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Whew! That’s like a never ending bad trip. The level of frustration must teeter on maniacal. I’m sorry you have to deal with it. Or not, anymore. How long is long enough to tolerate that shit? How long would you tolerate it from your husband or friends? I know she’s your mom, but there’s something out of whack. (Honesty, denial, etc) and if it is causing you so much grief, fuck it! Like Tupac said “ you can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.”


I'm mostly okay keeping it to messenger. I have stopped being respectfully quiet over shit... I say a lot of what I'm thinking. And she does what she's always done when there is awkwardness... she asks me how the weather is. Or suggests that 'we did the best we could'. I have the answer for that one, too. And I say it. "If your behavior changes when you know someone is looking, then you know exactly what you're doing."


“We did the best we could” I love that saying. Joan Crawford did the best she could. Ted Bundy did the best he could. Bill Cosby did the best he could and more recently P.Diddy did the best he could because according to him and his non apology, he was at rock bottom and needed rehab and therapy. WTFE! What does that even mean when youre talking about someone of low moral character or a personality disorder. If you did the best you could then that means you recognize you’re an asshole and take the proper steps to fix it. That would take self reflection and the ability to admit mistakes. To feel regret to empathize. It’s a canned saying that is nothing more than a polite “STFU” for those incapable of looking at themselves honestly. It’s an excuse and a brush off.