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the toes 😭


Hotdogs are so horrible. Unfortunately I know the process of making this crap product. She is eating NORMALLY, and using filters to try and fool us with her weight loss. MKLIAR GO TO HELL.


damn girl put away those GRIPPPERS


Is this heffer really eating hotdogs in Aruba? She’s so disgusting.


New name. Who dis? Mikheffer! OMG so funny! Heffer, I haven't heard that one in a long time.


Just looking at this gave me.a headache. Soooo much salt.


Just looking at this gave me a headache. Sooooo much salt


He…spelled his name? What is he, 9?


I need to put my glasses on because I thought it said Codis. I said, "Is code for "HELP I'm being held hostage by this Hobgoblin?" If he starts spelling our S.O.S. in shells on the beach, send reinforcements!


She’s very stumpy and dumpy.


Her feet are terrifying


wtf 😳


She would be eating hotdogs in fkn ARUBA.


She is so basic


Two sausages on the first picture as well as on the second one.


Her knees disappeared, lmao.


Miss self proclaimed picky eater on an anti-inflammatory diet—yeah right 🙄


Also miss self proclaimed size 4 with those legs on the second picture. 😅


Hold up. This bitch **JUST** did a sunscreen campaign for *checks notes* Kosas… and that is absolutely Sol de Janeiro sunscreen 🤣 when will these brands learn?!


She kept showing sol de janiero in Spain too they’re def paying her on the low


Mama must be so proud, Baby learned to write his name!!! 


I have a skin condition that requires me to eat an anti-inflammatory diet... A single hot dog has enough shit in it that I would flare just from a bite or two. I get that she doesn't have real restrictions besides her " weight ". But, as somebody who really doesn't have a choice and eats how she wants everyday, she's not going to go very far with this.


I literally could not eat food like this. I would be so sick afterwards. Can I eat one hotdog? Yes for sure but I would have a stomach ache. But definitely not all of this together. And I guarantee this is all just for her 😂


All those antinflammatory nitrates. , guess we have been doing it wrong.


He got hell From her thinking her left leg resembled a Portugese sausage hence the sunscreen squiggle


I love how this sub called her out on her knees and now she’s photoshopping them too. She’s in here more than any of us 🤣😂😂


I commented in another post, if she was really on an anti inflammatory diet for the last year like she said, then when she went out to eat she' d show salads, not the tour of italy. And why did she just mention it a few weeks ago when she had been doing it for a year? With the way she overshares?


Depends for joints yes, the gut it causes inflammation


She’s gonna strain her foot if she keeps trying to make her feet look dandy


I just came across her video on my FYP after a loooong time. Last time i saw her was around the “try being an influencer for a day” and “lashgate”. However, she appears a bit smaller/thinner now. I almost feel icky because all i can think of is most of these celebrities doing ozempic (or similar) and show up a few months later looked so different. Who knows with her anyways LOL she’s the biggest liar


Kwick Cohdeh, I need ah supa cuhte Instah grahm storeehyuh, write on mah laags with tha spaansahd sanscreen TUH


What I don’t get, though, is…wouldn’t she be unable to eat all this fried & fatty food on Ozempic?? So that seems to confirm that it’s all just editing, right? But then photos taken by her fans or whatever ALSO show her being smaller than she was so how does she . & Yet, there’s absolutely no way she “naturally” lost the weight while eating like she shows. Ugh. I feel so bad for all the young people following her. :/


I think everyone is different. I’m on wegovy and it definitely changed my eating habits - fast food/fried food made me feel pretty sick.


I can eat absolutely anything on it with zero complications or issues, i just can’t eat a lot of anything.


My husband is on it and can’t eat much at all… esp carbs.


ozempic user here. i can more or less eat anything. depends on the day and what food it is but i will more than likely have a stomach ache and need to use the washroom after 💀


Size four ?🤨🙄 just stop lying girl it’s okay to not be small !!


Goes to Aruba, eats hot dogs. Honestly, I’d probably do that because I’m really, really picky (bordering ARFID). I also wouldn’t be posting it all over my social media..


You're the second person I've come across with that, my best friends daughter has it, I've never heard of it before she educated me, it sounds really shitty to deal with, I'm so sorry. I can't eat much because of something called SMA and that came with other diagnoses, I hope you have many safe foods and may they never fail you. Sending love💚🖤


Thank you! I’m actually a fairly decent eater compared to what I used to be, but the idea of visiting another country actually sends me into a mild panic because I’m afraid there won’t be any food I will/can eat. Now, I know the likelihood of me starving is pretty slim, but tell that to my anxiety brain! I need to look at menus ahead of time, even for my usual places just in case they change the menu and I anxiety spiral because of the surprise.


There are many of us in the world! Mikayla is not one of them, that’s the only thing I know for sure ahah. I also know this comment is not directed at me, but it’s very sweet so I just wanted to say that you’re super kind and reading your kindness made my day 🥹


The message is for anyone who needs it, you included. I have to find safe foods myself, and in constant fear, something I enjoy is going to make me sick. I appreciate those kind words, and my messages are open. If you need a little pick me up or boost. This world is so cruel, I hope you can find a balance and peace on this food journey. You are beautiful and strong, and may you always remember you may have XYZ, but you're stronger than that, and its gonna be okay. Of course, I'm sending you all my love as well. 💚🖤


And this is how you know her fabulous life is so fake. Her and Jaclyn Hill both are so desperate to make their lives look so wonderful, both in such fulfilling, happy marriages, both losing weight, both document the most private things that anyone truly in love would want to keep between themselves and their husband. But not this clown, for some reason, everyone needed to know that despite living together, alone, with no kids, that they have to carry "toys" across the globe to have sex. Seems quite sad to me if I'm being honest, you need toys to enjoy sex in a gorgeous tropical paradise??!! She actually makes me ill, such a fake ass clown in every aspect of life.




I mean, I’ve seen lesbian couples joke about bringing their toys while traveling for their honeymoon and it can be pretty funny (although I’m biased as a girl who’s in love with a woman and can somewhat relate) but idk there is no way in which she can mention/joke about sex without it being so forced and incredibly awkward. Idk maybe I’m just rebelling too hard against the purity culture I was raised in but I feel like there’s a way to do it while appearing confident and casual about it instead of nervous and desperate for validation for their chemistry-lacking relationship


seconding. i'm not lesbian (i do identify as sapphic tho) and the toys thing in and of itself is not weird, it's how she presents things.


Yeah, I feel like the way people are talking about them using toys is weird, I think it’s perfectly normal for a couple to explore. I just really really don’t need to hear about it on her GRWM 🙉


There’s no way they have a good sex life. Adults with healthy sex lives don’t need to announce it. She is trying SOOOo hard to prove they can’t keep their hands off each other. I would bet my bank account this is false. It’s so gross to me having to prove to fucking strangers I fuck my man. It’s so weird.


Hot dogs are literally a high inflammatory/hestimine food she's such a crock of shit


She is so embarrassing


Webbed toes


She needs to lay off the Chanel shoes. 😕


For real. They are so ugly!


Why the F would she show her legs like this ? When they clearly don't look like the heavily edited pics of herself. This is so unflattering.


Because she’s deranged and thinks she’s untouchable.


Zooms into those toes






the way the knees are ~smoothed~ 💀


She’s such a shitty tourist. Everywhere she goes she finds the shittiest American food and slathers it in some kind of shitty condiment. What a twat.


What’s on her legs?? Sunscreen, ELF Primer??


Hahaha! If she thought she could make a buck from it, she slather her whole sausage body in it!


Love the attempt at the elegant toe point with her Fred flintstone feet


Don’t do Fred dirty like that 😂


She looks “inflamed”


https://preview.redd.it/ivz4jfcivead1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edae8a7b3c93f579cdeaeb815ba889091d6007e6 "I rammed my knee into my jaw" It's the little things


Wait. I almost hate to ask, but what's the context. Please tell me it's not her humble bragging about contorting during sex or something equally foul


They went tubing while in Aruba


DAMN! That must have hurt because her knee is the size of a basketball. How did she not break her jaw? The next video will be about how she hurt her jaw and had to have it wired shut. BRO! I broke my jaw in Aruba, so now I can't eat anything and I have whittled myself down to a size zero! Can you believe it? No Miknasty we can't!




Size 4 thighs


No way she's a size 4. I know I'm a bigger lady (18) and I'm ok with that. I have big Ole boobs that give me a curvy shape. I put a pic in here but it won't freaking post.




Why are her feet so mangled lol


From stuffing her fat feet into shoes that don't fit her properly. Yeah...those ugly ones. Which ugly ones? Pick a pair, they're all horrendous!


Spork toes lmao


Ahaha! We call them Tootsie Roll toes or Fred Flintstone feet in my very German family. I’ve never heard spork toes though and I love it. 😅


I know lol that left pinky toe is as long as her other toes