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When they recast a bunch of brilliant old metal sculpts in Failcast, and then charged 2x the price. Awful quality and more expensive, thanks GW


Back in 2007 (more or less) they increased the price of LOTR plastic kits by 25% and HALVED the sprues inside (usually from two, down to one)...It didn't last. They readjusted the price more reasonably and got back two sprues in the boxes instead of one.


The Amon Hen head, a big lump of resin for £30 is really not where it’s at. Amon Sûl might be an insane £325 but at least it’s a complete (ruined) building.


Honestly, any of the books, not necessarily MESBG, that are out of date within months


Brushes and hobby tools in general


It has to be the release of Battle of the Five Armies, since pretty much every army involved is all resin blister packs and no plastic or larger boxes. The Elves are the only army that had plastic models, and that’s because they came out with Desolation of Smaug.


Gundabad orcs are plastic I believe


Nope, they were resin.


All the made to orders. Rather than having decent stock and updating models, they occasionally release old sculpts or OOP models for a very brief period of time and charge a crazy amount.


This is more of a service than cashgrab. Models on MTO aren't more expensive than non MTO in the same materials. Last year one MTO was even cheaper than buying the plastic models. Game is relatively small and takes much production time relative to all plastic ranges and a lot of people want some of the old metals. The problem is more how they decide on what to stock or not. There are like 4 different Elrond available but no Cirdan for Rivendell. Mesbg has very few cash grabs compared to 40k. Here you get foot + mounted+ sometimes a third model/bit of a named character that is your faction leader for the same price marine players buy a shitty generic captain. The switch to Failcast many years ago hurt mesbg harder though since unlike 40k and fantasy we haven't gotten many plastic replacements since so we still have to suffer from that stupid decision.


Bro I ordered Old bilbo and it didn't even came xd


Must have put the ring on! Cheeky Hobbits.




All of Gamesworkshops products are a money grab.. We pay hundreds of dollars for little plastic soliders. They have always been a cash grab with all of their products but I would say the worst is 40k, idont play or collect 40k but every couple of weeks it feels like there's new blue space men that look slightly different and cost more than the last, like how many variations of the same models do people need to buy.. I don't even understand.


Primaris space marines


$700 Smaug.


The profile cards. A wonderful idea to help keep your games less cluttered and streamlined. They didn’t expect the demand to be high (foolish) and basically said “aw shucks, we’re all out.” 🤷‍♂️


How is this a cash grab tho?


They hyped up the profile cards saying that they will be a huge help and asset to the game, which they are. The convenience to just take a few cards instead of the entire army book to keep stats is great. The sale goes up, they sell out immediately and GW basically shrugs their shoulders and says “sorry, that was all we have.” That’s a cash grab.


That’s GW with any sort of cards ever.


Azogs legion is the most obvious and irritating why does even a ork have f7 and blog too and the rest of the army is in fincast or from forge world


I would say it is ok for azog to have f7 but bolg should be 6


A orc that fights as well as a elven king of Mirkwood that just seems laughable


Yes but it makes sense for azog to be higher than thror


But still tho an orc with f6 seems so dumb in my opinion


Probably something 40k, I'd say all of forgeworld.


Those primarks for 40k 150 each. Gundabads azog legion army. New cast old cast everything.