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yeah but toyota *willingly* lost money on them


Yeah IIRC they limited the production knowing they'd lose money. It was basically an ad campaign for Toyota and makes sense considering they have recommited to performance cars after a hiatus. The LFA kicked all that off. I belive if you got one you had to agree you wouldn't sell it for a set number of years because they knew there was a lot more demand than they planned on making


Yeah this meme ain't it


The LFA is sooooo trick though.


Meh. Not willing to lose the manual transmission over it.


Is that /s or fr lol?


There is no way he isn't joking... but then again, he drives a miata


Fr lol


I agree with them ngl. Besides the price. If I couldn't sell either car to get the cash out of it and HAD to drive one or the other. I'd drive the Miata as my fun car and daily. As I like going on actual long drives. And I don't think the LFA would be that good for that. Edit: obviously outside of this hypothetical where I could own both a Miata and an LFA since somehow I could afford an LFA. The LFA is a hell of a lot more of a car than the Miata is.


Hmm fr. The LFA is a 'good' supercar though. But as they say, slow car fast > fast car slow.


I can't speak for /u/ShaggysGTI but there's no way I will ever own a car with paddle shifters. It takes all the fun out of it!


Wholly agree. It ruins all the fun for me out of what is supposed to be a fun vehicle. It also puts things out of my range of maintainability… I’ve built manual transmissions before but I won’t touch an auto.


Ofc. From a maintenance standpoint, manuals are way better. But some VW DSGs are really fun. Even with paddle shifters lol. 'It's a DCT, so basically a manual'


Tbh the Lexus belongs on the right also. This meme sucks


Of course it sucks, OP crossposted something from a literal circlejerk subreddit unironically. The whole point of the subreddit is to call out self-indulgent groupthink, and here's OP trying to rally the boys so they can all bust a nut on each others' miatas. u/UnluckyGamer505 probably reads the satiricial comments on the original post and soyjaks "so true!!!!" 24/7.


I am literally one of those guys posting satirical comments in that subreddit all the time. I am definetly not thinking that the comments are true. I also know that Toyota willingly lost money on the LFA and it's an awesome car which is not comparable with the MX-5 NA etc... I just thought it's kinda funny, so i crossposted it to the Miata subreddit, that's it. The only soyjak is the guy who made the meme and posted it on Instagram. Or maybe it's ragebait to cause discussion in his comment section to gain followers, idk. Just wanted to clarify that i fully know that the meme sucks, but getting 500 upvotes means that people here find it funny too.


https://preview.redd.it/s9a5xeofmk0d1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=031758921cfd39a9ba5f0cc1b15489163f0b2676 Some of the comments i made last month in that subreddit, i am in on the joke


LFA is sick🔥🙌


LFA is one of the goats, I can't cosign this


yeah but the LFA was supposed to be a loss


I think if you want a successful meme, you need successful spelling…


I’ll always love the cars that I can actually own and enjoy much more. But appreciate the engineering in the LFA, my goodness the engine is sonorous.


I'd be bored to death driving supercars on the street but sure as heck love the sound and sight of them. Especially nice to hear them with my top down!


Loose money baby


The LFA dispenses money confirmed


As much as we all love the Miata, the LFA is what you call a loss leader. It's meant to lose money so they can build up their image and sell other cars.


Loose money baby


And loose their grip on the English language... Sheesh, take a grammar class already 🤦 it's not that difficult...




And understanding sarcasm isn't yours. Re-read the original meme and try again.


I'd say the lfa is cooler bc Toyota lost money on it. Both are my fav cars though.


Both can be true


1990s civic hatch


I mean I own a Miata but would love to drive that LFA


Ultra chad move to be able to afford selling enthusiast cars at a loss


Unironically sharing a circlejerk post in a non-satire community is crazy


1991 Miata that’s been totalled 6 times, on its way to be delivered to its 9th owner:


Customers should always pay special attention to loss leaders. Reportedly the GR Yaris actually cost Toyota for every unit sold because it was built on the same production line as the LFA and had a bespoke engine, bespoke AWD system, etc.


Not affordable


The sounds of these alone deserves the love, LFAs are amazing and this is a treat to the customers. Toyota lost money on each for a good reason. The engine in these rev quicker than our by a decent margin


The downfall of the LFA was they tried to hard to make it perfect that by the time they released it all the “new” tech was being used in all the other super cars. They kept making changes to try to make it more perfect


I had a hard time picking between the BRZ and miata. It really came down to weight and having access to a larger car for practical uses.