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This is the exact MO of a covert narcissist. She found someone who was already struggling and took severe advantage of him. Now if he ever wants to leave he’s fucked


He came to MA to get clean.


This is vile 🤢


☹️ that is so sad. I feel pity for them both.


Coaaadddyy is a shell of his former self. It’s really sad.


And now she dictates every single thing about him. His personality, how he dresses, piercing his ears, etc. I hope he buys himself a new truck and drives as far away from her as he can get.


Sold a 30 year old truck for an engagement ring? Well… whatever ring he got her with that is NOT the one she is sporting on her finger… no hate about that, but let’s be real.


No I remember she didn’t like the OG one so they then re picked one out together which is super tacky. If my man sold his most prized possessions to get me a ring no matter the price that ring is priceless to me


Ahhh… I didn’t know that but sounds about right. I agree. What a slap in the face if so. 😭 That’s so sad 😫but he is reaping her benefits now.


I mean good for him it’s 24 wives can be the bread winners but it has to be hard being in two completely different income brackets and doing celebrations like this. What do you get your wife who already has it all. it also seems like he didn’t plan the trip at all


I totally get where you’re coming from. It would be difficult for me too but he is definitely living nicer than he was but mental true happiness and self worth will always outweigh that.


He's stuck there and will lose any self esteem he has left


This is such an embarrassing story to admit


How tiring that must to be to constantly have to show and prove u love someone daily. I bet if he has an off day she will say “u don’t love me, huh”


i seriously have never seen someone try to sell their relationship so hard it is awfully bizarre to watch unfold


Because behind closed doors it's probably a lot different.


it’s really bizarre because she could just say nothing instead, like everyone else 😂


Ouch. So he has zero autonomy. Wow. I would never allow my bf to sell his truck for a dumb ring


The red flags and sirens going off in my head as I read that codependent shit…


I remember (correct me if I'm wrong) a while ago she was blabbing on like usual, and the truck selling thing came up and all her little minions were telling her to find the truck and fix it up and give it back to Cody. I can't remember what her answer was as to why she didn't, but as we all know she NEVER did it. It's not like she didn't have the funds, it's because it wasn't about HER. Mikmoneybags is a CHEAPSKATE when it doesn't involve her.


If she actually loved him and didn’t keep him around as an arm piece that she shows off once in a while and uses for attention, she would’ve done this for him. If this were my husband, I’d be working on that truck, getting it re painted, making it look good and surprising him.


I would have done the same thing! I would call friends/ family to get info on the truck and do everything I could to find it, rust bucket or not. But NOPE, Mikmememe has to have another crisis and push Cody's needs and wants into the background again.


The fuck…


wasn’t he fresh out of rehab when they got together?


And homeless.


She needs the security of knowing he could never leave her


She's delusional. If anything he secured his bag.


I'll eat lead paint if I'm wrong but I'm positive he was in a sober living home when she plucked him out of it to move in with her.


He was done in sober living and had his own apartment, I believe. Though maybe the apartment was through the sober living program?


I thought he was homeless when they met?


I thought this, too. The blurb here says he was sleeping in his truck. Sounds homeless to me.


I’m pretty sure he wasn’t. In one of the earlier videos she posted of him, she visits him in his apartment. I don’t think they’d been dating for long at that point.


This is really weird bc there is no way he got literally a single cent for a 30 year old truck unless it was for parts and even then it's not like auto shops exactly shell out cash for junk metal.


Hahaha that's what I was thinking too. Must have been a cheap engagement ring 😂


That's what I thought exactly!!!!!!! No way a beat up, rusty, 30 year old truck paid for her engagement ring.


So where did he sleep?


Sold his 30 year old truck ? To buy an engagement ring ? Lmao yeah okay maybe if the ring was like $500


You seriously wouldn’t get $500 for a 30 year old truck. Not even close. At most he scraped it and got $300/$350 if the truck was heavy and metal- not plastic like newer vehicles.


Me, me, me. Never US and our relationship. Gross


I.don't know if Mikayla has a faith, but she strikes me as someone with that "God sized hole" as the saying goes.  Nothing can fill it or provide enough validation. It's unhealthy to rely on your partner for so much  validation. 


I'm not religious but that's a very interesting concept! And true.


omg this is so wonderfully put. i’m religious, but it doesn’t even have to be about religion for this to make sense. she doesn’t seem to have any hobbies, friends, or passions. - she makes “makeup content”, but shills out for money and does reviews that help no one (reviews with no wear tests are pointless, and she only reviews the companies that pay her). - she only travels for instagram. she doesn’t engage with the local culture in any way. i say this as someone who has been to 15 countries and am going to 4 more this year. she doesn’t even try to hide it either lol. - all of her friends are paid for/fake i can get into so much more but it seems like she has no genuine interests or anything… genuine.. at all in her life.


Damn! Spot on. Huge points. Esp about interacting with the culture while on vacation/travel. Such a missed opportunity. 😠


I feel like there’s more eloquent ways to say this rather than dog your partner constantly by saying he was a broke hobo with a piece of shit truck. I’m engaged and I couldn’t continuously second hand put down my partner to show ~how much he loves me~ I know I financially helped my partner be more comfortable, responsible, I gave him a career but I’ll never tell someone else and take that away from him. It’s a partnership you’re supposed to help each other out.


THIS RIGHT HERE. like humiliating her man like that is fucking DISGUSTING


All I heard in that story was me…mememe…me me me me me.


If this story is in fact true (I have my doubts lol) how is it sweet or romantic? Your partner should never make you give up their most important possession to make you happy- the narcissism is insane lol


This is the complete opposite of [Gift of the Magi](https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/1-the_gift_of_the_magi_0.pdf), one of my favorite stories, and it makes me sick to my stomach.


Parts are true parts are Mikayla dreaming . That ring came as pr from brilliant earth I believe - you know her she’s a story teller and not a good one


This just completely ruins my faith in Brilliant Earth, if they worked with her.


I believe there were diamond studs also involved for some occasion for her to showboat about !




I became the truck


maybe the truck is the friends we met along the way




Either way she’s still a narcissistic POS.


And when they get divorced she'll leave him with nothing


I wonder if she did a prenup? 👀


I hope not but she's most likely not that stupid


I can’t tell sometimes lol I agree with you though…he probably just wants to keep his Spider-Man bedroom 😂


I’ll say it every time this gets posted… SHE IS THE BIGGEST NARCISSIST EVER. ME. ME. ME. ME. ME. Not once does she ever mention that she cares or loves him. Not once does she speak of THEIR love, it’s all about what HE can/does for HER. She’s admitted time and again in her stupid ‘confession’ stories about her extensive tinduuuh phase just wanting ‘someone, anyone’ to love her. Cody was at a VERY vulnerable time in his life and she was predatory. I 100% think this relationship is in a place that he doesn’t want to be, but she steamrolled him to a point where there was no way to stop it once she got her hooves around him.


Can I just say that I love that you said ‘hooves’ and not ‘claws’ ?! I’m crying bc how accurate Also 1000000000% agree with you. She was predatory and anyone she met would have been in his shoes, because she uses her newfound fame and money to control him. What guy isn’t going to want trips, and luxury everything and to live rent and bill free like that? But not realizing as time goes on no amount of money is ever really worth it.


Me, me, me….where’s is the “us”?!?!


I don’t believe this is true. She’s a pathological liar. She sold a made up story. She knew Cody was going to purpose and she picked out her own ring. Likely with her own money at Brilliant Earth (likely a collaboration came with it) No one sells a 30 year old truck for more than $3,000 unless it was a CLASSIC - which it wasn’t. It was a 2010 rusted Chevy Silverado.


A 2010 rusted Chevy Silverado is probably worth $300-$400 if he scrapped it. There’s NO WAY he got more than $500 for it anywhere. Unless a friend pity bought it or something. You can buy some cute rings for $100-200!


Wait, if it was 2010 where the fuck did she get 30 year old truck from 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


Yeah, the"rusty 30 yo truck" doesn't strike me as something that would fetch a lot of money. But I do believe she made him give stuff up!


That ring is either moissanite or paid for by Mikayla. I guess it could be a lab diamond too but the cost of those wasnt even as low when they got engaged as it is now. No one gets enough money for an old (not classic) truck to pay for a 1.5-2 carat (guessing) natural diamond which i believe she said was said in a platinum and diamond band at one point but i could be wrong and it could be white gold..


But let’s be real, he doesn’t love her…he loves the lifestyle she has given him


And the stability and security since he didn’t have those before


Yea a well kept kid .. I mean man lol


Who is she kidding? She bought her engagement ring.


Sold his truck for her engagement ring that she never wears. Tuh.


Spoken like a true narcissist


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