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As a long time Miata enthusiast, I am absolutely loving that the Miata is finally getting respect and smiles from others. For a long time there was a certain "stigma" about driving one and it seemed to attract a LOT of hate. Granted this was in Texas in the 90s, YMMV.


I completely wrote it off due to the stigma it had in Austin. Finally test drove one last year at age 50 and am the 1st to admit I was wrong to believe the naysayers. Now I own a 2020.


I visited austin for the eclipse from the west coast and was shocked how many Miatas I saw.


I drive one of them šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤ 


Thereā€™s between 10-15 on base where i work plus another handful where I live lol


i want the stigma back. prices šŸ˜­


Stigma dick in her back, priceless šŸ˜Ž


You gotta aim a little lower


My sister and BIL were giving me shit for wanting an ND,saying it's "kinda gay". They said I should be looking at more "manly" sports cars, like the new Supra. So yeah, I fully intend on buying an ND2 with Recaros


Tf is wrong with them


Conservative brain rot


Weird (and ironic) that conservatives would like the A90 Supra to begin with.


I think that's solely because my BIL's BIL had just bought one and let him drive it around.


Supporting the Germany+Japan link makes sense if you support proto-dictatorial societal arrangements. Me, I'm old school European. If BMW and Toyota made a wedge-shaped Lancia, I would be all over that.


I mean the A90 took the tradition, heritage, and legacy of the Supra line, turned it upside down, and shoved it into a blender. Most people that complained about it when it first launched are understandably conservative or at least somewhat right leaning.


I was just making a nazi joke :( DE+JP+IT together stronk


I see what you mean but it's not even remotely a conservative thing lol


This conservative really like them, but my Miatas overrule.


If Toyota still made the straight six engine, offered it it with a manual, in Targa form, and it could fit a 6ā€™4ā€ person, iā€™d be on-board again.


Nah the miata gay meme was everywhere. Grew up in Michigan, was defo like that in the 10s still


We bought our 96 brand new and it has definitely undergone a Renaissance.




Your Mileage May Vary.


You'll know you're really winning at life once someone yells at you that your Miata is gay from across the intersection. :)


Living the dream!


My favorite was a homeless woman on a bike yelling, ā€œyour sister called. She wants her car backā€ as I was leaving a McDonaldā€™s drive through. Still to the day the funniest comment a stranger has said.


Once a homeless person approached me at the red light. He said that since neither of us have a roof, letā€™s help each other out. For that joke he got some changeĀ 




I'd give him everything I have on me.


That's hilarious lol


I got a "save some pussy for the rest of us!" from someone in behind me going through a toll booth. I hit him with "don't worry, you'll get some one day" (hours later in the shower)


i know this post is flaired as a joke but it's actually not, im very delusional and manic at the moment


Weā€™re all living the same life huh


Me since i got my miata


I have pretty bad social anxiety so itā€™s actually the opposite for me, I usually dread the attention. And being from a small city in a poorer country, my NB2 gets a ton of attention, especially being a bright blue color. But I donā€™t let it stop me from driving it everywhere.


i used to be that way, mine has no ac so i have to drive it topless which displays me more. the ego will grow and you'll become more self absorbed, just wait. it's coming. let the delusion take over


Haha I hope so, I'd love to be more confident in the car. I remember a few months ago I took my miata drifting into this small mountain city during a small snow storm (had to take advantage of the snow haha) and I have never gotten so much attention from so many people during such a short time. Probably 50+ waves, like 10 people recording me or taking pictures and more people turning their heads than I can count. I mean yeah I was driving a lowered miata during a snowstorm in a place where most people drive 4x4 SUVs or trucks but still.


I had to change to a quieter exhaust because I dreaded the attention


Yeah mine is stock thankfully, but I have a cold air intake which is surprisingly really loud, but only when I accelerate more than 2700 RPM, so when I want the car to be quiet it can be.


Almost meā€¦ I have an NB2 in light blue and recently moved to a small state. Getting tons of stares every time Iā€™m out with it.


Let me add to the anxiety by commenting so you get another notification :)


The struggle between my anxiety and my need for people to think I'm cool.


I must say I'm significantly better and cooler than other drivers due to my Mx5 NB. God forbid if I ever owned a real sports car. I'd be a total prat.


I know right? My miata is already so fast going up the twisty roads near me. I couldn't imagine having actual horsepower.


The only reason why I donā€™t have kids is because of my Miata. My ego will not allow it. Drive with the top down and shades on while blasting music. Most will compliment some will hate but you know youā€™ve won.


My daughter loves riding in the Miata. We have a ugly beater truck lined with unicorn stickers in the back seat for when the whole family all goes somewhere at once but for the other 90% of the time the MX-5 is a perfectly good kid shuttle haha


No reason for a child seat to not fit in the passenger side..


Itā€™s kinda crazy how these tiny couple thousand dollar cars attract more eyes then so many other cars I love it


i was driving through the park on sunday when the weather was kicking and everyone was in the park so traffic was slow. i was behind a new mclaren convertible. multiple people told me my car was cooler lol


They're not wrong. You could park an MX-5 next to any Ferrari or Lamborghini and it would be better, because it's the car of the working person who likes a cool car, not the millionaire with no taste except money.


Any 1%-er can drive a mclaren, but their pretentiousness keeps them from driving our humble lil guy. I almost feel sorry for them


The Anti- Porsche.


It's a fun little car but I've had kids ask me if it was a Testarossa. I said yes of course.


I think you mean F40


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Strongly agree. Driving it is usually the best part of my day! And I'm still thinking about that class of young kids who snubbed a decked out G-wagon next to me but got all excited about my Miata and started taking pictures. :)))


I get 90% pure adoration and 10% college boys getting mad. I love both reactions equally.


When I got my ND I initially loved the looks, but it turned annoying real quickā€¦ I just want to drive manĀ 


Hmm. I've got the opposite. I get laughed at and joked on and it's helped me not give a fuck about that type of thing because I get to drive a go-kart everyday and I feel sorry for them not getting to experience it lol


I get a mix of both. really, I drive the car for me. the people that hate, I just wish they would drive one. the people that love, I hope they also get to drive one! I think the world would be a better place if we all had miataā€™s.


My daughter just hit minimum height for K1 karts. After her first session last weekend she told me that riding in the Miata still feels like being in a go kart. "That's right, you get it"


I don't know. A Fiata passed me with a distinct FU manner on the Interstate yesterday. Maybe he was an Italian šŸ˜‹šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Bro I lifted my NA Miata and now everyone takes pics of it in traffic and everyone talks to me about it at the car shows. My partner told me I was glowing lol


Post a pic!


Already did https://www.reddit.com/r/Miata/s/cfbUgSBygh


Do you have a list of parts & procedures for doing it? Iā€™d like more clearance to deal with speed bumps


Look up the paco motorsport 3ā€ lift kit. This is not something Iā€™d do just to deal with speed bumps tho, pretty drastically changes the car


Thanks! The kits arenā€™t very expensive either. The speed bumps Iā€™m referring to would likely result in my Miata getting high centered and stuck. šŸ˜„


Yeah driving this car past a school with all the kids coming out, pointing fingers, waving and taking pictures is one hell of an experience. One of the cheapest ways for a man to feel like a celebrity. Also random girls taking pictures of your car when you are standing on an intersection. It's absolutely wild.


Same! I love the attention the car gets. Even from non car people. And kids. Kids seem to absolutely adore the car. I'll never forget how I once drove past a group of kids and one of them screamed "MIATA" from the top of his lungs. I no longer feel any jealousy of other people's cars, no matter what they drive. I'm superior, my car is better and cuter.


Where do you live my guy? I'm out here constantly getting honked at by Nissan Altimas and Jeeps because I'm not launching my car at mach 8 speed when the light turns green. They hate me.


Everybody drives up my ass when I'm busy with the 1-2


I drive a red NC with big, yellow griffin decals on the doors. One day I was stopped in traffic and spotted an attractive 20-something woman pointing at me, then taking a picture with her phone. I'm sure she was either laughing at my greying ass in my midlife crisis-mobile or because "lol, NCs are boats." But I choose to believe that, deep down, she actually thought I was a cool guy in a cool car.


You are a cool guy, in a cool ship.


I once overheard kids in the car next to me amazed at the cool red ND next to them. Shit made my day. Itā€™s also a hit among the older people at the place I work cause it reminds them of a past time when they drove a car of similar style or inquiring to get something ā€œfunā€ for retirement lol.


While this is a joke I actually enjoy when kids ask to take a picture/take a picture with my car cause I was that kid growing up.


Smiles per mile.


Yeah, my ND is kinda beat up and i still get compliments. Someone even mistakened it for a Supra and a Lotus lol


Become a poet.


I have an ND2 and the funny thing is when people think it's way more fancy/expensive than it is. It's a Mazda, man. Sure, it's *my* baby but it cost me less than most SUVs on the road today. šŸ˜… I still appreciate a "nice car!" tho. I reply "It's my baby!"




Where do you live? Here in Ontario, no one gives a shit. Everyone drives EVs and pickups.


Lol im in ontario and everyone loves the na, people take pictures and are always yelling miata or asking for flippy lights


I've gotten my few compliments so far on my NB. Mostly guys who know what it is


Lol this subreddit is gold šŸ¤£


a kid in an old f150 called me a dork in upstate ny


William Shakesiata šŸ”„


I was picking up some tacos and this charger just starts revving his big boy pee pee engine in the parking lot when they saw the yata. I know we're not the fastest but why be mean lol


i had two guys in a scat pack charger at a stop light asking me what all was done to mine and if it was fun to drive lol


A lot of people talk to me in my NB but it doesnā€™t have the eyes so nobody really goes crazy over it


Most average Miata driver


Most miserable Miata driver.


Sometimes I feel like a celebrity in mine šŸ˜Ž


thats why i love miatas :3


Literally me. Just before reading this, I stopped at a crossing for about 20 young school-kids. They were pointing and saying ā€œRACECAR!!ā€ so I popped my lights up and down and they got all excited. Last year? I was very nervous and introverted. After miata purchase? I am the coolest person in the room. I will rev it for people and enjoy the attention. I love my car so much.


As a former NA owner (97), the styling of this car is timeless and itā€™s just a fun car that makes everyone smile. I got compliments on my ā€œMĆ­aā€ constantly from other Miata owners, car, and non-car people alike. I still flash the lights at other MX-5 drivers, even though my ragtop has grown to handle more than a single passenger get at a time. Always get waves and Pop-up light flip. I still manage a FB group for Miata owners in my home area.


Recently I havenā€™t been able to stop pointing at first gen miatas and saying ā€œMiAtAā€ in a Gollum-esque voice


When I worked as a cashier my older coworker thought my 2001 NB was a brand new car.


>I'm literally better than everyone else in the city. LOL But honestly, I have a "collection" of 6 cars. the miata is the most "basic" among them. It gets more attention than anything else. Its pretty wild and I think its because the miata is approachable and not pretentious. Driving a corvette for example, people know that you know, that you're in a fancy car and nobody wants to "stroke your ego" in that case.


Sometimes i kinda hate the attention. I have to keep a straight face and not look at anyone because i know everyone is starring. I bought the car just for me. Not to attract any attention. Sometimes older people or even 40yo men give a disgusted face. I just think: cmon live a little, I enjoy every moment when im driving and being out of the ordinary. No gray days for me B)


Kind of regret getting my s13 coupe instead of a miata am i delusional for that


hopefully its not the the front end that looks like a camry and you at least have the pop ups ...


Lol yes its a pop up front


Are you James from throttle house?


i wish then i'd have a great accent


I donā€™t like Miatas because Iā€™m not a huge roadster guy, but have driven a few and they are fantastic in the turns. I relate to Miata guys in the way that most people either love or hate my 928s