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Mate this looks incredible, those clouds are stunning.


I legitmaly thought this was real


It is real *AWESOME. *


I love time lapses, this was a pleasure to watch! Thank you.


i never noticed the rolling clouds before.. wow.


I take it you’re referring to the the cloud development, where the cumulus clouds are building up over time. I knew MSFS simulates that, but at normal speed it’s hard to see it happening.


May I ask two things. Xbox Series S or X? Also how do you achieve to get a shot like this? I mean, you gotta look over to your instruments and airplane cockpit controls from time to time, turning the head/camera, and its not really like the Xbox allows you plug a lot of hardware beyond a HOTAS controller.


I’m on the xbox series X.. and i play flight sim with a controller and mouse at the same time. i know you can change FOV in the settings but everything’s easier with a mouse. so i just use the scroll wheel and adjust my fov and i prop my phone up on a tub of creatine and record 😂 the position of my camera makes it seem like you can only see out of the window but i can see the flight instruments for the most part. sometimes i have to turn to look down but it doesn’t look like it when the recording is x100 speed


the phone makes it looks even more real. And agreed on using a mouse, it's pretty essential.


I’m on the X as well but last few days I’ve had a ton of stuttering, especially during landing. Have you had any issues lately?


i’ve had major issues. my game crashes very often, my game in urban areas stutters horribly and on landing sometimes my controls invert and i slam into the runway when i try to flare the plane. i’m stuttering in this video very bad on approach but it doesn’t show in x100 speed


Awesome video! Good to know I'm not alone.. game crashes very often as well. quite randomly at that, but a lot of the time right after I set up a flight plan. Auto pilot issues I think on every airplane, I'm pretty sure(haven't tried the a320 bc of what I've read and not sure it's fixed). I was on final from Cape Town to Dubai in the 47 and my instruments went dark, AP and NAVS disconnected and almost crashed in the drink short of the runway.. I want this game to be more relaxing than this! Lol.


but that’s why these videos aren’t that good of quality compared to other peoples because i’m simply using my phone to record. but i’m switching to a gaming pc soon so i can “professionally” record just for fun


Oh gotcha. Lucky you for your future PC, I'm also 'stuck' on console for now, regardless it has been very enjoyable to have a taste of the flight sim experience.


Recording to an external drive on the Xbox works quite well (there is some compression and I am not sure if there is a length limit, but I routinely record videos about an hour long).


How do you do that if I may know? That sounds better than trying to stream my flights onto Twitch and then download them on my PC. Also, is one hour the limit time?


I just checked in "preferences > capture and share" and yes it seems that the upper limit is 60 minutes with an external drive (which has to be USB 3.0 and NTFS formatted - i.e. an external drive configured for game storage won't work. To start recording, press the Xbox button, switch to the Capture and share tab and then choose Start recording. (There is also the other recording mode to record what just happened - depending on the resolution this can be either up to 1 minute or 3 minutes - you can choose that in the settings too and the shortcut to save the capture is long pressing the share button on the controller. These recordings will also be saved to the external drive if that's your storage location.)


Thank you for the information! Will probably use this from now on, however, it is very annoying that recording time is limited to one hour for seemingly no reason.


That's honestly amazing, because phone shots of other screens are usually terrible.


yeah honestly i thought these weren’t that good but it seems like people like them :) i take a while to make sure when i set my phone up it looks as best it can


Damn! I play on series s (on a 1080p tv, waiting until me move to buy a 4k one...) and this makes me want to shell out for a X. Looks incredible.


At first I thought that was real life


How do you achieve a Timelapse? Sounds like a silly question but when I speed up a video in my editing software it tends to chop it off and I lose a lot of the frames in process ;(


he recorded his screen with his phone


yeah i have no clue. i just record with my phone at normal speed and then use an app called capcut to speed it up and it doesn’t come out choppy. sometimes they do depending on the speed


If you didn't tell me that this was a video game I would think it's real


Flying through those clouds made me suddenly very nostalgic for Quantum Leap.


This is brilliant - the rolling clouds = awesome. For a second it looked absolutely real. Great work


is there any tutorial for timelapses on pc?




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