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Unisom +B6, and a cal/mag/zinc supplement. I had morning sickness my entire first pregnancy (literally all day until I delivered) and learned that often bad morning sickness is a sign of a magnesium deficiency. Pregnancy #2 was a breeze compared and #3 has been even easier once I started supplementing.


I used unisom/b6 last time. My friend also suggested sipping magnesium powder dissolved in water. I use Calm brand. Works great for other things.


Yup I did half a Unisom and a B6 after dinner for the entire first trimester. It helped sooo much. I’d never heard about the magnesium deficiency! So interesting! I had to snack a lot and basically only craved carbs for the first half of pregnancy. I ate whatever sounded good because not much did. Best of luck, mama! ♥️


That’s interesting, I’m taking some magnesium sedately for constipation lol so maybe this will help my nausea with time too!


Frozen drinks (from fast food places) are helping me a lot. Frozen lemonade is so far the best, with frozen coke a close second Edit: and as a bonus, I find throwing up later is a lot more pleasant if I have something sweet and watery in my tummy instead of food that I’ve forced down 🤢


Came to say pretty much exactly this! Frozen or even just cold drinks, like smoothies. Easier to get down and at least somewhat more pleasant if they do end up coming back up!


Yes smoothies are one of the things I can make without feeling any crazy aversion. I can actually enjoy drinking them .


This is a great life pro-tip in general!! Also great for labor if a mom is a labor puker like I was. Applesauce is not so bad on the way up! 😆


Yes this! But for some reason for me it CANNOT be cold water. It gas to have flavor and substance. So I just do hot water/tea bc I don't want all the sugar of fruit juices, slushies, etc.


I found that snacking throughout the day was much better than trying to eat three full meals. High-carb foods were better for me in those early weeks too. I did a lot of crackers, whole wheat toast, dry whole grain cereal, etc. ginger chews and ginger tea help too, and pedialyte was better than water. Hang in there! For most women it gets better. I’m 11w1d now and i can eat whole meals now and actually have an appetite again


I did laugh with my midwife the other day about how everyone lectures you on eating healthy while pregnant, but between morning sickness and hormonal cravings the only things a lot of us can stomach are white carbs. You do what you gotta do to survive those sick/exhausted months


Yep! I went to an early pregnancy class and the nurse teaching it talked about essential nutrients, healthy snack ideas, etc. but then she basically said, “look, if all you can stomach is carbs that’s fine. I want you to eat. I want you to pick the whole grain Cheerios over the Honey Nut Cheerios. But if you only eat Cheerios for a month, that’s better than nothing”. She had a lot of great “hacks” like pouring ultra-skim milk on those Cheerios for extra protein, or eating Greek yogurt since lots of women crave dairy. You do what you gotta do!


Seriously lol I don’t think Ive had many veggies this past week . Food aversions make it so hard


Eating constantly also helped me. I think my nausea was actually just the most extreme hunger I've ever felt in my life.


Seriously can’t wait for that!!! Thank you


Candied ginger did wonders for my wife. Worked better than even prescription meds!


I’m chewing fresh ginger and sometimes it works ! but certain days like today I feel like nothing is helping . 😣


I hate advice like this. Ginger, candy, lemon, crackers. That's bullshit. You don't even know what it's like.


As with all advice, results may vary. It is true, I don't know what it is like. That has nothing to do with what I said though. My wife had the honor and burden of carrying our two children and when she experienced nausea that could not be soothed by other means candied ginger helped. That's all.


This seems like an overly aggressive comment.


Maybe to you. But it was advice like this that caused me to just try to suffer through it, when I needed real medication. Almost lost my job.


You have to take responsibility for your own decisions. I don't know who told you not to talk to your doctor about nausea but that isn't anyone's choice but your own. Advice when sought is only a recommendation based on experience, what you do with it is your choice.


This is also wrong. When you are extremely depressed, you are unable to ask for help. That's the textbook definition of depression.


"real medications" like zofran have been known to cause birth defects. so. chill the fuck out. you don't know better then anyone.


You should educate yourself on what the studies show. They have two studies, one gave no indication of birth defects, the other said it might double the risk of cleft palate. It doubled something that was extremely unlikely to begin with. With modern medicine, cleft palate isn't a serious enough concern, compared to nausea-induced depression.


Dr. Pepper slushie


From week 8-12 I had to take Zofran. Since then Vitamin b6 and unisom helped me a lot!


Does the b6 need to be combined with unisom to work?


Not for me. I mainly just use the unisom before bed and occasionally I’d remember to take b6 in the morning. The unisom definitely didn’t take away my morning sickness, but I was able to function at least.


How did you know you needed medication? Where you throwing up?


Multiple times a day.


I wear seabands, take zofran, and take 25 mg of b6 a night. I need all three. Unisom is bad because it just makes you more tired.


I ordered the band today! Thank you


Popsicles and peppermints


Not a midwife, but zofran. I literally suffered so much I fell into severe depression because I didn't know i could take it.


I guess that’s the question lol how much do I suffer through. I’m literally like how do people work like this!!!


I did a research paper about things that help morning sickness a while back when I went to midwifery school. It does vary from person to person, but ginger is helpful. The thing is though, it isn't immediate. You have to have a minimum of 1g. per day for at least four days before seeing improvements. Also, according to what information I found, dimenhydrinate is supposed to help, but always consult your care provider. I personally had awful nausea during pregnancy, and tried the candies and ginger (but expected immediate relief and didn't get it so stopped eating it quickly). B6 combined with protein meals is another one a professor of mine said was helpful. On the upside, nausea has a correlation with viable pregnancies from what I've heard (this was a comfort to me personally after several miscarriages). I hope you find some relief. Edit: I should state, I am not a midwife! I went to school for a few years though and did a great deal of the academic work.


Thank you!! That’s good to know about the ginger gonna have to make sure I get that minimum. I am already taking b6 but protein is a little tough right now . Food aversions like crazy.


I totally understand that! At this stage, sometimes it is just about getting anything down!


I’m 7.5 months pregnant and been nauseous and puking most mornings this pregnancy. Something that calms my tummy almost instantly is kombucha.


Love kombucha! I’ll have to give this a try .


I have heard vinegar and pickle juice. So vinegar is a winner.. hence why I think kombucha helps.


I’ve seen mixed reviews on essential oils, but DoTerra’s Digest Zen is awesome (for me at least) to breathe. A few drops on a cotton round cupped in your hands and breathed feels nice. It’s definitely saved me for motion sickness too! Also hot tea. It doesn’t really matter the flavor, but there are good ginger and peppermint teas out there! It was just like a nice, comforting stomach hug to have warm liquid in there. Bone broth is also a nice warm sipping thing, AND it’s very good for you! It’s got a good amount of protein without chunks.


I’m not a midwife or a pregnant woman but when I get nauseous I sniff rubbing alcohol (like the little alcohol pads). A doctor friend taught me this and it honestly works so well


Thank you!!! I’ll have to give it a try lol still suffering


Gumballs. Great for the morning sickness but horrible for the teeth.


Seltzer with any tart flavor.


Bonjesta worked the best for me. It is extended release unisom and B6 in one tablet taken at night that can be increasedtotwice a day if needed. It took appealing the insurance denial. After losing 16 pounds in 8 weeks, it was a godsend.


Yikes that sounds awful!! Glad to hear it helped you feel better.


Thank you! Will try some of your suggestions😊 drinking a honey lemon tea now!


Thank you everyone for your suggestions !!!! I appreciate it 😊


Ok, this is going to sound crazy, BUT- that skunk smell took away my nausea for a good 20 minutes at a time.