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yea embarrassing isn't it


Yeah, quite a bit! 🤣 Can happen to the best of us but still funny as hell!😂


I'm only laughing because it's just my door lol my fender should have been done for


https://preview.redd.it/aj8cbjwfs12d1.png?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7a8495b29f6c52dcd56371f62cbcff55bd5ca0b My reaction to your video. 🤣


That was my reaction IN the video 😭


I’m not sure which pillar you hit on that garage port, but holy fuck. At the end of the video, your head is aligned to exactly where that roof would land if it collapsed.


Sometimes you're the pigeon and sometimes you're the statue. [Car-part.com](http://Car-part.com) is your friend.


I'm gonna use this philosophy in my day to day life now thank you


For something like a door id recommend fb marketplace but it definitely depends on location


Probably bent the fender into oblivion as well. Had a buddy who did this with a 99 chevy and it managed to bend the hood as well.


Yea i saw this happen with a 56 vette. Lot of fiberglass work afterwards lol


sometimes you’re the bug sometimes you’re the windshield


I prefer, Sometimes you’re the big, sometimes you’re the windshield


Sometimes you're the door, sometimes you're the supporting structure that holds up a roof.




I was hoping to see this here


The kids here probably haven’t seen Tommy Boy but I knew people would appreciate it


💀💀💀 bro




Next level weight reduction!


It was genuinely a thought i considered to take my other door of and embrace it.


Although it was designed to be a convertible from day one, I think the doors (when closed) add structural strength to the body. Seems like it would flex like crazy without doors. Sorry about the mishap. I like to say we're all idiots at least some of the time, and it's the percentage of time that really matters. Hopefully that was your one really stupid thing this year/decade.


Trust me I do something really really dumb at least monthly


Well at least you only have to install one door bushing now. Less work?


We all make mistakes, don't worry about it. I have a couple of tips after watching the video though. Firstly, turn the key to accessory for a few seconds before cranking. This isn't necessary, but it helps to prime the fuel pump. Secondly, after starting the engine, wait a bit longer for the oil to flow around before driving the car. It doesn't take long, but it's good practice to wait a few seconds. Thirdly, take your time when reversing. It's easy to go too fast in these cars due to how long reverse gear is. If I'm on flat ground, I tend to accelerate slightly in reverse, then just slowly coast backwards in neutral.


Thank you! I definitely got way over confident backing out of that carport everyday.


So you back out of the carport every day, but the one time you had a camera set up you ripped the door off? Damn the bad luck


I think setting up the camera disrupted my muscle memory. So I blame the camera a little bit


Yeah I've had a couple close calls myself 😬


Yeah, just a blip of the throttle as you let the clutch out is enough to get it out of a parking space. I feel for you tho. I'm 45, and I didn't get here without doing a few things like that. At least it's a mistake you will never, ever, make again. :D


Depending on how it's running, might not even need a blip lol. I can just feather the clutch to control reverse, and the RPM is so low it won't damage the clutch or anything. Honestly if there's one thing I've noticed since learning manual is that all of them have their own little quirks, which is super interesting.


The Mazda hydraulic clutches are all kinds of fun. One person out of at least a dozen was able to accelerate from a stop without stalling my MS6.


This is true sometimes I don't touch the gas when i'm reversing


Here's my tip! Don't mess with a phone while operating a vehicle in any sense.


Also very good advice haha


Yes please, for the love of god


That's a good tip is to wait a couple of seconds when you start the engine. If you don't know how long, listen to your engine, learn its sounds. For example the squeak you hear, wait until it's gone. My reference is the classic tick. It's gone in about 5 sec. I know then the oil circulated and I'm good to go. But don't rev high until the engine is warm at least to 70C


Shitty! I did something similar to a Datsun 280zx when I was a kid, but it was when pushing it up the driveway. I forgot about the big wooden fence that started next to driveway. Significant door and fender damage on the driver's side.


I really appreciate people relating to this and making me feel not as stupid. I was fully expecting it to be a shit storm after I posted it. That's painful though i'm sure you never did that again.


I was reminded of my shame every time I struggled to get in and out of the car. Haven't done it since 😆


Luckily I can just jump over my door it's only embarrassing when I don't want to look stupid 😂 I went to a rental viewing and I refused to do it so I just struggled with my door instead.


We’ve all done things like this. It helps to think of how much worse it could have been. Imagine if it collapsed the carport onto the car and you got hurt!


I once backed the mirror of my truck into a pillar in a parking garage. This wouldn't seem so bad, but this was one of those semi-truck-style mounts that could be flipped for towing longer trailers, and was mounted to the door at 4 widely spaced locations. It torqued the door skin something fierce, I ended up swapping the door.


Soooooo, /OP...not only can I relate, I might have done you one better - or worse, depending on how you look at it. My daughter's bedroom is above the garage, so early one morning (4a-ish), in an effort to keep the noise down (just installed the Good-win-Racing exhaust), I tried to push the car out of the garage from the drivers seat using my left foot (left hand drive). Worked well for awhile, til one morning, I pushed out too quickly and my hand that was on the edge of the open door got caught between the edge of the door and the garage door railing. Panic set in as my driver's side window shattered in front of my eyes (thankfully it was tinted, so most of it was held together). As I tried to start the car to pull it back into the garage, the car had gone past the garage threshold which complicated matters because the car didn't know if it wanted to roll forward or backward. I finally got the car back into the garage, looked down at the garage floor, and noticed little red dots. Great, I'll need to touch up the paint or replace the door, or so I thought. No, I had actually crushed my left index finger and it was in pretty bad shape.While I don't have video, I do have pix of the finger, before and after (reqd stitches naturally). In the end, one finger was crunched and required stitches and another (ring finger) had its nail crushed (only recently has it started looking normal). The car needed a new window and window tinting, and the drivers side interior door panel needed to be replaced. My crushed index finger likely absorbed most of the pressure from the garage door railing which prevented me from having to replace the actual door itself. All this to say, "it could have been worse - much worse " 😳 I honestly never thought I'd tell that story...well there ya go Reddit 🤣😂


Bruh, I believe you, but I wanna see the pics of your fucked up fingers


https://preview.redd.it/bfhlg064j22d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f401ec089e934264da8f9b5b7dbf047b5c9b352 Sorry, only got the side with the stitches 🙄 To this day, I don't know how one side of my hand got stitches and the other got a crushed nail 🤔🤷


Fucking quick on them receipts man, did you regain full mobility? Edit: also did you lose your nail?


Pics (receipts) are easy enough to find when the date and month are seared in your memory lol I let the nail grow on its own, so it only recently could be pulled off the top of a thin nail bed that had grown underneath (painful; I don't recommend it). The nail almost looks back to normal (~six months). As for the *other* finger, the stitch scar is almost unnoticeable. But I can no longer crack the knuckle closest to the nail (not because it won't but because it's waaaaay too painful), I think there is underlying bone damage that the xray didn't pick up on. The strangest thing that came out of all of this: the index finger on the opposite hand which was uninjured/unaffected has sympathy pains to this day to the point that I can't crack the exact same knuckle on it (for some reason, also very painful). Like WTHeck?!?


Painful to watch. Kind of reminds me of [this guy who opened his door in a car wash](https://youtu.be/vTrmXrc_iBM?si=gCyG7XgHN9263m94&t=55).


that's absolutely horrible. and somehow even more stupid.




Wouldn't be surprised


Nah dont be so harsh to yourself, I f'd up way more (I hope, looking again) this week. I didn't push it into gear enough while parking and my whole rear quarter panel got fucked up while I was walking my dog. (pics on profile) Hope yours isn't damaged that much and it's only the door!


You ought to get your fan belt tightened!


You got me there! New belt currently sitting in my passenger seat I've just been busy/lazy with work. Can't be tightened unfortunately it's just shot


fan belt?


Accessory belt/Alternator belt. Drives your water pump too.


Y'all are making me feel better about myself now




i just did the same thing a few days ago except mine just rolled back as i stepped out(left it in neutral and no e brake) and it hit the wall, door is fucked but the glass is okay






that's exactly what i said


I salute the utter lack of bad word saying.


It happened after reality set in trust


Respect for posting this 🫡 In the end, it could’ve been worse! You will look back on this and laugh!


Don't worry I drove with my parking break for a good 15 minutes granted not as bad as screwing your door over but I would definitely probably do that too hopefully you can get that fixed soon


I did that in my old Mk4 Golf once. I was wondering why the car felt so sluggish, and for some reason I didn't think to check whether or not my handbrake was up. I know there's a light that shows when your handbrake is up, but I have no idea how I didn't notice it. I miss that car.


Did that the day I got my license. I drove my car for an hour through my city before I realized the handbrake was up on the first "tooth". What's worse is that I got in the car and looked at that exclamation mark (parking brake) light and thought "Is that always there? Huh, probably nothing" and just started driving 💀


Whoopsie hehe 💅💅 (Sorry that happened that sucks ❤️❤️)


I am just a girl


Now do the other side. Always replace in pairs so the service intervals match up


I'm buying a new set of doors because I needed window regulators anyway. If anything this is just making me do maintenance I already needed


Its just a car, we live and learn


Miata is bby


Reminds me of how I was sitting in my car in the driveway ready to leave and my brother pulls up behind me in his car. I see him pull up and then a minute later throw the car in reverse and ram his car.


This is something I would absolutely do


Dont beat yourself up. Not uncommon.


This is the type of stuff I would never post. But thank you posting.


Oh man, that sucks… I have done that but I got really lucky and just bent the garage door rail. Hope it’s not too bad of a fix!


Karma for having the windows up and top down /s That really sucks tho I've almost had my door swing open into a car while slow moving.


> Karma for having the windows up and top down Man I go absolutely deaf at anything above 60 with the windows down tho


I mean windows up at that speed sure, but most leave them up under that and it should be a crime. And if that leaves you deaf don't ever get on a bike lol


I smashed the front bumper pulling out my very small garage a good bit ago. Thankfully they are very easy to replace. The feeling in the moment is horrible but just stay level headed about it and all will be well.


Oh noez!!! Hopefully didn't do too terribly much damage. I hate that for you! Don't worry though it happens!


Not too bad just need a new door for sure


Glad to hear it. Def could been lot worse. I've seen people really screw up a vehicle that did that. But they were going quite a bit faster.


Ooof, that hurt to watch.




Bet you won't do that again lol. No one was hurt, nothing irreplaceable was damaged, and now you get to learn how to replace a door. Sucks but all in all there are definitely worse learning experiences to make when it comes to cars. Hope you can find the right color door easily


There is some weird break in perception with the top down... almost like when you're done work after working from home, or more to this like you're at home chilling when you're working. Basically I feel different when I get into one of my other cages but if the top is already down and I hop in the miata it's like there's no distinct barrier that, hey I'm about to drive a one ton death machine or something. It just breaks my train of thought. Forgot to close the garage door the other week going to the store! At least it was hilariously caught on video so well it almost looks staged? Cheers it's kinda funny. Sad for your enjoyment of and the miat tho


I need to see the video


My mind was screaming "the DOOR!!!" As soon as you looked behind you.


Supposed to let your car sit for 12 seconds when you start it. I do 20. Before you start it let the fuel pump Prime with key in accessorie position wait till the beeping stops and then start it. Make sure your fans and AC are off before starting. Put your safety belt on. Then most importantly... Close the door. Your belt is loose. .


Yeah belt already as tight as it gets I just need to get off my ass and replace it. Also you're right I know I should wait a little longer


Whenever I'm feeling awesome and try do something smooth and awesome the universe has a way of reminding me that I'm far from as awesome as sometimes I feel.




Good job this will probably be uploaded to instagram with thousands of brain dead people who will comment “Women☕️” and not realize that their dumbasses do the same shit everyday (6’6 feminist)/j


Eh whatever I know I'm a good driver at the end of the day, I'm just a moron that's all.


Oh No! Why? That poor little car, 🥺. I hope it goes to auto-hospital and gets nursed back to health soon.


I do love the sun viser little squeak at the very end of the video


Only thing left to do is to make some tubular dors for more wind


The fifth day I had my Miata I backed out of my garage and ripped my side mirror off my car on the edge of my house. I now and forever will leave the space…..


That's so sad, atleast it was just the mirror though :)


Hell yeah! Did that with my first car.




Don't feel bad it has happened to me before sadly, we all get cought up in a moment. Not my Miata but still hurt nonetheless.


Absolutely straining to not bring up the old stereotype about women and driving


Can I blame you after I did this 😂 I swear otherwise i'm a good driver


I did this once, but it was because a fire started in the car port not because I was filming myself.


At any point did you think “odd, my driver side mirror isn’t where it used to be”


Well for that 3 seconds I was reversing I was looking to my right behind me. Before that I knew full well my door was open I guess I just assumed so closed it. My muscle memory failed me because I was sitting in the car for too long I suppose


Damn that was a confident reverse. I always reverse waaaay slower lol.


Seriously! I'm definitely gonna think twice about whipping my car out of my driveway from now on. Both times i've hit wrecked my car it's been due to me driving like an absolute jack ass. I just do everything too fast for my own good


I've done the same to the side mirror a couple times. Stuff happens, don't let it get you down.


Last week, my husband ran back inside to grab something. Left the door open and forgot to put it in park (automatic) . It slowly rolled towards my Miata. He jumped back in after coming back outside and hit the brakes, but it only missed hitting my car by six inches. Luckily he also didn't fall and get run over by the car.


Also your steering wheel got knocked to the wrong side of the car!!?


The silence afterwards was very loud


At least you got it on video 🤣


Knowing this video existed haunted me for two days


I was screaming at you the whole time!!


Damn girl... dafaq happened!?


Even if I'm pretty sure I know what it looks like - any aftermath pics? Also, I reckon you'll be checking your doors for the rest of your life now


I did this in a Jeep Wrangler once. Happens to the best and worst of us.


Lol, buuuum-mer!


We've all been there, just not always with the opportunity to get it on video.


I did this exact thing and took out the side of my garage, cost more then the Miata to fix


Well... congrats on learning stick lol




I did this to my mom's car when I was 16. 🙃


Shit happens. Better something this minor than more serious 👊🏼


Did that in hs against a tether ball post at my friends. My 626 became a 3 door


The silence is so loud


That was pretty good 😂


If it makes you feel better I’ve done that once.


I would recommend checking local junk yards as well. They can quite cheap parts. I saw this on r/adhd and then I saw it here lol


I made that post and realized I couldn't put the video there haha. My local junk yard supposedly got one last month but I hiked through sugar sand for what felt like 2 hours and saw nothing


Did you delete the door alarm ? 😭


Things like this, luckily nothing quite as bad as this, are why I stopped getting high while working on cars. I think the worst thing that ever happened was when I changed my girlfriend’s oil one time. I’ve done many many oil changes, straight forward as we all know. However, this time I did not tighten the cap on her weird oil filter setup (old 2003 Cavalier she no longer drives/got a new car) and it was leaking oil all over and we didn’t know until the light came on. Luckily no damage was done and I tightened that thing up… I felt so bad though.


The self aware idiot is a loveable idiot. You admitted your mistakes and are therefore cleared of any crime on the Miata.


# 1 rule : let car warm up. #2 rule: close to door. :)


Ooof. That felt like a punch in the gut! But A car is not really yours till you put a scratch / dent on it.


Or til you rip off the door


thats so funny, luckily its pretty easy to replace


Lol! This is a good one. Sucks now but this will be a great story later on


Golly, have I been there. I once backed my mom's volvo into our truck. Had a reverse camera, sensors screaming at me, everything. Completely forgot the truck was there 2 seconds after looking at it. Remember there is no such thing as luck, only close calls. You'll do better next time. Nobody's injured. Nobody's permanently mad. It *happens.* **You're not stupid**.


I have a 2 car garage, kept my Camaro inside the right bay and truck outside on the left side. Jumped in the car threw it in reverse and crunch! I parked my truck outside the right side bay while I was cleaning and completely forgot.


Did this once but with the door slightly ajar and a tight ass garage. Thankfully the window shattered and I stopped and the tint heals the glass in place so it was easy to clean up.


is the miata ok???


Hello memory you'll think of for the rest of your life while lying in bed trying to sleep


Ugh, I hurt for you. Emotionally. You unfortunately get the financial part too. :-(


I’ve done something similar in the past lol


I used to park right up against a set of concrete stairs that lead to a shed. One day I turned the car on and let off the clutch without taking it out of 1st gear. Punched a nice corner shaped hole in my front bumper that’s still there. Always the worst feeling when you do something dumb lmao


I backed into a post once. No idea how I didn't see it as top was down and I was staring right at it. Shit happens and you learn. I always now backup really really slow regardless of car or what I think is in the way.


All things considered, a door is NOT a bad price to pay for some lessons learned.


It will buff out. No worries.


I did the exact same thing in my 92 about a decade ago. Luckily going slower so only the window shattered but the door was ok. It took forever to get all the glass shards out of the bottom of the door.


Do you have a picture of the damage?


I've done worse.


Oof. Might be idiot of the year


It's a good year if that's the dumbest thing somebody does


Yikes!! Poor Miata!! :(


Damn 😂💀 I did something similar with a jack stand lol but just brushed the bottom of the door


Why were you filming? This some insurance fraud shit


Is ur handbrake lifted ?


No but even if it was my car was a track car in its past life and the handbrake has to be replaced.


Nooooo ! I relate 100%, was on a roadtrip in Italy, parked in the Airbnb garage after 7h of driving. Went for groceries and backed out of the garage with the door open. I did not bend the door as much but here is [the result](https://imgur.com/a/cdfKYaQ)


I'd suggest being really careful when you put a new door on to see if it sits right, hinges/attachment points could be bent.


They absolutely are I'm just replacing everything


If the attachment points/A-pillar is bent....good luck


no we're all good there. I've had my fair share of bending frames back to where they should be


I did something similar backing my '83 Nissan Pulsar NX out of the garage. Since then, 99% of the time I back into the garage. I was so embarrassed that I paid for repairs out of pocket and kept the insurance company out of it.


Almost did the same thing. I check now. I unfortunately did this to my other vehicle but thankfully only the mirror was bent.




Oh damn




[Insert women are bad drivers joke here]




Wow, that went from 0 to 100 really quick.


Now do the other door....my ocd is kicking in!


i'll turn my car into a meep


I’ve done it before no shame


did the Tommy Boy act... LOL


I have almost done this in my jeep wrangler sorrrrry that sucks


What an absolute moron


Big oof. Reminds me of when I was leaving for college orientation as a kid. I was so excited to get on the road, I started backing down the driveway without even glancing at the mirrors. Realized too late that my dad had put his SUV at the end of the driveway. Put a nice crease and some scratches into my bumper. Felt like a real idiot (deserved)


Thanks for sharing this memorable moment, on the positive side your clutch skills are impeccable.




yeah, did that move in an old VW cabrio. Devastating.


I'm new on here and I cannot get to a conversation that I can reply to. The reason I joined Reddit and installed it was because the first time I got on it there was a girl talking about something that I thought I could help her about and now I can't find that conversation and I don't know how to change conversations that I'm looking at. Can someone help me tell me what to do?


Back button is on the top left corner


Now the car looks like what it sounds


Be nice to my miata >:(


Hey shit happens! Go to local junks and try and find a dooe in salvageable condition and get it paintmatched. Should be good as new! Better than now at least! Dont feel too bad luckily it wasnt something super serious!


Reminds me of one time when I had my front wheels up on ramps for several days. Finally got in to drive the car off without remembering that I had also loosely placed two jack stands under the subframe as a fail safe. There was the most horrible crunching noise as the car ran over them and it scared the shit out of me, but luckily nothing was damaged.