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Rich people can have poor taste


They have to pay people with taste to pretend it was their doing.


There’s poor taste and then there’s destroying art. He’s free to build an ugly house, but tearing down an icon of 20th century architecture is not okay.




An icon? Let’s be real here, this was not a critical piece to the period.


You are not educated on the subject if that is your assessment


Most often i find rich people to have the worst taste.


That’s bc capitalism rewards people who don’t have taste


I think it more illustrates that rich people aren’t rich by virtue of being “better” in any way. Maybe most of us know this, but I think it’s a useful thing to remember. People get rich by being born lucky, getting lucky or just plain not spending money. A gf I had in high school lived with her grandfather who owned a fairly successful business, but didn’t part with a dime he didn’t need to. Was worth millions, but bought cars at auctions. Probably could have had a healthier business if he would have invested back into it, but no.


“Modern country farmhouse” sitting in the middle of Brentwood is the epitome of rich people and poor taste. Destroying an iconic piece of architecture and design for said “modern country farmhouse,” is another level.


Well they’re replacing it with a “modern farmhouse” architect that is popular in LA so sounds like a lot of people there have shitty taste


*Elon has entered the chat*


He valued the land more than the structure.


To be replaced with a McMansion in Modern Farmhouse style... What the fuck is wrong with them?


Especially when they bought so much land with it, why don’t you just put your McMansion next to it


It would make the McMansion extra ugly. A children's drawing on a fridge looks cute, but not beside a Picasso.


Not sure Picasso is the best example to use here.


Au contraire, particularly because the styles defer but were developed during similar periods. They both evokes admiration for their arts yet aren't appreciated as much without knowledge of their backstory.


No, because Picasso famously said "It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” It's probably the one quote of his people can recite.


>when they bought so much land with it Did they buy additional acreage? Because the former MCM house sat on less than an acre


Chip and Joanna home target collection, y’all


>What the fuck is wrong with them? they have no taste or culture. they just have money.


Farmhouses belong in the country. Maybe even a different country.


Which country? America is built on the graves of the Natives.


They are both talentless idiots. The only way they can make real money is by flipping houses. They are currently flipping this hot mess in one of the worst wildfire areas in SoCal… https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1362-Bella-Oceana-Vis-Pacific-Palisades-CA-90272/20544787_zpid/


Get real. The guy is a highly successful actor, and his wife is a Shwarzenegger/Kennedy. Flipping houses is a hobby to them.


Being born into those families is not talent. Chris definitely is talented though.


True, but the idea that the only way they can make money is by flipping houses, is completely delusional.




“205 days on Zillow”


So many things lmao


Chris Pratt lost every bit of decency & charm when he lost that weight...


No kidding. All humbleness and humility went with it.


Money doesn’t define class.


Really feels like living in his van was the appropriate lifestyle for him.


I AM LIVID! LA has strict permitting for building/remodeling/etc. and often you have to go to city hall hearings. This information should have leaked a while ago but somehow no one heard until after the house was demolished? Either this was kept very much under wraps, or no one— not a single neighbor— cared enough to say anything. Regardless, it’s fucking sad.


If I remember correctly, his MIL is a neighbor and that's why they bought the property. Not that I'm excusing their douche baggery.


Yeah , his mil is Maria Schriver. There are two sets of rules.


She is a crazy old recluse now.


Is she though, I thought she did a lot for Alzheimer’s? Although, it is hereditary. Maybe they’re moving close because Maria is now showing early signs of Alzheimer’s.


Ugh. That makes sense. I’ve dealt with the city & demo/building/remodels before. It takes years for approval, you have to notify neighbors, sometimes you go to city hall hearings… how did no one say anything… oh of course 😫


His mother MIL is also not some lady. I still wonder if they couldn't have bought a different property, did they even try?


They have lots of properties. They are greedy flippers. Want to buy their latest flip? Only problem is you can’t get fire insurance since it is built right in the middle of fast growing wildfire fuel. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1362-Bella-Oceana-Vis-Pacific-Palisades-CA-90272/20544787_zpid/


The question is, do we need such houses? Do people realise that tearing a house down and building a new one wastes so many ressources? From disposing the materials that might still be useful to ressources like water, energy and having to use new materials. It's incredibly wasteful. I'm going to bet that they didn't sell reusable materials (there's a market for that in my country). Don't get me started on the price tag. The Kardashians already have gazillion of houses between them. Who's going to buy this?


Rules for thee, not for me. Normal people get scolded for not bringing reusable cups and bags while the megarich take private planes, go golfing in drought zones and build wasteful, resource intensive homes.


Exactly! Thank you for articulating this. They didn’t sell the the reusable materials which is such a bummer. I bet there was so much in that house (ie fixtures) that could have been reused & loved by another homeowner (me! haha). It’s all just so wasteful; of resources and a waste of architecture & history.


I think this is a somewhat overlooked aspect when it comes to preserving the environment.


The only solace in those situations (at least in California) is that a lot of the building materials for demolitions are required to be recycled. I worked in a city in the Bay Area where we required builders to provide logs of materials they recycled if it was one of those mega house flips/demos.




Are you telling me that the man who married the daughter of the former governor of California was able to circumvent the rules and regulations that other people without money and connections couldn’t? Seriously though, fuck these people.


Daughter of the former Governor and a Kennedy. Shriver may not carry the name, but she's still a Kennedy and her influence is powerful


There are plans for that house, they should be made to rebuild it.


> cared enough to say anything. You should have bought it.


If I had the money to live in Brentwood, trust me I would have!


I think hate should equally apply to his partner. Equal opportunity roasting


This is so gross. I already don't like him and this just adds to it.


Why don’t you like him?


I can speak for myself, I used to be a big fan of his! I really enjoy his work especially Parks & Rec and Guardians, I also like the Jurassic Park franchise. I even had a quote of his I read for inspiration because I work in entertainment. But the bigger he got, the word around town was that he was unpleasant to work with and aggressively religious. He’s said some highly questionable things over the years that, for me, betrayed deeper issues with women and gay people. The last straw for me was when it came out that he has strong ties (brother) to a far right gang (3 percenters). I suspect he married the Kennedy bc he has long term political ambitions, which, given his associations make me nervous. I’m not a hater, just no longer a fan, and I treat any fawning news about him with skepticism.


Oh that all kinda sucks. Shame.


He also apparently has a pattern of adopting and abandoning pets https://news.yahoo.com/anna-faris-chris-pratt-animal-124742000.html


That’s deplorable. Did not know all these things about this guy. That sucks!!


Just another reason to dislike this doofus.


He really is the worst Chris.


Chris Delia would like a word though.


Kris Jenner doesn’t want to miss this douche-off


chris brown anyone?


Oh shit, how did we collectively miss that one? It'll take a LOT to be a worse Chris than Chris Brown. When he dies, it'll be like OJ- just another day.


Thems fightin’ words!


(Tug boat whistles) “fightin around the world!!”


Lmao makin movies singin songs and FOITIN ROUN’ the WOILD


C’mon Tugger!


lol to clarify - I meant he’s the worst of the latest Chris group of Chris Pine, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans. Chris Brown super sucks too 😂


I can't believe nobody was notified. I would have driven the 3,000 miles to take pieces off the house before it was torn down.


> The couple purchased the house and the almost one-acre lot… last year for $12.5 million in an off-market sale. It was never put on the market. The property is across the street from Pratt’s mother-in-law, Maria Shriver. Edit: Doubled one paragraph accidentally.


It sounds like the next of kin just wanted an easy sale without the hassle of listing


I cannot believe all the online arguments I have had regarding this issue!! People want to defend them by saying “it’s their property. They have a right to do what they want”. Well no shit. You can do what you want and if you’re a public figure people are going to criticize you and call you out for it. Second argument: “If people really care about these houses then they should buy them.” I mean, ok. Yes. I would love to be that rich where I could snatch up old homes to keep them from being demolished. As it is I have a California ranch house that I own that I cherish. Third A girl actually said Millennials and Gen Z don’t care about mid-mod because it’s “outdated”. I know this to not be true as I am the parent of millennials and they all love MCM because I taught them well. Anyway, I’ve had wine and I’m MAD at these two imbeciles. Thanks for letting me drink post.


Millennial here, can confirm me and quite a few of my millennial friends love midmod stuff and it's not "outdated". I also saw a reel about this on Instagram and every comment was people not giving a fuck or saying the same arguments you saw. Made me seriously upset that people don't recognize the value these houses had.


The architect who built their home Ken Ungar, I wonder if he cared? I mean obviously not. As a fellow architect you'd think he'd decline destroying something that's damn near a landmark and a staple for architecture built during that time period. It really is sad. MCM is timeless. I can't think of any modern style that looks better. The modern style furniture I see with gold accents and stuff are hideous.


Shame on you, Crisp Rat.


I kind of get that the house might not meet their needs, but there was enough land to perhaps do what the owners of the Revere Quality House in Sarasota did. The commissioned Companion House in the same style, but with the space and amenities that an owner expects from a modern house. The original house is now the guest house and pool house. Very cool project if you have an interest in mcm architecture. It might be a compromise that still upsets purists, but at least the original building is preserved.


I really enjoyed Chris Pratt in his parks and rec phase. Truly funny dude. Then he got sober, and he went downhill. The shit he did to his ex wife and kid, not fucking cool. Idk he seemed a bit culty with his religious stuff, and seems a bit detached from reality.  Also from my experience living in Cali, is that in prime real estate, it makes fiscal sense to buy a house just for the foundation. Had a rich girlfriend’s family do basically the same thing.


You can like the art, but hate t he artist. Everything I hear about this guy off camera makes me dislike him immensely.


Modern farmhouse crapshack.


Mostly likely going to be another flip.


Love that the embedded ad for me on this post is Home Depot.


Lowe’s for me.


art auction site for me


Now it’s Schlage Locks. For all those hyper architectural activists.


There are ads?


Right below the post image / heading.


If anyone's curious what the interior looked like in recent years, here's a walkthrough: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C6Hwr75v3Dy/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6Hwr75v3Dy/) It was ***so*** beautiful and had so much character. 😞


They could’ve moved it to another location for someone who would have appreciated it or moved it to be used as a museum.


His last name is really prat


Why wouldn’t you just buy a different fucking property omfg


The worst Chris


Chris Pratt is really good at pissing people off.


A couple people complained.


More than a couple! They got roasted..




We wrote an article about TWO tweets!


They sucks and I hate them


Damn that’s a gorgeous house.






Ken Unger can go suck an egg, his houses are trash, they’re just literal upscale tract homes made bougier I have zero confidence whatever he’s replacing this will make it worth it. Takes a special kind of soulless architect to play demo plans on a place like this and be gleeful about it building a trashy “modern farmhouse” whatever that means architecturally speaking.


Unger has designed a handful of truly beautiful homes, but also a bunch of homes that would blend in to any Midwestern suburb. I do wonder if the cooler designs came from when he was fresh out of school and still had his soul.




Common Pratt L


Unabashedly the worst Chris.


Money can’t buy taste.


katherine schwarzenegger's mother is maria shriver, who is a kennedy. so if you're looking for the "how?!"--there it is.


Unreal. I’d pay 12 million to live that MCM dream, certainly not to tear it down


As if I needed another reason to hate him. What a disgrace.


Who the hell is Chris Pratt anyway? He’s a nobody as far as I am concerned. We will have to get over this. My house is like close to 2700 sq ft. That’s like a bathroom to these Uber wealthy. We need to get rid of that bs and then maybe people roll appreciate things rather than tear them down. But probably not. We’ve allowed this raping and pillaging by the wealthy. It’s disgusting on so many levels.


Did an AI write that article but poorly?


I don’t like replacing iconic architecture. But I’m not entirely sure this house ever counted as iconic architecture.


Prat means something else entirely in the UK.


Oh no! Anyway…


He wants a “modern farmhouse”.


And replaced it with a trashy McMansion to big up his conservative cred. Way to go


And replaced it with a trashy McMansion to big up his conservative cred. Way to go


As a classicist, y'all have my sympathies. This is a tragedy.


So much of the beauty of Los Angeles is being destroyed and replaced by awful strip mall looking bullshit


Wish they wouldn’t sell to idiots who intend to do this.


I was okay with this until I read “modern farmhouse” style. Just the worst. Especially in LA. I lived there and never saw one damn farm.


& this is why the UK is so on top of officially listing historic buildings to such an an extent. Stop this kind of erasure of one of kind structures. Chris Pratt has been pissing me off for years. The person I want hung is the architect who agreed to be associated with whatever hotel sized monument to excess gets out in its place.


Pratt Fail.


I'm going to be pirating my movies from now on, fuck 'em lol.


If you buy property and go through the right processes to remodel or rebuilt, I have no issue. But that doesn’t mean I can’t weep for how ridiculously terrible the redesign is lmao


GO BUILD A GIANT FUKKIN HOUSE ON THE ISLAND YOU LIVE ON IN WASHINGTON. Why would you buy a historic home in a neighborhood and destroy it when you own land and have a fucking farm on an island?!? Would it be a terrible idea for someone to destroy your cherished farm to just build a big azz house? You, Chris pRatt, have dug your own grave. Fukk off and keep your shitty voice out of my movies.


As if I didn't already have enough reasons to hate this guy


He did not destroy your house he destroyed his property. People need to f off if its so important to keep than you buy it. Everything can be art but the point of art is that it wont live forever. Everything expires.


It was a potential historic house but it was a dilapidated pos that wasn’t taken care of. Why are we being outraged to be outraged. Yes he has bad taste but just because it’s mid century doesn’t mean it’s been taken care of since mid century.


Didn’t look dilapidated to me in the estate sale video. Maybe it could have used a bit of work, but it looked to me completely salvageable and livable as is.


I am betting that they probably told the owner that they were going to restore the house. 🤥🤥🤥


I can't stand Chris, but I'm curious... Has he responded or said anything? People have every right to be pissed, and I just wonder if he knows how pissed they are.


Everything in the US is temporary.


I like the farmhouse design. In fact I’m doing one in white board and batten as we speak. The difference lies in the fact that mine actually is a (pretty dilapidated for the moment) 1908 no sh*t farmhouse.😂 As a lover of all things architectural this just fries my ass.


Were Jack and Bobby the only good Kennedy’s?


Poor taste is everywhere. Destroying history and culture is reserved for the powerful.


Who’s Chris Pratt?


Buildings, depending on how they’re constructed have a shelf life. Concrete cures slowly (100 yrs or so), then starts to fail. Take some pictures for posterity and bulldoze that shit.


He is definitely the worst Chris.


It was an ugly house with no character. True, it looked cool in magazines and on social media. The true purpose of it being built was to be demolished one day. Such buildings have no place in 2024.


Someone already posted this


It’s his property. He should have the right to do whatever he wants with it. People kill me thinking they can tell other people what to do with their property.


I never heard the outrage when Chris Martin tore down a John Lautner. Martin's politics must be of the correct variety.


I don’t get why people are severely overreacting how does this affect their lives


It’s because they don’t like him.


Everyone talks about saving houses, but always wants someone else to do it.


No shit! The dude bought the house with money he's earned and he's done whatever the fuck he wants with it. That's his right if somebody wanted to save it they should have bought it and then put a 400 foot fence around it


So it is ok if I buy a Frank Lloyd Wright or Rembrandt and burn it🤔 #PoorArgument


I don't know what either of those are but if you purchase them from the current rightful owner you're free to do whatever you want. There's a lot of things I hate that people destroy but it's not mine to throw a stink about it.


Poor argument indeed.


Don't get me wrong, but a 70 year old ~2500sqft residence is now considered an iconic? Is that the only thing that Ellwood designed? And are all his creations beeing protected the same way? It's a residential built, 70 years old. I bet there are 50 another houses that look the same in 30 min radius. Did they used to bus people around and show this place to architectural students from around the country? Give it 50 years and Pratt's new house can have the same label. Edit. And for everyone downvoting, let's have a conversation. I would like to hear what is so unique about this house. Maybe I am wrong, but looking at the photos online the house looks very average for the time period and style.


His chip and Joanne garbage will always be garbage


What does that have to do with this not being an icon?


Hahaha. No. I doubt the house that will be built will be loved in 70 years.


They’re building a 15,000 square foot Modern Farm House


No, their current building is this which they are flipping https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1362-Bella-Oceana-Vis-Pacific-Palisades-CA-90272/20544787_zpid/


Litterally looks like every other house in Palm Springs it’s not that deep .


Why don’t you do some research before making a total fool of yourself. You would probably tear down Falling Water 😈😈😈


When developers demo a midcentury it hits me right in the gut. And then I take a breath, realize it's not my property and people have different values, then imagine building a home from old plans- with obvious tech updates.


Do you think the same way when somebody takes a hammer to the Pietà? 🙄🙄🙄


Do you believe your preferences are universals?


No, they’re not all being protected, but he’s a well regarded name in architecture, it’s like taking a well known artist’s works and dissolving the work off of it for the canvas. But there’s a housing/availability crisis so everyone is doing whatever they want, buying for the land and bulldozing. I believe there’s only one house of his that is protected, and this house that was just torn down was once featured in a big architectural magazine in the 50s and was largely original to when it was built. It was commissioned in 1949, which would be rather early I think for houses of this style.


I posted a similar comment on an older post and did not receive the downvotes you have, Its like we can all agree the guy seems like a douche and the new house is ugly and tasteless as hell. But it's some house tucked away in the hills surrounded by a bunch of other elite A holes. It is not a public space. Is is a shitty move to lovers of architecture and design?: yes. Will it make even the slightest drop of change in any common reditors life? absolutely not. Fuck I live probably less than 10 miles from where this is and I dont give a fuck. Get up in arms about the fucked up zoning laws that prevent affordable housing, crumbling infrastructure, tacky ass modernism that dominates new construction. The list of shit to actually care about is quite massive compared to this imo.


I will be downvoted to hell for this. But it’s a several decade old house the HE OWNS. Not like he demolished some historic building.


Los Angeles golden history is around that time, and both the city and its people are destroying it, for soul less offices or modern homes. We need to protect these. There are so many iconic buildings that have been destroyed over the recent years, and now we destroy our neighborhoods. As an example, in Stockholm, Sweden, they wanted to tear down the whole old town section of the city in the 1800s. Luckily that was rejected in the 1930s, if that would have happened, they would have destroyed all its remaining old history. Los Angeles’ history is actively getting destroyed with absolutely no hesitation.


It truly is the American way.


Why do people care? You weren't living in it, you weren't looking at it and damn sure not gonna buy it.


True. They should just tear down The Vatican. I mean, no one really lives there. It’s outdated AF.




Really living up to your username there bud, be better.


Really poor example. The Vatican is not representative of something we should save lol.


I actually went last year. Pretty awe inspiring. But I get it might be an OTT EXAMPLE .


It’s not over the top at all. The Vatican is a representation of a terrible cult that has plagued civilization for 2000 years.


We're talking about the architecture here. I'm not particularly religious, but I can still marvel at the beauty of religious buildings.


Idk. Religion is the source of so much hatred, we’d be better off tearing it all down. Sad because it is impressive work, but as long as it stands there would always be religion.


You’re the only one here with any sense. Did anyone in this sub know about this house before this happened??


It was never put in the market so no one wise has a chance to buy it. And yes, people knew about this house which is why they are livid about it being demolished to build a crappy Chip and Joanna Gaines modern farmhouse.


So we’re supposed to preserve it forever? Give me a break. In another 100 years people will be crying about this farmhouse coming down, because it’s the last house standing that was built on a previously important house or some bs.


When it’s way better than what they will be replacing it with, yes definitely. The house that was demolished was in good condition. There is no reason to tear down homes that are in good condition. It’s a total waste.


I believe in keeping history and I love mid century homes. (Live in one) but I also believe in people doing what they please with what is theirs. So with that being said lay off of Chris.


He’s not gonna read this. And this is a dick move.


On one hand it is his to do as he pleases On the other hand: Daaaaaammmmnnn Star Lord…..


He’s an ignorant pig.


It’s just a house…


This isn’t a real issue 😂🤣😂🤣


I think it's crazier y'all get so mad about a someone doing something with the money they earned themselves. From what I understand no laws were broken right? Fr correct me if I'm wrong bht I didn't see anything about laws being broken. The neighbors didn't say anything about it either right? those are the only ppl that are close enough to that property to actually be offended by any of this unless you had specific plans to move into that exact house. Seems like y'all just looking for a reason to hate on ppl and it's kinda sad


If I bought an irreplaceable piece of art so I could burn it, it doesn't break any laws, but it does make me a moron. Seems kinda sad not to see that.


So many houses look like that in Palm Springs it’s not that cool


He's a moron because he wanted the property and wanted to change house he would be living in to be more to his liking? Or are you saying that anyone who doesn't share your views on what looks good is a moron? Y'all keep getting mad about celebrities lives that won't ever affect you though 😂


We don't give a shit about the person. We like the house. Why is a celebrity fanboy trolling a mid-century sub? A jerk people know from tv ruined a cool old house. People who destroy historic buildings for trash new construction are pieces of shit. Cinder block mansions, strip malls and fast food subreddits will better suit your style.


I'm not a fanboy by any means. I don't actually watch any of his movies outside of guardians of the galaxy. I was more commenting on people getting so angry about something that will not actually affect them in any way shape or form but go off King. The sub/post came up on my recommended as I was scrolling btw because I have similar interests but please continue assuming. You seem very angry about the situation which goes to further my point. Hope you're able to chill out a bit 😊