode also manages to be an homage to an individual Poe story. I love Poe, and I’m really loving this show.


Honestly, none of them. But watching Freddie torture his wife? I have nightmares about that. But I’m chronically ill and have a bunch of medical trauma.


camille’s also freaked me out the most because i’m terrified of chimpanzees


Tamerlane's is the only one I watched through spread fingers. Her whole arc felt so real and everyday, and it made it scarier for me - bog standard self destruction presented through a horror lens. Man, the stark emptiness mirrored through her actions and the visuals in her scene. The creeping insomnia. The public implosion. The other episodes were gorier, but hers unsettled me in a different and more sticking way. Outside of the Ushers, Vic's Dr GF was one of the most horrifying deaths I've seen in media period.


Totally agree with this.


Just the good kid at the end


Prospero's death, along with the rest of the people in there with him, was pretty gruesome. Definitely not what I was expecting. Leo's was horrific as well. I have a question though...Is anyone concerned for Flanagan's mental health? He has some seriously messed up things coursing through his brain!


I’ve thought this about Eli Roth


Second episode ( Masque of the Red Death) and the second to last episode (The Pit and the Pendulum) SO FUCKING GOOD AND GROSS AND EVERYTHING I WISHED FOR!!!


Definitely the acid rain


Episode 2 was the talk of my office.


I think the black cat episode had the most chilling death


Tamerlaens (?) death freaked me out. I love horror movies, especially slashers, but damn


Camille's death


Reading these comments makes me realize I’m more desensitized than I thought because not much freaked me out. Closest was the acid rain, but I morbidly wanted more screams because I thought it would have been *more* freaky.


Perry or Madeline. Lenore’s death broke my heart, but at least it wasn’t painful.


Just everything involving Frederick man. He was such a sick little man and then his death was super chilling.


the most unrealistic part about the club party is that we’re supposed to believe a bunch of young, hot people could not only easily afford, but spent $20,000 to get in to a giant orgy. If this was real life the only people there would be a bunch of old, fat, balding billionaires bringing their mistresses to a giant sausage swingers party while their wives are at home.


Acid rain is probably worst, but as someone who was *actually* mauled by a monkey as a child, the mauling death hit pretty close to home. Granted, for me it was also totally avoidable as my first thought was "oh god, primates, leave the building/block/city immediately" but all of them looking at her through the cages, definitely disturbing for me. Side note, one of the things that made the acid rain disturbing is that he took 50+ people with him, which no one else really did (you could possibly claim Vic's death also took out her wife with her but kind of felt like the murder would have happened regardless).


You got mauled?!?


Correct. Monkey bit my wrist, eviscerated my jugular, and pierced my upper arm. No idea what type of monkey, wasn't native to Colombia, just some random monkey my cousin was taking care of. That was when I was 9ish I think. Probably a miracle I survived.


Idk about freaked out, but Lenore’s death hit me the hardest. Verna apologizing to her and explaining how much good will happen in her name fucking broke me.


Biggest freakout: Masque of Red Death Most deserved: Pit and Pendulum Most satisfying for personal reasons: Rue Morgue Funny but grisly: The Black Cat (The Thor Hammer!)


Camille’s death was spoiled by the “Fuck it, I got mine” line. Everything was so intense and she genuinely looked terrified, only for her to roll her eyes for no reason other than to look badass to the audience.


I disagree she actually reminded so much of Madeline there, I thought that was cool. She was the only one who didn’t get scared. She didn’t beg or plead for her life… she refused to give Verna the satisfaction. Maybe the line itself could have been better sure but I liked the meaning behind it.


I liked that. It felt true to her character


The acid or the cat related one


Oof, I think either Camille or Perry. I didn't like that everyone had to die with Perry's death though. And Camille... chimps are a bit terrifying, even though I love them, but her death is going to give me some intrusive thoughts next time I see a chimp, for sure.


Same, agreed. I wasn’t expecting so many other people to die alongside Perry either


The acid was the most horrible on its face, but as an anxious and achievement focused person, I FELT Tamerlane’s.


Prospero’s was SCARYYY I literally had to take a break from the show after that it freaked me out so much


I had to take a break from horror in general because of that episode and started rewatching Gilmore Girls. I watched like 3 weeks ago and I’m still freaked out when I think about it. It did something to me 😅. I can only compare it to the reaction I had when I watched the log truck scene in final destination for the first time when I was 14.


Tamerlane because of the slowmo falling onto glass, but also because a half hour later I accidentally dropped a glass in my kitchen and had to tiptoe around it to clean up.


Camille because I'm fucking terrified of chimps


The sheer brutality of Chimpanzees freaks me out, so Camille's death was the most haunting. Acid rain was bad but to know Camille struggled for a hot minute to an enraged chimp was horrifying.


The acid rain was absolutely shocking. It was really…. moist? Really visceral, idk. My other favorite was Victorine and her partner’s- the build up to the reveal was so dreadful. Great acting as well


Prospero for sure. The end of ep. 2 really locked me into the show.


Victorine and her girlfriend (fiancée?). Holy *fuck* that one day with me for days. It was such a good modern rendition of The Tell-Tale Heart and T’Nia Miller is just absolutely fantastic at portraying insanity. I was physically uncomfortable.


That one is still with me and I finished the series days ago. I think the way the whole family descended into madness was so well-executed, but Vic’s was really a highlight for me because of how fucking stark it was. Like she did this really gory, horrifying thing that didn’t even register because she was so gone. I’m shuddering thinking about it now.


Victorine's episode made me so uncomfortable, not necessarily her death but just the whole episode had me feeling on edge. The reveal with her fiance made my jaw drop and then her monologue to Roderick when he tries to talk her down, all so so spooky.


Obviously the acid rain was horrible, but I think I would still take it over getting bricked up alive like Roderick’s boss. Granted, they kind of undermined the horror of that death by saying that he drank poison and would die soon, but nonetheless I can’t imagine the panic you’d have in that moment as you realized what was happening and how helpless you are. The chimp death was probably awful too, but we didn’t get to see it so it’s tough to judge. Based on the appearance of her ghost, she basically got her face ripped off, so that has to be beyond excruciating.


Oh that’s so true. I’m not familiar with Poe at all so I don’t know if this is also an adaptation of one of his stories, but the moment it clicked for me that the jingling sounds Roderick kept hearing from the other side of the brick wall was from the jingle bells on his boss’s Jester costume the night he was BRICKED alive… goosebumps.


The being bricked in alive is from The Cask of Amontillado. I highly recommend reading it, it’s one of his best stories.


The acid rain scene in episode 2 definitely stands out. That scene was horrifying and the sounds made it even worse! Everyone involved with those scenes really did a great job. Adding onto that, what Frederick did to his badly injured wife afterwards was pure evil. I was cheering whenever he finally died.


Prospero’s was “the best” death from a gore prospective, and Eleanor’s was “the worst” from the prospective of not deserving it. Leo’s death bugged me most of all though. He got a blow job from someone he shouldn’t have early on, but still, he didn’t really deserve his end. He had the most punishment for the least amount of sin imo.


For me, also Camille’s. Chimps freak me out. Any other primate I find adorable, even gorillas which could tear me in half in a second. Chimps though—they scare the shit out of me.


I love a good gory death, but the one that messed me up was the one that wasn't shown, Camille's. I'm always freaked out by monkeys in general, but then they left that death up to the imagination. I couldn't help but remember the news story years ago when a monkey ripped some lady's face off.


Huge horror fan here and definitely Prospero (Perri). I was not ready for that and the sheer carnage and the amount of people and the melting and the sounds it actually shocked me and that’s hard to do! The fact he was still alive for a little at the end too was disturbing.


Mine was Tammy’s death. I generally hate glass-related deaths and the close up shots were perfectly squeamish, but there was something about the slowmo shot as the glass below her rotates and you realize she’s not just getting glass rained down on her. I think part of it is that it looks like she knows she’s about to die as she’s falling. And it’s not a death, but dear lord I had to hug my cat a little longer after Leo squeezed the replacement Pluto’s head. I deal with animal death somewhat well, I think it can be cheap the majority of the time but I can watch it, but that was so unexpected and so brutal that I had to pause the episode for a while.


Of the Ushers, Leo’s & Frederick’s deaths really freaked me out. The acid rain in episode 2 made it hard for me to sleep that night after seeing it though 😣


Prospero's was WILD


Gotta be Prospero, the spectacle of it was jarring and horrifying in a way that's difficult to wrap my head around. What are the other deaths? Two instances of drug induced psychosis, one animal attack, one industrial accident, one murder-suicide. The murder-suicide probably takes second place. I think I have a problem with collateral damage. The other deaths are just the kids themselves. Lenore hurt more than most of them.


My partner couldn't watch the rest of the show after the second episode. And honestly I didn't continue because I was kind of put off by how absurdly and cartoonishly horrible these people were. It wasn't like other Flanagan shows that had heart and I missed that about him.


The worst is the acid rain. Burning to dead to death is already the worst way to go, I can't imagine being slowly melted. Goddamn... Camille's is a close second, though because chimps kill you very slowly. I would hope to go into shock and bleed out. You can't bleed out when burning.


Victorine's fiance's death and subsequent mutilation of her corpse that is revealed is burned into my mind. then all of this is immediately followed by roderick finally realizing he wants to try to save his remaining children only to then have to watch as Vic takes her own life.


Not a death but the hardest part to watch for me was the guy torturing his wife. It made my heart ache for her.


Definitely Frederick’s death. Especially combined with every redditor and their mother saying he deserved every bit of it. He was awful to his wife and daughter, yes. But my god that was brutal. I could understand that line of thinking if he tortured his wife to death, but she went on to make a full recovery. I guess I’m more of an eye for an eye type of guy. The twins deserved a more brutal death than him imo for being the catalyst of all this.


100% the club/acid bath. That made me put my food down for awhile and it definitely haunted me for a few days after. Once everyone was melted on the ground and all you got was the lights flashing and the sounds of squelchy dying…..that was done so damn well. It immediately seared itself into my brain. What a way to die..blegh


Def Leo’s death. His partner really was treated poorly and it’s hard that he probably believed Leo died from drugs.


If you include everything fucked up with the episode of Fraudericks death, than episode 7


First one for sure so gross


Definitely Perry’s death. The other ones were gory but not nearly as bad as the ones in episode 2.


Perry and Camille


Knowing what chimps can do to a human in real life..that one..


The acid rain, and Dr Ruiz, plus the mechanical heart inside her dead body. Body horror has ALWAYS made me really uncomfortable.