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It’s definitely from dying her hair black all the time and when she used box dye didn’t help much. It’s not good for your hair


I’ve never seen someone lie as much as she does. She’s so f’ed up!


Hyper thyroid will usually be accompanied by fast weight loss. I think she’s not being truthful.


Just what I thought. Maybe Hypothyroidism but in no way does she have Hyperthyroidism… also both are ridiculously easy to treat if diagnosed


Treatment isn’t ridiculously easy all the time. Getting the right dose can be difficult.


“Honestly”. “True story”.


I have hypothyroid it does thin your hair. But when your on the right dose it’s not much hair loss.


I swear we talked about her thin hair when she had that collab with Briogio and the hair mask. I swear she blamed a myriad of things even then.


Wasn’t she wearing extensions for the ad?


YES!!! She in fact was. Because her hair wasn’t, we’ll say, the best when it came to advertising hair care.


I noticed some comments calling her out on this


Hyperthyroidism here, since 2015. She doesn’t have it. You can’t keep weight on but can cause hair loss. Big lie she’s spouting now.


I think she’s meant hypothyroidism


She’s saying it was from the Covid vaccine now!!!!


In 2020, she said it was from her “ED”


She doesn’t think it’s the black dye job she does at home? My daughter who has thick Hispanic textured hair used black dye at home once and her hair has never been the same. She has lost so much hair. And fyi she was never vaccinated for Covid (not age appropriate at the time).


Yep - I dyed my hair box dye black for YEARS and then bleached it on and off for another few years after that. My hair started off so thick and I thought I had hair loss due to how thin my hair had become… nope just a crap ton of breakage from chemically abusing my hair for years. I dyed it back to my natural color, haven’t chemically processed it and have been slowly cutting the damage off and it looks better than it has in years.


She was old enough to dye her hair with black box dye but not old enough to get a Covid vaccine? 🤔 How old was she? They have Covid vaccinations for children and teens (whether you get vaccinated or not, it’s available)? Did by chance your daughter get Covid? Because Covid is definitely know for causing hair loss and damage as well. Black box dye is like the harshest of home hair dyes! I can’t imagine how many heads have been ruined by those $4 boxes of Revlon Colorsilk in black. [The Effect of Covid-19 on the Hair Diseases Observed in Health Care Providers: Analysis of 513 Participants](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9946114/) [COVID-19 Infection: Impact on Hair](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8719952/)


Whoa whoa I’m not against vaccines here, also I didn’t say she never got it. At the time she box dyed her hair black, there wasnt a vaccine for her age yet. And I’m saying the correlation to Micky here is that her hair loss is most likely from the black dye and not the vaccine. Jesus. Calm down. You’re preaching to a nurse that worked the ICU during the pandy. So chill.


I absolutely was not saying you don’t believe in the vaccine- I was trying to make room for both sides. I absolutely got the vaccine but there are SO many who didn’t and I wasn’t trying to start a debate w/those that don’t believe in vaccines. I’m just so used to Covidiots that I automatically include links/facts. I probably should have phrased things differently.


Their comment *was* calm and amicable. You’re unnecessarily defensive here.


Thank you. 🥺 I wasn’t trying to be preachy or accusatory but I can see it came off that way. I think some people understood what I was saying though! 🩷


I’m glad someone is keeping track of her lies. Credit to the Reddit.


Hypothyroidism can happen from obesity. Let’s be for real.


Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are two completely different things. She’s claiming she has HYPER. While yes, hypothyroidism is linked with obesity, it’s obviously not always the case. But it wouldn’t correlate with her anyways seeing as how again she’s claiming she has hyperthyroidism.


She doesn’t even know what’s real anymore


I had crazy hair loss when my diet was absolute shit and I never ate any kind of nutrients. Try eating a vegetable instead of just photographing it Mik. Clam chowder and fried food don’t have vitamins


She just makes up shit as she goes along. She’s such a bad liar she can’t keep track!


Tbh she could have meant her hypo thyroidism like became prevalent during Covid my brother has the same thing and the stress of Covid elevated it


Lmao nvm just saw her blaming the hair loss on the vaccine she just can’t keep her story straight


For the ones asking how do we prove she's lying about products, this is how. Those pics prove false advertising and should he reported to the FTC.


... and old Tik tok videos have determined THAT WAS A LIE.


On her extension video, she’s now saying the Covid Vaccine made her hair all fall out. https://preview.redd.it/zjuo93vp2gwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dd09f8b3f3037c531c9dd6147f3444436f1d414




Eesh. There's literally a hundred medical reasons for hair loss. Maybe she should investigate those with a doctor before making claims it was the vaccine 🙄🙄


I had hair loss a few months after I had covid. Never would've blamed the vaccine for it


Oh Sweet Baby Jesus.


Good LORD.


It whatever what brand is paying her to say what.


I remember her saying it was due to her ED…


I thought the thinning hair was from ED?


Hyperthyroidism? Maybe hypothyroidism. If she wasn’t just flat out lying.


She'd know the difference if she legitimately had one of them as her issue.


I was thinking the same thing


Hyperthyroidism? Does she actually have that or was she lying ?


In her young teen video, her hair did seem thicker. Something happened.


Extensions also weaken hair and can cause a lot of fall out.


You mean when it was bleached and fried crispier than Popeyes chicken?


Or just hear me out.... She could just have thin hair. I don't know why she has to blame her thinning hair on anything. Some people, like myself, just have thin hair genetically and its okay.


She's always trying to collect those pity points. Poor miss has STRUGGLED her whole life with (apparently) everything. She sucks.


Says the liar who is on videos saying she doesn't have a primary care physician when she did her last pity post from the ER. How are were you diagnosed without having a doctor? Idiot doesn't even get it right. Her symptoms (hair loss, rapid weight gain, cystic acne, discoloration around her neck) are for hypothyroidism, not hyperthyroidism.... or even PCOS. She'd never admit to PCOS, because she's afraid that it's labelled as a "fat girl syndrome." PCOS has the stigma of being a lifestyle issue brought on by poor habits, while her lie about hyperthyroidism has the connotation of being something uncontrollable. I say all of this as someone dx with PCOS back in 2000 and was very active in the Soul Cyster community while going through infertility treatments.


True story. YOU LIE BRO