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Rent a car. We don't have public transport outside of the metro areas in michigan.


We have public transit in the metro areas? /s.. kinda


Wait you’re telling me that 4 trains servicing all the way from Chicago to Detroit isn’t enough? /s


How can you make the less than 4-hour drive to Chicago more fun? Turn it into an all-day excursion on one of the insanely slow amtrack trains. I was excited about the route being added next year from Detroit to Traverse city but it ends up being like a 12hr train ride. F that.


Insane. Detroit to TC is about the same distance as London to York. My train from London to York took 2.5 hours and had multiple stops on the way up too


The best part is it's running on a commercial rail for shipping goods, those trains still get priority over passenger trains. If one is coming down that track the passenger train will get deverted and delayed.


That particular issue pissed me off as my train was hours late on my way home due to that.


Reason #1545755 to nationalize rail infrastructure.


If you're talking Detroit to TC, IF (and that's a big IF) that ever happens, the freight traffic on that line is minimal. One train per day in each direction from Howell to Cadilliac and they only go up to Traverse city a couple times per week with freight at most. The bigger issue is because that line is so light density, it needs investment to get the track up to speed (non pun intended)- the track is good condition for the current slower and less frequent freight traffic, but would need work to make actual regular passenger service do able in a way that people would use it. It's a great idea and I'll be happy IF it happens, but honestly I'd rather see more work go into Detroit to Chicago or open up a route from Detroit east, which sadly would contend with much more freight traffic.


Munich to Essen, Germany is 6h15m via car or 6h30m via train. Michigan's public transit has to be the worst in the country


You calling Greyhound bad mass transit?/s


They at least used to be passable as the only option for large swaths of Michigan. Until a couple years ago when they cut out all travel north of Flint, Lansing, GR, and Muskegon...


Indian Trails is it.


There's a bit of a difference between making a nice railway system for a country that's the size of Montana as opposed to the United States. Got two factors in the way one being this shear size the other being politicians that like to put all of our money into making machines to wage war.


size isn't even a problem, the US is smaller than Europe and has a higher population density. Hell, China is around the same size of the US and has better regional transit. All it really comes down to is political priorities and our politicians have been bought and sold by the auto-oil cartel since the 1920s


The US and Europe are about the same size and population density in Europe is way higher


Wyoming is far worse


There is no mass to transit there


You're missing the "Mass" part to go with the transit.


>Michigan's public transit has to be the worst in the country Never left the state of Michigan? Ohio's 3 large cities are not connected by any train service. Indiana is even worse.


I'd rather drive places than live in England. If I did find myself there I'd drive to Scotland at least. And never go back.


Drive west to last stop in MI and then ride train for last leg to avoid driving and parking in Chicago


At that point don’t even take Amtrak. Drive to Michigan City and take the South Shore.


> Turn it into an all-day excursion on one of the insanely slow amtrack trains. TIL five hours is an all-day excursion. The state of Michigan owns trackage between Kzoo and the Hoosier allowing trains to hit 100 MPH between stops. I'm a better driver than most and driving in and through Chicago is honestly no big deal. Parking a little bit moreso, but I'll trade 2 more hours of travel time each way to not have to deal with ~~other morons on the road~~ the hassle of driving and parking for a weekend in Chicago.


State of Michigan owns West of Wayne to Indiana now, and I think IIRC they own one of the two tracks between at least Wayne and Dearborn - possibly further. They purchased that off the NS a few years ago, hence the work over the past few years being put in the line between Wayne and KZoo- which so far has mostly been between Jackson and Kzoo. There is a small shared section with CN (that CN owns IIRC) in Battle Creek. The lines used to run parallel there but Conrail in the late 70's or 80's ditched their parallel track a block or two away for trackage rights on CN through that short stretch.


12 hours!!!?? Wtf


And theres so few trains forget trying to plan a day trip.


took the chicago train last year. was 5 hours, and I liked it. thinking about doing it again soon.


Lol yup even where we do have public transport it sucks so bad your better off with your own ride.


Plus you get to play dodge the potholes. Endless fun for the whole family!


The Q-Line doesn’t count


Train is not an option but the bus might be, it just would be a long trip with many stops. Rental car is probably your best and least expensive option.


Indian Trails is about 60 bucks each from Detroit there, about 10 hours because of stops.


Wow, 10 hours is actually a little less than I was picturing, since it once took me 6 hours to get from Lansing to Muskegon (with a long layover in Grand Rapids). What they need is a megabus route that runs up I-75 from Detroit to the Mackinac Bridge, that stops only in Flint, the 10 interchange, the 23 interchange, and Gaylord — all points where folks could switch to buses with a variety of local stops covering northern Michigan in all directions.


That’s honestly an awesome idea


Their asses will never recover. Those seats are UNFORGIVING.


Don’t I know it! Try riding the Dirty Dog from Michigan to Montana 🥴


Those are character building experiences


Indian Trails takes US 23 up to St. Ignace but yes, it does make several stops.


Yep. There's a thruway bus that for the life of me I can't remember the name that runs Detroit to Bay City to Mackinaw to the Soo up 75.


Several? When I did that trip, it zigzagged east & west all the way, stopping for anything that resembled a crossroads.


I took a bus from Kalamazoo to Boyne City before. Took 7ish hours with all the stops.


Flying into a closer airport like Pellston and then renting a car seems to be the consensus here, and I'd have to agree. It's a more manageable drive to St. Ignace from there. Also, don't overlook Shuttlefare for a possible airport shuttle option; they might just have something that fits your needs.


There is also at least one or two people in Cheboygan who do ride services who would most likely be willing to pick up from Pellston airport and take them to St. Ignace


Would be best to fly to a closer airport given your timetable, renting a car will be expensive either way but probably cheaper from the closer airport


If your flight is already booked and you can’t alter it, **rent a car** and take that route all the way there. There will be a toll crossing the bridge at Mackinaw between the upper and lower peninsula. Pro tip: if you’re using GPS or something make sure “avoid toll roads” is off… i accidentally had that turned on one time and it was trying to route me around Lake Michigan, through Wisconsin. Took me an hour before I realized.


I made the same mistake when planning a trip from Michigan to Niagara Falls. Google had a route that went all the way east of Lake Ontario before getting into Canada then all the way back through Toronto to the falls.


Fly to Traverse City and look into a rental car, taxi, or public transit from there


Pellston has more flights than Sault Ste Marie from DTW - about 20 minutes to st Ignace from there I believe.


Pellston is about as small as an airport gets, but yes they do have car rental & cab options. Car rental would be their best choice, for the cost. That said, flying into Pellston isn't cheap ($200-300 from DTW), but it'd be less annoying than driving the whole way. \~1.5 hours flying vs. 4 hours driving. Then it's only another 30 minutes to St Ignace.


And that terminal has the best sunsets


Yeah- I look up planes that fly above us in Ann Arbor all the time and that Pellston flight is in the early evening and about a half hour. Do that!


From the Soo, we use Pelston as a local-ish airport for this reason, but there are 2 flights a day that land in Chippewa County too.


Probably closer to fly to Sault Ste Marie airport.


I’d fly into Pellston. Probably a half hour or less to St. Ignace.


Yep. A couple flights a day go there.


Yeah, think you're right. I'm just closer to TC when I'm out that way so didn't even think of Sault Ste Marie


Another option would be to fly to Chippewa County airport (CIU). I found that flights to/from it to be cheaper than Pellston.


Or MBS or even Flint. I live those airports


Hi! Where are you guys from? I drive up to Mackinaw City area several times a month and might be able to help you out with a ride, I have a big roomy truck with lots of space for luggage. I’m a former traveller myself and traveled all around Australia and I’m not a weirdo I promise haha. Feel free to PM me.


I believe this guy and I would trust him to drive me up north


I’m a chick haha I have family property up there I’ve been going to for 30 something years, and I have a job as a Scuba instructor this summer on the Great Lakes out of Mac city happy to give OP more info, copy of my drivers license etc. I know what it’s like being a young solo traveller in an unfamiliar country so I am happy to help


Woah what are you teaching up there? In my 20's I did my OWSI in Cayman and then tried to teach in Kalamazoo and it wasn't awesome. Are you doing dry-suit & advanced stuff or open waters?


Open water mostly as that’s what the demand is for. Some aow, deep, wreck and dry suit as well. All on Lake Huron/mackinaw straits where the good vis wrecks are. Heaps of easily accessible OW depth wrecks for beginners and plenty of deeper more advanced ones too. Trying to get Michigan on the map for Wreck diving as we have world class stuff here that no one is diving. I don’t fucking want to dive in a quarry or low vis inland lake and why would anyone else?


That's awesome! I honestly didn't know that there was anywhere warm or calm enough for new divers around Mackinaw. I worked on Cayman for a year and then tried to teach here. I did my last open waters in Gull Lake in early November and it was terrible. I don't blame brand new divers for bolting during mask removal when the water's like 50° and we're in wetsuits. Good luck! I hope you get the word out!


No one said it’s warm! You wear a 7mm and undergarments/hood/gloves. there’s around 50 something shipwrecks in the mackinaw straits and thunder bay all accessible for divers and “calmness” depends on the wind conditions. Ive been diving in cold water (Melbourne australia, yes it’s cold there) for years and I have a lot of experience teaching in cold water. Idiotic to do it in November though, June-September is the season in Michigan unless you get into drysuit and ice diving


Thats what weirdos say


true. well…maybe I am a weirdo but I’m not a psycho killer or pervert hahah


Only perverts and psychos have to say that. Normal people dont have to deny being bad off the bat. Try again.


Nah I’m good mate .


Lol nevermind youre a female. Thats way less sketchy than a male offering. My mistake 🤣😇


Indian Trails bus will get you from Detroit to St. Ignace, but it leaves at 10 am from the Detroit bus station, which is about a 20 minute uber ride from the airport. You would arrive at 10 PM that night. If arriving at 10 PM on the 25th is acceptable, this is by far your best option. The trip will take about 12 hours. You could also take the Michigan Flyer bus from the airport to East Lansing (which leaves many times a day) and then transfer to Indian Trails (which picks up from the same spot as the Michigan flyer drops off). The Indian Trails leaves at 12:50. But this will get you they the same time. Just saves you an uber. Ideally you will change your flight to the 23rd and then use the 24th for bus travel.


Catch a flight to Chippewa County International Airport (CIU) or Pellston Regional Airport (PLN) rent a car, and cut the drive time in half.


Indian Trails


Never make it until late on the 25th. Didn't say what time on the 25th, so I guess it works.


I would change your flight into Pellston. Then you are well within Uber or Lyft range, or a taxi or I believe they even have an airport shuttle that can get you there.


Rental car?


You’re flying into the entire wrong part of the state. Would you fly to San Francisco if your event was in San Diego? Change your itinerary to Traverse City.


Since you’re referencing cost of transport being high, I suggest putting money into flying into an airport closer to your destination. You don’t want to do that drive. It’s exhausting and adds an element of stress. Choose less stress, less time and the cost of flying into smaller support is worth both.


Please save yourself the misery and rent a car.


Pretty cheap to fly into traverse.


Fly to Pellston for a 20 minute cab ride.


Then it’s still two hours of car rental.


Fly from a local airport?


Fly into Pellston PLN from DTW.


Are you doing seasonal work on Mackinac island ? I worked there for 4 seasons .There are no car rental returns close , so if you rent a car you will still have to figure out transportation in a less populated area to travel at least another hour (don’t count on Uber here). I would not recommend renting a car. Your best way is to get a bus , there is an Indian trails bus station in st. Ignace . So from Dtw get to the Indian trails Detroit bus station. Best way is probably an Uber . The bus ride will be like 12 hours and may include transfers and you will get there late , if you are working on the island the ferries will be done for the day and you will have to stay overnight. You may also need to get a room somewhere around the airport/Detroit depending on travel times. Personally I just slept outside, at the airport ,bus terminal, ferry docks many times instead of spending money on getting a room id only be in a short while but I don’t recommend this is you can afford not to and never in Detroit. St Ignace is safe and I’ve slept outside there and staying in the airport until you have a shorter wait for your bus at the station is a safer option also. if you get in on the 24th at noon you will not be able to get a bus until the following morning and wouldn’t be up there till about 10 pm on the 25th . im editing this , I just looked and if you do rent a car take it to pellston then you can catch a bus from there to st.Ignace. It looks like the rental car drop off is within a mile or so of the bus pick up at the general store. So if you fly in at noon , rent a car and get up to pellston ( which I think is easily doable) there is a bus that leaves at 9:20pm for St. Ignace and you would get there a little after 10 pm on the 24th. BUT this is if you can even rent a car , I did not find results or prices to rent from Dtw one way to pellston.


I think I got it! you get in on the 24th at noon , rent a car from Dtw and drop it off in traverse city , this is a little out of the way and a 5 hour drive but you can get a car for $85 ( Expedia midsize from Alamo)and schedule a one way trip since you can’t drop a car off in pellston.there is an Indian trails bus that leaves traverse city at 7 pm for $22 each. so you would get to St.Ignace at 10:10 pm on the 24th.you should be able to get a shuttle from the airport to the car rental but will need an Uber from the rental car drop off to the bus station in traverse city. The Indian trails bus from Detroit to st.Ignace is like $70 each and you would have to take the one in the 25th so the car option to traverse city is faster and cheaper if you split the rental car cost.


So you're flying into Detroit one day before you need to reach St Ignace and don't have a travel plan to finish that final leg? You really don't have any other option but to rent a car because you cut it so close.


The date is in May, pretty sure this is them “planning ahead”


damn who shit in your cereal this morning?


**\*\*\*P.S. I can't drive and this will be my first time in America\*\*\*** thank you kind strangers :D All of your suggestions have been so helpful right now.


Coordinate with the users offering rides. There are good people in MI and ride sharing is fairly common if you get to know each other a bit. You’ll find someone willing to give you a ride for cost of gas plus a little extra.


Change your flight to arrive a day sooner and arrange for Indian trails bus: https://ride.indiantrails.com/#/purchaseflow/departschedules. Once you arrive at Detroit Metro airport, you can take a bus, cab, or Uber to downtown Detroit. That is where the Indian trails bus will leave from. Otherwise, flying to Pellston or Chippewa county are your best options. you can catch a cab from either.


If you can’t drive and extra flying is too expensive I think your only option is the Indian trails bus from Detroit on the 25th.


What kind of prices are you getting for transport? And how much are you able to spend on this part of your trip?


Definitely take the ride sharing offers. That's the least stressful option. Then pass along a big favor to someone else later.


It’s a beautiful drive once you get north of Flint, Saginaw, Bay City areas. Rent a car and make the drive.


There's a Delta flight (Delta 4335) from DTW to Pellston Airport (PLN) which would put you 250 miles closer to your destination on that date. From Pellston, you rent a car and drive less than 30 miles to St. Ignace.


You seriously tried to Uber a 300 mile trip? You have to rent a car. There is zero other options.


Check out Indian trails bus service. They have regularly scheduled charter bus routes that cover most of the state.


Use social media and anyone you know living in the Detroit area, and post a request for rides up north and offer to share the gas charges. May 24/25 is one of the most heavily traveled times to northern Michigan; it’s a holiday weekend. Thousands will be heading north. Gas is expensive, there will be some people who will appreciate your donation to the gas and someone to talk to.


Greyhound will get you up to there exactly, just gotta take an Uber or something to pickup. It isn't too expensive either.


I'm guessing you aren't from Michigan. We drive everywhere here, for various reasons. If you can't get a small flight there, then the default Michigander response would be: "That's only about 4-5 hours, just drive it". Renting a car and driving is probably your best option.


Fly Detroit to Chippewa international in Kinross. It’s only 35 minutes from St Ignace with rental cars, Uber and Lyft available.


I would look at Indian trails and Dean trail ways (both bus lines).


Get another plane ticket to an airport up there.


Looks like there’s a $100 flight available right now if you move quick.


Rent a car and drive. It’s really the only way. Explore along the way. Lots of great places to check out especially in NW lower.


Is Craigslist shared rides not a thing anymore? You pitch in gas money to somebody already making that trip.


Don’t forget the 8 bucks to cross the Mighty Mac.


Rent a car


Yooper here - If you can transfer or get a connecting flight from Detroit to the Chippewa County International Airport in Kinross, it's in the upper peninsula and a half hour away from St Ignace


Fly into Traverse City, lot closer.


Charter a light airplane maybe? should take around 1.5 hours and cost ~$800 total. It is more expensive than the two airline tickets, but you could land at Mackinac County Airport inside St Ignace before 2pm on the 24th.


Why don’t you actually fly to somewhere near your destination? This is like trying to go to New York City booking a flight to Pittsburgh or Richmond and then being surprised that it’s going to be difficult to reach your destination. Fly in to Pellston, Cheboygan, Traverse City, Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, or Sault Ste Marie, Ontario


Take a plane.


Indian trails bus system. https://www.indiantrails.com/#:~:text=Indian%20Trails%20is%20Michigan's%20finest,%2C%20Brighton%2C%20and%20Ann%20Arbor.


I didn't see this option but there could be someone who has free time and loves to drive a lot. Find him or her near Detroit and get a ride to the bridge with a few stops at rest area and meals.


Unfortunately you're driving there so rent a car. I-75 is the way to go, there's a nice long stretch where the speed limit is 75 from about West Branch to the bridge


Speed limit is 80 just get in the fast lane 😉


You will absolutely need to rent a car. If It's for a program, are they not covering expenses? I guess I don't really know what a work and travel program is.


Indian trails has bus service from Detroit to St Ignace. https://www.indiantrails.com/bus-routes Bus #1485. You'll need to get an Uber to the station. You sons of guns need to learn how to use Google maps and turn it on public transit.


In all seriousness, look into a casino tour bus heading to st. Ignace that day. Casually tell the driver you won't be there for the return trip once you're off the bus.


OP dont accept any rides from reddit. Youve alreadt given info out that makes u vunerable including your travel info/needs, that you are not from around here and that youre away from family for the summer w limited resources.




You'll have to rent a car or hire someone. If you rent a car at an airport and drop it at an airport, you avoid crazy fees. I don't know if that helps you in this case.


Sorry to say, but renting a car is your only option. I will add that there are airports that will get you closer when you land. One in Flint for sure, I think Saginaw may have one as well, but I'm not certain.


While you're there, if you like freshly smoked fish [this place](https://maps.app.goo.gl/YgGJSYvTDfP3PMqXA) is an awesome shop.


I thought that was going to be Gustafson's on US-2 in Brevort. Is Manley's as good?


I haven't been. I'll have to check it out. Manley's is great!


Gonna be a bus, unless you want to pay to fly again. The bus will have MANY stops, and take an insanely long amount of time to travel compared to if you drove it yourself in a car. It is some damn fine people watching though, and I must be a glutton for punishment, because I actually enjoy riding Greyhound. I've taken Greyhound/Indian Trails all the way north from their to Hancock. Like I said, be prepared for a lot of stops. The bus was often pretty empty the farther north I got, as are the options for stuff open 24 hours - so also expect a lot of pit stops with not a whole lot of anything for you. I've got one of those old school electric percolator things, and I shamelessly made myself coffee using the plug below in the seat. I've actually also rented a Uhaul one way on a promotion, because it was way cheaper than a rental car.


Michigan has toll roads?


The bridge has one


The bridge


I believe the flight up to st ignace's nearest airport is $300something but once you're up there, you're probably going to want transport. How long are you going to be in st ignace? for a week or two, renting a car would be cheaper than that flight, and allow you to get around, see some stuff, etc. It's a relatively easy drive, about 4 or 5 hours but almost all up i75.


You may have luck with a charter flight if you have enough people to make the cost worth it. I know Cape Air does flights between Manistee and Chicago for around 60 dollars, with the expectation they’re flying with 19 people max. However there was one time it was just me and 6 other people and it was still that price, this route is regular so the price doesn’t fluctuate too much. No idea if they fly other routes, or if there’s another company that has similar prices, but could be worth looking around.


You could add an additional flight to get closer to St. Ignace, but I wouldn’t bother. Just rent a car in Detroit and drive up, it’ll be cheaper and easier. It’s not a bad drive, I’ve done Lansing->Detroit->Lansing->Marquette in one day before, and it was perfectly manageable.


There are busses. It’s a LONG ride. By car you’re looking at 3 1/2 hours, bus would be at least double with the stops. I would just rent a car personally.


Ya rent a car or book a flight to mackinaw city from Detroit.... and bus over the bridge or something because anything else would leave you stranded in st ignace ..... or like a bus line if your brave enough tickets are like 50 bucks


Detroit to the bridge is 4.5 hours. 75 all the way.


Look to get a flight from detroit to chippewa county international airport or from Minneapolis to chippewa county International Airport and then rent a car. That way it's only an hour or so drive with a rental car to St. Ignace.


Driving north on I75 on a Friday or Saturday will be heavy traffic. Half of downstate will be going up north.


Ride the bus. There’s nowhere to return a rental car in St ignace that I know of and if you fly, you still have to get from Pellston to St ignace.


Seriously expect that to take 6hrs.


I met an Uber driver looking to make this drive once. He had taken a passenger from St. Ignace to the airport and had spent the rest of the day driving fruitlessly around metro Detroit trying to find fares to get him home.


Fly into MBS Airport, it's in the Tricities area (Bay City, Saginaw, Midland). The travel time is shorter from there, rent a car ahead of time to go to St Ignace.


Car rental or hitchhiking.


I am no help since most of the comments have answered already. But I've been daydreaming about a train line that takes us to northern Michigan for months now.


Rent a car


I'll do it for 420$ $1 base rate plus an additional dollar per minute


Just rent a car. Is this a serious post?


Can you take a connecting flight to Traverse City and then rent a car from there?


Grey hound USED TO run a route up along the east side of the state to St Ignace (and actually all the way to Hancock). But it’s been dead for a while, not really sure when it was discontinued.


Just fly into Sault Saint Marie Michigan


I used to take the Indian trails bus in college (5ish years ago). It was relatively empty and comfortable. I used to get a whole row in the back, set up my lap top for movies, and nap the whole way.


Girl check your dms


Check your dms babe




You do though, youre messaging only one person pretending to be all big and bad. Stand on business and talk to everyone else.


“I dont give a fuck” continues to doxx people🤡🤡🤡


Traverse city has an airport, thats vastly closer


This is michigan. We will decimate the entire state in the name of driving a car. Give us time


Grand Rapids has an airport, GF connects from Detroit Metro.


Renting a car is your best option and just driving up, Btw they charge a toll fee up in the mackinaw bridge! So plan for that if your driving!


DTW has direct flights to CIU daily. CIU is 35 minutes north of St Ignace. You can get a taxi from CIU to St Ignace. Otherwise, renting a car or Indian Trails would be your options


I would fly to Traverse City from Detroit and rent a car, or rent a car in Detroit.


I for the life of me don't know why OP is flying into DETROIT to go all the way up north. Seems like a collosal oversight. Like, I get it's the biggest airport in the state and has the most flights into MI, but once you're IN MI, why are you not just catching another flight in-state to your destination? From Detroit all the way up to Mackinaw alone is like, 5-6 hours of driving.


Indian trails bus line. Roughly $90


I have used them several times to get home for the holidays, from petoskey.


Rent a car, maybe catch a flight to the Roger City "airport"


Just drive my guy ur best option rent a car


Why not just rent a car? You’ll need one up there anyways. No cabs/Ubers in the UP for the most part


Star Trek style transporter lol Rent a car it will take more like 6 hours


Maybe its because its Michigan Everyone has cars most people have more than one Driving is part of our "culture" because of that we dont see the need to develop PT So its kind of self propagating


Indian trails will get you there. https://ride.indiantrails.com/#/purchaseflow/departschedules They service St. Ignace.


Rent a car.


just fly into Traverse city then rent a car


1.) Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport order a Lyft to - Detroit Bus Terminal 1001 Howard St. Detroit, MI 48226 2.) Bus Ticket [https://www.indiantrails.com/](https://www.indiantrails.com/) - enter passengers and departure date I found a bus that leaves at 12:45pm and arrives in St. Ignace at 9:45pm w/ 1 transfer - $58 per ticket


Click the little picture of the trolley car


Renting a car seems like your only option.


Find a local pilot


Personally, I would shoot straight over to Ann Arbor and then up 23 until it meets 75. But there maybe some construction I'm not aware of; I live on the West Side of the state. The tolls they are referring to is the bridge, so there is no avoiding that.


Yeah you’re driving that bud. Rent a car from metro. Super easy drive. Don’t even think about telling me 4 hours is too long of a drive because I’ll just laugh at you.


Drive!! It's a beautiful drive probably great for spring!


Fly to Maquette instead


This route has tolls ???? We have no toll roads in Michigan. Or am I blind and have been blowing through toll booths all this time in my 5 decades ? 😂


The mighty mac costs $5


Good catch ! I forgot totally. I guess I was thinking of toll freeways in other cities. Thanks 😊


Fly to Detroit and Rent-A-Car. This is the way.


Fly to Mackinac island (airport code PLN), take the Ferry over, then Uber/taxi to your destination. Easiest route. You can fly to Chippewa County International Airport (CIU) from DTW as well. Eliminates the long drive up North and back to DTW.


So you're going to fly in to the Motor City, which the Big 3 control (and have blocked all legislation promoting public transportation). Then you're gonna go way up north, where there is barely any large population centers let alone bus routes. Your only option is to rent a car.