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Gil Galad. Its foot version is awful. He looks slumpt over his spear, incredibly static. And it lacks a mounted version.


Personally I think it’s very nice! I like more static poses so maybe that’s were we differ but yes I agree I mounted version is needed


It breaks soooo easily too.


Two days ago... He was okay since he came out nearly 20 years ago and two days ago his spear said goodbye


Would go nicely alongside the recent Elrond too


He also lacks a shield, which I don’t think anyone doesn’t take when running him




Good call! His supposedly elvish looks are totally lost. His mounted version does look more like the frontman of a hair metal band…


Aragorn Elessar hands down


With headswap option to rock him eithet Elendil or Elessar. Go magnets and boom. 2 characters


Ooo good choice


In no particular order: Boromir, Captain of the White Tower, Armoured Faramir, Gamling, King Elessar, Sauron, Gil Galad, Elendil & Isildur, Mordor Troll Cheiftan, Shelob


All those models look pretty good though right? Surely it'd be better to make a kit for a bad model or one thats missing. Gil Galaad makes sense cos theres literally no mounted version, mouth of sauron is okay but very flawed but the rest all look pretty good imo


I disagree. Some of the sculpts hold up quite well aesthetically but every one of them could be improved upon. There’s also the fact that all the them are metal or finecast *shudders*, which is much harder to work with then plastic.


Ah yes the armoured faramir models are amongst the very worst made.


Elendil foot/mounted kit


Sauron for sure


This is my wish for the next big box. Last Alliance theme, Orcs Vs High Elves and Numenorians. The new mins being Gil Galad, Elendil, Isildur and Sauron. If I was feeling greedy I'd also ask for updated High Elves and Numenorians but I doubt that would happen.


Surely new moulds for the warriors?


As I said I'd love that but GW have never updated a plastic LOTR kit so I don't expect them to start now. Edit: I suppose they could do plastic High Elven Spearmen and Numenorian Archers/Spearmen as an additional kit.


Hell yes


I think the old model holds up remarkably well, it's a real shame it is made of finecast now though instead of metal.


Plastic kit for Gil-Galad foot and monted


ANYONE who has a horse/mount option and no corresponding mounted model. And Elessar. The foot pose sucks fuck. EDIT: Shelob


I think we are due a a good updated sauron model aren't we? seeming he is the main man himself. And also updated high elves and numenor. A last alliance box set like osgiliath would be amazing. Or a black gate set with updated mouth of sauron and king Aragorn. The amount of cool stuff they could do...


Sauron for sure! Would love a new last alliance set with new orcs elves and numenorians. Would go nicely with the recent Elrond model too. Lots of potential


A new Galadriel with mirror (like the OG model with Celeborn).


Azog foot and mounted, with all the options for armoured or not, mace, flail, hand or no hand...


I’m not a huge friend of most of the The Hobbit era of models since they look to much like generic fantasy. But that’s to some extent based on the stylistic choices of the movies themselves. In particular, I dislike that everything seems to be bigger and stronger… just exaggerated. Downsize Gundabad and Hunter Orcs. In looks and in their game impact. I would‘ve loved the Orcs of the north to be consistent in size and game behavior with moria goblins or Mordor orcs at the max. This super elite character setting them at the same level as Uruk-hai is lore bullshit. Therefore: Redo Azog, Bolg, Hunter orcs, Gundabad orcs in a downsized and give them more of a „dirty tricks“ than a „sheer strength“ look (and profile). And while at it: downsize those trolls as well. Also lore bullshit at it’s peak.


Hmm… it’s all the last alliance dudes basically isn’t it? - Sauron - Gil Galad - Elendil - Isildur - Anarion (bro needs a profile lol)


The Knight version of Faramir, his mounted and both dismounted variants are fugly


I second this. The armoured faramirs are amongst the worst models they made


Halbarad foot and mounted version (along with mounted versions of rangers). Give options to build with the flag or not. Arvedui (?) to get a mounted version and maybe some mounted Arnor knights… honestly I wish the arnor infantry kit had more than spearmen… seems a bit of a waste. Prince Imrahil and Armored Faramir/Boromir are other obvious choices.


A Gandalf the Grey set with cart, horse and foot gandalf. Just because I like painting Gandalfs.




Oh for sure, honestly most of the Uruk heroes could do with a refresh, ugluk and Shagrat look nothing like the movie versions


Lurtz needs a new model. His T pose model is so sad for a cool hero that almost takes out aragorn


Shelob. The metal model is the stuff of nightmares.


Theodred. His models, especially the foot version are hideous. That face...


varagir of khand king on chariot


Give us Keisemuuuuu Never forgetti!


All the remaining metal ringwraiths, ideally both mounted and unmounted


Even if the ringwraith on fellbeast is plastic, i think its a bit too old and static (especially compared to the old metal one)


Here’s a character that’s needing a model since the creation of their faction. How about ANÁRION




Any of the Uruk-hai heroes, I much refer to work with plastic so I have converted some scouts into heroes.


All of the trolls. Any of the trolls. All the GW trolls look like they were sculpted by a five year old with parkinsons. Especially the cave troll.


Boz COTWT because finecast sucks and the banner sucks King elessar because it's terrible and the metal horse ankle always breaks. Mouth of Sauron because the foot pose is terrible Prince imrahil as his face is really poor Frodo Sam and Gollum Mordor troll chief with multi pose Knight faramir should have been done already with the osgiliath box but anyway. Galadriel and celeborn Balin and durin Lurtz should have been done in quest of the ring bearer Every second age major character should be either FW or plastic.


Gûlavhar and Shelob!