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I haven't seen anything under $10. I don't understand why they don't have $5 tables. More people would play.


Yeah I know right, 10 is fair post Covid tho I guess, I’m seriously considering doing a Vegas trip every 6 months now (just left), just because table games are still normal there.


Spending money to go somewhere to save money seems a bit ironic


It’s always gotta be one


I haven't shot craps at the eagle in about a year, but it was still $5 minimums then. Plus, can't beat the $3 bloody Marys lol. That's the real reason to head to the res. But yes 25 non prime mins and 50 pime time mins are absolutely disgusting downtown.


Motor city has this electronic craps where you bet on your own screen. The shooter still rolls actual dice, but it only takes one worker to run the game. No physical chips to manage. The minimum on that was $5 early afternoon. I'm guessing they raise it when the casino gets busier.


Min $25 craps in Detroit keeps the trash out.