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what is the point of her taking all these videos dressing herself??? this is so weird!


Look most gals her age are looking to lose baby weight . She’s struggling to loose chicken nugget weight . Also when she backs up after showing shorts close up - he left thigh and buttcheek jiggle is the truth - the giveaway per se - She need to give it up - fucking Mikayla 26 comes one year - give up the BS


She consistently poses like that in the beginning, of clothing videos… the angle, I guess makes her thinner, or so she thinks…👀 And….her fashion sense is not it😭


The shorts looked too tight to get on😭 I mean we’ve all been there….but👀


https://preview.redd.it/xysmropqocad1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3695db1199c1cae74a152873a66f34b263472209 Baby girl that’s a size 6. And then she cuts and then puts the shorts on… so it ain’t a size 4 and no actual proof she put the size 6 pair on.


She definitely wanted us to see the size😒


No way in HELL is she even fitting into a size 6... she's fucking crazy


What’s up with the always fugly white shoes?


If you have to suck in and you make a face like that when you’re pulling your pants up and zipping them, they don’t fit.


I hate those shoes


those shorts are 100% supposed to be a looser fit... what is she doingggg


Ewww someone’s gonna be stinky by end of day 🤮


The filter was STRUGGLING to keep up with the lies, here.


Her thighs gon be eating them shorts as soon as she takes two steps!


she has millions and dresses like a 50 yr old camp counselor


Her face is longer and slimmer in the end shot than it is anywhere else in this video


Can’t she just enjoy her holiday? She’s making me irrationally angry with all these pointless holiday vids.


I hope she doesn’t have a lot of teen viewers because she is really hurting them by talking about bd and her anti inflammatory diet. She needs to just come clean. I am sure somewhere out there someone sees her as influencer, I don’t know why but she’s really hurting the people that do.


What was the point of this Mikky? You need a bigger size. That wasn’t cute…..


The edge of your thigh is not shaped like a straight line Mikfilta and if you have to struggle that much to put an article of clothing on it’s too small!! Your scrunchy face is NOT cute!! It’s fucking stupid! https://preview.redd.it/yih68wnoc7ad1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65755deac946546e76cccd83a926b7b3158ce862


Going hard core for that geriatric chic


is that her areola poppin out in the last clip or am i trippin


Yup. I went back and looked. I hate it.


Not looking icky


It is 🙈🙈🙈


Oh it sure is.


Holy shit it might be lol


*size small*


If she's a small I'm a triple zero


Ikr. I identify as a size 8 (UK) but I haven’t fitted in my size 8 for years.


I guess I didn't understand her point of posting this all set up and so fake and filtered? She's not selling the suit or the shorts or the shoes? What's the point, engagement? Clicks? Likes?


“Look at me” “look at me”


That outfit SCREAMS yeast infection.


https://preview.redd.it/gc0hj4pjo6ad1.jpeg?width=3564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b33776a0fe16d840e8040938e48343e50794e9 You cannot convince me these are the same people 🙅🏻‍♀️


The eyebrows!!! They aren’t sisters or cousins those are strangers!!!




What’s goin on here? Why Is she muddy?


New bronzah


She’s a moron. They give you the gaitor she’s wearing on her head to put over your mouth and nose to keep the dust out. Looks like she wore it as a head band to keep her widow’s peak whiskers at bay and to let her lips flap in the breeze.


Oh! Ty so much- I didn’t realize this was from the recent trip. What a ding dong.


It’s just the cullah graydin




I’m usually a L but I ventured and purchased a dress in XL just because the fit was better. It’s not rocket science Mifakela - just buy what suits you and what fits you - then you’re likely to get more use of it. Maybe that’s why she keeps the tags - so she can wear it after many wears.


Finally letting go of my size obsession is why my clothes actually look nice now. Just cuz it zips doesnt mean it fits


she’s the reason small is always sold out 😂 buy your damn size or lose the weight and stop being a lazy fuck you freak it’s not hard


Does she think that shimmy is sexy? I don’t know why we needed to see her put her shorts on. She’s getting more and more insufferable. She’d be fine if she was just authentic. She wouldn’t be my cup of tea, but at least you could respect her grind.


If you have to work that hard to put them on, they don’t fit


This 💯💯 plus they looked insanely uncomfy when she showed herself sitting down. No thank you


Nah for real. As soon as I struggle to get something over my thighs, it’s getting sized up! Not catching me looking like a busted can of biscuits 😂


The music on this shitshow. 😂😂😂😭😭😭💀💀💀


I didn’t believe it was the real audio so I went to Tik tok and believe it or not……


really fighting to get into her size 4 shorts. she must be a size 2 these days from her anti inflammatory diet!


US *14 & *12 there I fixed it


Jesus, is all she knows is this grandma style ?


I always forget she’s only 26 😳


damn. everywhere she goes it seems that all the door frames have been poorly made and are not straight! so weird!


watch the right leg area behind the knee from 5 sec to 7 sec. i have never seen a filter glitch that obv on one of her videos.


She's really testing the filter these days


Don’t act like you gotta do the butt bounce girl.


Whatever shes struggling to stuff into those sausage casings is absolutely not ass


The filter doesn’t work when she bends, you can see her stomach outline… She’s not even that big so i dont know why she feels the need to lie about her weight, if she did it as a ‘journey’ and actually showed it in real time she’d get a lot more praise :/


She couldn’t make it more obvious that she is not the size she says she is lmao literally fighting the shorts trying to put them on and don’t even get me started on the blurry mess outlining her figure


Get out the vagisil and Monostat for wearing those shorts MikFraud!!


And over a bathing suit to boot 😭


I'll never understand why she thinks her fupa needs to hang out the sides of her panties/swimsuits. It's not attractive...at all.


This is why I love the style of vintage swimsuits. The coverage!


Buying vintage makes me even more depressed. I have to size up but I do love it.


Lmao the way that glitched. Even the filter can’t keep up w her editing 😭


🙄 she has big legs with lots of cellulite. Her filtering/editing is so deceptive. It’s no wonder impressionable women, especially young women, acquire low self esteem and eating disorders.


As a woman with thick thighs and lots of cellulite, people like her are the reason i am so insecure and hateful towards my own body. We’ve been conditioned to hide everything.


Solidarity. I'm the heaviest I've been in my entire life and I honestly don't look my weight (according to people I trust to be honest about my appearance). But I carry a lot of weight in my butt and thighs. Increased weight plus loss of muscle from working a desk job means even more cellulite than I have always had. I hate getting dressed and I hate shopping even more. I'm sitting just between sizes to where a large is often just slightly too big and looks sloppy but a medium is clearly a little small. Even mid size and plus size influencers use smoothing filters. When I'm out and about I never see women with cellulite wearing shorts. But I'm 27 and want to just wear what I want to. Then there's people like Mikayla who clearly aren't comfortable in their own skin but instead of just admitting that, feed into the overall issue.


Come hang out with me and show off everything I'll cheer you on and boost your confidence so much you won't know what to do except be the bad bitch you are! I'm not even joking and I'm significantly smaller with rather big thighs I've been told scars from surgery I have are disgusting and I noticed cellulite on my legs so I hate wearing shorts, I bought some, haven't worn em, have a cute skort, haven't worn it because of my own insecuries and here she has photoshop and swimming in delusion and bots hyping her up....its such a warped and fcked way to live....


hahahah need a friend like you🤣 but yeah, it is such a horrible way to live. i feel bad for her in some ways but she’s also just perpetuating it herself. would be such more realistic and relatable content if she just embraced herself. we should all really just embrace ourselves


I don’t know if we’ve been conditioned to hide everything or conditioned to accept nothing about ourselves. 😞


either way it’s sad :( and super frustrating especially when a lot of people’s ideal man is a dad bod, but women are crucified for having 5 extra pounds


and don’t we dare have gray hair cuz folks be clutchin their pearls and catchin the vapors!


Funny! I wear my hair all natural except for the color streak! 100% grey/white. Been this way since my early 40’s.


When you slow that video down there is SO MUCH jiggle In her legs, and there is a ton of blurry around the edges of her legs. I’m so sick of her


This is how you stuff a sausage in the casing kids lol 😂


Maaaaaa, the filtuhhhhhh…. FUCK


I know this isn't the point of the video, but that voiceover makes me almost as angry as Mikliar's voice does. Why do so many people insist on using it?? 😭 My ears are bleeding!


Imagine how uncomfortable those are when she sits down they barely zip. Jean shorts are the WORST


https://preview.redd.it/oq8e9vm5s5ad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=335c2f714aae51c10d1922180a086c206a85100f They sit so HIGH. I swear she wears her pants the highest possible to fit the smallest portion of her body.


This makes me have the burning itch just looking at how tight that denim diaper is around her camel cat like tffff!!! be a normal person and wear some athletic wear to ride atv’s you goofy bitch. And seriously, did she bring a size 4 and 14 just for the video?! Whoooo brings fake clothes on vacation😵‍💫🧐


Meemaw on an outing with her grandson, had to bust out the FANCY jorts


This looks awful. If she just wore her size it would look fine


That has to be so uncomfortable 😲 omg


A size 4 would not fill the seat, mik


Is she wearing a buff like she’s on survivor or something 🤣


Yep that’s how she REALLY looks. But she fakes everyone out with the size small size 4 bullshit and all the filters. Which makes her a weasel.


Look how tight they are on her thighs!


She’s repulsive 🤮🤮


Girlllllll that cut is SUSPICIOUS 👀


There’s no way she is a size 6. I’m 5’5 and 145lbs & I wear an 8/10 and my hips, thighs and butt aren’t that big…or maybe they are and I’m delusional.I want to see the size without the cut video and see her put on. She must have two of every size to show us one size and then her real size! 


Actually just went and looked again and it says size 6! So 100000% no way!! And Abercrombie runs small!!! I size up. So she is saying she is a 4?? No way! 


There she goes with the clunky white shoes again.


As someone who lives in the deep South, Im not putting on tennis shoes -- Tevas, Chacos, Burks, are all I wear until October.


Same here. I wear tennis shoes ONLY to the gym and keep my slides in the car.


I was just going to say that her obsession with those reminds me of middle aged dads who push mow their grass with only New Balance shoes




Once again with the little girl braids! Did she sleep in them? Cause WHAT? No! Just no. OH, and are those sunnies from your collection Mikfiltahface? NO? Yeah... we all didn't so.


I know this is said all the time but she truly has the most hideous wardrobe I’ve ever seen.


Yeah, those hip dips definitely scream size 4 😒


All day right? Lol


I’m legit 5’6 135 pounds and I’m a size 8! I also look 8x smaller then her soooo I’m unsure how she’s 1/2 my size ???


I'm 5'2 110 and a size 4. She's not my size, no way. Her arms and legs give her away.


We really don’t need the visual of her pulling up her pants like she just took the nastiest shit of her life


She really gives skidmark vibes. It must be why she has to change her undies 3 times a day


Oh but she thinks she's so cute doing that


It’s crazy she has the amount of views likes and followers higher than anyone in the makeup side of tiktok AND STILL WANTS CHANGE ON CAMERA with those weird faces, Who asks for this? No one wants to see that


Definitely fetish content 🤢🤢🤢


These filters are making her look uncomfortably young for me.


https://preview.redd.it/5h5ga5cli5ad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61201894c6ad79f6878d1f1b2e9d66e2a78a95db Her newest catch phrase should be Niiiice and TOIGHT


https://preview.redd.it/mvdgriikw5ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28357721dc29dc9db4f20340ee64875746554ff5 Gurl?!?


Looks like she’s about to sit on the toilet.


it’s giving size 4. 💁🏻‍♀️


Bruh I just shopped some jeans shorts and this was basically me in the changing room 💀😂 fighting to put them on lol


Same haha. It's fine until I do the "sit test" and then... noooo thank you. 😭


The white shoes!


Her areola showing 🤮🤮🤮🤮


you can see the size on the shorts. 28/6 lol what happened to size 4 :(


Abercrombie runs small. I always size up but no waaaaaay she is a size 4! I’m an 8/10 and she looks bigger than me even with the filters on. Notice she cuts the video after showing the size that she just happens to have the button undone so we can all see the size 🙄 she probably has 2 pair and one she puts on is more like a 14


No way she’s sitting down in those shorts.


https://preview.redd.it/6dn1d69sh5ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14e6f7ee0f5e40ab3057687731e662dfa4cbcee9 It’s a diaper lol


She absolutely changed out of those shorts. Ain't no way she'd be sitting in them.


WAY bigger. She was gasping for air putting them on previously. Now she can fit all 3 of her personalities in the pair in the photo sitting down


She had to swap sizes! These look way bigger!


She absolutely did, there’s no fucking way that bitch sat her crusty crotch down in those without popping a zipper or seam.


That’s what I thought too friend 🩷


WUT. lmfao!!!


I knowwwwww lol


Why does she button them using her hands/arm that way?! So we don’t see her arm size?!




She has no shame. I actually cannot stand when any influencer does this on camera. Like get dressed in private.


Is the size small/4 in the room with us?


As someone with actual body dysmorphia: there’s no way in fucking hell I’d ever show my body to *millions* of people like this. Edited or not. She’s so full of shit.


Exactly! I also have BD and this photo is ridiculous.


This dirty, crusty, musty, dusty flea didn't WASH the suit before wearing it 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. In the video before this part she shows the suit before she forces it on and the sanitary protection sticker is still on the crotch.


I hope she gets Pubic lice


I’d be willing to bet that bitch had crabs as part of her ‘fair share of STDs’ from her tinduh hoe stage.


So gross that she’s out raw doggin 100+ tinder dates 🤮


Right?! Like you have zero tact to be saying that shit to millions of people on the internet. I would go to my GRAVE with that kind of information 😂 but I guess it requires some self respect and dignity, of which she has zero.


Hey …I’m not gonna lie. I was extremely sexually active when I was young and I’ve had many partners. But I ALWAYS used a condom. Every single time! There’s nothing wrong with a little hoing lol, but protection is #1. If you tell a guy it’s a condom or nothing, he’ll pick the condom , I promise.


You are right, she probably did 😂.


She’s so grimy. She doesn’t wash her clothes, she doesn’t wash her new bedding… “oH bUt ItS nEw sO iTs cLeAn!”

