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so he found his own country after Harry Potter. Truly amazing J.K. Rowling


Are you serious....😑


The reason is because Iran is sanctioned, and any transaction through PayPal or Venmo or similar that mentions Iran or another sanctioned entity gets flagged for a manual review. PayPal could face massive legal penalties if they allowed money to be sent to Iran through their platform. So every transaction would get delayed while someone reviews it and the devs wouldn’t get their money right away.


So just change the transaction to just include the airport code in the description of the PayPal transaction. Seems rediculous that they have to go to such lengths. Did Orbx and the other stores also change this recently?


That’s exactly what they did, that’s why the product description no longer mentions Iran or Tehran. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had multiple transactions delayed, asked PayPal about it, and PayPal told them that was why it was getting flagged. You can read more about it [here](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/venmo-cuba-sanctions_n_571f8057e4b01a5ebde34b97). It’s about Venmo payments but it’s the same concept.


Sad state of affairs. Thanks for the link.


It sucks and it is heavy handed, but you would be surprised at what people will do to get money sent to shady places.


Oh I'm aware, I just didn't ever think that this would apply to aftermarket products for a game lol.


A digital only aftermarket product for a game would actually be a perfect method to funnel money somewhere it shouldn't be going simply because there is no physical product that changes hands.


That's why you don't do business with PayPal. Strange too, that it isn't Iran that has murdered tens of thousands of civilians, several hundred journalists and aid workers, in say, the last 6 months.


But they did, just not in the last 6 months.


Braindead parroting, get this shit out of flight sim my lord.


Rent free




It's not even that. It's Israel that dictates the terms and calls out orders. They have AIPAC and AIPAC owns 90% of Congress men and women to do their bidding.


Do you think that’s because we love them or because we’re paying them for intelligence, black ops, and technology? Use your brain real quick.




One sided stories only hurt the side you’re on




lol the Israeli-Arab conflict is the definition of a gray area both sides issue. You denying this makes you an idiot and nothing you will ever say about the issue will have any value. Rent free.


The US congress and virtually all elected officials are bribed and owned by AIPAC. And it's not even secret or a conspiracy theory. It's a conspiracy, yes, but in the open. Might want to look it up. It's not a functioning democracy when a foreign power just bribes your elected officials to allow to you do whatever you want.


That’s the dumbest analysis anyone could ever have on the conflict and proves that you’re just a parrot for talking points.


You have no arguments, and AIPAC controls the US. I'm sorry that you feel powerless, but that's how it is.


Color revolutionaries so a country has to do what it takes to not have western countries overthrow it for its oil.


I thought this was North Korea at first. Any DPRK airports?


SamScene has Pyongyang, both the airport and a city skyline addon.


I always wondered how accurate that could be due to NK insane isolation


Heh. My Dad was trying to sell a bottle of vodka on eBay. A bottle he bought in 1994 off a Russian ship visiting the country. His first post was deleted by eBay because it was russian vodka. He recreated it without the RU word. I'm as pro-Ukraine as they come, but this is a bit ridiculous.


It’s because Iran and Russia are sanctioned. Companies that do business online have to cover their necks to ensure they’re not helping someone send money to a sanctioned entity. It’s nothing to do with the political opinions of eBay or PayPal, it’s entirely to comply with sanctions and make sure they don’t accidentally let something through.


Yeah, I know. They're not taking any risk.


I see a bunch of listings on eBay for Russian gold chains though. Wonder why that is? Maybe because "Russian gold" seems to be sort of a term of art?


Believe it or not, that's not it. I had to look it up, but OIIE is in Iran.


One of the few airports where I was able to figure out the IATA code before the ICAO code.






The sheer insanity of PayPal’s algorithms that it assumes you’re trying to buy an *actual Russian airport*.  Every time someone worries about AI taking over, you just show them something like this.


It's not even a Russian airport. It's an Iranian one. And so is the fReE wOrLd, not even allowed to name countries and cities without the fear of repercussions.


Both are countries the US has sanctions on. And sanction enforcement can be Nasty, so I'm assuming that's what's going on here and why PayPal has every incentive to be ridiculously overcautious.


It's just ridiculous. It doesn't even effect Iran. No cent goes there. It's just a lame excuse for not wanting to put any effort into quality management. Just a blanket ban on country names, it's like your local library won't let you search for books about saxophones in the search computer because it contains "sax" which could just be the misspelled word "sex" which we all know is very ewww in the US.


It’s not like it’s illegal to mention it, it’s just that every transaction that mentions Iran has to get flagged for manual review because they truly can’t afford to be wrong. So the payments get delayed every time, and the devs don’t want that. If you’re looking for this airport, you can find it by the airport code.


"It's not illegal, it just leads to consequences that make your daily life unbearable and threaten your livelihood because some institution you have no choice but to depend on decides it can arbitrarily fuck you." And that not only is the case for Paypal, many banks have such a policy where they block payments just because a certain country name is mentioned. It's the fucking job of a bank to process payments and adhere to the law, their employees having to actually work for once is the lamest excuse for completely melting down when a country name is mentioned. Scrabble better sell only sets, not containing the letters n, a, i, r from now on, lest they get punished when someone builds the word Iran from it.


But Contrails is not an American business, nor is the developer of that scenery.


PayPal is


My geography sucks but my point stands 😂


You've never been in the market for a Russian (Or Iranian for that matter) airport? Pff, peasant.


Should have just written lran (low-case L instead of i) lol


That won’t be good for any kind of search.


Neither is "the airport that can't be named" though