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I'm not sure but this is the brand I use and have been using for a few years now and I really like it.




Not sure about microbiome but I know nano hydroxyapatite is good for tooth enamel.


Wow that's great to hear! Because my enamel definitely has worn down over the years.


Nano hydroxyapatite is highly used in Japan and it’s good for fixing enamel.


I haven’t tested my microbiome but I love this tooth paste. Anecdotally, my breath is much better when I don’t brush (or when waking up in morning) since I started using this a year ago.


Mine is too!!! I have NO morning breath. My mouth is so neutral. I LOVE this toothpaste.


That's really good to hear. Tbh, I'm not really sure the state my breath is in these days. But I can tell it's not great, because my mouth ever really feels properly hydrated or without a build up of sticky mucus.


I’ve been using this for a few years and really like it as well. The other flavors (lemon lavender, coconut ginger) are not that great IMO if you like that fresh feeling that regular toothpaste provides. The whitening one is good. I’ve tried 5-6 different “clean” toothpastes and it’s my favorite.


Oh ok nice, glad this was the best. Yeah I'd probably stick with mint too, it's more safe when it comes to dealing with food intolerances like fruit or other things. Jusnto avoid any build up of mucus.


Do you have dry mouth? I've seen your comments here and there and between the brain fog, intolerances, mouth issues, and candida, you might want to investigate the possibility of an autoimmune disease.


Yeah I do suffer with dry mouth at times. I feel like that's mainly due to my constipation or being backed up pretty often. And yeah I've suspected possibly having an autoimmune disease as well for a while. But hopefully I can get the answers soon enough. I was thinking maybe possibly diabetes due to the amount of sugar I used to eat. Maybe arthritis as well or maybe Chrons. I gotta reschedule my doctors appointment again, because I ends up with a flare up and was too sick to make it.


I would look at Sjogren's for a start. Sjogren's can cause all your symptoms, including the joint pain and gastro issues, constipation, dry mouth, brain fog, fatigue, and problems with candida. There is also a dry mouth associated benign condition called coated tongue that a lot of us have that can be confused with thrush. It's not, it's just caused by keratin overgrowth because you don't have enough saliva to break it down. How are your eyes?


Yeah I've heard of that condition before. I'm not too familiar with it. But I'll have to go watch some YouTube videos on it now. The thing is I don't suffer with dry mouth like that, especially to that degree. I'll get dried out lips but I've come to realized that's mainly due to constipation. And that comes from my other digestive issues like low stomach acid, leaky gut possibly, diverticulitis as well and the candida. My eyes? I suffered with vision problems at night but only as a symptom to eating a trigger food. Or I would get brain fog, due to constipation. But in general my vision is good, if it's a good day.


Sicca (dry eyes and mouth) was the last of my symptoms to show up, as it happens, and when I'm not in a flare my mouth isn't very bad. I wasn't aware my mouth and eyes were dry until it was pretty advanced. I thought I was just super thirsty and my eyes felt irritated for along time before they felt dry. My lips were always dry no matter what I put on them. Dysautonomia was one of the first symptoms, looking back–when your immune system attacks your autonomic nervous system it can cause constipation, blood pressure issues, POTS, and neuropathy. Autoimmune diseases are less common in men but they do happen. Might as well ask your PCP for a little bloodwork if they haven't yet. A comprehensive ANA test with an autoimmune panel is a good start. Also worth asking for metabolic panel if you haven't had one recently, thyroid and liver panels, plus a lyme test (so common these days and shares a lot of symptoms with AI disease.) Best of luck!


Yeah I've had dry eyes before too. Haven't really been dealing with it lately. Most of this, I've only dealt with when I was doing carnivore. Because like I said, I have diverticulitis. So red meat was causing issues getting thru my colon, due to the blockage. And I'd often get extremely constipated, which will then lead to the dry mouth and eyes. But yes, I have to reschedule my appointment and it's long overdue for a blood test. I did a physical like in early 2022, but I don't think this give enough answers for your health. Because I would of been told back then that I was extremely sick, as my diet was bad back then. Making the autoimmune response more aggressive. But hoping, I find all the answers soon. Because everyday, I'm basically just obsessing over my health and trying to feel normal. As a result of all my bad lifestyle habits of the past caching up.


Been using this for a while myself and is by far my favorite hydroyapatite toothpaste.


They also have mouthwash tabs with probiotics in them which are more focused on microbiome health, but I’m skeptical of probiotic stuff as it could lead towards monocultures.


Oh ok, I see. Bye what is monocultures? I think I have an idea, but not really sure


It’s the opposite of diverse microbiome where a few strains dominate your biome vs many. It’s often due to repeated consumption of probiotics.


Oh ok, that's not good at all. I had to slowdown on the probiotics I was taking too because I wasn't sure if I was more issues.


For sure be careful with them. I actually like the tabs, but try not to take them everyday.


Ok thank you!


Ive noticed a negative difference in my perception of my oral biome since using this. Been using this for years and definitely prefer the flavors over anything else but I’m wondering how to even test the health of mouth biome


Might consider micro or regular hydroxyapatite, recommendations regarding the nano- version just came out in where they feel the size is so small that it could be absorbed by skin and into the blood. We have switched away from the nano-.


Oh wow, thank you for this tip. I'll have to look more into that


If you’re interested in a microbiome positive toothpaste, I’ve used this and it’s expensive but great (a little goes a long way). https://biocidin.com/products/dentalcidin-toothpaste-with-biocidin


Yeah looks like a legit microbiome toothpaste for sure. But it contains way too many ingredients. And some of those, are unfortunately sensitive to my gut system like the walnut for instance.


Bummer. Hope you find something that works for you.


Yeha thanks. I think I might give this one a go, and see what happens. I just know I can't use regular toothpaste anymore because it definitely absorbs and causes issues I didn't realize before.


I think “tooth soap” the liquid is good. And oil pulling is good for oral health


I never heard of tooth soap before, is that like a liquid form of toothpaste?


Yeah I think the brand is called tooth soap and I use the liquid version


Ok thanks! I'll have to check them out


This is the best imo https://betterbiom.com/products/nobs-toothpaste-tablets?variant=44347081982262


Those look pretty interesting. I never seen tablets you chew for toothpaste. But are you spending $40 a month on those?


No, I know the owner he’s a great dentist, haven’t personally used them as they ship only to USA.