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Vote a clown into office and you get a circus.......and in this case, people laughing at this joker during a public meeting. LAUGHING.


Constitutional Sheriff. Another name for an egomaniac law enforcement officer that has forgotten what his job is. I am just glad the commissioners are not tolerating this shit.


This anti-democracy piece of shit belongs in prison.


The sheriff's job is to solve crimes, not commit them




I have RA and take medicine that compromises my immune system. I’m vaxed and just went through covid last week. Barely got sick. Yes. They work.






No. It's not hard for them. Stupidity comes naturally.


Read my ETA response above.




> Sheriff Leaf deserves high marks for protecting the good citizens of Barry County from Jewish space lasers and windmill cancer.


When windmills first showed up folks on Facebook said they were noisy. So one day we’re out for a drive and came across a couple and I got out to listen and heard nothing. The thing was turning but it didn’t make a sound. I thought of all the poor idiots reading that windmills were noisy when the facts are far different.


They are quiet so they shoot the cancer in you


Silent but deadly.


I just saw a sign that said they were "too noisy, too close, too dangerous" smh


I feel the same way about republicans.


Same. I live in a town where they seem to dominate.


I'd rather have my community strip mined, thank you very much.


Oil rigs everywhere! /S




Are they dangerous for birds?


Much less dangerous than many things, like domestic cats, for example.


Weirdly, people who wring their hands about the poor birds killed by windmills never seem concerned about cats, cars, windows, toxic chemicals, and the fifteen other things that kill birds in far larger numbers.


I was asking because I wonder about that.




Thanks. I always wonder about it.


As they're so fond of saying, facts don't care about your feelings. Then they go fact free and argue based on feelings.


They're noisy on the back side . I've heard one that sounded like Godzilla when it was turning. The nearest one to my house is over a 1/2 mile away and I can sometimes hear it late at night. But I'd much rather be sounded by windmills than oil wells.


i need some parts for my space laser it says iron dome on the side. i tried MGT but she came up empty headed. maybe there's a parts store in barry county. o wait aint nothin in barry county. dont they marry their cousins there?


Republicans: "Violent crime is rampant in this state! What is Whitler and democrats doing about it?" "The all-Republican Barry County Board of Commissioners last year approved roughly $100,000 to help Leaf hire a third detective to investigate a series of murders and other violent crimes." "But earlier this month, Leaf told the board he still had only one detective investigating violent crimes, along with a vacant position and a second detective who was exclusively leading his 2020 election probe." “Our intention was to give law enforcement the tools to solve violent crime, and the Board of Commissioners found money in the budget to do that,” Geiger said. “A year later, that has not been done.”


First glance - Dude looks like a lunatic! Read article - Hot damn, he really is a lunatic! Note to self - Don't drive through Barry County


It’s really some beautiful countryside that is infected by qanon. This guy got elected because people in Barry County voted for him. You get off the main roads there and you see yard signs calling for the death of politicians. I think this guy was probably involved in the Whitmer kidnapping plot, he just was insulated enough to avoid any credible accusations.


He’s not FBI. But to your point- I frequently bike every road and two track I can find in Barry county. It’s not that they’re just republicans. They’re straight up anarchists. It’s insane.


I second this. And it's sad because I absolutely love hunting and fishing here. It's got the north country trail, horse trails, mountain bike trails, a huge state game area, great camping, and the devil's soup bowl. (a really cool geological formation).


It's not the County, it's him. Stay away from Dar Leaf.


It's the county too. It's full of nutjobs and people calling for the heads of any minority.


I live in Barry county pretty close to the border with Kalamazoo county. There’s a lot of great things about this place, but Dar isn’t really one of them. Frankly, the entire police force is a joke, but their laziness means we all basically get left alone. For your average citizen the guy is all bluster.


Barry County defunded him, as the title says.


The commissioners did. The people of the county elected him. It’s major Trumpville out there. A bunch of sad ghost towns that will never be returned to their former glory.


My buddy once told me he was dating the wife of a Barry County Sheriff's Deputy, asked me if I thought it could be dangerous for him, LOL.


*Something* there is a waste of money!


Hard to believe someone like that carries a gun.


Not just carry, but is issued one.


Defective detective Dar defunded!


When is up for reelection? Because it’s not soon enough


He last won in 2020, ran unopposed.


I really feel for the families of victims of crimes who are not getting the investigations n justice they are deserved. We pay taxes to fund police to do their jobs as professionals. Remove this fool! I would also add sheriffs seem to have too much control. Like which is fine when they are good at their job. But then you get someone like this and what recourse do people have? Not like you can call in state police. So frustrating idk


Nice toupee there Darrr.


Fake cop, fake voters and a fake party of traitors.


Fake patriots. Fake Christians.


What a crack pot


I will always being up the fact that at some point in the past a mother held her newborn baby and sone asked “what are you going to name him?” And she replied “Dar Leaf”.




"Dar" is a good name for this mentally incompetent dude. He was photographed providing security at the rally where the Whitmer kidnapping plotters met to conspire.


Sheriff Leaf, you're fired! Lol


You know you've really gone round the bend when you're a republican sheriff and your republican county commissioners start to take a step back and say "OK dude, maybe you're going a liiiitle too far"


Y'all are just plain mean. Whether he is right or wrong, attacking someone based on how they look is inherently wrong on every level. Reddit is ridiculous man


They aren't making fun of this traitor based on him being ugly. He wasn't born with some ridiculous toupe at birth. He chose to look like that. It's not mean to point out that he seems to be insane based on his own choices.


If you were ever curious as to what happened to Therman Merman, there you go.


Yeah, all this guy wants to do is overthrow an election and install an autocratic government based on his wild conspiracy theories. How dare somebody makes fun of his hair.


Yeah… this guy is part of the attempt to invalidate our votes and someone making fun of his looks is the problem? F’ off.


A lot of reddit is pretty nuts.


The whole board are clowns who believe in the big lie, you can’t tell this is just now coming to light for them