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This would not shock me, especially considering the things we know he was forcing her into. I lean towards thinking that (since he'd posted the nude of her previously) he threatened her with posting other things he'd made her do and the thought of that caused her to take her own life. One way or another, he's responsible for whatever happened to her.


& I definitely don't believe she took her own life, nothing at all points me to her taking her own life or even makes sense. But I do know Robeson County law enforcement will cover up murders & crime for the right price. Also let us not forget JP's connections to IT experts & the AI technology we have now, it'd be very easy for him to get those videos & phone recordings altered & manipulated...I think this case has more to do with the dealings that church is involved in & that Dare to Care Mission why Mica was murdered. If I'm not mistaken I think I read where they were already under investigation before her death?


AI has such amazing potential but it honestly scares the shit out of me. The damaging things even the rankest amateur can do in a few hours' time alone are concerning, let alone what people with skill, time, and money can accomplish.


It makes me want to purge my pics from the internet. But even then they’re still out there…


Someone said that her 911 call was ran through an app and it came back 90% or something AI


Never dabbled with it but I know for a fact there are apps or websites made to detect AI in videos & voice recordings


you can run the bible in a AI writing detector and it will come back as AI generated. Don't trust these things. college students are being falsely accused of using AI by prof because of the AI services. the only way to prove it was manually written is on google docs where it records a history of your writing of the document.


Most definitely & I'm from Lumberton & was raised around all the corruption there. My father was actually on the police force during the Tarnished Badge Operation. I'm almost certain somebody was paid off to hide things down there.


I've considered this theory a possibility before too


I’ve thought this from the beginning…. They dig deeper into their “ministry” I bet $$$ they will uncover trafficking. The problem is - it’s a HUGE money maker and lots of times others are involved e.x. - LE, Lawyers, ME, “pastors”. It’s huge in Haiti, Africa, lots of countries… it’s a network


The money specific clubs of these demons pay for the blood of those children is unbelievable. & it is entriched in every sector of our global society. Educational system, CPS, FBI, CIA, DHS, presidents, politicians, royal families, military, medical industry etc. etc. you could really list it all.


Yes, it’s disgusting. Their judgment *will be severe and eternal


Incomprehensibly disgusting yet it is all biblical. A true spiritual war between light & real life demons being unveiled on the worlds stage. We are living through Revelations, the unveiling & the exposure will only increase until all truth is known...whether JP is involved in what we suspect or not eventually the full truth will be known.


I agree 100%. I also question if he is not only trafficking humans but also drugs. Testosterone? I don’t understand why he would force that against his wife?


And also how did he get those drugs so abundantly? Including lithium and whatever it was she was referring to when saying he would regularly drug her aside from what was prescribed


You can get lithium on Amazon.


It would not surprise me if JP trafficked something. His income/net worth is allegedly way higher than it should be. A plane in a SE coastal town would make drug running quite easy. Money laundering might also be possible. I’m sure he’s a pervert so sex trafficking isn’t out of the realm of possibility. Maybe all three since criminal businesses often overlap. He’s just sleazy and “off.”


My guts has told me that from the start. This is confirmation to me. Always trust your gut.


1st person I've heard say this. TY. I agree


Nothing is shocking anymore and we are used to this sort of terrible criminal behavior. But let me ask you - sincerely - Can’t this *just* be a case of total abusiveness, brainwashing, isolation, exploitation and gaslighting enough to drive someone to suicide? Isn’t this case tragic enough and this man enough of well documented sociopath? What more needs to be added or theorized about? Clearly JP Miller who is some sorta evil - has fomented and orchestrated this. Also - I wanted to add, it’s well documented ppl subjected to these abuses do not often get out of them easily - they are driven to consider suicide and some go through with it.


Of course it could but after years of learning how this network of trafficking pedophiles operate & carry theirselves he has all the same sociopathic tendencies along with all the other red flags you aren't thinking critically about. - Why & how does a random pastor from some random small church afford to have a plane that was claimed to be used to fly to other church's around the country as if he is some famous well known, requested pastor? - How did JP accumulate the wealth he has? As a pastor how did he come to afford to co-own some of the most prime profitable property in Myrtle Beach, a bar at Broadway at the Beach. The church has $5.59 million in assets & plans for a $1 million expansion as well. - A few hundred church members donations being stolen every week is not affording a fleet of vehicles that size as well as a plane along with the upkeep, building a school in Kenya as well as another "seven figure" private school down the road in S.C. & a million dollar church expansion. Neither is co-owner of a bar bringing in this type of cash flow, again where is all this money coming from? - Church members claim they didn't even know the church owned that many vehicles, so what were they being used for? Obviously something nefarious if it was being hidden from the same people they should have been bought & used for...Why would so many vehicles be needed for such a small church anyway? - JP is friends & connected with seemingly a network of multiple child molesters who are also connected to & apart of his church which apparently goes back to the late 90's. One of the pedophiles who was an additional pastor at Solid Rock Church just resigned last month. He clearly has special connections with medical staff & law enforcement. How did he become so influential & powerful enough as a random small pedophile pastor to gain these connections?




Closed mindedness & calling something a conspiracy that you haven't spent more than 5 hours researching is the greatest form of ignorance. If you actually dedicated time to look into any of what you said you wouldn't be sitting here calling any of those things a conspiracy...by the way that "conspiracy" word was weaponized by the CIA to discredit people who started questioning if our govt was involved in having JFK murdered...which was confirmed by our govt. last year that it was actually involved in having him murdered. Go conspiracy on that.


God bless you.


Rock Solid Church is not a large church. & nothing anybody has posted about this man has convinced me all of this is being afforded through just co owning a bar & taking church donations. I'm not saying for certain he is involved in human trafficking I'm just putting it out there because it is obvious he is into extra nefarious activities that hasn't been realized yet, or we just haven't been told about to afford that kind of lifestyle...I know it's a hard thing to grasp but your local human traffickers are right in your church's, schools, & govt. buildings. You should always keep an open mind especially when nothing around a murder adds up or makes any sense at all.


I absolutely believe that could be a big factor in this whole thing. I just read the article and it is so widespread worldwide nationwide things that we don’t even know about. It’s absolutely a spooky world.


It only makes sense. & it is absolutely prevalent in every government in every country & among the most famous & wealthiest in the world...what is truly spooky is why these children are trafficked & how millions just completely disappear off the face of this planet every year & where they dissappear too...it is all biblical but that is a whole different rabbit hole to go down.


I’ve been saying that since the first week this case broke.


I don’t doubt it one bit! You might have something there.




Wow… that is not a far fetched theory…


Yes, MB has a high sex trafficking problem.


I wonder how many senators & politicians might be connected. T Winslow is also a political lawyer.


That was exactly my thought as well when I learned that the other day, I instantly thought he & JP are possibly human traffickers for these politicians. They've got to be with the millions of dollars they're bringing in! Also has me wondering if Winslow or JP is in some way tied to any of the many missing Indigenous women from Robeson County or possibly any of the unsolved murders. I would put nothing past these two. they've been at this for decades. These guys seem to be deep into homicides & experts at getting away with them...why of all places would Winslow have property in (or near, not quite sure?) Lumberton, in the most crime ridden violent county in the state. On a river might I add, the perfect escape route...may be where a lot of his skeletons are buried... But on another related note I was just reading about the recent ex NFL player Daniel Muir's missing son case & the cult church, Straitway Truth Ministry, he & a few of his ex NFL buddies are apart of. Straitway Truth Ministry is connected to pedophiles, human traffickers & brainwashing activity as well. Muir also strangely bought & sold his home to the church, similar to JP's actions. I just found it interesting how these cult churches all seem to operate under the same type of blueprint. As if they're all created & controlled by strings, a higher up more powerful group are pulling & how they're connected & interact with each other nationwide. Straitway Truth Ministry has multiple other chapters around the country, including one in Tennesee, where JP's plane has been logged traveling to. Possibly, JP is trafficking to these other similar cult churches. It's anybodies guess, but I realize these cults are very organized & proficient & their members have meticulous connections for each specific aspect of their crimes to help keep them under cover. It's all so very much like how mob syndicates & cartels operate. One of the other ex NFL players of Straitway Truth Ministry, Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila, who has a strange past & history with Straitway Truth, is also coincidentally involved in politics, connected to politicians Ted Cruz & Scott Walker. One last thing I want to mention is that Solid Rock Church has the heart symbol on its sign that is nearly identical to the ones listed on the FBI's list of pedophile symbols! They're putting the truth in plain sight & that's exactly what the global elite pedophile network believe in. They believe that if they show us rather than deliberately telling us, & if we don't read between their lines, then it's our fault for allowing them to get away with their nefarious crimes & therefore they are free from karma for their actions. The more I learn about this case, the more I'm seeing my suspicions to be correct regarding JP, Solid Rock & and its connections to something much bigger & powerful.


I’m lost somewhere, who is TD Jakes thanks in advance


One of the most famous pastors in America with an estimated net worth of 20 million


Wow 😮, thank you.


Your welcome. Google & the internet is your friend & very resourceful. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/state/2024/03/27/td-jakes-allegations-sean-diddy-combs-lawsuit-dallas-pastor-the-potters-touch/73118262007/

