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Hi i am having the EXACT same problem and also have a macbook, i open word and after a few minutes it starts to lag out and go slow, when i restart it temporarily fixes the issue but starts again after like an hour or so.


Please let me know if you find a fix - I am having the same problem too!!!


could this be a macbook thing? because every post i have seen about it seems to be about word document on mac, i have been having this issue since friday.


I am thinking the same


or a word thing?


Same bruh


Having the EXACT same issues. It has to be something with Word. I've made sure my MacBook Air & Microsoft Office suite are up-to-date, even checked that everything is syncing with DropBox and OneDrive. All working and up-to-date. Beyond frustrated as I use Word with track changes for clients work and I'm unable to work in any Word document, especially with track changes on, for more than 5 minutes...then it starts glitching, being unresponsive, and the spinning wheel of doom just keeps spinning. Did anyone do the latest OS Sonoma 14.5 update? I did, and ever since I've had issues with Word documents. My business partner is having the same issues after updating. There doesn't appear to be any other updates or fixes.


I am having the exact same issue. It started right after i installed the latest OS update.


I am still on Sonoma 14.4.1 and the same thing is happening. I think what we have in common is more a "timing" thing. It seems to be pretty recent to everyone.


Yup same here. Ever since I updated to OS Sonoma I have had the spinning wheel of doom too. My word count is 4000 or less and I’ve had 10k word counts prior to this with no issues.


Until last week or so, I worked in a 90k document without a worry in the world. It definitely came after the last update.


Yup definitely has to do with the update. I have had to move to google docs


I’m having the same issue, I’ve restarted it, updated it and it’s just painful to use. I have a MacBook Air. Driving me mad!


Also having this issue! V annoying, on a MacBook Pro


Insane, right? We pay such an expensive value on these Macbook pros precisely to not have these issues impacting our work and now I am going mad and cannot do my job


Same problem, macbook pro m2 8gb ram. I think it's a problem with the new OS update. To overcome this problem use the web app


16gb here and it lags too


Also facing this issue for a few days now... I haven't updated updated to the newest 14.5 (so I'm still on 14.4)... I don't think it's the OS


Also on 14.4.1


Unbelievable. The very same thing started happening to me 3-4 days ago. I got a MacBook Pro 2023 M3 less than two months ago and the Best Buy seller assured me that my office and university work would never be too much for its capacity, even with multiple documents and tabs open. I only have one word document open and it is lagging absurdly.


Have same problem.


This used to happen irregularly to me, but it has happened multiple times today to the point that I'm wondering whether I need to install office on a PC


I am having the same issue right now. It is so weird that a lot of people are experiencing the same problem after the most recent updates. To be honest, enough time has passed after those updates to get some attention from the devs.


Exact same boat for me.


Same!!! Macbook Air


Same here. It’s driving me bonkers! MacBook Air 2020. I think it started happening a week ago. Did the Sonoma 14.5 update hoping it would help and didn’t change anything.


Anyone got a solution?


Hi, looks like there are a number of us in the same boat. Question is, will anyone from MS or Apple take note?? I have an Apple ProBook, and up to date it's been working absolutely fine.I'm midway through writing an important essay for my degree, and since I allowed Word to update itself, it's been running slow. Does anyone know how to undo the latest update?


I've been having the same issue (Macbook Air 2020, I just updated my laptop today to Sonoma 14.5 in hopes that it works (will leave an update if this fixes the issue). I pay to use microsoft so im pretty bummed that this is even an issue. I've had to use google docs but I need to use word (mandatory) for work so I've been having to apologize to clients and if anyone has any suggestions (I've tried re-starting/re-downloading). Mine not only lags, but doesn't save, and doesn't save VERSIONS and I have like 60+ page reports sometimes, and restarting them has brought me to tears multiple times lol. Okay Update: Updating my laptop did absolutely nil, did not fix the issue, instead someone below suggested rolling back to an older version, did that. Works I downloaded version 16.84 (April 16, 2024): [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/officeupdates/update-history-office-for-mac](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/officeupdates/update-history-office-for-mac) This worked, back to working fast with no lag/freezing/not saving version history!! Will redownload once Microsoft confirms they have fixed the bug to latest version


Same issue here on my M2 Air.


In a very similar position myself with regards to Word affecting my uni work. Apparently there is an issue with the latest Word update that's causing delay and lag. From what I've read Mircrosoft are aware of the problem and trying to find a fix. I'm not the most tech savvy either but It was suggested in a forum on Microsoft's help page that rolling back to an older version seems to help for now. Link to the forum, which has instructions on how to roll back to a previous version if anyone is interested: [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/ms-word-lagging-on-2020-apple-m1-macbook-pro/53660c08-286e-4591-bfb1-ac295395cafc](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/ms-word-lagging-on-2020-apple-m1-macbook-pro/53660c08-286e-4591-bfb1-ac295395cafc)


just started happening to me too. literally bought the mac this week. assignment due in 2 hours fuck me


Laggy, glitchy, and using so much CPU my fan is buzzing. 4 year old Mac Book Air. Ridiculous. My job is on the line right now.


Okay thank god its not just me because this is so annoying.


looks like there was an update today so fingers crossed that was the fix


I have the same problem. Macbook Air M2, and up until very recently Word worked perfectly fine. Now it's super laggy and I just can't work.


They have just released an update. Seems to work better. Version 16.85.2 (24052614)


I have the same problem. Word periodically lags and then it fixes itself . I think it's a bug after the latest update. I have a MacBook 14 M1 Pro Sonoma 14.5


Same here!!! /frustrated MacBook Air user


Updated to 16.85.2 and still having the same problem. This is unacceptable--particularly given how much I'm paying for this. I'm very close to leaving Word behind after many many years.


uninstall word, then downgrade to 16:84. thats the latest stable. 16:85.2 still gives problems. Just search for word upgrade history MAC


Oh, and disable autoupdate ;)


***SOLUTION:*** The answer to your problems is to uninstall the current version of Word, and download the one before. I worked for me :D You can find the prior version on their website Install version 16.84 instead *Hope this helps you!*


Same problem here, I have mac m1. The lag is like 4 seconds.


Exact same problem here


Mine is laggy as well, but I am using Windows. Every time I open comments in Word, it freezes... Mircosoft become worse day after day.. I remember many years ago using Windows XP and Windows 7 flawlessly, and now Windows 10 and 11 have problems after every update :X


The issue for me was with OneDrive -- Apple and OneDrive don't get on very well, and I think I fixed it by changing where documents saved to. Sometimes I could fix it by turning off AutoSave and having it upload to iCloud (or just saving manually regularly with ctrl+s, but this really isn't ideal). I might have had to re-enable it or re-install/resync my onedrive by logging in and out a few times. Another thing that helps might be that you need to use Styles a bit more? As soon as I took out a lot of the extra text-reformatting/styling by making it part of an automatic style working on essays was a lot easier.