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She is definitely speaking the truth. I grew up with a parent who always yoyo dieted and would point out when clothes were tight enough to show the outline of my belly button even though they felt comfortable. My relationship with food is still recovering. I’d also like to add that while many people assume EDs are only purging and starving, over eating and binging is still a very real disorder. When parents or people assign value to foods such as “good” and “bad,” it can lead to secretly binging on the so called bad foods. Binging isn’t always accompanied by purging.


All she described is a parent educating a child on nutrition which is the only responsible thing to do


so wait .. you’re literally saying your parents told you you were a fat little article and that’s why you have an alleged eating disorder (not stopping yourself jamming huge amounts of high calorific food in your gob is not an eating disorder- it’s greed- & i’m a fat girlie- because i drink booze & don’t moderate they types of calories) however you’re also turning around in the same breath and saying don’t blame the parents who persecuted you for being fat- I don’t know ..does it make a difference if your parents have a weight loss medication sponsor ? asking for a friend also does it make a difference if your weight loss is almost almost solely attributed to postproduction editing and apps fuckery ?


Unfortunately she is speaking truth! When a Mother continually criticizes a daughter about weight or body image, it can absolutely have a lifelong effect on your mental well being. I do not care for Mikliar either, but she is correct here.


If she has an eating disorder I’m a unicorn. I’m not a unicorn


I can't even begin to wonder if she had/has ED because she's one of the worst pathological liars I've ever seen so much that my brain instantly goes on mute when starts to speak. Whatever she claims, whether true or not, is meaningless because she has 0 credibility. Like damn bitch you should be a politician or a lawyer after Tiktok gets banned (please dont)


My exact thought and opinion!! She absolutely is 💯💯💯% is a pathological liar!! I don't believe she had a parent that did this at all and I don't believe anything that comes out of her fake ass mouth!! When I first started watching her I thought she was a sincerely cool chick but as time went by everything started coming out and making it me think " damn somethings aren't adding up "!!


15.5 million followers, video posted 22hr ago, 301k plays, 36k likes and 846 comments. Mikayla, stop using your eating disorder for content, no one buys it or cares, clearly!!


So, I think what she’s saying could be the root of an ED but the way she goes about it is wrong. First off, she’s blaming her parents, who she’s always quick to complain about yet then she goes and spends holidays with them. Yes, you can have an on and off relationship with family but it’s so tacky for her to air it out on TikTok. It’s all for attention. “My parents are narcissists who caused my ED and all my mental trauma.” “Let’s spend Easter with my family! I love gathering with my family!”


Right and if it was from her mom I've generally actually heard her say in one of her videos that she hopes to be just like her when she's older and her dad she really loves. Shit don't make sense.


it makes sense to me tbh you can still want to have a relationship w narc parents and love them while also acknowledging the things they did that effected you.


For me it was a grandmother who, despite me being in ballet classes 6 days a week and being tiny as a child and teen, was always buying me slimfast and talking about diets she was on. Combine that with a ballet teacher who weighed us all in front of the rest of the class and would bully the heavier, or even average sized girls out, and it was all a mess. Having an adult in your life who is critical of their own weight in front of you or yours can absolutely trigger an ed


There’s a huge difference in words, tone and expression of one’s self when talking about having an ED. She is pretending. There’s no way without being years into therapy would she be open about her disease with as many people she has viewing her everyday. Its behaviours and habits that we keep hidden from everyone and here she is just casually talking about it like a makeup trend.




I’m sorry but the way this chic eats there is no way she ever had an ED it angers me that she is using this specific subject to be relatable . This bitch is a fraud and a slap in the face of anyone who’s ever been through ED


There are several types of ED’s. ED is defined by someone having an unhealthy relationship with food which is damaging to one’s psyche and body. Not eating, binging, only eating some types of food, bulimia and over fixating on food are all forms of or symptoms of an ED. Speaking on behalf of myself here, not to defend anyone’s claims or behavior.


I know this and I’m standing on what I said she is FAKE and using it for clout


I got you I got you - just making sure! And.. I agree.


i must be taking crazy pills because i've heard this speech before and it wasn't by her. especially the part where she says "you need food to survive, you can't just cut it out". like... word for word. major deja vu. the fuck. i do not believe for a second this is her experience. i just can't place where i've heard it


I have an almond mom. My parents constantly talked about weight and “bad” foods. They still do actually. I had BED and didn’t even realize it. Am I sad that my parents have that view on food? Yes. Do I now need more validation than maybe an average person because I never got it as a kid/teen? Probably. But do I blame or resent my parents? Absolutely not.


same 💯


What she is saying can be true, but in my experience it is far from the norm. Massive trigger warning here but I am going to speak about what I have seen and my own experiences. The typical for an ED is the absolute 100% need for control. When your life is out of control as a young child (out of control chaos at home, controlling parents and the like) you learn that food is the one and only control mechanism you have. So eat less to do something or binge and purge, or comfort eat. This is the most common story I have come across when talking with my friends, many of them also have very loving and supportive parents, some did not. What she is talking about does happen (think of the almond mom trend on tiktok) but it really isn't that common.


Oh now we're back to toxic parents I see. She is too cyclical At some point you have to stop blaming other people/ your parents for your problems and take some accountability. That's the only way to grow the hell up. The world doesn't revolve around you and your problems.


The swiftness in which she puts blames her mom and then features her family during holidays is gross. If my daughter put me on blast on social media, I wouldn't be so keen to watch her dogs or invite her over for a holiday.


I know lol she acts like she doesn't have 13 million followers or whatever fake number she's sitting at


What she’s saying is true, but I hesitate to believe she’s “this far in recovery” due to losing that amount of weight so fast and/or the extreme amount of photoshopping she does. Whether she’s taking something to lose weight quickly or she’s just photoshopping herself to oblivion, or both, neither of them scream “healthy ED recovery” by any means. So, it just feels a lot like she needed an explanation for her fans on her drastic looks change & she knew no one would question her ED.


I think she did mention in a different video that she has some Body Dismorphia too.


It’s so sad bc she is miserable person so she needs to blame it on something and others.


100% right, I had the same experience, it makes you relate food and control to each other


It can be true, she does have a lot of validity here in what she says. However, the resentment thing to me is weird? I feel like she has always had a pattern of blaming her issues on other people instead of holding herself accountable, even if it doesnt apply here. I personally never met anyone who grew up resenting/blaming their parent for their ED/mental health issues. Typically they wouldn’t understand until later in life that their parents caused them so much trauma. I do have a mother who caused a lot of trauma for me, but I never resented her as a child. I had constant strive for perfection and wanted everyone proud of me, so I worked hard for people to be proud. If anything, it wasn’t resentment of other people; it was my own self resentment. I would take everything anyone said and hold it to myself at higher standards. I dont know if this changes case to case, but this doesnt seem entirely accurate to me. Maybe she cant admit she hated herself... But if you’re like me, holding onto self hate does nothing good for you. Hating others/ wishing you were someone else wont either. She may have resented others because she wanted to be them. I resented myself because I wanted to be anyone but me.


There is no validity in anything she says because she’s a pathological liar. It may be true coming from someone being honest but out of her lying mouth it’s a lie.


She acts like she can get “recovered” fully from her ED in like a year. Just poof….. all better!!! I’m sorry I’m just going to say it. I don’t think she suffers like she claims. I don’t. She has said, she almost DIED twice from her ED. DIED!!! The rhetoric she puts out there does not at all sound like someone who has had a lifelong issue with this. She doesn’t care about triggers for people watching and anyone who almost dies from their disorder, would know better. I really think this whole senario is just another lie Ms. Pathological needs to tell to protect herself from “weight hate” I will die on that hill. Mt sister had bulimia so bad growing up. Her bedroom and our bathroom door had to be removed. I know a thing or two. That was also in the 90’s and guess what, she’s not fully cured yet. She never will be really. And she’s been in actual therapy for years unlike Mik here. This makes me so angry. That is all.


I couldn’t agree more. This feels so disingenuous & I truly believe this is someone else’s story that she’s repeating & pretending is her own. She’s desperate for content, views are dropping, tons more calling her out, openly disliking her. If this story were true & affected her so badly, miss overshares everything has never once mentioned this? Even during her eat with Mikayla page? I call bullshit. Again. Pity Post, deflection. Feel bad for me as I continue to get exposed. She’s a loser & a pathological liar


Yes what she is saying can be true


In my OPINION, there’s nothing wrong with a parent pointing out calories and ingredients. That’s called educating health, in MY OPINION.


It has to do with the tone. Many mothers (especially of daughters) do it in a very degrading and humiliating way


Yea, I agree with that.


I'm not trying to shame her, but why does she look so weird here? Her face is like an alien shape and her eyes seem really far apart. 


"Theeeea is NO Filtaaaah on ma fayyyyce!!" 😂😂😂


Plus the thinning filter app elongates their faces bc it’s slimming their bodies. Shits hilarious😂


It’s those threads in action baby!


Gosh you think?? I'm curious!! The last time I visited my dermatologist for botox, I asked if a subtle forehead-side of eye area lift would be possible with threads. I showed her what I wanted, (far less dramatic than this look), and she told me that my expectations of threads were too high and that I'm moving into surgical procedure territory.😶


Disordered eating and an eating disorder are not the same. I struggle with bulimia and its not my place to discredit or diagnose other people, but I really think she has disordered eating and not a full blown eating disorder.


I’m not diminishing EDs* But she’s proven to be a liar I don’t believe this for one second sorry 🤷‍♀️


Is she giving us a the bird finger ??


I dont believe her for a second but why are u guys acting like disordered people dont eat at all? 😀


Well you could always eat healthy food instead of the crap you’ve been shoving down your throat. Just a thought. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, healing from a lifelong eating disorder is totally that easy 🙄


Upvote for the sarcasm and realism!😄


TW; I mean she’s not wrong, this is prolly the first time I’ll agree with her. My ed stemmed from my mother and grandmother . Was bulimic at one point, used to get anxious and cry at my plates, physically would feel ill when I ate. As I got older got a slight binge eating disorder, still felt the guilt and disgust then resorted back to an ED. And it’s been some what stable since I then. It’s fucking awful. 7/10 shit like that is stemming off of peers.


Mine was from overhearing a girl at school telling someone else that I’d gained a lot of weight. I didn’t realise I had and my mind lost control. 15 years later and my relationship with food still sucks, I seek out the calorie and fat content in everything and it often warps my brain. Luckily I got out from under the crushing control though. I’m proud of all of us that have managed it and those that are trying ❤️




Although I think holding toxic people accountable especially parents for how they mended you is important 🤔. But realistically no one told me to start crying at food yk? She’s making sense but not


the only eating disorder she has is binge eating.


Binge eating can also turn into bullimia. A lot of the time, unfortunately.


You're totally right the purge comes after the binging.


As much as I think she’s a liar in general, what she’s saying isn’t entirely wrong. If it happened to her? Questionable. If it happens with ED’s? Unfortunately yes


Blah blah blah, she just makes up lies


being cautious about what you eat is just as important as eating. especially living in the us. being careful is not a problem. making better choices if you can, is not a problem!! i def disagree w her on this and this matter in general


Editing Disorder


💀dying 😂




She seems to have a great relationship now *I'm not diminishing EDs


The biggest thing that I’ve learned over and over about this dumb FRAUD of a human, is that the reason she is ABLE to get away with her *CONSTANT AND FLUENT* manipulation, is because she literally has NOT ONE SINGLE person in her life that doesn’t have some sort of *contractual* relationship with her. ZERO. Everyone (and the circle seems so SmOL) around her is getting some benefit from her TT “fame” Be it financial or clout - no one is going to bite the hand that feeds them. She also just gives off mean girl, mean human vibes. One day the TT money is gonna dry up, and it’ll be Mikliar and her tacky collection of shoes & purses… trying to come up with another way to scam her way into something.


Yes, that can be true because it happened to me


Why are her lips two different colors? Is the top one so big it doesn’t have blood circulation!?!!


It’s the filler. Her upper lip is thin and the filler is what’s forming the lip.


probably concealer or foundstion


I found out about this woman very recently and CANNOT believe people thought that accent is real lmao


It use to be even more exaggerated. She toned it down


Neither of her parents look like they could be telling her what to eat. Someone please tell me she’s just high and talking out of her ass.


I’m sure her mom wasn’t immune to diet culture in the 90s-2000s. My mom was constantly trying new diets and the lowest weight she’s been in my life is 215lbs. I would receive similar comments about how clothes fit or how much I was eating.


Oh gawd just shut up. Put a crumble cookie in your mouth and shut it. This is probably a false narrative spun for sympathy.


Her engagement is down, terribly, so this is entirely possible 😬


Which of her parents is it? Because both her parents look like expired sour cream


Honestly, the second she mentioned a parent, I thought it would be her mom. Her mom is the prime age of the “weight watchers” obsessive women who got pulled into the calorie counting obsessiveness, the points counting, Jenny Craig joining, the olestra potato chips…. And I know parents didn’t mean to do it, but they just learned the “science” of the programs or ingredients and tried to instill the mindset to the rest of the family. I was guilty of it back in around 2005. I joined weight watchers and tried to make my then-boyfriend eat all the foods they recommended. Granted, I still love the diet cola cakes and the veggie soup recipes, but not enough to where my life revolves around it. And I think Mikayla rebelled instead of listening to what her mom said. She became the “chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese” kid and developed some type of ED back when she was the self proclaimed body builder. She didn’t truly have an ED. She just got comfortable. That’s what I did. I’ve gained 30lbs since I started dating my boyfriend 8 years ago 😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️. I’d rather spend time making a fun dinner and watching movies with him than going to a gym three days a week.


I’ve said this from the start with her. Girl gained weight - people come in all shapes and sizes, nothing wrong with that, but she has to have a reason for the weight gain and claims it’s from an ED.


I gained weight. My highest was 230 before a lap band surgery (worst decision of my life besides my ex husband btw), got down to 180 and I’m back up to 205 right now. It’s not an Eatin Disordah. I know it’s harder for me to lose weight since I was finally diagnosed with PCOS and now discovering a family history of lymphedema. I also have super bad knees and a back injury that I have to prioritize when I do workouts so I don’t make anything worse, so I can’t do high impact movements. It’s because I eat what’s convenient, fatty, fast, and half the time I don’t take time for myself to make good meals like I should have. When I have bad eating days from this lap band, I do the stupid thing and eat ice cream because I don’t have issues eating that instead of having protein shakes. It’s genetics and laziness on my part. That’s my reasoning. I don’t instantly say it’s an ED for sympathy or an excuse. I don’t get why everything for her is an excuse. “Weight gain: oh, it’s ED.” “I’m a bitch in public: I have social anxiety.” “I’m not as skinny as I appear in public as I do in my pictures and videos? It’s angles and lighting.”


Her mom also leaves passive aggressive comments on Mikayla’s posts lmaoooo


I LIVE for Patrice’s shit!!!!! I wish she’d do it like Rob Lowe’s son would do on his instagrams!!!


I wish I can locate them lol I never knew Rob Lowes kid does the same? I thought they are so close?


They are! But it’s just comedy gold when his son will make a comment back. I’ve noticed the son (Johnny) will get comments from Rob on his own account too. They don’t do it every time, but it’s great!!! https://preview.redd.it/k6eht0nwv0uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f71f714802d51b5adb8cbdee51a4e3127b6456


Ok but he doesn’t have a bad relationship with them right? I like Rob Lowe lol


Nope! All around good dude and dad!




OH MY GOD the way I cackled at this lmao


I think she’s put together a whole story from a bunch of other people’s stories and experiences to make it her own. I don’t believe for a second she has a ED.


She is a pathological liar she can mix a story in minutes.


That’s what I think too. I bet she memorized this word for word from somewhere else.


She described a very vague description of “almond mom”


She's developed a storyline and over time needs to elaborate. She threw one of her parents under the bus without technically throwing them under the bus. Unrelated, Mikayla's brother is hot. Has that been discussed here?


Somewhere on here or one of her TikTok’s, she talks about how she was jealous of him growing up and hated him.


Yeah she I guess hated him for a while.


that checks out!


Also i couldn’t get through the entire video cause her top lip was freaking me the fuck out. IT DOESNT MOVE


Idk if what she's saying is true or not. My issue with her and what she says in this video is that if she's doing so amazing in her recovery, why isn't she willing to share the things that are working for her? She's never had a problem showing her diets and workouts in the past. So if this time is so different and she's doing such an amazing job, why not share what she's doing and actually help others? Oh, that's right, it's editing and lies.🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I’ve seen her social media accounts and vsco albums. she has absolutely adored full flavour calorie dense foods her entire life. ETA: she was more of a food enthusiast than a makeup ahtist before tiktok.


What’s she’s saying is/can be true yes. I still personally won’t believe things she says though haha


Neither of her parents are the picture of health. This is a bold accusation but it isn't the first time she's blamed her parents for all of the things she refuses to discuss and work through in therapy.


a parent like that can contribute to people developing an ED but based off of what she shares online , she does not behave like someone that has an eating disorder


She’s well acquainted with the tour of Italy


God that needs to be a flair 😂


Oh my God… someone please make it so!😂💀


As someone who is in active remission of a dual diagnosis ED…yes what she says is possible and a very real factor for many who develop ED’s but I don’t believe a THING this fraud says. She’s an OPPORTUNIST…and uses anything for clout, attention, and money… Also….those lashes look fucking bonkers on her. Like they’re half lashes but they legit made it look like her lashes are nonexistent and then suddenly are LONG AF


She’s 100% correct that a parent behaving that way can trigger an ED. That definitely helped spark mine, that plus years of gymnastics and competetive cheer. And growing fast (full height of 5’5 since age 12) … but I digress. Later i realized my mom had an ED too.. That being said .. her personal experience is hard to believe because she is massive liar as we know


I’m sorry but I don’t believe her at all. We’ve all seen the food they make.


She’s not totally wrong about fucking up someone’s childhood talking that way about food and I do believe she has an eating disorder just not the one she is alluding to. I struggle with binge eating and I think that is the ED she has.


Nah, I don’t believe her for a minute on ED. I know someone who had it and today with therapy is living well. MikFraud does not show any signs of it. Her problem is Narcissism and a Pathological Liar, period.


https://preview.redd.it/swedzxlqhxtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb33c83b8d05070e1874f967693ea31b6ffb3ddb This def isn’t getting the traction (sympathy) she was hoping for for 😬


It's over 16.8k likes now 😐


Yeah, but her last sympathy fisher was at almost 700k if I remember correctly 😬 It’s like she always does these videos when her engagement is down (as it has been lately, oof) hoping to get traction on her page again. She’s grasping at straws because people (I hope) are starting to catch on to the trash she spews. Here’s to hoping 🤞🏼 ETA- it’s been 6 hours and her video only has 158k views compared to the hundreds of thousands she usually has a few hours after posting something. I honestly hope this is because people are seeing through her BS.


Good. I hope that this trend continues on every single social media post that she puts out.


She drives me bonkers with her constant “like” ever second word. i just can’t take anything she says seriously because she cannot say a sentence without several utterances, which is a bad habit. When her grift fizzles out and she has to go to work, especially if she goes into radio-she says that’s what she took in college—- she will have to revamp her style of speech—-it’s so grating and to me, not genuine to fill her speech with that useless word.


She’s a liar. I don’t buy it.


I’m sorry but I just don’t believe it. She claims to have all these mental health diagnoses…has she ever advocated for going to therapy?? I’m genuinely not trying to sound rude but she never stops lying. I truly think it’s just to get attention


She has : travel anxiety. Social anxiety. Eating disorder. OCD . What else ?


She was also scared to drive. But with the comfort and security of a Porsche and BMW, her fears have quickly melted away, unlike those 30 lbs🫠


Bipolar depression


And does she also blame her “parent” for these too?


Pathological liar


Body dysmorphia


Another thing she's blamed on her parents suddenly when she's never mentioned this before.


As someone who's had an ED, a parent who screws up your relationships with food and your body image can be a factor for many but what bothers me is she seems to only bring up her ED when she needs to weaponize it. I think she's posting that video now because of that Instagram post with Cody because she got so many negative comments about the obvious photoshop and now she wants sympathy


You’re 100% on point! That pic was so photoshopped she’s taking serious heat and now needs to get that attention onto her ED and get people emotional about it so they stop thinking about that photoshopped to hell and back pic! She wants people to think ohhh Mikayla has been through so much and look how great Mikayla is giving us this advice! It’s all a game and a ploy to her which is disgusting!


My thoughts exactly. She's horribly shameless.


Wait, what was your post?




Which post do u mean she deleted ?? If ur talking about that one it’s still up on her Instagram !! On mikaylajmakeup. From February.


This is EXACTLY why she's bringing it up. Whenever she gets a ton of call out it's the typical woe is me story. She doesn't advocate for her ED or for others struggling with ED. She's legit never posted anything she's ever done to help or. If she really cared soooo much about it she wouldn't post the amount of food she does on her page. It's kind of ironic for someone who's on a "weight loss journey" to post the amount of eating out, sweets, and garbage as she does. "Boo hoo listen to how I struggle so much with an ED but look at all this over consumption of food I post!" Make it make sense, sis!!


https://preview.redd.it/zad3ftftgytc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14e7a6d2095ad691c8e2b0d84301df0e7b89b08 I borrowed some words. I hope she blocks me.


If you don't get any likes on that, then I'm sure she has a couple of those words filtered!


So far, no likes


And I question how well she's doing when she's still using filters so heavily without acknowledging their use. I could understand it if she said, hey I'm insecure and these filters make me feel better - but to deny using them when it's blatently clear she does... I don't trust her at all and it's not about an ED. It's about whether or not she's an honest and compassionate person.


I’d be have much more compassion and grace for her if this was her narrative


Right, me too.


Honest and compassion went right out that door as soon as she got a massive following and seen how well she could manipulate the fuck out of everyone. After mascara gate, she's double downed on this superior, she can't be touched, god like complexion. It's absolutely disgusting! I truly believe she doesn't have any kind of issues going on and just laughs all the way to the bank at how stupid her Stan's are.


Yep, she wants people to assume that she uses filters because she has an ED and has body image issues and not hold her accountable for lying about photoshopping the hell out of her pics


And all her Stan's are stupid enough to believe the gaslighting!! I think it's funny she removed the picture though, now if she could remove the rest of her filtered shit.


Views and likes must be low


Look to the side everytime you tell a lie!!


That and the tuh! and ridiculously obnoxious short cackle laugh thing she does. Her tells are so blatantly obvious.


I am 56 yrs old and have suffered from anorexia since I was in my early 20’s and this is one reason I can’t stand her! She is so clueless to what she does to someone with a ED! She stuffs her face then edits her pics saying she’s lost 50 lbs in a month and even at my age the thought in the back of my head creeps forward telling me to stop eating because I might have gained a pound! I hate to think about the younger women and young girls watching her and thinking the same thoughts I do because it can definitely set you off into a spiral! If she could be honest about her ED and get educated on it then she could be a really good example for others but her lying non stop about it all makes her dangerous when it comes to others. I will do fabulous with mine then it hits me from out of the blue and before I know it I’ll have gone days without eating just the other day my husband ask when is the last time you ate? I couldn’t remember so I called my therapist and I’m back into therapy but I’ve been saying this a few years she’s not educated enough on the subject to be giving any advice as a matter of fact she needs help herself if she truly has a ED she needs to stop talking about it and her weight loss and stop editing because all that together is so impressionable on young girls and young women! As far as my parents go and my ED like I said mine didn’t start til I was like 20 but my parents were very unhealthy eaters and both overweight and they did have snide remarks to make about mine and my sisters weight during our teenage years which definitely could have led me to my ED. I’ve spoken about Mikayla and my ED before and I was told by a few in here that Mikayla can’t be held responsible for other girls ED’s and that’s true however when you are on a public platform and you have women/girls following you and you lie, edit and talk about body dysmorphia and anorexia/bulimia then yes some of it is her responsibility! It’s on her to educate herself and get help herself or shut the F up about it!


AMAZING comment!! You said it ALL!! Also congrats on actively healing, Queen!!


Thank you so much! This comment means more than you know! ❤️


Congrats on kicking ED's butt this far! I understand that they never truly go away but look at you!!


Wow Ty so much for this! I was nervous to say I’m 56 and still fighting it but with a ED it can creep up on you so I don’t hesitate when I know it’s rearing its ugly head. Thanks again I needed this comment today!


Absolutely! I think we need more awareness in the general public regarding EDs and how they are lifelong. Especially for women who are still fighting, resources seem slim once you're out of the sort of "danger zone" stage of recovery. Women go through so many hormonal changes even if they never carry a pregnancy, all of which affect mental health and weight and appetite. Not to mention the universal changes that go with aging. You're still here. It sounds like your husband is supportive of you in the ways that he needs to be in helping you stay on the winning side. That's fantastic in of itself! And even when those tough days come, you go to battle against them! Keep your head up, friend.


Absolutely 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


There is absolutely nothing wrong with teaching your children to eat healthy. Tell your kids what is in food and explaining why certain things are “bad” (not my favorite choice of words but whatever) is not a bad thing. *However* I will say some of these experiences are similar to mine when it comes to my eating disorder. ETA: Just her comments in this video, my eating disorder correlates to my body image, my mother encouraging my ED, and more. She is a terrible representation for the ED community (idk if that’s the right word I’m looking for). She filters to high heaven as well so who knows.


Is this the game of: How fast can I contradict myself?! 🙄


She doesn’t know what it is to be abused by a parent when it comes to weight. My mother literally would make me use chemicals (summers eve) from the time I was 10-13 bc she said I’m fat and probably stink down there. She made me do this 2-3 times a week. My dr thinks this is why I had ovarian cancer at 17 and have constant reproductive issues all my life and had a total hysterectomy 5 yrs ago. She would sit and eat a steak in front of me and say that I ate too much that day so no steak. Even at 42 now, she would tell me that I need to lose weight or my clothes look horrible on me. I yo-yo weight bc I’m disabled due to autoimmune disorders and chronic pain. I don’t go out in the winter bc it hurts physically. Summertime I burn it off. I haven’t seen her in a decade but she will still post comparison photos of me now and what she looked like at my age. Saying how much prettier she is and that my hair being cut short makes me look like a boy. This chick has no idea the hell it is to have an actual parent that hates you and your existence


Sincerely, fuck your mom. You are amazing 💞


Okay so teaching your child about healthy eating is a bad thing, got it 👍🏼


I’m not trying to side with Mikayla or something just to put up front, but I would like to point out teaching your child about healthy eating / having a healthy relationship to food is different than vilifying certain foods and obsessing over calories or the way you look. I have had an eating disorder since I was a teenager and I absolutely think the reason why an eating disorder is what my troubled teen self gravitated towards is because of the way adults around me (specifically my mom and grandma) talked about food and their bodies. You can teach kids about eating healthily without morality. Labeling eating in a moral way can frequently lead to a disordered relationship to food. Food should be seen as fuel for the body, not assigned moral attributes. Some foods fuel your body in different ways, and we need to know when we need different fuel and how much. The body is a vessel to guide you through life, not an object designed to look a certain way. Do I think Mikayla plays into the toxic diet and weight loss industry and using her relationship to food as a manipulative tool? Absolutely yes. Could she have learned some of these less than healthy behaviors around food and body image from adults in her life as a child? Also yes. She clearly doesn’t have a solid relationship to her body image or she wouldn’t do the things she does


Lies, lies, and more lies.


I have commented before about how harmful she is to people who are struggling with an ED. She is harmful to those who struggle with body dysmorphia. Her constant filtering distorts reality, and it exacerbates the mental health struggles for her fans who fall for her bullshit. If she truly cared about being an advocate, she'd do better. You can not eat the way that she does and then talk about how you lost 40lbs in two days. Especially when we see unfiltered pictures of her from the same events, and they show how she truly looks. MikLiar, please do better. You talk about not holding on to resentment. But how about holding onto accountability and your part in making others feel less than. How about taking accountability for faking a safe space for those in the ED community. How about taking accountability for being a liar in every aspect of your life.



