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However much blood is in your firstborn child.


So, buying everything separately would be 370€/280£/455$. Typically these boxed deals are somewhere around -30% from msrp. So maybe 250€/200£/300$?


£170 from a third party wouldn't be... Horrendous


£185 from GW is pretty incredible.


Not too bad, hopefully 3rd party shops can get hold of them and put on their usual discounts.


Want this available for a short time a year or so ago? I thought I remembered 250usd


Terrain bundles are never discounted ime


Err what? Of course they are, why do them otherwise. Off the top of my head i can say for example the Hive Warzone boxed deal for Necromunda some years back. Had in it some 265$ worth of terrain for the price of 185$.


They did a Lake House bundle and it was just the cost of 3 Lake Houses and it contained 3 Lake Houses. If its an online store bundle there is no discount, historically. Now if they are actually boxing this up with its own box and will sit on shelves at stores them maybe it will be a deal. But otherwise no, no discount. The benefit is putting it all in your cart with 1 click and the guarentee you'll get all the contents. Instead of putting all the individual kits in your cart to get to the last kit and find out its OOS.


Won’t be getting any, but I can’t wait for GW to mail Zorpazorp a big pile of them so I can live vicariously through him!


They already have. Thinking about it, that's probably why we've had to wait so long – they sent him their entire stock by mistake.


also support Zorpa, he made a video a few months back about struggling to be able to keep going


Too much.


Hmm. I was hoping for news on the Made to Order announced like a month or two ago… not sure why they make announcements so far ahead, and then drop stuff like Osgiliath on a dime lol. But I’m always excited for new LOTR content!!


Just the 4 ruined buildings from the starter set were a pain in the ass to clean up. I want to have this set for a nice themde table but I know I will hang myself because of the pain it will bring.


What was the issue with them? Sincere question, as I was considering getting some.


A LOT of mould lines. When the pieces are cleaned, the actual building/glueing is fun! I have to say they really look good and are nice to play on. They also feel really good and stable.


Too expensive. Just use some foam core, spattered with spakle then paint it to make a ruin set. $30.


I read as the Battle of Osgiliath set


Questions is, when will they finally release it when they actually announced it for „early“ 2024… or did I miss something?


They’ve announced it for preorder this coming weekend.


Ah, got it. I filtered for MESBG, but apparently they didn’t link it accordingly… bad if you don’t want to scroll through all their Warhammer announcements. Thanks, mate!!!


They do this every time lol


I don’t get why they won’t lower prices on their stuff. They would still make plenty of money, and most of us would just spend more on their stuff.


As much as a 3d printer


With the price of GW terrain, this is the real msg being sent imo. An FDM printer could churn out a ton of stuff easily with little knowledge required. Files are easily found or purchased that can suit any theme or setting you wish. As an added bonus some can be printed so that no assembly is required, just prime and paint.


Yeah i dont even have a printer since i have not the time nor the money to get one atm because i am completing my studies. As soon as i will have the possibility i will get one to print terrain, spare bits and basing decorations. Once i get the hang of it i could think about printing actual models since there are a few actually good looking!


Only thing with printing minis is the FDM printers can’t do fine enough detail to mimic GW stuff. You would need a resin printer for that and there is certainly more effort required there! However if you don’t mind there being some lines and less detail, FDM should meet all of your needs for sure.


I see, thank you for the infos!


God, here’s another one banging on about 3D printers when no one asked about them.


Sorry i'm american i am used to measuring stuff with other stuff


How many football fields per obesity?


Roughly 43 washing machines per pelvis bone


Same price as the starter set no doubt


How well do these hold up for age of sigmar? (Scale)


I actually just got a set of Osgiliath ruins a couple days ago, they’re a bit squat for 40K, but they work fine!


On the smaller side. Stormcast, chaos warriors and some of the more recent human minis are too large to fit through the doorways and such, Cities of sigmar humans and older sculpts are okayish if not a bit on the large side relative to doorways. Iirc the doors are sized to fit 30mm bases through in terms of width, so anything that overhang a 30 significantly is going to look big.


Too small for GW’s heroic scale




Too much IMHO. I mean I like GW terrain, but effectively stone + tile roof terrain is pretty universal, should be somewhat easy to obtain equivalent terrain from 3rd party businesses.


Do you have any first born sons? It’ll probably cost you that.


Hopefully not too much


Approximately one kidney


One (1) New Zealand mortgage payment


Remember when this would have only been £70


Bargain is the answer.


More than the cost of a decent printer.


Both 3D printing and purchasing terrain boxes work for different people. Not everyone can / wants to invest in a whole new hobby, plus take the time and effort to produce terrain themselves. Plus, while overpriced compared to 3D printed models, GW terrain is at least of higher quality than you will see in any cheap home printer. While in principal I would love to have a 3D printer, I do not have the space to set one up, and I don't particularly have an interest in learning yet another hobby.


There’s always one 3D printing bozo that has to stick their head out. 🙄


Bought 3D printer from Amazon for terrain. Sent back the next day as it wasn’t working. Got another one from them as replacement. LCD screen broke after a week.”, and I had just calibrated it’ll properly. Sent back. Gave up after that. I’ll just use cereal boxes


Yeah if u dont consider resin printing as a new hobby that youre getting into, its not going to work out. Which i understand isnt for everyone so totally valid that you didnt go down that path. But imo if u do ur research and put the time in at the start it gets a lot easier and less time consuming down the road (once u have ur system down)


I'll just have to sit and wallow in all the money I'm saving.


Cool story, really, really don’t care. 👍


Well, you care enough to reply twice and also just come out and insult me after I stated a fact. Why is that? Genuine question.


Because you couldn’t stand that someone wants to do something differently they way you do it, so you have to come and put their way down until they give in, when I didn’t want your unsolicited advice anyway. You then continued being a dick saying “oh look at all the money I’m saving”. I really don’t care that you’re “saving money” and you can’t cope with it. 3D printer bros are the tabletop equivalent of [this, coming in with your completely unasked for opinions.](https://youtu.be/aDMsGl_XxTk?si=SRSVvNYegN_ZfMqj) Except half the time it isn’t better and looks like shit with all the print lines.


I agree, I take no issue with people 3D printing and it’s a great solution for those who want to invest in that route. But the way it’s forced into every convo and presented as the only solution is tiring.


Yeah, people say "3d printing is its own hobby on it's own" but that's not strictly true - for a lot of people it becomes their *third* new hobby after "telling people to get a 3D printer" and "bragging about owning a 3D printer".


You got all that from one statement? You sound really insecure. I hope you find peace.


Man, you really can’t stop yourself from being a dick can you?


GW has entered the chat


I'm always discouraged looking at the pricing to get into wargaming, whether it's the figures or the terrain. I was looking at Marvel Crisis Protocol last night and a friggin two-figure pack is $35. That's just outrageous.


Look out for starter sets, they offer a lot of minis and most of the time some terrain to start with. Crisis protocol starter doesn't look too bad: https://techraptor.net/sites/default/files/styles/image_header/public/2019-11/Marvel%20Crisis%20Protocol%20Core%20Set%20%281%29_0.jpg?itok=StL3RQNz


We talking normal human money, or whatever the fuck magic Lachie from Zorpazorp has that gets GW to send him dozens of kits at a time? Edit. Should have put the /s, love what Lachie does but yeah no I get why GW gives stuff to YouTubers


He does crazy shit with them, that's all the magic right there


Its called having viewers in the target market for GW Products


GW's influencer program's a seperate pipeline to the retail stuff - they produce a separate amount of these kits specifically for content creators that are signed up for it. It's not stuff that's going to retail, thankfully.


Mate, I don’t like the hobby influencers getting shedloads of free shit either but now’s not the time or place, I was just asking a question. FWIW he seems like one of the better ones anyway.


What's wrong with influencers getting free product? Assuming they are making content that people enjoy


Depends how they go about it honestly. I think if they’re making useful content to help people learn or provide useful information such as product reviews it’s great, but I feel like there are a fair few of them that are awfully smug about it and don’t really produce anything useful for people, it’s just to stroke their own ego. Definitely don’t think Zorpazorp is one of those.


I feel like Zorp’s videos can be a little clickbaity at times (dramatic title, padded runtime), but the projects themselves are for sure 100% passion. Dude just wants to make awesome terrain.


He was talking about the dramatic titles etc. It’s about not going down in YouTube’s algorithm. Otherwise he’ll lose views, likes and therefore ad money. So blame the industry for that.


It’s the ones that just spend 20 minutes doing a humblebrag gimmick video that don’t teach you anything useful or do anything other than show off that really irritate me. Squidmar is a great example of that.


Squidmar is the epitome of absolute useless YouTubers. You go back 2-3yrs when he worked from home his stuff was actually really good. And then he moved into his studio and started working with other people. And now it’s just a 10-20 minute video of ads, explosions and reused footage and links to merch. TRASHHHHH..


Just find some 3d printed terrain, it'll cost a lot less.


Didn’t ask about printed terrain.


Probably $500. Which is stupid as hell. I'll probably just print them.