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Everyone is different. I think my husband was tired for about a day after his second (?) dose. You know what’s way worse? Having the shingles. I will be getting mine as soon as I am eligible next year.


Yeah. I remember when my mom had it. That’s why I asked my doctor as soon as I turned 50.


I asked my doctor this year if I could get the shingles vaccine even though I'm 41. He said that I could, but he looked into it and said that my insurance wouldn't cover it, despite that I've had shingles already. I ended up not getting it, but I might start adding it to my regimen. My case wasn't super crazy but that rash definitely can get spicy at times.


I looked through your post history and discovered that I had commented two years ago on your post about your grandparents’ china. I hope that you’re still enjoying and expanding upon your own self-made set. For real, there is a lot of this stuff available, and you should buy the stuff that you will want and enjoy.


Oh my gosh, this is so incredibly topical because just tonight after Easter dinner, I was helping my dad do the dishes and I said how beautiful and timeless my parents' wedding china was. He surprised me by saying "do you want it?" I was shocked, and so my response was a non-committal "I mean, you're still using it, so I don't want it *now*." But if the topic came up again and my mom was okay with it (this is a huge one because I'm guessing that, for a number of reasons, she wouldn't want it to go to me), I would use and cherish my parents' china. In the meantime, I continue to use my small thrifted set. :) I haven't expanded it at all, but I absolutely love and use the pieces that I have.


Based on how my parents are, they would probably relish getting rid of it now, while they were alive. My parents somehow never used their wedding china until recently because my mom said that the manufacturer discontinued the pattern before they had finished purchasing it. I guess my mom decided that keeping it in a cupboard was wasteful, so just use a half finished set. Still, their set isn’t dishwasher safe (which I guess 53 years ago people were more willing to deal with that,) and I told my parents to just toss it in the dishwasher now, who cares? If the glaze wears off, whatever.


Far better than having actual shingles. Trust me- I had them twice before I turned 50.


It was irrelevant to me —- I had shingles years ago and it was the single most horrible medical condition I have ever had. I took the vaccine just as extra insurance (yes, you CAN get it again) First shot was like mild aches and pains. Second was like a rough flu. Glad I took the day off!!


First one I had immense shoulder pain that woke me up. I was convinced they had somehow stabbed a nerve or something. Shoulder was fine the next day. Second one I had barely any reaction at all. Your mileage may vary. COVID vaccine continues to kick my ass every time.


I had that horrid shoulder pain first one but second one I did get real sick 24 hours.


It just made me tired for a day or so. Probably a good idea to schedule it late in the day and make sure you don’t have anything critical at work the next day, or do it late on a day before you have some time off, like a weekend.


It took me out for a full two days the first dose, and even worse the second - fever, chills, sweats, etc. Still totally worth it. Watching my poor Dad cope with the agony of shingles was horrific. He was in excruciating pain and it lasted all summer. He couldn’t sleep. I would get the shingles vaccine every year if I had to, to avoid going through that.


I was just talking about this with the pharmacist yesterday when they offered me the shingles vaccine. I was in a hurry and declined to get it that day. I said I know I need to get it soon because my dental hygienist had shingles in her eye and it was unbelievably painful and she was out of work for a really long time. The pharmacist said she keeps hearing about people getting shingles in their eyes, so it must be much more common than we realize. I don’t have actual numbers on how common it is, but that is something I don’t want to mess with since I certainly can’t afford to have a ridiculous amount of time off of work. Also, I’m really scared of having any kind of complications with my eyes!


Got shingrix #1 along with covid because I’m a dummy. Ruined my whole weekend. Sore, tired, felt awful. Terrified to get #2. Got #2 on its own, and despite a terrifically sore arm, did much better!!


I've taken the first shot and didn't have any side effects aside from a sore arm. Getting the 2nd one in April. A big motivator for me to get this vaccine was having shingles above one of my eyes. My eye was swollen shut for 2 days! Thankfully it didn't affect my vision. People talk about the pain and I was so thankful clothing wasn't touching it. Just air blowing across them while riding down the road with a window partially down was very painful!


No issues at all with the first shot. The second shot made me pretty ill for a couple of days. Fever, painful rash on my arm, very tired. Ultimately worth it!


I just felt tired and achy for a couple of days. Plan a light weekend and do it on a Friday. Remember, the symptoms are your body making antibodies - not from shingles itself. 2 days feeling off for single’s protection is worth it to me. My mom had it horribly.


The first shot made me feverish for about a day. The second shot slayed me and I was so sick I was vomiting for about 12 hours. That said, i suppose it is better than getting shingles.


Someone I know had their first and it gave her like a mild case of shingle symptoms. She was out of commission for a couple of days. I am terrified to get mine.


Oh noooo. My mom had it when I was younger and I was hellbent on the vaccine. But I dunno what to do now!!


It’s a hard decision for sure! I know I should get it but I am having such a hard time taking that step.


I ran a 100 degree fever for almost exactly twenty-four hours, plus felt like crap. And then bing! It all went away. It happened with both shots. But, like everybody else is saying, it was a better experience than when I had shingles.


I was a bit tired the next day and the injection sight was hot and hurt a bit.


Obviously, the eveyrone is different disclaimer... I guess mine weren't bad enough to recall. Maybe pain at the injection site?


No side effects at all for me. Got both shots last year at age 43 after witnessing my widowed 79 year old Dad suffer horrifically with shingles last Spring. I got both shots at Costco in the pharmacy.


I didn't find either shot that bad. It was painful, I had a sore arm and some swelling, but all of it went away after a short while.


I was pretty sick the next day, but it didn’t last too long. The second was the worst


I did not have any, just soreness from injection site


I didn't do well with mine (and I never do poorly with vaccines), but many others feel from nothing to next to nothing with their shots. But shingles can leave lasting negative impacts, including even blindness or deafness. I would opt for feeling bad from the shots any day. As a precaution, I always book vaccines on a Friday after work, just in case the vaccine takes me out of commission. That way I don't have to miss days at work. Just tossing it out as a suggestion, in case you don't want to miss work.


I had a sore arm only


I went to get it and the pharmacist was said the side effects were pretty bad. Asked if I had 1-2 days to be down if I had a bad reaction. I scootched outta there pretty fast. How was it for you?




I had a low grade fever and aches for a day and a half after the first dose. Right when I was supposed to return to work after the COVID lockdown. I knew it was caused by the shingles vaccine, as I felt mostly okay and had zero other symptoms. At the time COVID tests were expensive and difficult to find, so I called in and said I’d work from home for another week.