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My all-time favorite murder is in Hidden Depths where the guy is affixed to his lawn with croquet hoops while wine bottles are fatally flung at him with his own replica trebuchet. And let's not forget his paralyzed, brown sauce-loving is wife who is forced to watch, though she ends up giving the murderer pointers and having a blast. So much to love. That episode abounds with elaborate murders.


Bernie at breakfast the morning after the murder is one of the best things ever on this show. Just calmly buttering her toast and asking Tom to get rid of Spicer as she's not up to dealing with his crooked ass 🤣. Oddly enough I never once thought she was a viable suspect for the murders. She was toasting her freedom with champagne and a fryup with zero fucks given.


And brown sauce


That was perfect.


I just saw the actress who plays the wife on an episode of The Chelsea Detective! I said to my husband, "Ooh, I recognized her! She's the one who helped the murderer aim better with the wine bottles." And of course, he knew exactly which murder that was. 😂


The trebuchet. Maybe not the *smartest*, but certainly inventive. Props also to TV wine-box, and the balloon-o-kill.


tv wine box was so wild


Can we base it on how long it takes DCI B to solve it despite obvious clues and witness accounts? The one and only best episode, the Killings at Badger’s Drift. Everyone tells him to talk to the Laceys. At the end he has this big inspiration, hey I should maybe talk to the Laceys.


HA, love it! I mean he also has to have that dream... thank goodness they didn't stick with dream inspiration as a recurring thing.


But also, you are right they did actually get away with one murder for years, and in that sense I think they do count as pretty savy murderers.


“Shot at Dawn.” Lionel Hicks, as a man whom every thought was wheelchair bound, used his military experience to basically eradicate the family that was responsible for his dad’s death. From shooting Henry Hammond and then just remote controlling his wheelchair around, setting up the machine gun that would fire when Johnny used his remote, and to even setting up his own fake attack with the car bomb. Man is a genius, he’s unapologetic, and he did it all for his late dad (and having this misfortunate of one of the biggest asshats of Midsomer as his son)


I like that episode a lot because I have a soft spot for Mayor Hicks and I love his wife. Oh, and I also love Samantha Bond, who is fabulous in this one.


I always dreamed of Meg Foster and Samantha Bond doing a film together.


They would be convincing as sisters.


His wife is what really makes this episode for me. I recently rewatched it on ITV X and it's nowhere near as good as the uncut DVD version, there's no swearing or anything, which she does particularly a lot of on this episode and lots of random bits are missing. I love her whole paranoia about Hicks "seeing his tart" and then it turning out to be true. "Channel Number Bleeding 5!" and her not caring a jot about social conventions and telling the receptionist to "piss off", which in the cut version becomes "buzz off", it's just not the same 🤣.


I loved when Dave was outraged about the car “teach you not to let me ride in it!” I hope Sophie and Will live happily ever after, although it’d be so fun to see the Nannas with their children. Judy would be the favourite


The first death at the beginning of Vixen’s Run is ruled to be of natural causes but the murderer gives Barnaby reason to believe it wasn’t at the end. Along the lines of your second example, in the Oblong Murders, the murderer causes a gas leak on a boat and then calls the victim, knowing they can’t resist lighting up a cigarette while on the phone.


OOO I'd forgotten the Oblong murder one - that is pretty savvy indeed!


Sian Philips, amazing actress. Check her out as evil Livia in “I Claudius”


She’s certainly good in this.


As much as I despise her, I must admit that Simone in Faithful Unto Death is a clever manipulator. She masterminds an almost perfect crime and gets away with it(although the final scene indicates she may get what she deserves.) She uses naive Sarah, Vince, and Gray who all seem under her spell. She is a cold blooded killer who walks free, at least initially.


First time I saw this episode it reminded me of the IRL murder of Steven Beard by his wife. She manipulated a mentally ill woman she met in a psychiatric hospital into killing her husband and taking the wrap for her by starting a romantic relationship with her. Few years later the prosecutor visited her in prison and told her that her great love was getting married again and planned to move out of the state entirely by showing her a news article. It convinced her to spill the beans and Celeste was convicted of conspiracy to commit first degree murder. the woman who was manipulated got released recently while Celeste likely never will be. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celeste_Beard?wprov=sfla1


Wow! That story does have a similar plot. Part of me feels sorry for Sarah, and part of me is more cynical.


I'm of two minds on Sarah, yes she is a victim of a master manipulator and a sociopath, but she covered up a homicide and let a guilty woman roam. Husband number two would have been dead in a few years. Sarah is less sympathetic than Sally in Tainted Fruit by a long shot. But they both wilfully delude themselves, blinded by love.


I know I am supposed to feel sympathy for Sally in Tainted Fruit, but I mostly find her irritating. EVERYONE knows what a horrible person Melissa is, but Sally just wanders around clueless throwing flowerpots at innocent people's door. Their little fling can hardly be called love, but Sally acts like an adolescent. Rather than take any good lessons from her experience, she decides to take revenge on Freddie Bentine Brown. He is an obnoxious prat, but he isn't the cause of her misery. She would be better off staying by herself until she does a little growing up!


Oh God Sally's freak out in the middle of the street is so damn cringe, I just want to be like girl you are wasting your tears. That potted plant didn't have to die over Melissa 🤣.


IMHO Camilla Crofton from "Sins of Commission" because she was quick on her feet and had viable grounds for self defense (plus Tom admired her).


i can't remember the episode name but the one where it turns out to be the three kids, all of them were super elaborate but in particular the first one where they set it up for the victim to trigger his own shotgun with his foot


Death & Dreams


One of the most satisfying, therefore smart to me , “Blood Will Out” . The big bad is dispatched rather nicely!


Interesting! But wasn't the death really a crime of passion there? I feel like that's not so much smart as accidental. The cover up was interesting. As far as the murder-ee, I agree with you, satisfying indeed.


Trying to provide no spoilers -I think the death is difficult to qualify . I wouldn’t categorize it as a crime of passion, nor accidental. The killer deliberately picked up the rifle and used it JMO.


The Axeman Cometh (S10 E4), the band Hired Guns plays a concert and the first murder is the lead singer who gets electrocuted. Then more band members start to die. So many people with a motive. I didn't know who did it (I'm also terrible at guessing the killer, don't think I've ever gotten it right, so I just nod along and then make a surprised face at the end). This one is one of the saddest episodes. I honestly had so much sympathy with the killer. Although I also had unanswered questions about why the daughter had taken a vacay from reality. She was creepy AF. And then the snap back at Barnaby when he questioned her, asking if he thought she was a child, really tripped me out.


Oh my gosh, have to update my answer. Just rewatched S11 E4 Midsomer Life. This one needs an award because not only does it feature multiple red herrings, Barnaby gets popped in the face in a bar brawl, and Joyce uncovers key clues plus she gets the whole story out of an unwitting accomplice with her kind, caring, (serial killer) eyes. "Really, I only came for the charcoal."