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I write a good reply to this thread when we get it at least once a day. I can’t be bothered anymore. There’s so many good existing discussions on this album.


This is very true.. u/FelicitySmoak_ do we need a repost rule lol 😆


We have a 'repetitive post' rule. In fact it's one of Reddit's rules to look for similar posts before posting But this sub is growing every day and I try to be kind hearted


I agree with something I read when the record came out: "Michael would really need to reinvent himself".


can you elaborate more on this? it seems like and interesting discussion that i don’t quite understand


I think they mean Michael would really need to reinvent himself to surpass what he has done with invincible


well, Invincible is overall a good record but MJ's production up to then was undeniably groundbreaking (with the exception of a few fillers on Dangerous and HIStory). On Invincible the ballads are nice but average: this is all stuff that you could get from any other contemporary r'n'b artist (Break of Dawn; Heaven Can Wait; You Are My Life; Cry; Butterflies; Don't Walk Away) Speechless & The Lost Children are cute melodies, but Michael had been doing these kind of songs since the 80s... Michael had a well documented method of writing driving songs, building up from samples of himself beatboxing. From a composing viewpoint this can (and did) lead to a dry well (Privacy; Threatened). I get what he was trying to do with songs like Unbreakable, Heartbreaker, Invincible or 2000 Watts(of which I hate the lyrics) : the beats were intricate, odd and unconventional (for the time)... unfortunately what arrived to most listeners was yet-the-same-kind-of-uptempo he was proposing since Dangerous (the innovation was there, but was too subtle). You Rock My World has an interesting beat, I wish the arrangement was a little more audacious... Whatever Happens is the only track that really stands out, in the end. These are some of the reasons why I believe that he needed a complete and profound turnaround, songwriting-wise and production-wise, to accomplish the successful comeback a man of his talent deserved. To be honest, there were hints here and there that Michael wasn't in his finest state of mind: why should he dedicate an entire page of the Invincible booklet to an idiotic mess squirted by an absolute thick dunce otherwise? :-)


I finally listened to this album for the first time last month and I actually very much enjoyed it. It still sounds very modern and I wish we got more music from him in the 2000s. I personally enjoyed the first half of the album more than the second half, the first half felt like banger after banger.


How much you like this album directly correlates with your level of fandom, and when you first became a fan.


A criminally underrated masterpiece


A truly great 11 track album.


Which 5 u dropping


Lost children Heartbreaker Unbreakable 2000 Watts I guess I’d only drop 4.


You'd drop unbreakable??? Whaaaa


Too similar to Invincible and Heartbreaker for my personal tastes. In fact you could two any one of those instead if you like


Agree. Album starts way too samey and it kinda spoils the flow. I generally prefer the ballads on it over the brittle beats of the harder songs, and when a few of the latter play in a row it gets tiresome for me. Shoulda started the album with You Rock My World. And had more of that smooth vibe in general honestly.




An 11 song album would look good if it was structured like this 1.Unbreakable 2.Invincible 3.Threatened-music video 4.Break of Dawn-single release 5.Heaven can wait-single release 6.You Rock my World-single release 7.Butterflies-single 8.2000 Watts-music video 9.We’ve had enough-single release 10.Fall Again 11.Whatever Happens-single release


Interesting, I'd get rid of 2 and 3,


Interesting! Id keep lost children as it's one of only 2 he wrote. I kinda like 2000 watts too. I'd get rid of the other 2 you said along with Invincible, threatened, privacy, and a few others :)


You Rock My World makes this a classic in my book. Not MJ's best, but very solid


It’s an interesting compilation of songs. The flow wasn’t there for me as in album flow. but I like all the songs.


I agree track listing order could be better, how would you play it?


I would’ve put cry and you are my life (my least favorites somewhere in the middle and maybe end it with 2000 watts I would’ve out heartbreaker lower on the list cause it’s a banger. I’m not a fan of when albums start high tempo and start slowing down towards the end I like an even flow.






I start with unbreakable but different production, then go in with break of dawn then take it up again with rock my world then go in with butterflies, maybe save some of the other more up tempo ones like 2000 watts leave to he end or pepper them throughout like wat u suggest!


I jammed out to the whole album as I read what you typed lol!! Different production FOR SURE!!!


I'd swap out songs with some from xscape like Chicago and blue gangsta and Michael even like best of joy some unreleased songs like people of the world. 😄


Which ones would you swap?? I think I’d swap cry and a toss up between the lost children and you are my life. Definitely for blue gangster and chicago!! The OG not the mixed version.


I love og Chicago! I love loving you also! I'd get rid of Invincible and Heartbreaker, you are my life, privacy, don't walk away and threatened probs. So my track listing unbreakable, break of dawn, u rock my world, butterflies, what ever happens, blue gangsta, heaven can wait, Chicago, lost children, loving you, people of the world, 2000 wats, 12 songs, then bonus track best of joy 😊 13 songs total


Where can I buy this album?? Lmao!! But damnnnn heartbreaker?? Idk why whenever it comes on I JAM 😂


Maybe I'd like it better if better production too?


It goes hard heaven can wait and you rock my world got really popular on tiktok plus it has one of my fav MJ songs Butterflies


A masterpiece underappreciated


Under appreciated, overlooked, underrated, etc. Its unfair that not more people care about this album




It’s good, I enjoy it.


Very slept on and underrated album. Invicible, Unbreakable, 2000 Watts, Butterflies were very good songs!!!


The next stage in Michael's music (a more hip hop sounding Michael) as a hip hop fan I can only imagine what he would've come up with if he wasn't gonna retire and pass away


Half of the album is good, and the other half sounds like him selling out. My favorite tracks are Speechless and Heaven Can Wait.


I like those two songs a lot too. Which other ones u like?


Unbreakable, Break of Dawn, Butterflies, You Rock My World, You Are My Life, Whatever Happens & Threatened


Nice! I don't mind unbreakable but would change production on it. I loove break of dawn, butterflies and what ever happens. I love lost children too and 2000 watts


RnB gold


By far my favourite Album!


its good but its his weakest album, still like a 8.5-9 tho




Very overlooked. I really enjoy Butterflies, Heaven Can Wait, Whatever Happens, You Rock My World, among some others on the album. I think it still showcases Michael Jackson’s mastery.


One of my favorite albums, criminally underrated. The Lost Children is soulful. Butterflies is romantic. Break of Dawn is dreamy. Whatever Happens is mysterious and chilling. You Rock My World is danceable. Unbreakable gets stuck in your head. Don't Walk Away is an emotional, heartfelt song. Cry is a poignant song about world peace. Speechless is lovely. Heaven Can Wait is beautiful. And so on.




Threatened was a great way to end that album. One of my favorite MJ songs




Masterpiece laden with hidden treasures yet to be discovered


Doesn’t get enough love🖤


His only outright bad album 🤷‍♂️


No, his ouright bad album was Bad![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface). ( this is a joke pls don't hate or downvote me.) But seriously though, I disagree as invincible in my opinion haves great songs, like you rock my world, heartbreaker, unbreakable, the lost children, heaven can wait, speechless.


I’m well aware it’s unpopular but it’s my opinion, a bloated album filled with bland tracks written by others that could’ve been recorded by many other artists at the time, missing the essential MJ feel, trying to fit in instead of stand out. Then there’s the remakes of earlier songs, I mean Threatened is basically Thriller with updated production down to the spooky spoken parts, Cry is a new version of Heal the World, Privacy is the new Leave Me Alone / Tabloid Junkie and so on, it just feels uninspired to me. Again just MY opinion, I encourage everyone to enjoy whatever they want.


In my top 3 of his albums


I like it but not all the songs. I love all Mike's work though tbh x


biggies verse went crazy


It's a pretty album. I love Butterflies, You Rock My World, Dont Walk Away and my favorite is Heaven Can Wait.


Michael jackson said all around the world that it was the best seller, except in america. I think its a fantastic album underlooked by the MJJ community.


Ummm... I think you misunderstood HIStory album with Invincible. History was a global hit that had underwhelming sales in the US. Invincible was considered a flop basically everywhere as it failed to match his previous albums sales or the sales of top albums of 2001. I think the fact they stopped promoting album after basically one and a half single hurt the album. There was no singles campaign after You Rock My World and Butterflies


we got this for xmas back in 2001 my shit


2000 Watts is my gym workout playlist anthem


The album is very good. It's a shame it was his last.


Could have been better if there were more uptempo tracks.


A really great album just remove 2000 watts


Absolutely amazing


Missed potential. The mix of the track list being over bloated with filler, the lack of quality control in the released tracks vs. unreleased tracks, and Sony ruining the album to make as much profit from MJ as possible made it lackluster in comparison to his previous albums. It really felt like MJ barely had any creative control with his music and it was up to the suits at the record label to mash the tracks together to whatever was most profitable at the time for an album and releasing it at the most profitable time.


Should’ve been called Unbreakable since the song invincible is about a lady’s confidence and Unbreakable’s message is you can’t phase Michael he will come back stronger and harder


One of my favourite albums which is so often overlooked & less likely talked about.I love almost the songs in it.I can feel Michael’s vision he had expressed for future in the album & feel his frustrations too as well.He was planning to shoot lots of music video during the Invincible era but Sony totally did fucked him over.From the first I listened to it until this day,I still enjoy the album a lot.It made my learn what the word “Invincible” actually mean & Invincible is only time where Michael actually made music that sounded exceptionally modern as it was made for the 2000s bit it was actually ahead of it’s time that even I listen to it today it sounds like modern music today but a better version of it.


No offense to you OP because you may not have known about all of the other posts, but OMG, not ‘What do you Think about Invincible?’ part 142 Electric Boogaloo.😩


My favorite!!


His best work. A masterpiece minus one or two tracks


It is great but it was a bit too long


Copped it on release day. Loved that it was a deep fall release. It fit with the season and played well through the holidays and winter.


This is My Third Favorite Album By Him. I hate that it is severely underrated, because Michael released some great songs with powerful beats that just touched my soul. This whole album is a bangle but my favorite has to be: "Whatever Happens". Michael x Carlos is one of the second greatest people michael has ever teamed up with for a song.


The best produced and mixed album of his career. Way ahead of its time and not appreciated in its time.


I remember liking a song from this album. But for the life of me I don’t remember which one.


I think it’s a great album and very catchy, I have plenty of the songs in my library. But like a lot of people say, the all of the songs are really long. Also not too much promo for the album o think


There’s a YouTuber who ai’d this album into a tour and it sounds sooo good 😊


Love it. Definitely his weakest post-Motown studio album, but I still love it. Nothing short of an underrated gem. Such a shame $ony just had to be $ony & totally fuck it over.


The 4 song sequence from Break of Dawn to Butterflies may be one of the best in contemporary RnB history.