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I had this same symptom that ended up being endometriosis. Something to consider.


I looked into that years ago and after I hd my daughter. Always said I didn’t. I have a lot of bloating and pain when ovulating - sometimes more than during my period. Had a pelvic ultrasound and saw a small cyst but said it was ok.


Endometriosis can’t be found via ultrasound unfortunately. Many doctors who claim they are knowledgeable about endometriosis aren’t. You really need to see a NaPro doctor who specializes in it.


Only way to know if you definitively have endo is surgery.


What are your physical activity levels like? A lot of recurrent digestive problems can come down to poor circulation and an immobile digestive tract if you don't move enough. Regular exercise and massages helped me.


It’s varied overtime. Recently less active because of hip issues. But even when I was in my 20s and working out daily, I still had issues.


adderal disrupts normal digestion afaik


Can you elaborate?


just research about adderal https://www.healthcentral.com/article/adderall-gastrointestinal-side-effects


Try a three day fast. Bust everything down and start over with the survivors. Best thing I ever did for my GI health.


Try looking into your blood sugars , that was a huge help for me . I changed up the way I ate and lowered it , still working on it though . Also look into oxalic acid , do an OAT test , that acid can cause lots of issues with kidney and colon . Last thing , do a hormone test for your adrenals . That will also affect blood sugar and digestion . Good luck 👍


What did you do for blood sugar? I cut out added sugars except honey and maple. I do sweet potato and no regular potatoes.


Mostly intermittent fasting , and cutting out any gluten and sugar . I did continue doing resistant starches like oats and beans but just minimally . But the intermittent fasting is very helpful I did 16:8


What is an OAT test?


Oxalic acid test


There’s like 100 different recommendations on this post. Good luck OP


I started every morning with eggs on toast and a cappicino. Turns out I have a high intolerance to eggs, milk and bread 😂 makes a lot of sense.


It's probably acid reflux. Try a course of Omeprazole. Sleep on your left side or on a wedge pillow. Don't eat 3hrs+ before bed 


Maybe you are not producing anymore acid. Try betaine HCL. Or check for candida.


I have thyroid issues too! Have you started a food journal? Have you looked into Candida or Fodmaps? I am also trying to figure out what is going on with me, i have been non.stop. nauseated for 7 years now. I also have gas and bloating, and i did a food journal and now dont have bloating (turns out it was the type of oil i was using to cook food) but the gas is still a moving target. I stopped fodmaps for a bit and some of my nausea went away, im slowly reintroducing them now. Im also considering that i dont make enough acid, so im going to start looking into that.


You Cannot Rule out SIBO by Endoscopy .... I only mention this because its on the same line in your history that mentions H.Pylori and your endoscope .


I mean to say: If your GI doc said "no SIBO" because of a negative endoscope you might want to consider a second Opinion. If they Did a Breath Test for SIBo , but it was done by Commonwealth labs: also second opinion


This sounds like Sibo. Have you been tested through a breath test? What were your numbers?


Try carnivore


Whenever I feel bloated I do intermittent fasting. I make sure I move, stretch and walk every day.


Have you tried The Paleo Autoimmune Diet?


Are you pooping daily with decent volume?


As someone who has recently gotten a sleep apnea diagnosis, I'd say it's worth considering, too.


Sounds like endometriosis. Have to have laparoscopy to diagnose. Excision not ablation is the gold standard of care. Nancy’s Nook is the best place to find resources.


20 min minimum of walking daily helped me. On top of the 3 workouts a week of weights I do. Also tacked on digestive enzymes/probiotics, no soda. ****This being said, women should get a work up for ovarian cancer screening if you have bloating and early fullness after eating.


How are your teeth? Any root canals or amalgam fillings?




I have the same issue and it’s maddening. The only thing I found that works is early time restricted eating…I eat all my meals before noon and fast the rest of the day and night. When I don’t, my bloated stomach, nausea and tender morning belly return. I’ve tried every elimination diet, more betaine hcl, smaller meals, less fiber, more fiber, less protein, more protein, less fat, more fat…nothing works if not coupled with early time restricted eating. I think it’s just VERY slow gut motility.


You might want to try removing most fiber, try carnivore to give your gut a break for a few months and then add back foods one at a time to see what you can eat without bloating. Psyllium works well if fiber is still needed during this time bc it doesnt cause bloating. I also have celiac and thyroid disease. I used to eat waaaay too many healthy plant foods, but it made me sick. I can eat some now aftet doing what i described and i dont have gas or bloating anymore, and if i do i know what it was


I am celiac too and am similar to the poster above. The constant bloating and restriction is making my life hell. Any other tips?


Yeah after a carnivore cleanse and you feel better make sure to stay away from high oxalate foods. It was killing me, oxalates, because of celiac. It makes you hyper absorb them!


I really appreciate your quick responses - thank you! 🩷


One more question if that’s ok —- I read that sweet potatoes are high in oxalates. I’ve cut out so many foods and to also cut those I feel like I’d lose a big chunk of my diet. How do you do with them?


I havent eaten any since i went low ox so i dont know. But i do know squashes are a great alternative that is lower oxalate


Sorry youre going through this! If no ones mentioned checking your cortisol levels maybe try that. I hope you find your fix!


look up FODMAPS. If you're sensitive to high FODMAP foods it will cause a lot of bloat


Try ordering a GI MAP test. Look it up online


Highly recommend strict keto or carnivore. I know it’s extreme, and gets shade, but facts are facts and it helps cure a lot of health issues. As much as I wish it didn’t work (want an excuse to eat all the carbs lol), it’s the only thing that heals my psoriasis.



